Baekhyun and Chanyeol slided out the back door leading out to the gymnasium before the first bell rang for the start of class. Baekhyun lead the way to his car and unlocked the back door for them to throw their backpacks in before settling in the front seats. Baekhyun turned the ignition and allowed the car to idle before he glanced over at Chanyeol.
"What should we do?" he asked.
"Can we go to the lake?" Chanyeol asked. "It's a nice day."
Baekhyun smiled and put the car into reverse as he replied, "That sounds like a great idea."
* * *
Baekhyun was pulling out the picnic basket he had packed at his house from his trunk when his phone buzzed with a text. He pulled it out of his back pocket and glanced at the name. It was from Luhan, and it read:
To: Byun Bunny 🐰
From: Lulu Bear 🐻
Baekhyun. Where have you gone? Daehyun is a wreck and he keeps saying you cheated on him. Please, tell me it's not true? Tell me he's crazy. Please, Baek?
Baekhyun sighed and clicked his phone off before shoving it back into his pocket. He couldn't deal with his friends dramatic tendencies and his endless stream of questions at the moment. And he for sure didn't feel like explaining everything to Luhan too.
"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun yelled as he walked towards him. "Are you hungry yet or do you want to wait?"
"I can wait!" Chanyeol called back.
Baekhyun nodded as he placed the picnic basket onto the blanket Chanyeol had laid out earlier. Baekhyun chewed on the inside of his cheek as he contemplated before asking, "Chan? Are you sure you don't want anything?"
"Yes, I'm sure," Chanyeol replied with a smile. "I just want to sit by the water."
Baekhyun nodded again but none the less pulled out a small container of watermelon he had packed, just encase Chanyeol got hungry as they sat by the water. Baekhyun settled beside him with a sigh and popped the lid open as he began to nibble on the sticky fruit.
They didn't really speak. They were comfortable in their silence, and as the gentle breeze blew through their hair and carried the scent of pine, Baekhyun was reminded of something from his childhood —- their childhood. He smiled as he set the fruit to the side before laying back in the grass as he softly asked, "Hey, Chan? Do you remember when we were little and my dad brought us here? He tried teaching us how to fish but you cried every time we caught one and said we were hurting them. Then you thought it would hurt less if we put the hook through their eye." Baekhyun laughed. (A/N: That's a true story by the way. My uncle took my mom fishing when she was younger and she thought a hook through the eye was less painful then through the mouth. But I'm sure we can all agree it was NOT.)
Chanyeol smiled and laid down beside Baekhyun as he laughed. "I was eight, Baek!" Chanyeol defended himself. "I didn't even realize!"
Baekhyun snickered and peeked over at Chanyeol with a grin. "It was cute. You hated hurting things."
Chanyeol playfully rolled his eyes. "Says the boy who brought a stray cat home and hide it in his closet for a month!" Chanyeol cried with another laugh.
Baekhyun laughed too and sat up as he shoved Chanyeol's shoulder and cried, "That was you!"
Chanyeol shook his head and said, "No, I never—- Oh, right." He laughed. "That was me . . ."
Baekhyun grinned. "Have you rescued any other strays since I last saw you?"
Chanyeol cheeks flushed and he shook his head. Baekhyun arched a brow and cried, "Liar! What was it? A bird with a broken wing? A puppy?"
Chanyeol shook his head and threw an arm over his eyes as he muttered, "It . . . wasn't an animal."
Baekhyun frowned. "Then what was it?"
Chanyeol sighed and peeked beneath his arm at Baekhyun as he muttered, "I'm not proud of it . . ."
Baekhyun's frown deepened and he sat up as he asked, "Chanyeol? Why? What was it?"
Chanyeol bit his bottom lip before sheepishly mumbling, "A girl . . ." Baekhyun's eyes widened, and Chanyeol sat up as he rushed to continue. "Let me explain! Please?" Baekhyun nodded as Chanyeol sighed. "Okay. I was sixteen and going threw a rebellious stage. We still lived in America at the time and I had gotten in trouble with drugs. I hadn't cared about living then because I figured since I was already dying why not have some fun? Anyway, I got into some trouble at school and was expelled. Along with the drugs and my uncaring attitude I experimented with my sexuality. By that point, I already thought I was gay and when I had spent the night with the girl I knew for sure. She never did anything for me. No one has. No one but....you," Chanyeol whispered as their eyes met.
Baekhyun's breath hitched as he watched Chanyeol grow closer, but before their lips could touch, Baekhyun moved his head so all Chanyeol kissed was the corner of his mouth.
"I've always known . . ." Baekhyun whispered as his hand glided up to rest on the back of Chanyeol's neck, keeping him in place. "I'm only one year older than you, but at the age thirteen I already knew something was different. To me, you weren't just my best friend, Chanyeol. You had been my first love . . . And when you moved away, that's why I chose to forget you because I didn't want the reminder."
"Then I met Daehyun, and even if he couldn't completely fill the hole I never understood I had in my heart because of you, he was the only one that ever came close after you. He was the first person I let in since losing you . . ." Baekhyun trailed off as tears rolled down his cheeks.
Chanyeol's brow furrowed and he gently used his thumb to wipe them away as he murmured, "I'm sure he'll forgive you. If you're as special to him as he is to you, I know he'll take you back."
"I just feel so guilty . . . And I'm sorry, I don't mean to talk about him with you. I just . . ." Baekhyun trailed off.
Chanyeol sighed and gently traced Baekhyun's features with his fingertip as he softly murmured, "It's okay, really. You miss him, and I wouldn't expect anything less."
Baekhyun smiled shyly and muttered, "Thanks."
Chanyeol nodded and kissed his forehead. Baekhyun softly sighed at the touch, heat rushing across his skin as he slide his other hand up Chanyeol's chest to rest against his cheek. He brushed his thumb across Chanyeol's soft skin, searching his eyes before he tentatively leaned in to chastely kiss him. Chanyeol kissed him back, then remembered Baekhyun had a boyfriend as he pulled back.
Even if he had already tried to kiss him, it felt more real this time, knowing that after he was gone Baekhyun would more than likely go back to him. And a part of him hoped he would.
Chanyeol wanted Baekhyun happy, and he wasn't too concerned about it not being himself who could provide that as long as the guy who won him over treated him right and loved him despite his mistakes and had forgiveness in his heart for the mistakes.
Chanyeol broke the kiss and quietly said, "Baek. Maybe we shouldn't . . ."
"Chanyeol," Baekhyun whispered. "You once told me, 'Life's too short to have regret in the heart'. So please, let's not start now, because I'll never regret you."
"I promise," Baekhyun whispered before reconnecting their lips for a passionate kiss.
Word count: 1,281
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