Camilio's Gift Ceremony
(Mirabel's PoV)
Hola, I'm Mirabel Madrigal! I'm really really really excited today! Today is my cousin Camilo's ceremony! He's my very very very best friend in the whole entire world! He's really cool & nice & funny too!
(Translation: Mirabel! )
This is my cousin Camilo. Did I mention I love his hugs? He gives out the best hugs! Oh, & he's really nice & cool & . . . Wait, I already said that, silly me!
"Are you weady for sear-a-money?"
"Wes, & nu."
(Translation:Yes, & no.)
"Why not?"
". . . I'm scared . . . "
"Why scared?"
". . . What if I don get a gift . . . ?"
(Translation:What if I don't get a gift?)
Hmmm, what if he doesn't get a gift? That's a good question. I don't really know to be honest. But I know that Camilo is scared & sad . . . I must make him be happy again because I don't want to see him sad.
"Well, I don weally know what ill appen if woo don get a gift . . . Except for one thing!"
(Translation: Well, I don't really know what will happen if you don't get a gift . . . Except for one thing!)
"What's that?"
"Woo ill always be my bestest fwiend & cousin."
(Translation: You will always be my best friend & cousin.)
"Tank woo Miabel for the hug, woo ill always be my bestest fwiend & cousin too!"
(Translation: Thank you Mirabel for the hug, you will always be my best friend & cousin too.)
"Woo are welcome!"
(Translation:You are welcome!)
"Camilo! Are you ready for the ceremony?"
"Si abulea!"
(Translation from Spanish to English: Yes grandma!)
(3rd PoV)
The cousins went to their grandmother who led them to the ceremony. Mirabel stood with her parents as she smiled & gave him a thumbs up. Camilo gave her a faint grin before Abulea started her ceremonial speech that she did every single ceremony. When it was over, Camilo took a deep breath & touched the door. Soon, the door glowed as he turned the knob & he started to glow.
Camilo looks at everyone & than hugged Mirabel before turning into her. "Twinsies!"
"Yay!" Mirabel said before everyone cheered alongside with her.
360 words, thanks for reading. Also, how did I get 96 views in 2 days?
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