Bella: I'd never given how much thought on how I would die.
The sound of chirping birds fill the air of the cold rainy forest of Washington, Forks. Covered in moss, plant life to see two female deer drinking from a tiny pond.
Bella: But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.
The two deer look around as their ears moved around to pick up sounds of danger before they began drinking some water before the two young deers; does began running away from a danger following after them but in vain as the predators caught them.
Arizona, Phoenix's sun shined down onto a long haired brunette teenager whom finished digging up a tiny cactus to take with her to her new/old home.
Bella: So I can't bring myself to regret decision to leave home. I would miss Phoenix. I'd miss the heat. I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother and her new husband, Phil. But they want to go on the road, so I'm gonna spend some time with my dad and sister, and this will be a good thing. I think...
After a long plane ride Bella Swan was picked up by her dad in his police cruiser as they headed back from the airport to Folks, Washington.
Bella: In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there's a small town named Forks. Population, 3,121 people. This is where I'm moving. My dad's Charlie. He's the chief of police.
Charlie is showed as a middle-aged dark brunette haired man with a tough look about him as they drove through the streets of Forks back to the house where Charlie and his other daughter: Y/n Swan lived.
Charlie: "Your hair's longer." He spoke up awkwardly towards Bella whom looked over at him then her hair.
Bella: "Hmm. I cut it since the last time I saw you." She said
Charlie: "Oh, Guess it grew out again." He said seriously while a bit uncomfortable as he pulled the cruiser up to a two story white painted house while Bella got out of the cruiser looking at the home.
Bella: I used to spend two weeks almost every summer playing with Y/n and catching up as sisters, but it's been years.
Bella shut the cruiser door as Charlie got her luggage from the trunk while she helped him out before they walked into the house and upstairs.
Charlie: "Y/n cleared some shelves off in the bathroom for you." He said as they headed to Bella's old bedroom.
Bella: "Oh, right. One bathroom." She said honestly as she looked at her old bedroom seeing that everything was cleaned up, dusted and some photos of herself and Y/n were on her bulletin cork board but saw a queen bed instead of the two twin beds that were once in the bedroom.
Charlie: "It's a pretty good work lamp. Y/n picked out your bed stuff, you still like purple right?" He asked curiously.
Bella: "Purple's cool, I'll thank her when I see her. Where does Y/n sleep if not in here?" She asked Charlie as he pointed upstairs.
Charlie: "In the attic, she made it into her own space a few years back." He said honestly before he sighs. "Okay. I'll let you unpack." He said seriously before walking out of the bedroom.
Bella: One of the best things about Charlie, he doesn't hover.
She sat onto her new bed before unpacking everything after an hour or so a car horn sounded off making Bella look outside through her window to see Charlie talking to two native American men near a red pick up truck, one in wheelchair and the other around her age before she walked downstairs and outside.
Charlie: "Heard you guys coming all the way down the road." He greeted his old friend while Bella walked up to them. "Bella, you remember Billy Black."
Bella: "Yeah. Wow, you're looking good." She said honestly towards Billy.
Billy: "We'll I'm still dancing. I'm glad you're finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up since you told him you were coming and Y/n was running around crazy to get everything ready for you." He said honestly as he chuckles.
Charlie: "All right, keep exaggerating and I'll roll you into the mud." He said jokingly
Billy: "After I ram you in the ankles." He said as the two grown men began play fighting in the street while the near age teenager walked up to Bella.
Jacob: "HI, I'm Jacob." He greeted Bella as she looked over at him.
Bella: "Hey."
Jacob: "We used to make mud pies when we were little before Y/n would tackle me into them." He said with a smile.
Bella: "Right. No, I remember. Y/n would always get me to join in with roughhousing." She said as they both laughed and looked over at their fathers being embarrassing. "Are they always like this?" She asked Jacob.
Jacob: "It's getting worse with old age." He said honestly as their dads came back to them.
