Chapter 32 - The ''Organization''
Yoongi had one hell of a morning. The action from yesterday, with Jungkook and Kims, and all the data he now had was mind-blowing. The Police Station's top officials were corrupted beyond redemption, considering all the bad things they covered over the years. They were really well-paid too. Yoongi couldn't stand it.
Still, there are some loyal and righteous ones. Jungkook's team for starters. With what Namjoon had told him, all of them were checked and clean as baby tears. Not to mention a few people in high positions who could do huge damage to those who chose to relinquish the law for dirty cash.
The evidence he and Moonbyul collected on their superiors, with help of Rkive, or Namjoon, as Yoongi now knew his true identity, which still shocked him and secretly thrilled him beyond means, Yoongi was now prepared to start the Phase 3 of his plan to rid the Law Enforcement of the rodent infestation. He just had to be very careful.
Those turncoats were after Jungkook now, trying to write the explosion as an accident, even though there was evidence to prove it, but since Jungkook was ''missing'', there was no one to voice it out, and Yoongi had to hide his involvement in this so he could stay on the case. That was vital. They were paid well to mess with the law, well...not any more, if Yoongi has anything to say about that.
Agreeing with Jin's plan, after Namjoon showed him all, without any holdback, Yoongi knew what he must do, so, he went down towards Jungkook's station. He needed reinforcement, and who is the best than a very pissed off, and very loyal team of detectives who want blood for their colleagues.
As he reached the hallway where the offices were, Yoongi heard one booming voice through a closed door.
-" Noona is in the hospital, and Jungkook is missing! We were attacked and everything is hushed up! And you tell me to let go!" - Jaebum roared, his voice could be heard all across the hall. Yoongi arched an eyebrow as he approached, finding half of Jungkook's team at the door, listening.
-" What's going on?"- Yoongi asks, and Jackson, Mark and Yugyeom turned when he spoke.
-" Chief Min." - They say in unison, bowing their heads in respect.
Yoongi waved a hand in dismissal of honorific, and Jackson answered. -" After everything that happened, we are ordered to do nothing."
Yoongi's brows furrow in displeasure.
-" We are told not to dig. That the special team will take over." - Yugyeom supplies.
Ah, yes, the special team. The one who will make sure the truth stays hidden, Yoongi mused.
-" It's bullshit!" - Gyeom growls and then remembers to whom he is talking. - "Sorry, Chief Min." - He bows his head. -" But they can't expect us to sit and do nothing when our friend is missing."
-" Yes, especially because the shooting in front of the bank is not a revenge for Jinyoung." - Jackson adds.
Now that piece of information was new to Yoongi. -" Oh?" - He prompts for more information.
-" The bullet specialist told us that Noona wasn't shot from the police gun as we previously thought."- Mark answers this time. -" We found two bullets buried inside the building's facade which match the gun from the patrol officer. The bullet that shoot Noona was from a different angle, and from another gun and we believe it was meant for Jungkook, but Noona got in his line of sight."
The blood in Yoongi's veins froze at this, and he barely stopped himself from shuddering. The Viper wants Jungkook dead.
-" Chief Min, have you heard from Jungkook? I can't get a hold of him, and I'm freaking out?" - Gyeom whispers.
Yoongi wanted to answer him, but they were in the open hall, where other colleagues stopped to listen out of curiosity to the heated argument in Chief Jeong's office, so Yoongi kept his silence for the time being.
Instead, Jackson speaks in a hushed tone. -" We went to his place, everything is torched, but his neighbours told us that he helped them, which means that he is alive. I can't tell you the relief I felt when I heard that."
Yoongi was thinking about what to say when Jaebum's voice boomed once more.
-" Those motherfuckers can't get away with this! Why are we not pursuing this trail while is still fresh?!"
-'' It's ordered from the above!'' – Chief Jeong hissed back, clearly not satisfied with this outburst, and feeling pressured from both sides to do something which could compromise his entire career, not the mention, his life, Yoongi thought, if not played well. He knew what a bad situation the man is in at the moment. Yoongi didn't wish to imagine what would feel like to be so constricted by the official rules that he must follow – lead his team, and listen to the orders. Especially if those orders come from traitors on functions. Yoongi fumed.
