When Baekhyun arrived at the hospital he made a beeline to the front desk, he was winding from running and had to catch his breath before he asked, "Excuse me? But could you please tell me what room Park Chanyeol is in?"
The receptionist glanced up from her computer and gave Baekhyun a once over as she asked, "You just came from your school. Didn't you?" She smiled sympathetically and typed something into her computer before handing Baekhyun a visitor's pass. "He's on floor two in room number B12. Try not to stay too long, though. Chanyeol needs his rest." She smiled sadly again before returning to her work.
Baekhyun's brow furrowed and he took a deep breath before heading for the elevator. He didn't have much trouble finding the room, but as he stood on the other side of the door and glanced in, he saw someone else was already in the room. Baekhyun gasped before darting down and quickly moving away. A moment later, three people were walking out of the room.
". . . It breaks my heart seeing him like that," said a familiar voice.
"And so soon after his mother," someone else said with obvious tears in their voice. "It's not fair."
There was a pause that was filled with sniffling and murmured words, before someone replied, "Thank you, Mrs. Byun, I'm so glad for your support. I–I don't know what I'd do without you both . . ." someone said before breaking down into tears.
Baekhyun remained frozen in the shadows of a janitor closet, his breath caught in his throat due to shock. What were his parents doing at the hospital? What we're they doing in Chanyeol's hospital room? And what had they been talking about!?
Baekhyun came back to life after hearing the close of the doors, that jarred him into action. He tumbled out of the janitor closet, his mind still reeling as he walked towards Chanyeol's room. His body felt disjointed from himself as he pushed the door open.
Chanyeol glanced up from his hospital bed at the sound of the opening door, his brow furrowed in curiosity. Then he saw who it was, and his face blanched of the little color he had regained as he stuttered, "Wh-what are you doing here?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Baekhyun quietly said.
Chanyeol bit the inside of his cheek before sitting up. He rung his hands together nervously as he said, "Baekhyun, I'll explain everything, it's just.... I can't right now. So please, don't make me?"
Baekhyun shook his head and frowned. "I won't make you tell me, Chanyeol." Chanyeol sighed. "Although, I am dying of curiosity. I–I saw my parents walk out of your room with your dad just now . . ."
Chanyeol hide his fear and kept his voice steady as he asked, "What did they say?"
Baekhyun shook his head. "They didn't see me. And I don't want to hear it from them, Chanyeol. I want you to tell me," Baekhyun said as he reached out for Chanyeol's hand. It was as cold as ever, and that lack of warmth brought tears to his eyes. He hiccuped and sobbed, "Please! Please, Chanyeol! I–I need to know. Please! I can't lose my best friend again."
Chanyeol was crying too. He reached out for Baekhyun with the hand he wasn't holding and pulled him close. He kissed him, and this time, he didn't fear the rejection.
Baekhyun kissed him back.
He wound his one arm up around Chanyeol's neck, pouring his hurt, his confusion, and his love into the kiss. And he wouldn't run away —- not again.
When their kiss broke apart, tears drying on Baekhyun's cheeks and chin, he laid his head on Chanyeol's chest and whispered, "It's okay. I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me until your ready...."
Chanyeol smiled tiredly and lovingly ran his hand through Baekhyun's hair as he whispered, "I'll tell you, though. Just please, I don't want to rush it."
Baekhyun nodded. "Okay."
Chanyeol smiled, his eyes drifting shut as sleep dragged him under. When he was softly snoring beneath Baekhyun's embrace, he stood up, sniffling and wiping away more tears. "Park Chanyeol, I forbid you from leave me again," Baekhyun whispered before leaning close to kiss his forehead. He sighed, staying with Chanyeol a moment longer before he knew he had to go home.
* * *
When Baekhyun got home he avoided his parents, deciding now wasn't the time to deal with what he had learned. Instead he headed for the stairs to his room. He discarded his clothes for the day onto the floor and went to his closet, searching for his favorite hoodie.
He couldn't find it, and figured that maybe Sehun had picked it up by mistake when Baekhyun last did his laundry. He sighed before walking to Sehun's room. He knocked, calling, "Sehun! I'm coming in!" as he pushed the door open. And what he saw....
Baekhyun's eyes widened before he let out a yell. Sehun jerked and Luhan jumped away from Sehun, his cheeks burning as he avoided Baekhyun's gaze. Baekhyun's jaw remained dropped until he managed to yell, "What the hell!? Fuck! Sehun! Explain yourself! Why did I just catch you kissing my best friend? And Luhan! How could you kiss him back!?"
"Baekhyun, plea—"
"Shut up!" Baekhyun yelled. "Just . . . shut up! I can't —- I can't deal with this right now." And with that, Baekhyun spun out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
"Baekhyun! Is that you?" his mother called from downstairs.
Baekhyun took a deep cleansing breath before replying back. "Yeah, it's me! Did you need something?"
"No! But thank you, dear! I just wanted to tell you Luhan is here!"
Baekhyun scoffed, humorlessly laughing as he muttered to himself, "Yeah, I just found out." Before saying much louder, "Okay! Thanks, mom!"
"You're welcome, honey!" she responded.
Baekhyun gritted his teeth before retreating back to his room. He flopped onto his bed and screamed into his pillow. "Can my day possibly get any worse?" he mumbled into his pillow just as his phone buzzed in his pocket. He laughed to himself before muttering, "So it can . . ."
He pulled out his phone and read:
To: Baekhyun 💜
From: Daehyun 😚
Just checking to see how you're doing? Did you get everything figured out? I hope you did. I love you, Baek. And don't forget, you can tell me anything. 😊😚
Baekhyun sighed. "Why do you have to be so sweet? Why can't you be an asshole? It would make everything so much easier . . ." Baekhyun sighed again as he typed his response.
To: Daehyun 😚
From: Baekhyun 💜
Mostly. And thanks for caring, I'll explain more tomorrow. I love you too, Dae. Rest well! 😊😚
"I hate lying to you," Baekhyun whispered. "I'm sorry. You deserve so much better."
Baekhyun sniffled and rolled over in his bed, his eyes had grown heavy and he was nearly asleep when he received another text message. He grumbled before unlocking his phone to read:
To: Byun Bunny 🐰
From: Lulu Bear 🐻
I'm so sorry. You weren't supposed to find out that way . . . Let's talk tomorrow in gym class. How does that sound?
To: Lulu Bear 🐻
From: Byun Bunny 🐰
If you've slept with him I'll fucking kill you. And yes, we'll talk tomorrow. You better have a good explanation too . . .
And with that, Baekhyun shut his phone off before tossing it onto the floor and burying himself beneath his mountain of blankets.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would get answers.
Word count: 1,247
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