Chapter 8 - Catch Me If You Can
On the night of the stakeout, Jungkook was buzzing with excitement. He loved being on the field after so long. He longed for it. This was his place, his domain, being on the field, solving cases, arresting the bad guys, helping and saving innocent people... not sitting in a damn office. Ah, Jungkook felt amazing. He will be forever grateful to Hyung and Noona for taking him on their case. They both knew he needs this. He was like a dog who was tied up for far too long, ready to sprint outside on command.
It was around half past midnight, and the meeting was yet to take place, so Jinyoung, Hwasa and Jungkook sat in the car, waiting. They parked not too far away from the warehouse, but still close enough to see the comings and goings of the cars. So far, no one arrived yet, they were first.
-'' Alright, everyone ready?'' – Jinyoung asked, checking his gun. The other two did the same.
-'' Ready.'' – Jungkook replied.
Jinyoung looked at his watch. – '' The meeting is at 1 am, which gives us around 15 minutes to snoop around before we settle and hold our positions until the group come.'' – He spoke, eyes raising first at Hwasa, who sat at the passenger seat, checking their notes, and then at Jungkook at the back. – '' The informant said they are supposed to meet at the smaller storage room on the Eastside, so make sure you find some hiding-place around that area.''
Both Jungkook and Hwasa noded.
-'' Our objective is to look around, take a few clues if there are any, and we wait and see who will come, and then round them up. The main suspect is Lee Jisung, who goes by the name Snake. Korean, the late '30s, strong built, average height, dark hair, have arms full of tattoos. Gang-related.'' – He continued.
-'' Do we engage?'' – Jungkook asked.
-'' Not before everyone is there.'' – Jinyoung checked the small night vision camera on his shoulder.
The night was dark. Only a few street lamps were on here and there around the premises, not giving enough light for Jungkook's liking, but still, it allows him not to be spotted so easily. Jungkook just had to be extra careful where he is stepping, so he won't bump into something and make a ruckus.
He made sure not to step too close and stay in the dark. He, Hwasa and Jinyoung got near the old warehouse before they separated to cover more ground, surrounding the old building. The job was to snoop around, intersect the meeting group and take them for questioning.
He made a mental note of the few things he came across, which he ought to check after all of this is over. Everything was too quiet until he heard the footsteps approaching the other room. Jungkook quickly hid behind the heavy and huge metal container in the corner and waited, his gun ready. He steadied his breathing to a mere whisper before peaked around the corner.
Three people came in, all dressed in black, with grim faces. One of them was huge, like a Japanese sumo wrestler. He wore a bandana and a cap on his head and had a beard. The other was unremarkable, classic black t-shirt and pants, light brown short hair, but his eyes were like oil on the fire.
The third one took off his leather jacket and placed it on the nearby table. He wore a white sleeveless shirt and black baggy pants. His arms were decorated with some heavy tattoos. This must be Lee Jisung aka. Snake. Jungkook noticed the gun stuck at the back of his jeans. Nine calibres, thin and lightweight, perfect for carrying inconspicuously. If Jungkook is not mistaken.
Lee spoke. -'' Jay, go and check the place.'' – And the one with fiery eyes went out of the room.
So Lee is the leader. Jungkook decided.
-'' When are they gonna show up?'' – The big one asked and half-sat on one of the tables. It creaked loudly in protest.
-'' They should be here soon.'' – Lee checked his watch. – '' We are five minutes early.''
-'' I wanna finish this so we can go eat. I'm hungry.'' – The big one protested. Jungkook called him Tiny in his head.
-'' We'll go when we go.'' – Lee said, his eyes scanning the room and when he saw the other one sitting, he growled at him. – ''Get your ass off that table. You break that antique shit, you payin'.''
Tiny huffed in annoyance. – '' It's junk.'' - But did as he was told. Jungkook had to whip his head back because the guy was coming his way, choosing to lean on the other side of the container behind which Jungkook stayed hidden.
Some minutes later, two new sets of footsteps were heard and someone enters the room.
-'' You are late! Where is Han?'' – Lee snapped.
-'' Still in China.'' – The voice spoke lively. – '' He said he will refrain from travelling for a while.''
-'' What about Kovit?''
-'' He pulled out.'' – The same lively voice answered.
-'' What?!'' – Lee hissed.
- '' He got spooked by what happened. What did you expect? It's all over the news, even they in Thailand heard of it.''
-'' Coward!'' – Lee curses.
-'' Using his brains, more like it.'' – A new deeper, more raspy voice spoke this time, with a tinge of Daegu dialect.
-'' What did you say?'' – Lee's voice was threatening.
-'' Only the fact. You will do the same if you were him and you know it.'' – The voice sounded stern.
-'' You better watch it, V.'' – Lee warned. – '' No one likes know-it-alls.''
The guy, V, didn't retort to that jab because Lee was talking again.
-'' Where is Sanghoon? Taking a piss?''
-'' He didn't show up.''
-'' I told you not to come here without him!'' – Lee growled.
-'' And I'm telling you, he didn't show up!''
Sanghoon! Jungkook thought. Their weasel informant.
-'' We've waited for half an hour, and he never came!'' – The other voice shouted back. Lee growled back something unintelligible.
Jungkook peaked around the corner again and saw Lee and another man standing close. The third one was a bit far in the back, hidden behind one of the pillars in the room.
Jungkook assessed the room quickly. There were four men in the room with him, with the guy, Jay roaming around. He hoped he will not get across with Hwasa and Jinyoung.
Lee was livid. He was speaking in a hush, but angry voice, while the other guy just watched him annoyed. He was pretty, in some exotic way. Lean body, long legs in tight black jeans, wearing some leather shoes with riding heels that were ridiculously flashy. He was handsome, with big plump lips, a black messy parted hairstyle with long fringes, a leather jacket and tons of necklaces and earrings. He grew more and more irritated by the second as Lee kept accusing him.
So, he hissed back. -'' Hey, it's not my fault he didn't come!'' – His face turned into a mocking smirk. – '' Maybe he just didn't want to see your sour face again.''
He stared him down in a challenge with his unnaturally blue eyes. Contacts, most likely. Jungkook thought.
Lee took out his gun and pointed it at the man. – ''You think this is funny, boy!?'' - He growled and stepped closer into man's space, ready to argue some more, when two hands with long slender fingers splayed themselves on their chests, moving them apart gently and softly stepping in between.
-'' Easy now.'' – The same, raspy voice spoke. V was the name. Jungkook remembered. His voice was rough but still melodic in a way, it gave Jungkook pleasant tingles on his body. Jungkook stopped breathing. V's face, however, did not suit his voice at all. It was quite unremarkable, with thick bushy eyebrows, and acne all over his face. His hair reminded Jungkook of Yoongi's dog Holly. She is a puddle. His hair matched Holi's fur completely.