-'' Fuck those orders! They have no idea what is like being on the street and have to watch your colleagues in mortal danger!'' – Jaebum was on fire. His protectiveness and hunger for justice were bigger than his job, it seems.
-"Aish, he is gonna get himself suspended."- Jackson says worriedly.
-'' We can't afford another man out.'' – Mark agrees.
Chief Jeong answered something in a heated voice but was intangible. Yoongi knew he had to intervene. Chief Jeong is a good man, but stubborn and if you hurt his pride you will burn and Yoongi knew he had to stop Jaebum from digging himself a pit that he won't be able to get out of, especially since there were a lot of listening ears around, ready to add oil to the fire with gossip and lose tongues, not including Jungkook's team.
-" I'll go in and see if I can do something." - He says and steps towards the office. – '' You three stay close, I imagine you would be asked to come in, in a second.'' – He adds, observing the confusing, but determent faces of Jungkook's team.
He takes a deep breath, mentally preparing to be the pacifier in the heated argument that is happening and knocks on the door.
Taehyung was under his disguise as Jack. His prosthetics seemed suffocating today. He had no idea just how much he could take it anymore. Everything that had happened was maddening. Taehyung didn't know how else to deal with it. He had no fucking clue if Jungkook was dead or alive. The explosion at his apartment yesterday was a devastating blow, and neither Jungkook nor Yoongi answered their phones.
He didn't know where Jimin was, and he had no idea when his brothers gonna show up. The careful game they've played was coming to an end, and by the look of it, Taehyung wasn't sure anymore if they are gonna get out from this alive.
He was in Dong-Ho's headquarters again, listening to any sign of trouble, anything that he could intercept. He was in the attic again, listening to Dong-Ho's phone conversations. Things weren't going well for him. He had lost a hell of a lot of money and was starting to get panicky.
He would lash at anyone who came close and he shot one of his men this morning because they dared to complain about their money not arriving.
The rest of his two-legged dogs began growling lowkey. It was clear that they were all waiting for something to happen. Angry dogs are just as dangerous as wolves.
Checking the time, he knew he had to get back or they would wonder where he is. Now that he is a member of their group, his absence is duly noted. He leaves everything the way it was, checking if there is anyone before climbing down and going straight to join the others, but before he manages, the door of Dong-Ho's office opens and the man stepped out from the door.
He squints his eyes at Taehyung. – '' You are the new guy, Jack, right?'' – He asks.
Taehyung straightens his shoulders. – '' Yes, sir. New to the group, but not to the jobs.'' – His Daegu dialect was on point.
Dong-Ho nods. – '' Ah, yes. I remember Lau mentioned a man he can trust. I presume it's you?''
-'' Yes, sir.''
-'' Good. I will need you today. Meet me at the entrance at six sharp.'' – He orders and walks past him.
Taehyung bows, glad that his mask was able to trick him. – '' Yes, sir.''
This was serious now. He shouldn't be there, not so close. Jin wouldn't want it. He was supposed just to stay back and observe. But what was I supposed to do? Say no? Taehyung knew that wasn't an option, so he takes a long deep breath to calm his nerves and descend the stairs.
At a minute to six pm, he was waiting in the hall with five other men. Dong-Ho came just in time. They took two cars and drove to the location. Taehyung was glad he wasn't in Dong-Ho's car, but with other two men in the other.
-'' Do you have a gun with you, Jack?'' – Lau asked, turning slightly to glance at Taehyung at the back.
Taehyung nods, pulling his jacket away and showing the gun in the holster.
-'' Good.'' – Lau says approvingly, turning upfront.
-'' Do we expect any trouble?'' – Taehyung asks.
-'' We should always be prepared, you never know with these guys.'' – The man answers.
Taehyung nods.
-'' They always do what they want anyway, thinking they are better than us.'' – The driver, Minuk says bitterly.
-'' Yeah, long as they pay well, I don't care what they do.'' – Lau says. – '' Right, Jack?''
Taehyung nods instantly. – '' I'm here for the money, not for their virtue.'' – He says lazily.
Both men chuckle at that.
-'' You are a funny man, Jack.'' – Lau says with mirth.