Bella: "Mmm, good." She said sarcastically
Charlie: "So, what do you think?" He asked Bella as he looked at the truck.
Bella: "Of what?" She asked Charlie whom smacked the bed of the vehicle.
Charlie: "Your homecoming present." He said honestly
Bella: "This?" She questioned as she pointed at the truck.
Charlie: "Just bought it off of Billy here." He said smiling.
Jacob: "Y/n and I totally rebuilt the engine for you." He said honestly as Bella scoffs surprised.
Bella: "Come on. Oh, my gosh! This is perfect. Are you joking me?" She said as opened up the driver's seat door accidentally hitting Jacob. "Sorry." She said before getting into the vehicle.
Billy: "I told you she'd love it. I'm down with the kids." He said using lines hardly anyone used anymore.
Charlie: "Oh, yeah, dude. You're the bomb." He joked.
Meanwhile in the truck sat Jacob and Bella
Jacob: "Okay. Um... Listen, you gotta double-pump the clutch when you shift, but besides that, you should be good." He told Bella.
Bella: "That's this one?" She questioned
Jacob: "Yeah. Yeah, right there." He said
Bella: "All right." She said as she started up the engine before looking over at Jacob. "Do you want a ride to school or something?" She asked Jacob.
Jacob: "I go to school on the reservation." He said honestly as Bella sighed softly.
Bella: "Oh, right, right. That's to bad. It would've been nice to know at least one person besides Y/n at school." She said honestly before glancing at Jacob. "Speaking of Y/n, where is she at?" She questioned as Jacob smiled.
Jacob: "She's hanging out on the reservation with Leah Clearwater but I'm sure you'll see her tomorrow at school." He said honestly towards Bella.
Next Morning at Folks Highschool: Home of the Spartans
Bella drives her truck into the school's provided parking lot close to some of the school's doors andnear some classmates hanging outside before school starts.
Bella: My first day at a new school. It's March, middle of the semester, Great
Bella parks her truck as it backfired getting the attention of everyone in the lot while she got out of the vehicle to hear nice ride behind her.
Bella: "Thanks." She said sarcastically as she put her headphones of her iPod in her ears to listen to music while she looked over her new school schedule til someone walked up towards her.
Eric: "You're Isabella Swan, the new girl as well sister to Y/n whom is our school's president. Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Um... Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?" He asked Bella as they walked
Bella: "Uh... I'm really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type." She said honestly towards Eric.
Eric: "Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and your news, baby, your front page." He said honestly.
Bella: "No, I'm not." She said seriously before stuttering nervously. "You... please don't have any sort of..."
Eric: "Whoa. Whoa. Chillax, no feature." He said honestly as Bella calmed down.
Bella: "Okay, thanks." She said honestly going throughout the day until gym class where the girls were playing volleyball on one side of the gym and the guys were playing basketball on the other. Bella smacked the ball coming towards her face accidentally hitting a guy in the back of his head.
Mike: "Whoa!" He shouted out as Bella ran over to apologize.
Bella: "I'm sorry. I told them not to let me play." She said honestly towards a dirty blonde haired guy.
Mike: "Oh, no way. No, no, no. That's.... That's... Don't... You're, uh, Isabella, right?" He asked Bella.
Bella: "Just Bella." She said honestly as the guy held his hand out towards her.
Mike: "Yeah. Hey, I'm Mike Newton." He said as he and Bella shook hands.
Bella: "Oh, nice to meet you." She said honestly as a long dirty blonde haired girl ran over towards them.
Jessica: "Wow, she's got a great spike, huh?" She joked as she looked at Bella. "I'm Jessica by the way. Hey, you're from Arizona, right?
Bella: "Yeah."
Jessica: "Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be, like really tan?" She questioned secretly trying to belittle Bella.
Bella: "Yeah." She scoffs before saying. "Maybe that's why they kicked me out." She said making Mike actually laugh while Jessica forced her own laughter as Bella walked back to the court.