This can't be him, not the voice that good. Jungkook mused in his head. He let his eyes slide up and down on a man. He was tall and thin. He wore black baggy pants, a black shirt and a jacket.
Jungkook watched V's face. He was unfazed by the gun pointed at his head.
-'' There's no need to get feisty.'' – V spoke. It's not either of our faults. Bam, chill.'' – He told his friend, pushing him back, then turning towards Lee. – '' We were there, but he wasn't. We tried calling him, but he never picked up. We even drew past his house, but he wasn't in. Surely, you can't blame us for this. He stood us up as well.'' – His dark orbs gleamed as they were on fire.
Lee cursed and lower the gun down. Just then, Jay came in, and in vJungkook's horror he had Hwasa by the hair, his gun pointed at her side.
-'' Found this wild cat sniffing around.'' – Jay said. He had traces of blood on his face.- ''She broke my fucking nose. Found this on her.'' – He showed her gun.
-'' Smells like a cop.'' - Tiny interjected, reminding Jungkook that he's too close.
Fuck, shit, dammit! Jungkook inwardly cursed.
Lee turned away from the two men and went to her.
-'' What are you doing here?'' – He snarled at her, and then look at Jay. – ''Are there more?''
-'' Just found her. She was around our car.''
The leader pointed his gun at her head. – ''You stupid bitch, do think you can just sniff around my car!?''
-'' Oh, shut up. I was just checking the rims, you asshole.'' – She spat, looking him straight in the eyes. – '' I thought my eyes deceives me when I spotted them so I had to take another look. I've never seen such a lack of taste in my life.'' – She added, which earned her a slap across the face. She licked the blood from her broken lip. -'' Oh, you will go down for this.'' – She promised.
Jungkook's body was so tense, that he was ready to react. Where the hell is Jinyoung? He wondered. He must have stepped too close to the light or something because V's eyes found him and they both froze. They held their gazes for several heartbeats, neither of them moved or spoke.
-'' Kill her.''
The words jerked Jungkook from this frozen state as his eyes flew towards Lee, who gave the order. Jungkook took a quick intake of breath and moved forward, raising his gun. Several things happened then at the same time.
-'' Police! Don't move!''
That was Jinyoung. Jay moved his gun towards the voice behind him, and away from Hwasa which gave her enough time to tackle Jay on the ground with an expert kung fu move and take his gun.
- '' Everybody on the ground!'' Jungkook roared from the other side. They got them surrounded. There was sudden chaos. Lee began shooting at Jinyoung, who hid behind the pillar and Jungkook didn't even blink before he shot him in the shoulder. Lee howled, dropping the gun. Jungkook followed his fall still pointing at him, ready to fire again if needed when he was suddenly hit by the bulldozer that sent him flying to the opposite wall. Tiny. It flashes through Jungkook's mind. He totally forgot about him.
Jungkook had only a second to gain back his surroundings because Tiny went running towards him again. Jungkook moved fast, doing some crazy flip and kicking the big man square in the face. Tiny stumbled back, only to rush back at Jungkook once more when the bullet shot past his head. Tiny ducked and froze.
-'' Move again and the next one is in your skull!''
Jungkook jerked his head and saw Mark pointing his gun at Tiny, who rose his hands in surrender. –'' You ok?'' – Mark asked Jungkook.
-'' Yeah. What are you doing here?'' – Jungkook asked.
-'' Jinyoung asked for backup.'' – Mark answers.
-'' I knew we would see you here Lee.'' – Jackson spoke to the wounded leader on the ground, handcuffing him. –'' You shot at the detective. My, my, we got you this time.''
Jungkook looked around the room. Hwasa was pinning Jay on the ground, handcuffing him and reading him his rights. Jinyoung had the blue-eyed guy on his knees. He pocketed his gun for a second to get his handcuffs when V leapt up on his feet and launched at the door.
-'' Stop!'' – Jinyoung yelled, but the man was out in the dark. He wanted to go in pursuit but had to hold the other one. He quickly found Jungkook's eyes. – ''After him!''
And Jungkook shoots like a bullet, running past them and out of the warehouse. He could see the man running straight towards the alley. Perfect. Jungkook almost smiled. He made his body run faster.
V didn't falter once, nor did his speed decrease even though Jungkook was gaining speed and got closer and closer. The man was fast and very agile, which was surprising to Jungkook. He also had a quick way of thinking because he used his surroundings well, pulling the obstacles in Jungkook's way to stall him.
-'' Police! Stop!'' – Jungkook shouted, but the man just doubled his efforts and took a sharp turn towards the thin alley, where a tall fence was. He climbed over in three strides, jumping first on the side of the wall so he could grab the top of the fence. He went flying over, landing on his feet and turning across his left shoulder on the ground before continuing to run as if nothing happened. The bastard knows parkour. Jungkook's mind supplies. He quickly pocketed the gun in its holder and jumped over the fence as well, a tad slower, using his muscles to pull himself up.
It was a wild chase, neither of them stopped until the man started losing speed. Jungkook was thankful for his jogging routine every morning because it increased his stamina and endurance. His muscles were pulsing from exertion, but he was determined to catch the man. After a full minute of the insane chase, on which the man managed to reach the top of the high wall when Jungkook grabbed his leg and pulled him down before he could skip across. Jungkook caught him mid-fall and fell like a heap on the ground. The man struggled to break free, making a few fighting moves that Jungkook avoided and managed to block, having an upper hand because he was on top. They were both panting heavily for air.
-'' Shit! Do you ever give up?'' – V grunted breathily when Jungkook flipped him on the stomach and pulled his hands together in the back.
-'' No.'' – Jungkook answers, leaning his weight on V's arms, breathing just as hard. He pulled the handcuffs out.
The man smiled teasingly, eyes narrowing as his chest heaved. – '' I guess you caught me, officer.''
Jungkook chuckled, clasping one handcuff on the man's wrist. – ''It's Detective, and you are under arrest. Stand up.''
-'' On what grounds?'' – V asked.
-'' Escaping and resisting arrest, also an assault.'' – Jungkook supplied, now clasping both of the man's wrists together behind his back.
-'' But I'm not resisting at all.'' – The man said with a dose of humour in it.
-'' You ran.'' – Jungkook stood up, pulling the man with him. – '' And you attacked me.''
-'' You tackled me. I was defending myself.'' – V said, his voice amused.
Jungkook just gave him a look of annoyance. He sigh, it was a long walk towards their car.
-'' You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be used against you in the Court of Law...'' – Jungkook went to recite the law while pulling him down the street. The man went meekly.