They arrive at the destination some twenty minutes later. It was a private hangar for small aircraft and private jets.
-'' Let's go.'' – Lau says, and they all step out of the car. They followed Dong-Ho and others.
-'' They are late.'' – Dong-Ho growls. He hated when people are late. Taehyung thought that whoever he was supposed to meet, either didn't know about this fact, or they did, but they were doing it on purpose, just to piss him off. It was a sign of disrespect, and Dong-Ho hated disrespectful people.
Dong-Ho hated most of the people. Period.
Some five minutes later the door opened and four people showed up. Two of them were Koreans, while the other two were clearly Europeans. Taehyung just wasn't sure from which country. They were dressed prim and proper as the real gentlemen. Taehyung didn't miss the distasteful glare Dong-Ho had given to the two Korean men. Their smug faces showed that the hatred is mutual.
Dong-Ho's posture straightens, as he, seemingly, didin't expect the foreigners at all. His entire persona changes, from annoyed to amiable, and Taehyung is not the only one who notices that. His men were glancing at one another at Dong-Ho's polite bow and a smile.
-'' Sir. I wasn't expecting you. How do you do?'' – He asks in very well-spoken English, Taehyung was surprised.
It was to sound welcoming and slightly surprised, but the man in his late forties, with blond hair and blue eyes interrupts him with a raised hand.
-'' Let's skip the pleasantries, Mr Bak. We are here to investigate serious allegations against you.''
His accent was Austrian, maybe German, Taehyung wasn't sure.
-'' Alligations? I don't understand, sir.''
Another man, tall, with darker skin steps forward. – '' Robert Edwards, private attorney.'' – He says in his posh British accent. – '' I represent the collective interests and rights to the private group, better known as the ''Organization'', which you were the member of, until recently.''
Dong-Ho's eyes narrow at that. – '' ''Were'' a member?'' – He arches his eyebrows and blinks a few times as he asks.
Mr Edwards gives a curt nod. -'' You were accused of misuse of the name, resources, and cause of ''Organization'' for your own illicit purposes, so thereby you are temporarily excluded from the membership until proven otherwise.''
Edwards went to the taller Korean and place the briefcase in his outstretched hands. He pulls up a thick file and opens it up.
-'' We've received numerous evidence against you in a way of video, audio and written form.'' – He continues in a professional tone, offering the documents and pictures one by one to Dong-Ho as he spoke.
Oh, they've done it. They really did it. Taehyung thought in his head, feeling such pride for his brothers that his chest might have burst.
Dong-Ho's eyes watched the photographs of himself with well-known criminals, most of them are now dead, arrested or wanted by the police.
-'' This all is a lie, a clever made edits and fakes.'' – He says calmly. – '' I have never done anything illegal, all my work was duly reported to the ''Organization'' as well as where the records of their money. It's all clean. What you were given was a lie to slander my name.'' – He glances at the two Koreans. – ''Again.'' – Dong-Ho adds.
The lawyer looks at him calmly, and when Dong-Ho had finished his defence, he stepped in, carrying now a long list. – '' These are monetary transactions between you and all of these people from the images and documents.'' – He said. – '' Your bank accounts don't lie. These assets were not accounted for in the ''Organization'' archives, which means that they were attentionally kept hidden from their notice.''
This man was vicious, cold-blooded and efficient. Taehyung thought. He was different from Jimin, who used his charm to spread his convictions. Robert Edwards was a merciless slayer in the courtroom.
Dong-Ho's eyes flashed. – '' You had no authority or right to go through my bank accounts.'' – He says in a dangerous tone.
The lawyer was unmoved by this intimidation. He looks at him with half-lidded eyes. – '' Oh, but we do, Mr Bak.'' – He says, pulling the document from his inner pocket.
-'' This contract was made when you joined the ranks of the ''Organization''.''' – He shows the paper in his hands, opening it up. – '' In section 5, paragraph 3, stands that – The ''Organization'' has the right to observe, investigate, or intervene in the dealings of its members if any suspicious misconduct or allegations arises, concerning the name and work of the ''Organization'' itself. – so you see, Mr Bak, we do have every right. This is your signature here, yes?'' – He points at the last page where Dong-Ho's name stood. – '' Signed on 24th of November 2010. You knew exactly what you are signing up for.''
