Bright and early on Monday morning, I receive a text from Leopold, cancelling our session for later today. He blames it on family issues but we both know it's because of what happened on Saturday night. He promises not to charge me for it but for once, money is the least of my concern.
- - -
I don't see him again until Wednesday. On Tuesday I had to stay late to help the bosses clear up after a Frozen themed birthday party. The amount of glitter was ridiculous.
After his session with Karen, I help him clear up the table so he can leave.
"Sorry I missed you yesterday. Work kept me. How's it going?"
"To be honest, not great." He sighs.
"Oh no, what's wrong?"
Talking about feelings is what caused the incident on Saturday, and Leopold definitely realises this at the same time as me, but sits down at the table anyway and plays with his sleeve. I sit across from him in an attempt to make him feel more comfortable.
"I had a real bad argument before coming over. Like, I don't know if I can go back home tonight in case it happens again."
"Shit, man. Must've been a bad one."
"Yeah... it was." His fingers pick at a loose thread on his sweater, "I asked my buddy Eric if I could stay over but he seemed really against the idea - like he didn't want to be around me."
"He's missing out. Spending time with you is great."
That puts a small smile on the corners of his pink lips.
"No problem." An heavy silence hangs over us before I add a small, "I could sleep on the couch."
"Stay here. I'm sure the others won't mind. I'll sleep on the couch and you can take my room."
"Gee, that's awful kind of you but-"
"I won't take no for an answer, Leopold."
He smiles again, this time bigger and more meaningful, looking up at me with those big blue eyes that just melt my slutty little heart.
"You have got to be the nicest employer I've ever had."
- - -
After Leopold's other tutoring sessions, Kyle's boyfriend cooks a surprisingly delicious vegan lasagne, we accidentally watch all of I Am Not Okay With This, and play a few rounds of Exploding Kittens, then people start tiredly heading for bed.
Karen's the first to go after my encouragement since she has school in the morning but you can tell how much she wants to stay up and hang out with us.
Next are Kyle and his boyfriend, blaming it on being tired but judging by the looks they gave each other, they're doing something not very PG-13 in that bedroom.
That just leaves me and him. How awkward.
"So..." the word lingers in the air for a few minutes as I try to think of a follow up, "You're good at card games, huh?"
A proud little smile appears on his face. Jeez, does this kid ever stop smiling? It's the cutest. His fingers play with his sleeve again like earlier.
"It was a thing I did with my parents every Sunday after church. My favourite is um... shitheads." His face flushes red after the curse word and goddddddddddddd he's adorable. I can't take it anymore, "it takes a while to set up and explain the rules but once you get into it, it's super fun."
"We should play it sometime."
"That would be fun."
Hands fully covered by his oversized sleeves, he yawns and fights to keep his eyes open even though he looks about five seconds from falling asleep on the couch.
"I'm a little sleepy..." he admits, "Do you mind showing me where your room is again? I kind of forgot."
"Yeah sure."
Feet shuffling in our tired states, we both head upstairs to my room, making sure to keep quiet so we don't wake Karen (it's clear the two lovebirds aren't asleep based on the suspicious bed creaking) and freezing whenever we step on a loose floorboard.
He doesn't seem at all worried about going in my room after last time, entering with an air of confidence that strikes me as unusual for him.
"Oh shoot... do you mind if I borrow something to sleep in?" He asks, suddenly aware of his lack of planning into this. No pyjamas, no toothbrush, nothing except the clothes on his back and whatever is in his tutor bag. "I hope that's not an issue. It's totally cool if it is I can sleep in my-"
"Here." I interrupt him, not wanting him to get panicked like last time. I grab a pair of my smallest shorts from my dresser and a stranger things t-shirt that will be a little oversized for him. "It's nothing, really. Just don't shit yourself or anything."
I turn before he laughs, saving myself the embarrassment of having to explain why I'm going bright red and resisting the urge to smooch the face for him, and head to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth while also giving him the privacy he needs.
While I'm brushing my teeth, all I can think about is how cute he's going to look in my clothes, how adorable he's going to look curled up asleep in my bed. Okay. That sounded super creepy. Jesus, get a grip Kenny.
Once I'm done in the bathroom, I head back to my bedroom to check up on Leopold one last time before it's time to go and sleep on the couch.
He's kneeling on my bed, setting up the pillow the way he wants it.
"Do you need anything before I go? Like a glass of water or extra pillow?" I ask.
"I'm good, thanks."
"Alright then."
With a slightly awkward wave goodbye, I turn to leave.
He takes a moment to answer, like he forgot what he was going to say or is too nervous to say it.
"Sleep with me." He says.
"Oh- no!" His eyes are wide and hands flying to his face in shock as he realised what he just said, "not like that! Not like that at all. I meant share the bed. Sleeping on the sofa won't be very comfortable and I feel bad having the bed all to myself."
While I can't deny that sharing a bed with him would be a million times better than breaking my back on the sofa, I can't help but feel like it would be a bad idea after he kissed me and freaked out. But on the other hand, this might help put that whole thing behind us and move on to have a strong friendship. Did I just friend-zone myself...?
"Okay. Scooch over."
I slide into the bed beside him once he shuffles over a little and pull the blanket up over us. We're merely inches apart, recreating Saturday. I can just feel my face heating up and I pray to whatever god is listening that it isn't noticeable in the faint light from my lamp across the room.
"You alright?" He asks, "you're all red."
"Yeah, I'm fine. I... must've rubbed my face too hard when washing it." That's such a bad lie oh my goddddddd. Before he can question me any further, I say, "goodnight, Leopold."
There's a second or two of silence.
"You can call me Leo." He explains, "if you want, of course. I get that nicknames aren't everyone's thing, or you might want to keep this whole thing professional, which I understand, I wouldn't want a friendship with some weird tutor either so-"
"Leo." The name makes him stop rambling immediately and he already looks a lot happier than when I call him Leopold. "Relax. If I wanted to keep this professional I wouldn't be sharing a bed with you or letting you sleep in my favourite t-shirt."
His eyes flicker down to my shirt and then back up to me. Then before I can process what's going on, he's leaning forward and kissing me, taking me by so much surprise that I almost fall out of bed.
We settle into a slow rhythm, fumbling until our arms are in the comfiest spots, pulling each other in even closer in the already close space. His hand is cupping my cheek, fingers reaching into my hair while I run my hand down his lower back, dipping slightly under his shirt to test the waters.
Buzz buzz buzz
I gently add my tongue to the mix, which is probably a little too much too early on, but fuck it. You only live once and I don't know how long it'll be before he's freaking out.
Buzz buzz buzz
His reaction is positive and he shyly tries to copy me. It's clear he doesn't have much experience in this, making it a whole lot cuter.
Buzz buzz buzz
Much to my dismay, he's pulling away, an annoyed look on his face. Uh oh - is he mad at me?
"Sorry, I'll turn it off." He reaches over me and grabs his phone from the nightstand, which is showing he has some unread messages. He skims over them, then pauses, eyes widening in horror, "oh no. Oh no oh-"
"What's wrong?" The concern is genuine. It must be bad if he's freaking out over a couple of texts.
Then his phone lights up with a call, playing a twinkling tune that would be cute in any situation other than this one.
"Is everything okay, Leo?"
"It's..." he takes a breath and tilts the phone towards his chest so he can look at me, "it's my girlfriend."
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