At the cafeteria for Lunch
Bella, Mike and Jessica sat down with their lunches at Eric's table as he was talking to a random student.
Eric: "Like a masterpiece, you know, we'll have, like, this crazy pyramid fall from the sky and then you guys can..." He said til he notices Mike pulling out Bella's seat for her. "You guys can give each high fives. Hey, Mikey! You met my home girl, Bella?" He said towards Mike.
Mike: "Oh, your home girl? That's..." He said seriously til Tylor interrupted.
Tylor: "My girl." He said kissing Bella's cheek before pulling Mike's seat out from underneath him making him fall onto the floor. "Sorry I had to mess up your game, Mike!" He shouted out as Mike ran after him as the students laughed.
Jessica: "Oh, my God. It's like first grade all over again. You're the shiny new toy." She said honestly towards Bella as a camera flash went off
Angela: "Smile! Sorry, I needed a cannot for the feature." She apologized til Eric spoke up.
Eric: "The feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again." He said seriously as he got up from the table.
Bella: "It's okay, I just..." She said honestly towards Angela.
Eric: "I got your back, baby." He said towards Bella bedore he walked away from the table.
Angela: "Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking." She said honestly
Bella: "You know, you can always go for eating disorders. Speedo padding on the swim team." She suggested towards Angela
Angela: "Actually, that's a good one." She said honestly
Jessica: "Kirk, right?" She asked as she and Angela laughed. "That's exactly what I thought."
Angela: "We're talking Olympic-size." She said while giggling.
Jessica: "There's no way. He's so skinny. It doesn't make sense." She said seriously
Bella looked towards the windows to see some new yet beautiful group of people walking into the cafeteria.
Bella: "Who are they?" She asked Jessica and Angela looked over at the doors as the four walked inside.
Angela: "The Cullens."
Jessica: "They're, um, Dr and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like a few years ago."
Angela: "They kind of keep to themselves."
Jessica: "Yeah, cause they're nearly all together. Like, together, together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark haired guy, Emmett, they're, like, a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." She said seriously
Angela: "Jess, they're not actually related."
Jessica: "Yeah, but they live together. It's weird. And, okay, the little dark haired girl's Alice. She's really weird, and, um, she's best friends with Jasper, the blond one looks like he's in pain. Um... Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker."
Angela: "Maybe he'll adopt me." She said as Bella looks back at the door to see the last two walk into the cafeteria.
Bella: "Who are those, two?" She asked as Jessica chuckles while the light/dark haired guy open up the door for the girl to walk in first before the h/c haired girl grabbed the guy's wrist as she walked them towards the table where they others were at.
Jessica: "That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here's good enough for him. Like I care, you know? So, yeah." She said seriously as Bella looked over at the table while Jasper pulled the h/c girl to sit beside him gently. "And the h/c haired girl in the flannel, that's Y/n Swan. The most popular girl in school as well best friends with the Cullen's kids."
Y/n looked over at Jasper before rolling her e/c eyes jokingly to try to hide her blushing cheeks from her friends while Alice talked with Rosalie as she ate her lunch til she noticed Edward was looking over at a table. She looked towards the line of sight to see whom he was looking at to see a famaliar face looking over at them.
Y/n: "Bells?" She questioned softly before Alice poked her red cheek.
Alice: "Someone is blushing, Aren't you, N/n?" She teased her best friend whom scoffs at her while biting into a red delicious apple.
Y/n: "Allie, don't tease me today alright." She said honestly before poking her cheek back. "I believe that I just saw my sister with Jessica Stanley, ugh. I loathe that girl at least Angela is cool unlike that little jealous brat." She said honestly before she felt her anger melt away to calmness. "Jazz, seriously with the mood control again?" She asked the handsome blond whom apologetically kissed her knuckles. "Dang it." She said seriously before looking away from him before resuming her meal. "Welcome home, Bells." She thought in her head then smirked playfully towards Edward, she's know about her friend's gifts but didn't know truly what they were but figured that they'll tell her when the time is right.
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