The cold dark eyes observed Dong-Ho like a predator circling his prey. -'' There are also witnesses that vouched for these pieces of evidence.'' – Edwards continues, and Taehyung's heart drummed faster. – '' The information they gave shows the way...''
Dong-Ho, however, didn't listen to the man but turned to the blond one, who seemed in charge.
-'' Sir, this is a misunderstanding.'' – Dong-Ho says, still in English. – '' Let me explain.''
Edwards raises his hand. – '' I'll ask you not to interrupt when I'm speaking. If you have anything to say, please refrain until I'm done.''
The vein on Dong-Ho's forehead pulsed, and he was fuming. This wasn't the thing Dong-Ho was used to. He wasn't used to being quieted or put in place. Taehyung knew he was on the edge to take out the gun and just shoot the man.
-'' I won't do that if I were you, Bak.'' – The sleek handsome Korean man spoke in a soft voice, as he recognized the sighs as well. His hair was combed back, cut very short on the sides, and he wore a black suit. His face was bare, and his eyes gleamed with cold animosity. – '' We have people stationed around.''
He waves his finger in the air and a few red dots showed on Dong-Ho's chest and his head. Several others were on Dong-Ho's men as well, who stood frozen. Taehyung looks at the red dot on his heart. Snipers. They brought snipers. He thinks in shock.
-'' I would think twice before I pull out that gun.'' – The sleek man added. Taehyung was admiring his calm way of speaking, his posture and that ire in his eyes.
The blond man shakes his head. – '' Was this really necessary, Mr Kwon?''
But it was the other, taller Korean man that answered. – '' You don't know Mr Bak like we do, Counsellor.'' – The man almost spits Dong-Ho's name out. – '' He had earned his code name ''Viper'' fair and square.''
-'' What Mr Choi wanted to say...'' – Kwon explains. – '' Is that Mr Bak is well-known for attacking from the shadows in a not honourable way.''
-'' Fuck you, Kwon, you are not any better than me.'' – Dong-Ho hisses at the man in Korean, his polite manner long gone and his vile nature came through.
Kwon's eyes flashed but he didn't retaliate.
Dong-Ho turns toward the Counsellor.
-'' I had never misused or slander the name of ''Organization'' or its members.'' – Dong-Ho says. – '' I was always respectful and deeply honoured to be a part of your ranks. I would never shame myself by talking ill of our group.''
His voice was serious, and to some, he might have seemed sincere, but Taehyung knew him better than that, and so did Kwon and Choi.
-'' As I was saying.'' – Edwards steps in again. – '' We have the witnesses, who support these accusations thoroughly, and had given the proof that counters the words you've just spoken not a few seconds ago.''
Dong-Ho grits his teeth. – '' You have nothing.'' – He spat, but then the lawyer gave a signal to the back. The door opened and Kim Seokjin, followed by his brother Namjoon and several other hard-looking men, stepped in.
Taehyung's heart jumped in joy seeing them.
Dong-Ho stared like he'd seen a ghost. – ''S-Seokjin? are alive?''
-'' Not what you've expected, I know.'' – Jin retorts, scanning the room and Dong-Ho's men.
He is looking for me. Taehyung thought. He hasn't seen him in this disguise yet.
-'' Mr Kim, if you be so kind.'' – Edwards says, signalling for Seokjin to step in.
Jin just tilts his head, looking straight at Dong-Ho and raises his hand with the small recording. He presses the button and the sound of Dong-Ho's voice echoed from it.
-'' It doesn't matter what we do. Those arrogant assholes will make sure we walk free. I'll have them convinced that it's all just a misunderstanding like it happened before, and those fools will believe it. They can't see anything from their own ego and a hard stick up their asses anyway.''
Dong-Ho was getting paler and paler by the seconds, at Taehyung watches the eyes of the two Koreans flash with anger.
-'' Will they do it though?'' – It was Jin's voice. – '' Surely, the ''Organization'' will do everything to stay out of the mess.''