-'' What's your name Detective?'' – V asked. He blew one of the curls from his sweaty forehead, an easy smile on his face as he observed Jungkook's profile. Jungkook felt him starring from his peripheral vision. He pushed him in front of him.
He didn't answer right away. – '' Detective Jeon, that's all you have to know. Now move.''
V smiled, turning his head back to look at him again. Jungkook wished he didn't. There was something in the man's eyes that was really hard to resist. Jungkook wished that there was light so he can see his face better.
They reached the warehouse where several police cars and ambulances were. The place got swarmed by the cops. From simple stakeout about some con artists to a shootout in a second. It crossed Jungkook's mind. He wondered what V and his friend got to do with the gang. They were so out of this place, one looked rich and spoiled, and another plain and ordinary, but neither gang-related.
Hwasa spoke with the police officers, while Lee was in the ambulance, with two officers on each side. Jay and Tiny were in separate cars ready to be transported to the station. Jungkook saw Taehyung's friend, the one he called Bam, in the back of the car, cuffed and sulky, staring at Jinyoung, Mark and Jackson with daggers in his eyes.
Jungkook approached them, pulling V with him.
The three men noticed them and went on cheering.
- '' You caught him! That's fantastic!'' – Jinyoung was smiling in satisfaction. – ''We got them all. Nice work, Jungkook.''
-'' I knew you are fast.'' – Jackson supplied, grinning.
V turned slightly to look at Jungkook again, smile widening. – ''Detectve Jeon Jungkook, nice ring to it.'' – He spoke. Jungkook felt his skin tingle at the man's words, but he pretended to ignore him.
-'' Get into the car.'' – Jungkook said and pushed him towards his friend, but was stopped by Jinyoung.
-'' Wait. We'll take them separately, so they can't talk. Go with officer Hak.''
Just then the young and eager officer showed up on Jungkook's left.
-'' I will put him in the car, sir.'' – The man spoke, bowing deep.
-'' Alright. Just watch him, he will try to escape.'' – Jungkook agreed and pushed V gently towards the young officer. The man nods.
-'' What now?'' - Jungkook asked his Hyungs, once V was escorted away.
-'' Hwasa is going with Mark to the hospital. They will question Lee there.'' – Jinyoung spoke.
-'' We have been following that gang for a long time now.'' – Mark spoke calmly. – ''We won't miss the chance to find dirt on them.'' – He added.
Jackson nodded his head, agreeing, and then suddenly realize something. -'' Why can't I go with Hwasa?'' – He asked, eyebrows furrowed in disapproval.
-'' Because you annoy her.''- Mark answered lightly.
-'' You fucker, it's not true.'' – Jackson protested. – '' She likes me.''
Jinyoung shook his head. – ''Noup, she doesn't. She told me.'' – He confirmed.
Jungkook chuckled at Jackson's outrage.
-'' Jackson will take the big guy.'' – Jinyoung spoke.
-'' But I want the skinny one.'' – Jackson whined, tapping the car where Bam was. – '' I like how annoyed he is with us, glaring at us with his cute blue contact lenses and pouty face.''
-'' You have to take the gang member because it's connected to the case you are handling.'' – Jinyoung said sternly. – '' I will take these two.'' – He points at Bam's car first, and then another, further down, where Jay sat.
-'' Give me the other one.'' – Jackson points at Jay as well. – ''And you take the mountain.'' – He added in protest.
-'' I can't. He attacked Hwasa, he is mine.'' – Jinyoung said with finality that left no room for arguments.
Jackson made a sick face, glancing at Tiny that barely fit in the back of the car.
-'' But he gives me chills. I feel he could eat me for supper and still be hungry.''
That made Mark and Jungkook laugh, even Jinyoung chuckled.
Mark wrapped his arm around his partner's shoulders and said. – '' Don't worry, you will cause him so much trouble that he would have to throw you up right away.''
-'' Eww, gross. Man, you are gross as hell.'' - Jackson scrunched his face in disgust, pushing Mark's arm off of him and then shivered. – '' Damn, I imagine the insides of his stomach, filled with all sorts of junk food, beer cans, small children...''
Now, all of them laughed wholeheartedly, except Jackson.
-'' What about the guy I chased?'' – Jungkook asked.
-'' You will take him.'' – Jinyoung answered. – '' You question him. Take him to room C. Standard procedure.''
-'' Alright.'' – Jungkook agreed, narrowing his eyebrows a bit, adding. – '' You think Chief will allow me to question him?''
Jinyoung huffed a laugh. – ''It doesn't matter, you made the arrest. Hwasa is not here and I have another suspect. It has to be you whether he likes it or not.''
Jungkook grinned satisfactorily. – ''Cool. Don't worry about a thing, Hyung.''
The drive was calm. Jungkook sat in the back with V, making sure the man couldn't slither away, while officer Hak drove and spoke with excitement. He was young, fresh from the academy, and Jungkook remembered how he felt when he started working in the Force.
-'' You are the legend.'' – He said with passion, after naming some of Jungkook's previous cases that he found amazing. He indeed became a legend while working with old Choi. But saying things out loud like that, and in front of V...Jungkook wanted to die from embarrassment.
-'' Hak, less talking in front of the suspect, more driving.'' – Jungkook interrupts him and the young man blushed and went on apologizing several times, but went silent soon after.
All that time V just sat quietly, turned towards Jungkook, observing him with a strange and pleased look on his face. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction, even though he was in a tricky situation. Jungkook tried desperately to ignore him.
He was failing though. He was aware of the man's stare at him. It made him warm, the tingling sensation ran up and down his skin. What the fuck is wrong with me? Jungkook cursed at himself. He is not even your type. And he is your suspect. His eyes though, and his voice... dammit Jungkook, pull yourself together.
He jerked when he felt V's foot brushing his, looking at him. V smiled. His face was a bit deformed with all those acnes, but his eyes were strange, one monolid, and the other double lid. Rare. Jungkook thought as he moved his leg away. V pouted slightly, blinked slowly and then gave him the sliest look Jungkook ever encountered, lips curving into a knowing smile. Jungkook shuddered.
The drive went slower than he would have liked, and the silence was suffocating, but when the car finally stopped in front of the Police Station, Jungkook almost groaned loudly in relief. Thank fucks, finally! He thanked whichever god is out there.
He quickly thanked Hak, who insisted to get out of the car, saying he is honoured and felt very privileged that he got to assist Jungkook, and went on bowing several more times, before Jungkook smiled weakly, bowed and finally pulled his suspect inside the building.
-'' So, I should consider myself privileged that the great legend, Jeon Jungkook was the one arresting me?'' – V spoke in a sultry, teasing voice. – ''My, my, how privileged I am.''
-'' Shut up.'' – Jungkook growled.
Jungkook took him to Room C, as Jinyoung instructed and left him to sit there for a while until he brought the documents he needed.
