Chapter 25 - Whispers In The Shadows
-'' Hey, Kook, how long until you go back on the field?'' - Jackson asks, observing Jungkook's launched form on his desk, playing solitaire on his computer.
Jungkook's ribs didn't hurt anymore and he even began exercising little by little, still waiting for the green light from Taehyun that it's alright to go back in action.
He straightens to stretch his back and then leans in his chair again, glancing at the calendar. – '' Three more days, and then I'm officially free.''
-'' It seems like you are more punished to stay in the office than working. '' – Mark chuckles.
Jungkook groans. – '' Yeah, it looks that way.''
-'' Well, at least you have some action, unlike some of the people here I know.'' – Jaebum says from his place, pointedly looking towards Jackson's and Mark's desks.
-'' Hey!'' – Jackson protests loudly. – '' We are working our butts off.''
-'' I didn't mean that kind of action, Jacks.'' – Jaebum winks and grins.
Realizing the joke, Jackson groans and flips him a middle finger. The rest in the office chuckle.
-'' You can say whatever you want JB, but our records speak for themselves.'' – Mark points out smugly. Jackson nods in agreement.
-'' You do when Jungkook gets in danger for you.'' – Jaebum continues his merciless teasing.
This time Mark is also flipping him off and Jaebum grins in satisfaction.
-'' Well, at least Kook has some action on the field since his sex life is dry as the Sahara desert.'' – Gyeom adds as we walk in, three steaming hot mugs in his hands. He places one on Jackson's table, the second on Jungkook's, who uses his closeness to try and kick him in his but, which Yugyeom barely avoids.
-'' Careful.'' – He warns, grinning, as he moved away with his mug.
-'' Fuck off, you are on to talk Gyeom.'' – Jungkook retorts. – '' I haven't heard you went on any dates lately. And thanks by the way.'' – He nods towards the coffee.
-'' That's why he uses Kakao Talk for quickies.'' – Jeabum adds mischievously.
Gyeom looks at him in a slight annoyance. – ' I'll never tell you anything again, Hyung.''
-'' There's nothing to be ashamed of, bro. Every healthy single man does that.'' – Jackson shouts from his place.
-'' Yes, ask the expert, he can tell you all about being stood up on the date.'' – Mark jabs.
Jungkook laughs at Jackson's betrayed face.
-'' You traitor.'' – The blond says, glaring at his work partner and then turning towards Gyeom. – '' They are both assholes. Let us ask for a partner change. You and I would work nicely. Let those two fuck themselves.''
-'' Ouch, so savage, Jacks.'' – Jaebum fake shudders, his eyes gleamed with joy.
-'' You have no idea what little prick he is.'' – Mark says to Jackson, nodding towards Gyeom. – '' He will let you have a false sense of security and comfort for three days max and then he would start rattling your cage that you will beg me to take you in.''
-'' Three days?'' – Jaebum asks, arching his eyebrow. – '' Try two.''
-'' One and a half.'' – Jungkook adds.
-'' Don't believe the work they say, Hyung.'' – Yugyeom defends himself. – '' I will be an angel.''
The entire office burst out laughing, Gyeom as well.
Just then someone comes in, and Jungkook follows Jackson's eyes to see who just came in. His heart jumps in joy when he recognizes the high cheekbones and a sunny smile of his Hyung.
-'' Hobi Hyung, hey!'' – He jumps on his feet.
Hoseok radiants warmth, looking so effortlessly handsome in his cool style. His hair parted in the middle, nice light brown with a few lighter strands.
-'' Hey, Jungkookie.'' – Hoseok smiled warmly and patted Jungkook on his back. – '' How are you?''
He then turns toward the rest of them, enveloping them in his smile as well, greeting them all, since he knew half of them already. The other half was soon acquainted.
-'' Hyung, I didn't expect you. Have you come to visit Yoongi Hyung?' – Jungkook asks.
-'' No, I actually came to see you. Have you eaten? Let Hyung buy you food.'' – Hoseok says, patting Jungkook's shoulder.
-'' Must be nice to have Hyung who treats your food.'' – Gyeom sighs in self-pity.
Jaebum looks at him grimly. – '' I wouldn't complain if I were you.'' – He says. – '' Only yesterday did Jinyoung share food with you, and I took you for meat a week before that, you ungrateful brat.''