Dong-Ho, on the record, chuckles darkly. – '' The ''Organization'' will do everything to cover its members. It's what they do. They protect their own and that's why there are so many of them all around the world. ''
There was a pause and then Dong-Ho continues. – '' That's not your worry, Seokjin. Just do your damn job so your pathetic brothers don't get the bullet, you hear me?''
Jin stops the recording, and Edwards nods his head at him. – '' Thank you Mr Kim.'' – He turns to Dong-Ho. – '' I think we could all agree that this is you on the recordings.''
-'' Even I recognized you Mr Bak.'' – The Counsellor says, eyes flashing. –'' Even though I didn't understand it at first, your kind colleagues Mr Kwon and Mr Choi kindly translated for me. You remember them, I believe?''
The vein on Dong-Ho's forehead pulsed and he looked left and right from the corner of his eyes, to check his men. Taehyung glanced as well, they were not happy. They haven't understood half of it what was spoken in English, but they understood that Dong-Ho was stupid enough to insult the people that protected him.
-'' As we are not in the process of publicly extricating our members to the outside law.'' – Edwards continues. – '' We are here to relieve you of all of your assets.''
-'' What!?'' – Dong-Ho growls.
-'' Under section 5, paragraph 17...'' – Edwards begins, but is interrupted by a snarling Dong-Ho.
-'' Be damned with your sections and paragraphs! You can shove it in your ass!''
The grin on Edwards's face was wicked, as he continues in a calm voice. – ''In case of illegal action, fraud, misuse of the trust and the decree of the ''Organization'', the ''Organization'' has the power to restrain, engage or thus take control over private assets of their members until their debt to the ''Organization'' is fully paid, or misconduct surrounding the name, beliefs, and work of the ''Organization'' is substantially handled by the law and the rules of the ''Organization'' itself.''
Edwards arches an eyebrow. – ''And with the all evidence we are provided, as well as a detailed confession of Mr Kim and Mr Kim as well as a few others, you have, not only misuse the name and trust of the ''Organization'' but you've also slandered their name and used it as a cover for your illegal actions.''
-'' We do not tolerate this kind of behaviour.'' – The Counsellor hisses at Dong-Ho. – '' You made a lot of damage, a whole lot of it. And what's more, you made those people believe that we are behind this, supporting you! I swear, I never heard of such villainy.''
Dong-Ho's jaw was clenching, and Taehyung saw that he was on the edge of losing his control.
-'' You will be officially removed from the ''Organization'' and all of your privileges will be revoked.''- The Counsellor adds. – '' I have nothing more to say to you, but you will pay for all the damage you inflicted upon us.''
He turns and leaves, Kwon, Choi and Edwards with him. The snipers' dots disappear with them, and Taehyung could breathe again.
-'' Wait!'' – Dong-Ho shouts. – '' You can't do this to me!''
-'' There's no point fighting, Dong-Ho.'' Jin says in a calm voice. – ''You will be escorted by these gentlemen to the custody where you will await a trial for your crimes. '' – He points at the dangerous-looking men behind himself and Namjoon.
Dong-Ho glared at Jin. -'' You motherfucker.'' – He spat, shaking his head, and almost chuckling. – ''You brilliant, fucking motherfucker. I knew I should have killed you a long time ago, and your fucking brothers.''
Jin just tilted his head, looking at him calmly. His eyes were knowing and cunning, his shoulders relaxed and his hands resting in the insides of his trousers' pockets. He didn't say a word, he didn't need to, his eyes were telling volumes and Dong-Ho knew he is done.
He laughs darkly, his raspy voice sounded sinister. – '' You think you can rid of me that easily, Seokjin?'' – He asks. – '' Even if you kill me, you won't be free.'' – He glared at Jin with hate. – '' They will come for you, and I'm not talking about that posh fuckers from Europe. Fuck them.'' – He growls.
Jin stayed calm as he usually does, his eyes looking at him coldly. – '' I wouldn't worry much about your men, Dong-Ho.'' – He said, taking a step closer. He could feel Namjoon tensing, ready to react. Taehyung forced himself to stay calm.
-'' Your men will not be there to do anything. Especially not to ''avenge'' you. '' – Jin's voice was cruel and mocking, which he knew Dong-Ho hated with all of his might. – '' They do whatever for whoever pays them good, and trust me, I have the money.''