-'' State your name for the record.'' – Jungkook says, seating himself across the man.
V sighed, rolling his eyes. – ''Vincent An.''
Jungkook fixes him with a look, his brain suddenly making a connection.
-'' Are you related to Baekhyun An, perhaps?'' – He asks.
V's face narrows and he shakes his head. –'' No. Who's that?''
-'' Vincent. Not a Korean name. Is that why they call you V?'' – Jungkook asks, writing V's name on the form in front of him.
-'' Yes.''
-'' Your birthday is?''
-'' January 1st, 1991.''
-'' New Year's kid?'' – Jungkook asks amused.
V chuckles. – ''Yeah.''
-'' Where were you born?''
-'' In States, but I moved back to Korea when I was a child.''
-'' Where in States?''
-'' San Francisco.''
-'' Parents? Siblings?''
-'' I'm a single child. Parents died in the car crash. My grandmother raised me. She died also, a few years ago.'' – V recites.
-'' I'm sorry to hear that.''
-'' Thank you.'' – V bow his head slightly.
-'' Why were you there, Vincent?'' – Jungkook kept his eyes on the papers, not really giving the man attention.
-'' Where, exactly?'' – Came back to question. At that Jungkook looks at V, who sat across from him, noticing a smug smile on his face.
Jungkook shifts slightly, his tongue poking the inside of his left cheek slightly as a small annoying smirk adorned his face. So we go a hard way.
-'' Let me rephrase that.'' – Jungkook says in a calm voice. – ''Why were you there, in the warehouse, tonight, Vincent?''
V's eyes flash in amusement. – '' Oh, we are supposed to go to a party. It was a meeting place.'' – He says. Jungkook only then notice the slight lisp as he spoke. It was very prominent in the way he said the word "supposed".
Jungkook had to fight the urge not to roll his eyes at the obvious blatant lie, but he managed to keep it under control.
Instead, he says. – '' Strange meeting place. Where did you first meet Lee Jisung?''
V hums in thought. – '' At the club, through my friend, Bam.''
-'' Were you aware that Lee Jisung is a member of a gang, together with his two companions?''
V's eyes grew wide at that. – '' I had no idea.''
Yeah, right. Jungkook thought.
-'' Have you ever seen Lee and his two friends before?''
V shook his head. –'' I saw Lee only once before. We met in the club. I don't know who the other two were.''
-'' Are you a member of Lee's gang or any gang?''
V shook his head vigorously. – '' No.''
-'' You said you meet Lee through your friend Bam?''
V nods.
-'' Please, answer the question in words so it can be recorded.'' – Jungkook explains.
-'' Oh, sorry. The answer is yes.'' – V answers. He changes his act, from smug to confused and innocent. Interesting. Jungkook thought.
-'' What's your friend's full name?'' – Jungkook looks down at his notes again, adding that information.
-'' Kunpimook Bhuwakul.''
Jungkook looks up. – '' Come again?''
V's face brightens and he grins like a Cheshire cat. Jungkook saw the man's teeth, they were half-rotten and misshaped as if he had never seen a dentist in his life.
V leans forward. – ''Kunpimook Bhuwakul.'' – He says slowly like Jungkook was stupid.
Jungkook's jaw muscle flexed. -'' Where is he from?'' – He asked instead.
-'' Wouldn't you like to know.'' – V muses, the smugness escaping his innocent act a bit. – '' What does it sound like?''
Jungkook gnaws his lower lip. – '' I'm asking questions here Vincent.''
-'' Call me V, I like it more.''
-'' It doesn't matter what you like...''
-'' Call me V, and I'll answer your question.''
Jungkook was starting to lose his patience. He took a deep sigh. – '' Fine, V.''
-'' There, that wasn't so bad now, isn't it?'' – V smiles.
Jungkook was fuming. – '' Answer the question.''
V looks at him confused. – '' What was the question again?''
Jungkook tightened his hold on the pen that almost snapped in two. He took another deep soothing breath, calming his fury, and tried again. – '' Where is your friend from, V?''
-'' I think, Thailand. Yes...Thailand.'' – V says.
-'' You think?'' – Jungkook arches his eyebrow.
-'' Mhm, I think he is, yeah. Nice beaches there.''
Jungkook writes it down. – '' Interesting. When did you meet Lee Jisung?''
V furrows his brows. – '' Hmm, I'm not sure.'' – He says, thinking. – ''Some weeks ago.''
-'' Who is Han?''
-'' An acquaintance of ours... Well, of mine, at least. I don't know his full name though.'' – V plays with his fingers that were still handcuffed. – '' I met him sometime before when he visited Seoul. Nice fellow, love dancing.''
Jungkook ignores the last statement. –'' Why can't he travel?''
V looks at him confused. – '' How would I know that? I don't know if he can't or won't.''
-'' Who is the other guy that was mentioned... umm...Kovit?'' – Jungkook asks again, remembering the man's name.
-'' Another acquaintance. I don't know him very well.'' – V says in an innocent tone.
-'' Who do you know well, then?''
-'' Only Bam. He is my friend.''
-'' You mean, Kunpimook Bwh... um... from Thailand?'' – Jungkook tries and fails, which provokes mirth from the other man.
-'' Yes, a guy from Thailand.'' – V agrees with laughter, leaning his chin on his palm, and observing Jungkook with amusement.
Jungkook ignores that and went on asking.
-'' Who is Sanghoon? Let me guess, another acquaintance?'' – He asks, ready to give up.
V grins again. - '' Yes. How did you know?''
-'' Oh, just lucky guess.'' – Jungkook says sarcastically, but quickly clears his throat and gets serious again. -'' And why were you all there in the warehouse?''
-'' We were going to a new club. I think I told you that.'' – V says the second part to himself, only to look at Jungkook with wide eyes. – '' Have I told you that?''
Oh, give me strength. Jungkook sucks his lower lip to stop himself from saying something in annoyance.
Instead, he ignores it. – '' Why was Lee angry that Sanghoon didn't come?''
-'' Oh, he was supposed to get us into the VIP section of the club, he promised, but he never showed up.'' – V answers.
Bullshit! Jungkook barely stopped himself from snorting.
-'' Is it normal for Lee to pull out guns when he's displeased?'' – He asks instead.
V pouts in thought. – ''Hmm, I don't know, it was the first time I saw him doing so, but I've heard stories that he is quick-tempered.''
-'' Are you afraid of the guns, V?''
V shudders. – '' Who isn't? Well, maybe not you, though.'' – He eyes Jungkook. – '' You have to be used to them, considering your line of work and all.'' – He continues cheerfully.
-'' It didn't seem like you were afraid of the gun that was pointed in your head at the warehouse, though.'' – Jungkook says calmly.