The devilish smile came to Gyeom's face. – '' Only because I have to ask first.''
-'' Now, now, Gyeomie, next time Hyung will treat you as well.'' – Hoseok laughs at this exchange.
-'' Na-ah. He eats a lot, Hyung.'' – Jungkook adds quickly, shaking his head.
Yugyeom glares at him. – '' You eat just as much as me, if not more.'' – He complains.
Jungkook nods. – '' Which is exactly why I care for my Hyung's wallet.''
Hoseok tosses his head back, covering his mouth as he laughed in delight.
-'' Hyungie!'' – Comes a soft voice from the door. – '' I thought I'd smelled your perfume as I walked by.''
The group turned towards the door and watch in bewilderment as Hwasa threw herself in Hoseok's ready arms. He laughs cheerfully.– '' How is my darling?'' – He asks her, smiling warmly.
They start talking while everyone just watched them in shock, mostly because they had never seen Hwasa so nice towards anyone. She was like a kitten with Hoseok, with a big bright smile, which made Jungkook chuckle at the others' reactions.
-'' I came to pick up, Jungkookie. I have something to talk about with him, but next time you should definitely join.'' – Hobi says, and she smiles, nodding. It was Hoseok's gift. People loved him. Extroverts loved him. Introverts loved him. Males, females, jocks, nerds, rebels, artists, everyone loves Hoseok, and Jungkook felt proud because he was his dongsaeng.
He stood up, putting on his jacket. – '' I'm ready, Hyung.''
They quickly say their goodbyes and leave the station, but not before Hwasa plants a kiss on Hobi's cheek. Jackson fell from his chair from shock.
Once they were out, Jungkook looks at the other man. – '' Are you really hungry, Hyung? I just ate not two hours ago.''
Hoseok clicks his tongue. – '' Not really, I just came back from the lunch meeting. Wanna grab coffee instead?''
Jungkook grins. – ''Yeah, and a chocolate muffin. I'm in the mood for something sweet.''
Hoseok mimics his expression. – '' Deal.''
Hoseok talked about nothingness, probably waiting for a particular moment to tell Jungkook why he came to see him so suddenly at work. Jungkook knew his tactics, so he waited patiently. They grab the takeaway coffee, with Jungkook munching his muffin when Hoseok finally spoke. – '' I have a name for you.'' – He took a sip from his cup, smacking his lips with satisfaction. – '' You asked me to open my eyes and ears on some intel, and one name came across only once.''
Jungkook furrowed his brows.
-'' You know my job is to make sure my clients are satisfied?'' – He asks and Jungkook nods. He indeed did know. Hoseok's job was the rich clientele. He managed their investments, their special purchases, their secrets. Whatever they need, and as long it's legal, Hoseok could get it for you, or connect you with the person who can. His endless archive with contacts and names is so huge that Jungkook suspected even Hoseok don't know the true extent of it.
-'' Because of that...'' – He continues. – ''... I get around plenty of people and places, and I'm privy to different types of information, a lot of which I am bound by law and decree of client secrecy not to divulge, as you well known.''
Jungkook nods at that.
-'' Does the name Bak Dong-Ho means anything to you?'' – Hoseok asks and Jungkook blinks a few times, not recognizing the name.
-'' Noup, I can't say it does.'' – He admits.
-'' Neither to me at first, but when the name ''Viper'' was mentioned...''
Jungkook's eyes grew wide and he stares at him allowing the information to sink in properly.
Hoseok continues his speech. –'' ...then I knew I heard about him from you.''
Jungkook blinks a few times. – '' Hyung, are you telling me that this guy Bak, is the ''Viper''?''
Hoseok nods. – '' It seems so, according to my sources.''
-'' Are they reliable?''- Jungkook asks, watching Hoseok nodding his head before he even managed to finish the question.
-'' They are very reliable.'' – Hobi reassures.
-'' Alright, that's awesome, Hyung. Truly brilliant. Thank you.'' – Jungkook says gratefully.
Hoseok huffs that it was nothing and that he would do anything for his little cutie bun-bun. Jungkook groans at the nickname. Hoseok and Yoongi got in their head to use it from time to time, which drove Jungkook insane. Still, he never made a big fuss about it.
Hoseok who hasn't noticed Jungkook's annoyed expression or maybe didn't care for that muses more to himself.– '' It strange that none of my contacts from here knew about him. I had to go to Europe to find out something.''