Taehyung could see Lau and Minuk share a glance, as well as several other men. No one was loyal to Dong-Ho. Taehyung thinks.
The tension in the room was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.
-'' As for your henchmen and associates...'' – Jin continues calmly, hands behind his back, shoulders straight as he stood proud and handsome. – '' ...they are getting arrested by the special teams right this moment. And boy, will they fail.'' – Jin chuckles. He looks at Dong-Ho's men. – '' I'll pay double of what he's been paying you.'' – He says in a louder voice.
Dong-Ho growls and takes a step forward but Namjoon was there, blocking his way.
-'' Come any closer and the last thing you will hear is your spine break in half.'' – Namjoon hiss. His dragon-like eyes bore deeply into Dong-Ho's. They were almost similar in size, and Jin was now glad his brother spent so much time in the gym. He looked dangerous.
Dong-Ho chuckled but stops. – '' You wild mutt. I should've put you down long ago. The same with your faggot brother, but I don't see him around anymore.''
Namjoon started to move, but a hand on his chest stops him. – '' Easy.'' – Jin says.
-'' They will get out.'' – Dong-Ho spat at Jin. – '' You can't keep them locked.''
-'' Aaah, but you see, your friends in the Police and Government are going down as well. The Police Department is making a thorough sweep of their ranks.'' – Jin says satisfactorily. – '' Something about USB file.''
Dong-Ho was growling now, his gun pointed at Jin's head, and he was almost pulling the trigger. Taehyung was ready to move his gun at him, but the man Lau did that instead of him.
-'' I won't do that if I were you.'' – His gun was pointed at Dong-Ho's head, who glances at him, eyes bulging out of his head. –'' Sorry, ''Boss'', but he has the money.'' – Lau says, nodding at Jin and grinning. If the rest of the men didn't know what to do, they were convinced now. One by one they pointed their guns at Dong-Ho, joining Lau. Except for two. Dong-Ho and Taehyung himself.
Taehyung didn't know why, but his entire body screamed for him to stay calm and do nothing. He watched his oldest brother's eyes and saw distaste in them. Namjoon's, on the other hand, widen slightly in recognition. He opens his mouth slightly, not uttering a word.
Just then, the group of some fifteen men burst into the room, all carrying the automatic weapons, surrounding them with the guns at the ready. Dong-Ho uses Lau's distraction with the newcomers to crush the man's throat with his fingers, hitting the gun out of the way. - '' You bunch of ungrateful bastards. Kill them! '' – He growls.
The newcomers opened fire instantly. Namjoon covers Jin and they crash to the floor, trying to avoid the bullets. Taehyung and Dong-Ho did the same. The others were too slow and too stupid.
In the end, the only ones from the former company, who were still alive were Dong-Ho, the Kim brothers, and the old man Jack. Dong-Ho kicks Namjoon in the face, and catches Jin, pointing the gun at his head. – '' You are going to pay for this, Seokjin.'' – He growls in Kim's face. Taehyung knew that Dong-Ho loves to torture his victims first. He will not kill his brother right this second which meant that there's still a chance. He, however, saw that Namjoon was about to attack again and get himself killed, so Tae did the only thing he could think of. He jumped on his brother's back, pointing his gun under Namjoon's chin.
-'' Valiant choices are so stupid sometimes.'' – He says in Jack's voice, but he knew in the way Jin's body froze, that he definitely recognized Taehyung now. He recognized the words. They are the same he told Taehyung once.
-'' You are a good man, Jack. The only loyal one.'' – Dong-Ho nods in approval, looks down at Jin and then around the room and began to laugh. He laughed so hard.
Something bright draws Taehyung's attention and he looks to the door where the new figure, dressed in the white suit, just entered the room. It was An Baekhyun.
He looks around at all the dead bodies with disgust and then approaches Dong-Ho. – ''Good to see you, my friend.'' – Dong-Ho says.
-'' Indeed, my friend. You call and I come.'' – The words uttered were so fake and so slimy that Taehyung almost rolled his eyes.
Dong-Ho stands up, pulling Jin to his knees in front of him. He turns to Baekhyun. – '' So, tell me what's going on.''