V gulps and lick his lips. – '' I was petrified.'' – He says.
Sure you were.
-'' Hmm...'' – Jungkook hums at that and quickly writes something down. He raises his head again before asking another question. -'' Why did you run, V?''
-'' When?''
Jungkook inwardly growls, the guy was pretending to be way too dumb. – '' When the police came in.''
-'' Oh, well, I got scared and panicked.''
Jungkook snorts. -'' Oh, yeah, you were so scared that you tried to punch me in the face several times.''
V laughs. –'' It was adrenaline.''
-'' Where did you learn how to fight?''
-'' Movies.''
Jungkook sighs. This is going nowhere. Jungkook thought. He hoped that the others had more luck with their suspects.
-'' Vincent...'' – Jungkook began.
-'' V.'' – V corrects.
-'' V... what did people in Thailand hear in the news which made Kovit too scared to come to Seoul?'' – He asks.
-'' Oh, that shooting that happened a few days ago. He heard about that and is now scared to come. He wanted to open up a restaurant near that place. Thai food, yummy.''
-'' Vincent, is this a joke to you?'' – Jungkook asks in a stern voice.
V looked confused. – '' Umm, no, why would it...?''
-'' Do you know why you are here?''
-'' I'm not sure.''
-'' You are here because you were caught with the rest of your crew in a smuggler's meeting.''
V started to shake a bit. – '' S-smugglers? No, I wasn't. It wasn't. I...''
He was cut with a loud bang of Jungkook's palm on the table surface. – '' Stop lying!'' – He was angry now.
-'' I wasn't...'' – V curled into himself like he was afraid of the sudden loud noises. – '' I really wasn't.'' – His voice wavered a bit. - '' You were asking me tons of questions, c-confusing me...and I...I answered the b-best I could...and then you start yelling...but I answered.... Honestly, I did.'' – His growling voice was replaced by a whiny and scared one.
Jungkook wanted to shake him. Great, now he is upset.
-'' Ok, ok.'' – Jungkook raise his palms in a calming manner. – '' I'm not yelling anymore.'' – He says.
V was lying, he was pretending. He was so calm when he faced that gun in that warehouse, and now he was scared from a bit of yelling? No. Jungkook was sure this all was just a pretending, but he couldn't force him to talk... yet...He needs another tactic. He pauses the recording.
- '' Let's try again.'' – Jungkook said in a much calmer voice. – '' I'm trying to help you here.'' – He says gently. – '' I don't think you realize what mess you are in right now. '' – He holds V's gaze with his own. – '' Lee Jisung and his crew are dangerous criminals, and I think you and your friend might be there at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong people.''
He pauses so the words could sink in. – '' Don't protect him, V, don't protect the criminal, because I'm sure he won't protect you.''
-'' I'm not...'' – V whispers.
-'' Alright, let's try again.'' – Jungkook arch an eyebrow questioningly, his finger on the pause button of the recording, waiting for V's nod so he could press it back again.
-'' How do you meet Lee Jisung?' – He asks after he started the recording.
-'' I told you, Bam introduced us. We met at the party.'' – V answered sniffing loudly, but not crying. – '' He was supposed to take me and my friend to the famous club ''The Screen''. VIP section.'' – He added.
-'' Dressed like that?'' – Jungkook says in surprise, his eyebrows arching as he observed V's attire. – '' They have a certain level of decorum for the people they let in their club.'' – He says. – '' I'm not sure you would be even allowed in dressed like that. ''
V narrows his eyes, not looking at his outfit like a lot of people would do. –'' Not all of us have the money for expensive clothes.'' – He murmurs. He wasn't even slightly shaken by this. This was rehearsed. He had that answer ready. Jungkook thought. Usually, people tend to be very conscious of their appearance, especially the fidgety ones like V, but V's reaction was far different from what he was expecting.
-'' But surely you could wear something without visible stains on the shirt. Couldn't your friend Bam give you something?'' – Jungkook asks.
V's eyes stay narrow. – '' What is that got to do with anything?'' – He asks.
-'' Well, seems that you were so excited to go to the club, I thought that you would put more mind into your clothing.'' – Jungkook answered. – '' Unless... you didn't really suppose to go to the club in the first place, and you were in the warehouse for a completely another reason...'' - Jungkook leans in. – '' You could lie about this entire ordeal.''
V held his silence.
They share a long look, staring into each other's eyes, trying to read one another.
-'' Were you forced to go? To the meeting, I mean.'' – Jungkook asked.
-'' No.''
-'' Were you there willingly then?''
-'' Umm... I guess so. I mean, they told us to come there and we meet them there.''
-'' Who told you to meet?''
-'' Lee.''
-'' And you and Kunpimook were supposed to pick up Sanghoon, but he never showed up?''
V nods. –'' Yes, we waited, but he never came.'' – He says in, what sounded like, an honest voice. – '' I really don't know anything, I swear.''
-'' Don't swear in things you don't mean, V.''
-'' I do mean them.''
-'' Do you know Lee and his gang have been connected to the series of drug and art dealings?'' – Jungkook asks.
V shakes his head. '' N-no.''
-'' You sound unsure.''
-'' Well, I've heard stories, but I haven't seen anything myself.''
-'' And you thought it's ok to go to the clubs with them?''
V shrugs. – '' There were just stories, nothing was ever proved. I didn't think it would matter.''
-'' And yet, here you are.'' – Jungkook says, tapping his pen on the file. -'' And what about Kunpimook? Did he know? Has he ever told about it?''
-'' No, he never did. He would if he knew.''
-'' Would he?''
-'' Yeah, he can't keep juicy secrets away from me. We are friends.''
-'' So, you say he does not keep secrets from you?''
-'' I think not.''
-'' Do you trust him?''
-'' Yes.''
-'' How about you? Would you keep secrets from him?''
V shakes his head and then remembers he needs to say it out loud. –'' No.''
-'' So you are saying that neither you nor your friend knew anything about the certain meeting that was about to take place tonight, at the same time you came?''
-'' No.''
Jungkook shook his head and sighed in exasperation. – '' Alright, V. Let's take a break.''
He stood up, pausing the recording and bringing the file with him. – '' Alright. I will go and grab a coffee, and check your friend Kunpimook. I feel he has a lot to say. Then I will come back to you. While I do that, I want you to think very carefully about what your answers will be.''
-'' I know already.'' – V says.
Jungkook arches an eyebrow. – '' Yeah? And what's that?''
-'' I want my lawyer.''
There was a silence in the room for a few heartbeats, and then Jungkook tilted his head and nodded.
-'' Alright V you have every right to do so.'' – He said moving back to the table where V was locked. – ''But you know it will grow more serious for you if the lawyers are involved.''