-'' Now, Hyung, be careful.'' – Jungkook warned worryingly. – '' Don't go around asking people about the name, who knows who it is and what consequences it might have.''
Hoseok laughs some more. – '' Don't worry, Jungkookie. I'm not an amateur. I know when and who to ask. '' – He taps the side of his nose. – '' But you ought to check your database, maybe there is something more there.''
Jungkook nods. – '' I will ask Noona. Thanks, Hoseokie Hyung.''
Hoseok's smile didn't leave his face as he continued. – '' Maybe it's nothing, but I have that feeling that this name could mean something to you.''
Jungkook glanced at his sunny Hyung and wrap his arm around Hoseok's waist, bringing him closer for a quick side hug. – ''I'll check it out. Thank you, Hyung, truly.''
Some half an hour later Jungkook went straight to Moonbyul noona, asking her to check the name. The basic search didn't give any results, but it did make Moonbyul tilt her head with one eyebrow raised in challenge before she murmured... – '' No data? We'll see about that.'' - ...chacking her knuckles before shooing Jungkook out so she can begin digging in earnest.
Jungkook sighed and went to his office, chatting a bit with Gyeom, before a bunch of documents came for him to read through and cross-reference with Hwasa's and Jinyoung's cases. Yoongi was very thorough, and he made sure that Jungkook is utterly occupied while he was stuck in the office.
Somewhat later he got a call from Moonbyul. He went to her immediately.
-'' Bak Dong-ho, born in 1971, in the outskirts of Gwangju.'' – Moonbyu reads from her screen as soon as he came in.
-'' Slow down, let me write it down.'' – Jungkook quickly sat down, taking the pen and his block out. He scribbles the information on it and looks at Noona. – '' Go.''
- ''His school records show that he was at the top of his generation, a very promising future. His family died in a traffic collision when he was thirteen and ever since then he disappeared from the world. But I mean utterly disappear.'' – Moonbyl says, tapping something on her computer. Her hair was a bit ruffled as she raked her fingers through it many times in the duration of her search. Strands were escaping her ponytail which was nice and sleek when she came to work this morning.
- '' I mean the late 80s were not so abundant with internet information as they are now...'' – She continues. –'' I only managed to find a passport and ID issued on the name of Bak Dong-Ho in 1989 when he turned 18, but after that, he was all but disappear.'' – She says frustratingly.
She leaned back in her chair, huffing annoyingly. She hated when she can't find the information she know was there, but hidden, or worse, erased from existence.
-'' Let's just say, the new online life began with new millennia...'' – She gestures with her hands, still looking frustratingly at the screen as if he refused to tell her the secret. – ''...but he still stayed in the dark times, sort of speak, because there's no trace of him.''
-'' Maybe he used a different name.'' – Jungkook hums.
-'' Most probably.'' – Moonbyul answers. – '' Or someone went a great deal to delete every mention of him after the 1990s.''
She turns her chair to look at Jungkook. – '' If your suspicions are correct...''
-'' I didn't tell you any of my suspicions.'' – Jungkook interjects. – '' I just gave you the name.''
His interruption earns him a glare from his Noona. – '' If they ARE...''- She continues. – ''Then he must be online in today's modern age under another name, or he has the person who does it for him.''
-'' Alright.'' – Jungkook nods. – '' But we still don't know if he is connected to all of this. All we know is that he disappeared.'' – He brushed at his jaw. – ''Do we have some picture of him?''
Moonbyul shook her head. – '' No. The only one is a group school photo when he was a kid, but it's black and white and small.''
-'' Dammit.'' – Jungkook curses quietly.
-'' I agree.'' – Moobyul agrees. – '' I could try to clear it up, or Soobin can.''
-'' Still...even if we have the clear picture, he probably changed a lot for the last 30 years.'' – Jungkook muses.
-'' Hmm, true. But technology is so improved today that you can age the person up.'' – Moonbyu gives him a look. – '' And I don't mean Instagram filters.''
Jungkook snorts. – '' Of course. Can you do it?'' – He asks, just as his phone buzzed, informing him he got a message.
Noona points at herself. – '' Me? No.'' – She says, but then offers a glimpse of a smile. – '' But Soobin-ah, hell yeah.''
Jungkook grins widely. – '' Awesome, please ask him to do it.'' – He says, rising up from the chair. – '' I got to go, Hyung is calling.'' – He says and points at Yoongi's message.