-'' Be calm and don't make him angry.'' – Taehyung whispers in Namjoon's ear and pulls him into a kneeling position next to Jin. He, himself, takes another gun from the floor and then stands up, holding both pointed at the back of his brother's heads.
He watched the man around the hangar, checking it for any men left, finishing off those who were still breathing. Clearly, they do not intend to leave anyone alive. I love my intuition. Fucking hell. Taehyung thought as his heart drummed like crazy.
Dong-Ho and Baekhyun talked, and Taehyung was thinking fast. He knew that if he kills Dong-Ho, he will be dead, but at least he'll take the bastard with him. He grips his gun but then Jin shifts, tilting his head only a bit so Tae could see the side of his face. Jin swallows and shakes his head. It was a very careful and silent signal. Do not do anything.
-'' What shall we do with them?'' – One of the armed men asked.
Both Dong-Ho and Baekhyun look toward two Kims.
-'' Seokjin comes with me. You can kill the other one.'' – Dong-Ho orders, and Namjoon's and Jin's eyes went wide with fear.
-'' No.'' – Taehyung says loudly and freezes. Dong-Ho's eyes were on him.
-'' What?!''
-'' Don't kill him boss.'' – Taehyung says, thinking frantically of an excuse why Namjoon should be kept in life. – '' He could be useful. I heard he is extremely smart with the computers, a lot more than he shows.''
-'' His computer usage is mediocre, Jack. Don't trust everything you hear.'' – Dong-Ho says, a bit relaxed now.
-'' He is Rkive.'' – Taehyung says, meeting Namjoon's eyes.
-'' What did you call him?'' – It was An Baekyhun who spoke, eyes going wide.
-'' Umm... Rkive.'' – Taehyung repeats.
Dong-Ho's furrowed brows meet Baekhyun. – '' Do you know what he's talking about?''
-'' Oh, yes.'' – The man in white answers. – '' I've heard a lot about him.''
He then looks at Jack. – '' Are you sure?''
Taehyung nods. – '' Yes. One of my acquaintances disappeared when he sniffed too close. He claimed he...'' – He points at Namjoon. –'' Rkive, and wanted to find the proof, but he disappear soon after. I guess he was too close to the truth.''
Baekhyun glances at Namjoon with hunger at Jack's words. – '' Don't kill him.'' – He said to Dong-Ho. –'' Give him to me instead.''
Dong-Ho scowls more, looking from Namjoon to Beakhyun. – '' You want him, Baek?''
-'' Yes, I do. I have some unfinished business with this persona.'' – He huffs a laugh. – '' I had no idea that it was him.''
-'' It's just gossip.'' – Dong-Ho says.
Baekhyun shrugs his shoulders. – '' Only one way to find out.'' – He says. – '' Besides, I could always kill him if it proves he's not.''
Dong-Ho looks at him for a long moment. – '' Fine, but I want that third bitch caught.''
Baekhyun's face narrows in confusion. – ''Who?''
-'' The third Kim, the faggot.'' – Dong-Ho spits, and Taehyung felt his insides go livid.
-'' Oh, yes. Well, I believe you don't need my help with that.''
Dong-Ho grins. – '' Oh, no. I can manage.'' – He turns to Jack. – '' Pull him on his feet.'' – He points his gun at Jin. - '' We are going.''
Baekhyun approaches Namjoon, cupping his chin to tilt his head. – '' We are gonna have fun together.'' – He laughs sinisterly while Namjoon shook from anger.
Taehyung was leading Jin, hand on Jin's wrists.
-'' Hyung.'' – He whispers quietly and Jin touches his hand with his fingers in understanding.
They went outside and saw the police and special units waiting for them, making them stop in their tracks.
-'' Police, freeze!'' – Came a shout and Dong-Ho growled, firing several hits at the police while dragging himself and Seokjin away, with Jack in tow. The rest of An Baekhyun's men opened fire as well but began falling one by one to the snipers.
Fuck. They don't know who I am. Taehyung realizes as he ducked behind the car. Baekhyun was pulling back, holding Namjoon, but the man jerks away from his grip and surges right into Dong-Ho, toppling him down on the ground, behind one SUV. A series of bullets could be heard hitting the steel of the vehicle.