The man was not worried at all, he just smirked knowingly. -'' No, it won't, but go on, tell me what will happen.''
He was teasing Jungkook. They were getting nowhere. Still, he tried one more time.
-'' If you just tell us why you were really there in the first place and what business you have with Lee, I will make sure you don't get into much trouble.''
-'' I told you, I met him at the party.'' – V replied calmly. – '' That's all. I did nothing wrong.''
-'' But if you didn't do anything wrong, there's no need for a lawyer then.'' – Jungkook informed him.
-'' It's my right, right? At least that's how they do it in the movies.'' – V leaned his body closer, looking Jungkook straight in the eyes. – '' Or are you trying to deny me my rights, Detective?''
Jungkook inwardly groaned. He hated when witnesses and potential suspects get all defensive like that. The lawyers usually talk his ear off afterwards for all allegedly bad mistreatment of their clients when they were not present. Even if that's far from the truth.
But Vincent An was not one of those dummies. Oh, no. He was a very clever and careful man. Jungkook knew this was all acting. He tried too many different approaches to see if he will crack somewhere or get angry, or lose his composure, but V didn't waver, not one bit.
He moved towards the exit again. – '' Alright, I'll be back with your phone call.'' – He says and leaves the room.
He groans as soon as the door close behind him. To say it was an easy questioning would be a lie, but that it will turn into one of the most nerve-testing ones? Jungkook wasn't able to even fathom. V was a nightmare. He didn't refuse to cooperate, per se, but he played dumb. Jungkook knew he wasn't, but whatever he did, and he did try every single bloody approach, he couldn't make V say anything useful to him.
It was some hours later that V's lawyer showed up. Jungkook just didn't think this night could get any worse until Park Jimin entered the police station, looking like a million bucks. Tailored suit, cravat, and a briefcase, together with his shiny shoes and Rolex on his wrist.
-'' Please don't tell me your client is An Vincent.'' - Jungkook groaned.
Jimin smiled widely, his eyes disappearing into two crescents. – '' Well, what caused that premonition? A careful case of deduction or a gut feeling?''
-'' I said don't tell me, not ask me some more questions.'' – Jungkook grumbled, and Jimin laughed lightly.
-'' Alright, I won't tell you then. But can you inform me where to find him, If you please?'' – Jimin's eyes twinkled in amusement.
Jungkook took a deep breath and closed his eyes, feeling his chin touching his chest as he bowed his head in defeat. He knew this isn't over yet, not when Jimin is now involved. He couldn't handle him on a regular day, and he certainly couldn't handle V, but to have them both in the same room was a bloody evil punishment that he didn't deserve.
He huffed the breath of air exasperatedly and pointed in the direction of the rooms. – ''Right this way.''
It was very late when he stepped out of the building, thinking of stopping by the store to buy some instant ramen for dinner. He was not in the mood for cooking. The day was too long, too complicated, and after V and Park, and the mere knowledge that tons of paperwork await him tomorrow morning he was completely mentally exhausted.
V walked out free, for now, and Jungkook just wanted to go home. He fell straight to bed, still dressed and fell instantly asleep.
Seeing Jungkook again made Jimin's insides tingle presently. The man was hot, and that was an understatement. His handsome jaw, and bulging muscles under a thin black shirt, tucked into his pants and boots. His gun harness hugged his well-defined chest, and his thin waist reminded Jimin of how good his abs looked.
Jungkook was civil to him, even though Jimin knew he was utterly annoyed. It made the blond man amused from the get-go, and he hardly managed to school his features when he was ushered into the room where his client – V- was. Jimin nearly giggled when he saw him, dressed as his alter-persona, V.
His mouth twitch when his eyes found Tae's, and he quickly composes himself enough so he could turn back to Jungkook.
-'' I would like some time alone with my client if you please detective.'' - He asks in a sing-song voice. Jungkook nearly rolled his eyes, opting for grumbling something unintelligent, before leaving the room.
Jimin who knew pretty much all that was going on advised Taehyung what to say when Jungkook returned into the room some twenty minutes later.
All went well after that, at least for Tae and Jimin. Jungkook, on the other hand, was so annoyed and exhausted by the end of the questioning that he was almost glad to see their backs.
Tae didn't say much as he followed Jimin to his car, buckling up and relaxing. Jimin enter the driver's side, doing the same thing Tae just did before he started the car. The silence lasted until the car took the first turn.
He felt Taehyung's hand on his thigh. – '' Thanks, Jiminie.''
Jimin glances at him, lips trying to surpass a smile at the man's disguise and to stay firm and angry because of this entire situation. – '' That was really foolish, Tae Tae.'' – He said in a stern voice, watching the road.
He heard Taehyung sigh deeply. – '' I know. I'm sorry.'' – Tae says guiltily.
-'' You told me you won't deal with Lee and his gang anymore. You promised.'' – Now Jimin was angry.
-'' I had to get Bam out.''
Jimin grunts that he didn't have to do anything.
-'' I did Jiminie, I did.'' – Taehyung protested. – '' Lee was at his throat, and I needed to pull him out when the entire gallery job exploded.''
Jimin shook his head, huffing annoyingly the air through his nose. – '' You nearly got caught. '' – He glances at him shortly and then returns his eyes to the road. – '' I mean really caught. If they've found out who is hiding underneath that mask, you and your brothers will be destroyed, and you know it.''
Taehyung whines, but says nothing.
There was a red light, making Jimin pull to a stop. He taps his fingers on the wheel, trying to ignore Tae's long fingers splayed on his leg.
-'' What about Bam?'' – Taehyung asks quietly.
-'' Bam is not my client.'' – Jimin says almost defiantly, but then huffs a breath and pushes back his annoyance. – '' He is smart enough not to talk, same as Lee, which is the only reason V, or should I say you, is not in the prison right now.''
He feels Taehyung's finger pooking at his thigh. --'' Please help him.''
Jimin's eyes narrow. The green light was on once more and he pressed gas again.
-'' Pretty please.'' – He asks in a whiny voice, poking his leg more intently.
Jimin makes an exasperated face. - '' Fine.'' – He says finally. – ''I'll go first thing in the morning, have him sign the representation agreement, giving me the power to do what I can to get him out. It might take a few hours, but I will get him out.''
Tae took one of his hands from the wheel and brought it to his lips. – '' Thank you, love.'' – He kisses it several times before allowing it to return to its previous position. Jimin softly smiles, still not turning.
-'' Where do you want to go?'' – He asks.
-'' Home.'' – Tae answers in a deep sigh.
Jimin arched his eyebrow in question. – '' Ours or yours?''
The hand was on his thigh again, this time squeezing it gently. – '' Ours.'' – Came the answer. – '' I need you, and I can deal with Jin Hyung right now. Joonie probably already knows what happened.''