-'' Hmm.'' – She agrees. – '' Tell Yoongi I'll have his reports ready for him before he goes to the meeting.''
Jungkook smiles. – '' Will do, thanks Noona.''
-'' Oh!'' – Namjoon exclaims, down in his lair in Kim's mansion. He was checking the search logs from the Police and was utterly shocked when he saw Dong-Ho's name.
This could be troublesome. He thinks, typing the codes in his program which managed to sneak into Yoongi's office some months ago. He needed to check what they had.
-'' Shit!'' – He curses, as the Police's mainframe computers blocked his advances.
I will not manage to get in through this quietly. He considers. Just staying quiet and observing, and digging deeper with intention are two different things, and Namjoon knew that there is a high risk of exposure. Not that they would trace his location, no...Namjoon was too well protected, but they will be able to find and terminate his program if they are any good, and Joon thought they are. Yoongi takes only the best ones for his team. And this Moonbyul was the best, not that he checked...well... not yet anyway. Although, considering how things stood at the moment he had a feeling that he just might.
Shit, I have to know what they've got. He decides. Depending on what it is, Namjoon could have some idea of how to proceed next, and if Jeon Jungkook is involved, he knew that the secrets will come to the surface, so it's best to cut them before they could cause damage to Jin's plan. Kill it before it lay eggs.
He takes a deep breath, cracking his fingers and shaking his head, rotating it so his neck could crack as well. Okay, let's go. He mentally prepares himself and began typing.
On the other side of the city, on Yoongi's floor, Moonbyul was working when the notification came. She arches her eyebrow, almost discarding it until she notices the unknown log. She taps into it after she made sure it was not malware or some virus and was utterly surprised when the simple cache she tried to delete revealed the presence of another.
-'' Motherfucker... oh, no you don't...'' – She murmurs and attacks it savagely. If she didn't have the highly sensitive program of her own making, installed, the attack would be so soft and untraceable that no one would be the wiser. Luckily for her, whoever tried this was in for a rude awakening.
Back in the manor, Namjoon curses loudly, typing the response to the attack fast, pulling on his own programs. I should just walk away and try the next time. He thought, but it was too late, she was on him, and he groaned at yet another strike from her.
He sends his counterattack, sneaking malware as well, hoping that it will go unnoticed. It doesn't. Not only that she brutally destroys it, but she sends her own heavy artillery, to attack his decoy server. It doesn't matter if she does, she would have to send her team to the Philippines. Namjoon chuckles at his thought. Nah, she will not. She's too smart. He muses in his head.
He stops the virus she sends his way and sends five bots at the same time.
-'' Dammit!'' – He curses again when she destroys three out of five. Let at least one go through, come on. It does, and he huffs a laugh. – '' Shit!''
Now he's getting excited, he grins wide. His fingers flying over the keyboard, eyes shining, and his mind working too fast for a normal human being. He strategically deploys his attacks around her, using several servers so he could hide the worm he prepared. You are going down. He laughs.
There in the Police, Moonbyul was growling, using everything at her disposal, which would be lethal for any small hacker, but not this one. This one is strong, and he's using the Rootkit for fucks sake. She almost shakes from the surge of adrenaline. He attacks with practised precision, brutal, yet careful at the same time. Oh, this person is smart. Fuck, shit, dammit! Not the LoJax! No, no, no, no....
She was panicking now. LoJax was a hell of a lot difficult to get rid of, no matter how much you try and if it manages to infiltrate her system, whoever is controlling it will have total control. She types the response, sending blockers, managing to slow it down drastically. Her eyes widen when she realizes that it was just a decoy. They are in. Fuck... they are in.
She jumps from her seat and ran to the server room as fast as she can, pulling down the power and shutting the entire floor.
Down in Kim's Manor, Namjoon yells in frustration. He was so bloody close to having total control of their system. Well, shit. He thought bitterly, but it was not surprising really. Cutting the power could stop the hacking for a while, and unless you prepared some serious Keylogger or similar anti-virus program, not to mention a few others to track and destroy what the first one misses. Still, he had what he came for. While she was waging the war against him, he sneak past and retrieve what he needed. One win for me, miss Moonstar... for now.
The grins never left his face.