Dong-Ho growled, punching Namjoon in the face, whose hands were still bound behind his back.
Dong-Ho reaches for his gun which fell from his hand when Namjoon rushed at him, but it was kicked away, by none other than Jungkook, who had his gun pointed at Dong-Ho.
-'' You move, you die.'' – The detective says coldly. He was wearing a bulletproof vest, a gun and a serious expression. Taehyung nearly yelled for him. Seeing him alive made his heart flutter.
More cops showed up as well, unarming some of the wounded men. Others were dead.
Jeabum came next to Jungkook. -'' Taemin. Onew, everything clean?'' - Jaebum asked in his earpiece, holding the gun pointed at Baekhyun. – ''Good. Let's wrap it up, no mistakes!'' – He shouts.
Baekhyung grips Jin around his neck and uses him as a shield, his gun at Jin's temple.
-'' Don't move! Drop the gun!'' – Jaebum growls.
-'' I have no intention of doing that!'' – Baekhyun yells. – '' You start the car.'' – He tells Taehyung. – '' Stay back! I will kill him if any of you come after us.''
-'' No you won't.'' – Taehyung says pointing his gun under his chin.'' – He saw more cops showing up with the guns.
-'' You fucking turncoat.'' – Baekhyung hisses but moves his hands in surrender. Taehyung takes the gun and pushes him to his knees. He reaches for his mask, but the facial prosthetics gave away at the hard pull, and a big part of Jack's features and his wig goes off. He ruffles his hair and grins. – '' I never was yours, nor his...'' – He nods at Dong-Ho. - '' the first place.'' – He says.
-'' Taehyung!'' – Jungkook calls him and their eyes met. Taehyung gives him a huge smile.
Dong-Ho roars and uses Jungkook's distraction to kick him in the arm, taking his gun and pointing straight at Taehyung.
Several shots blasted before he could even pull the trigger. Dong-Ho was hit five times by five different guns.
-'' Taehyung!'' – Jungkook shouts, jumping for his gun and checking for Dong-Ho's pulse. There was none.
He runs where Taehyung were. – '' Are you alright? You are not hurt?'' – He asked, hands touching his face and his arms to check for wounds.
Taehyung just shakes his head and smiles warmly. – '' No, I'm fine now.''
Jungkook gives him the promising look and then proceeds to remove the bonds from Jin's wrists.
-'' Detective Jeon, am I pleased to see you.'' – Jin says with a smirk.
-'' I would be there sooner but we had some trouble on the way.'' – Jungkook answered.
-'' Nothing too serious I hope?'' – Jin asks, and Jungkook grins.
-'' No. Nothing big, just some dirty cops.''
Jin grins. – '' I take Min Yoongi did his part.''
Jungkook's smile widens. – '' Perfectly.'' – He says, feeling proud of his Hyung.
-'' Taehyung!''
It was Namjoon who ran towards them, free from his bonds. His lip was bleeding, and he had a nice bruise on his cheek, but otherwise, he was alright. He squeezed Jin's shoulder and hugged his younger brother.
Taehyung, who still held An Baenkyun under a gunpoint, could just grin.
Jungkook approaches the kneeling man in white, who cause him so much trouble and two months of suspension. -'' Well, well... look who we have here.'' – He says in a mocking voice, not trying to hide the huge satisfaction he felt. He looks An Baekhyun in the eyes. – '' There's no Park Jimin or Dong-Ho to get you out of your mess this time.''
An Baekhyun gritted his teeth. – '' Fuck you.'' – He hisses.
Jungkook makes a face. – '' Oh, no, not interested, but I know guys from prison who would love to make you cry in the showers.''
The man growls, and Jungkook reaches for his hands to handcuff him. – '' An Baekyung, you are under arrest.'' – He says with deep satisfaction and went to recite his rights.
Oh, finally, the bastard has fallen. The game was played and the filth was caught (or killed). The cleanup will be a long process, but I have all faith in Min Yoongi and Namjoon.
There is one last chapter on Wednesday, and we are done with the story. I'm so happy you have been with me so far. Thank you. I hope things weren't too rushed for you and that the story had a nice flow. You will have a treat in the next one because we will have that happy ending and smut.
Take care, my lovely darlings 💜💜💜
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