-'' You should call them so they won't worry.'' – Jimin advised him.
-'' My phone died.'' – Tae waves his hand.
-'' Use mine.'' – Jimin reached into his inner pocket for his phone and place it in Tae's hand.
There was a groan, but the hand on his leg disappeared. When Jimin glanced he saw Taehyung typing a message. The answer came immediately. Taehyung huffs and types back. They went back and forth until Tae returns the device to him.
-'' Well?'' – He asks.
Taehyung groans. – '' The same as always, Jin was overly dramatic.''
-'' But at least they know you are safe.''
-'' Yeah.''
They drove in silence for a while. It was pleasant. After so many years together, the words were unnecessary anymore. The glance, the touch, the smile, the wink was enough for them to speak volumes.
Jimin knew that Taehyung felt bad right now, so he decided not to be angry at him at the moment. He took on a lighter note.
-'' I still can't believe that no one saw through that mask.'' – He says with a small smile.
Taehyung immediately grins, becoming animated.
- '' It's a good one, no?'' – He checks himself in the mirror, pretty pleased with himself.
-'' You look odious.'' – Jimin sniffs the air. – ''And you smell too.''
-'' Hey, I had to look and smell the part.'' – Tae chuckles. – '' Nah, I'm just kidding.'' – He says putting a placating hand on Jimin's shoulder. – '' I was chased at a full speed by your loverboy.'' – Taehyung grins at the memory.
Jimin cocks an eyebrow, glancing once at Tae, only to return his eyes to the road ahead. – '' Jungkook?'' – He asks, faking nonchalance. He knew Taehyung saw right through him but was sweetheart enough not to call him up on it.
-'' Mhmm...'' – Tae confirms. – '' I swear I felt like Pumba when Nala chased him.''
Jimin burst out laughing at that image, covering his mouth with one hand and tossing his head back, while still holding on to the wheel with the other.
Taehyung grins. – '' It was so amusing. He really doesn't give up, and he is so bloody fast – like a cheetah.''
-'' Tae, stop it! I will crush us, you know I can't see when I'm laughing.'' – Jimin squeak as he laughs and Taehyung just want to coo. He loves his little squeaks.
He feels Taehyung gloating. The man always loved to make him laugh, and Jimin adored that about him. Even in this weird mask, he could feel the satisfaction pouring out of him. Jimin glances at Tae and sighs. He disliked it. He knew Taehyung's other masks, they were brilliant, but there was something in this one that gave him the creeps. There was something in the way Taehyung did V's face, so ordinary, yet sleazy. When he acted normal as V, it didn't bother him at all, but if he began flirting with him, it instantly reminds him of his past and some of the perverts that came to ogle him as a child. Jimin hated it.
-'' I'm still amazed that he didn't see beneath the mask.'' – Jimin mused after a while.
Taehyung tsked with his tongue. – '' Impossible, I did the mask so realistically, he couldn't have.''
-'' Still, he was with you in that interrogation room for a while.'' – Jimin points out.
-'' Yeah, but he didn't expect the mask, and besides I made sure to irritate him a lot so he will lose his temper. Nice tip on that, by the way.''
Jimin smiles in melancholy. – '' I like how quickly you can mess with him. I miss that.'' – He adds.
-'' You miss his cock more.'' – Taehyung snorts loud.
-'' That too.'' – Jimin grins. – '' He has a very nice dick.''
Taehyung sniggered. – '' I know. You told me so many times already.'' - He groans loudly, stretching his limbs as much as he could in the small car. -'' I swear, I'm so hard right now after everything that happened.'' – He glances towards the blond. – '' He was getting so pissed off in that room, you can almost feel the electricity in the air, Jiminie.'' – Tae recalls Jungkook's posture and temper. – '' He was going full cop on me and I just wanted him to fuck me on that table.''
Jimin snorts. – '' That's not surprising.''
-'' I mean it.'' – Tae says. – '' He is one hell of a fine specimen.''
He returns to the road approaching the traffic light, easing the gas. -'' That he is.'' – Jimin murmurs and he stops at another red light.
Taehyung brushes his finger on the side of Jimin's jaw, as he stared at him in adoration.
Jimin shifted a bit uncomfortably when Tae's finger began sliding down his neck, and then up to his ear. He was getting aroused.
-'' Tae stop.'' – He nudges Tae's hand with his shoulder. – '' It's weird.''
-'' Why?'' – Taehyung asks, and Jimin fixes him with a glare.
-'' Because you feel like you, but you don't look yourself and it's weird. Plus, I'm driving.''
-'' You are not driving at the moment.'' – Taehyung's velvety voice sounded horny, and Jimin's own body instantly began turning on. –'' Wait until we get home. And you take off that ridiculous mask.'' – He adds a bit guarded.
Taehyung smiles seductively, making a funny face. – '' Are we gonna do hanky-panky.'' – He made his eyebrows move up and down in innuendo, which looked horrible on V's face. Jimin groans loudly, pushing him away.
-'' Eww, that's juts...what the fuck, Tae.''
Taehyung leaned back in his seat laughing, but then grew more solemn.
-'' What's wrong with this mask, Jiminie? I've noticed you always look at me weirdly when I put it on.'' – Taehyung wanted to know.
Jimin shudders. – '' I don't know what it is exactly. It's just....'' – Jimin struggles with words. – '' It's just the way you look. It reminds me of them...''
He doesn't have to say it because Taehyung knows what he means. One of the perverts. And even if V never treated Jimin with anything but love and respect Jimin still connected this persona with them, and he hated them.
Taehyung reassuringly touches his hand. – '' You should have told me the first time.''
-'' You already used it once before I saw it.'' – Jimin says.
-'' I would make another one.''
Jimin huffs a breath. – '' Don't be ridiculous, the contacts were already made with V.'' – Jimin stops to collect his thoughts. – '' Taehyungie, don't get me wrong, V's mask is excellent, easily forgettable, and he is an interesting character. I don't mind him normally, it's just when you get all sexy with me while looking like him...''
-'' Alright, alright, I understand. I'm sorry. I won't do it again.'' – Taehyung says quickly and kisses Jimins palm once before releasing it.
Jimin glances at the man next to him. V's face was so uncharacteristic for Taehyung's personality that it was insane, but maybe because he knew it was him, made all of this too weird for him. Taehyung had many masks he wore over the years, but only a few truly messed up with Jimin's mind. He knew Taehyung's past, he knew the reason why he had to wear them and to hide their relationship. Why does he have to be someone else when they are in public. It's to protect him, he knew that which is why Jimin did whatever he could to do the same for him.
Whenever they would travel together Tae was under a false name and disguise. They often daydreamed of living somewhere far away together, but it all goes back to the same thing – his brothers. Taehyung could never leave them, and Jimin didn't want him to. To him, Kims were his family, too.
In their nine years of relationship, they were never seen in the Korean public as anything other than the attorney and the client. Jimin lost count of just how many times he wanted to scream because of that. Not the mention that society still looked down on gay people as something unnatural and wrong. It was better to hide for too many reasons, neither of which Jimin liked. Still, they persevere. They were happy in their little bubble, in their stolen moments of intimacy, and Jimin never wanted anyone like Tae. He didn't need anyone else but him. And then Jungkook showed up, and Jimin was in trouble.
It wasn't the first time he and Tae played together with other men and women. But it was always fleeting, light and fun. Sometimes they would simply pick the person and then have fun individually, switching later on. They always went to the bars or the clubs where they knew the people there wanted just a bit of fun. The same plan was for Jungkook as well, but Jimin was blown away by how good their sex was. It was good as Tae and his, only different, the dynamics had a new flavour.
Jimin brushed his finger on his plump lips until the light changed and he changed gears.
-'' You know Jimin-ah. I've never seen you like this.'' – Tae's deep voice spoke in the silence.
Their eyes met and Jimin allowed them to slide down Taehyung's body, across the oversized hoodie, down to his pants where the obvious tent has formed. His glance shoots up to see forming a smile on Tae's, no...V's face.
Jimin gulps. – '' Like what?''
-'' So turned on.''
Jimin narrows his brows. –'' I'm not turned on.''
-'' Oh, yes you were, back then, when you spoke to Jungkook. You were stripping him with your eyes. He couldn't see because he was too angry, but I could. You really have hots for him.'' – He says almost too gently.
Jimin grumbles something and Tae's hand was at his nape, pressing softly, making his eyes start to droop.
-'' I understand that. I understand what he's doing to you.'' – He adds in the same gently manner, nails scratching at the back of Jimin's head. – '' There is that energy that follows him, I only ever felt it with you.''
Taehyung's voice was lulling him into a meditative state and Jimin had to move Tae's hand so he won't lose control of the vehicle.
Taehyung seems not to mind, his hand sliding down to rest on Jimin's thigh again. He hums. – '' He made me want him as well.''
Jimin kept his silence for only a few seconds, his tongue sliding to wet his lips. – '' Are you gonna go for him?'' – He asks without looking.
-'' Hmm... I think I will.'' – Taehyung answers.
Jimin gulps. – '' I wish you better luck than I had.''
-'' I'm still sorry for ruining that for you.'' – Tae says honestly. He really felt bad because of what happened.
-'' It wasn't your fault. I would have done it even if I knew what will happen.'' – Jimin says again.
The truth to be told, Jimin didn't want to defend An Baekhyun, but Seokjin asked him to. It was part of a much bigger plan, and of course, Jimin did it, even though that had cost him Jungkook. Still, he didn't let that beat him up too much.
Jimin glances at Taehyung. He looked so deeply in thought at that moment, eyes staring at the road ahead.
-'' Maybe, in time, he'll forgive you, and then we could have fun all three of us.'' – The man says with a sneaky smile.
Jimin wanted to chuckle, but he didn't. It wasn't funny for him. What he wanted wasn't just sex with Jungkook anymore. What he wanted was something more, but how on hell could he tell that to Taehyung.
You could, he is your soulmate. He'll understand. A small voice spoke in his head. Jimin ignores it. He tries to focus on the road, but all that talk of Jungkook made him restless. He glances at Taehyung's lap again and saw an even bigger tent in his pants than before. God, he loved how receptive his man is.
He takes his hand from the gear stick and placed it between Tae's spread legs, making him gasp. – ''Aah, Jimin-ah.''
Jimin felt how thick his cock is, and he squeezed around the shaft with his palm. Taehyung closed his eyes and released a small whimper of pleasure, bucking his hips into the hand, wanting more friction.
Their eyes met and Taehyung could see how the lust in Jimin's eyes change to confusion and then determination. –'' No, noup.'' – Jimin removes his hand, making Taehyung whine. Jimin glances at him again. – '' Not with that mask on.'' – He looks on the road, taking a turn. – '' I want my Tae.'' – He murmurs and drives.
When they finally arrive home, Taehyung went to his room where he kept his make-up. There was an entire process of getting the mask off, and Jimin knew he had time to shower.
He washed his body with his favourite peach body wash, hands sliding down around his cock. He squeezed it a few times and then let it slide further on the side, across his left asscheek, and right on his rim. He starts massaging himself there, adding more shampoo before he slid his fingers in. He gasps, imagining Jungkook's expert fingers in him. He mewled, remembering his strong muscled body on his. His mind switches on Tae then, imagining his lips around his length, bobbing his head as he swallows him deeper and faster. Oh, how Jimin wanted them both.
He didn't even realize when he put four fingers in, he just knew that he was frustrated because they weren't long enough. He let out a moan when he spreads his fingers, scissoring himself, He didn't hear him come in. He only felt Taehyung's arms around him, pulling him closer to the naked chest. Taehyung's lips were there on his neck and Jimin arched even more.
-'' Tae.'' – He whines, rolling his ass back at Taehyung's hard member. He felt Taehyung's hand removing his, and his long fingers filling him up. He quickly finds his sweet spot and Jimin saw stars. He turns his face to meet Taehyung's lips in a passionate kiss.
Fingers were replaced by Taehyung's leaking cock really fast after that. There wasn't time to waste for something gentle when both of them craved the speed and depth. They fucked hard, like never before.
-'' Imagine him fucking you like this.'' – Taehyung says, and Jimin's eyes widen.
-'' W-who?'' – Jimin asks as if his cock didn't twitch at Taehyung's words.
-'' You know who, Jiminie.'' – Taehyung snap his hips deeper. Jimin all but screams, legs shaking. -'' At least that's how I imagined Jungkook.'' – Taehyung purrs raspily in Jimin's ear, feeling the blond men shudder at the name. Taehyung licks his lips, catching Jimin's lobe in the process. – '' I want him to fuck you, while I fuck him like this.''
-'' Oh, God!'' – Jimin groaned loudly, body tensing in severe shudders as he painted the wall white with his cum, Taehyung grunting behind him, filling him up only several seconds later.
-'' Holy shit.'' – Jimin panted heavily, pressing his forehead into the cold tiles.
Taehyung chuckled darkly and kissed his shoulder. – '' We'll have some fun, the three of us. You'll see.''
Well, there you go. Vminkook is finally in one room together. And this is where the story starts to get interesting. This chapter was massive, but I thought it was necessary, so I hope you enjoyed it. In the next one, there will be some serious smut, and I know you were anticipating it.
Until Wednesday, take care, my darlings 💜💜💜
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