All that time Namjon was celebrating his victory, Moonbyul was panicking. She sat on the floor, shaking. Please, let it not be. Let it not be it, please. She presses her palms to her eyes, trying to calm herself. She had no idea what kind of attack that was and why. She also didn't know how the assailant was. Were they grey hats or black ones? What did they want? What do they manage to get? Could it be the name Jungkook gave her? No, probably not...and yet...shit.
Let it all be a nightmare, please.
That's how Yoongi founds her.
-'' What happened?'' – He asked.
She pulls her hands down, eyes red. – '' We were attacked by a hacker, a powerful one.''
Yoongi arches his eyebrow. – '' Stronger than you?''
She chuckles darkly. – '' Stronger.'' – She admits. – '' I've never seen anyone like that. This person... it could be a group, but it's just...'' – She stops, her breath increasing as her heart thumped hard. – ''They used things that I've never come in contact with. Some are considered cyber legends.''
Yoongi's brows furrow at that. – '' Why would they do that?'' – He asks. – '' Why would they attack us?''
-'' I don't know.'' – She answers, shaking her head. Her voice was trembling slightly and she was really agitated. – '' It could be... '' – She stops, blinking as she tried to clear her mind, deciding what to say. – '' Jungkook came here today with a name for me to check.'' – She says in a hushed tone and Yoongi had to strain his ears to hear, still he didn't tell her to talk louder.
-'' It was a hell of a difficult to find anything about that person. Someone made sure his online data is hidden well.''
-'' Yes, Jungkook informed me as much. Do you think this attack was connected to the ''Viper''?
-'' I can't say with 100% but I think it might be.'' – She says after she thought it through. – '' We never had attacks like this. The small ones, and a few bigger ones, yes, but none of this scale. Yoongi, this was huge. How I managed to save our main server, I had no idea.''
Just then the door opens and a few ITs came in to see what was going on and why the systems shut so abruptly.
-'' Out.'' – Yoongi commands calmly in their shocked faces, and they disappear instantly, not expecting their Chief and their Supervisor there, so they quickly close the door behind them.
Yoongi walks closer and crouches in front of her.
-'' Considering that you are sitting on the floor after you just turned off our main server, which was the last resort, I presume, I think it's safe to say that this is how you did it.''
He nudges her knee with his forearm. -'' Hey, chin up, Noona. Get your shit together and evaluate the damage if there is one. You are one of the top computer geniuses I know, and a pretty damn good hacker if what I hear is true. You don't back down from a fight.''
She looks at him in huge admiration. He gave her the reassurance that she didn't even know she needed.
-'' Thank you.'' – She says.
Yoongi nods and then adds. – '' And go wash your face, your look like a raccoon.''
She tosses her head back and laughs. – '' You are an asshole, boss.'' – She says, and Yoongi grins. – '' But again, thank you.'' – She adds, standing up.
-'' Come. Let's catch that motherfucker.'' - Yoongi pats her shoulder, seeing her off from the server room.
It was a week after a hacker attack on their server. Yoongi, Noona and several other experts had a serious talk about their network improvement, and even though Moonbyul told them what happened, they didn't think that it could be connected to the information she was digging. They called it a ''coincidence'' which made both Yoongi and her use all of their self-control to stay calm and not say something they will regret. They just knew that nothing could be done while their superiors believed that the attack was because of some nonsense in the terrorist department.
Yoongi had to blink several times so he won't roll his eyes when the man began talking about the budget that Yoongi already got.
-'' It's like he didn't get the same amount for his department, the hypocrite.'' – Yoongi growled later on when he told Jungkook what happened at the meeting. – '' He is also forgetting that his IT team is also supervised by her, and if something is not working well at her end, it won't work on theirs as well.''
-'' So what will Noona do?'' – Jungkook asked, rather worried about the whole thing.
Yoongi glances at him and then looks away. – '' She will do what she always has done the best – adapt, improve and kick ass.''
Jungkook smiles at this. He loved the respect and faith he has in her. It was the same with her, she had mad respect for Yoongi as well.
-'' I will make sure to help her get what she needs in order to do her job properly.'' – The man says grimly.
-'' Ask Hobi Hyung to hook you up with some of his contacts.'' – Jungkook suggest, but Yoongi shakes his head.
-'' Nah, I will not make him use his favours for me.'' – He says, glancing at his dongsaeng. – '' Besides, I know people as well.''
That was four days ago. Things went back to normal. There was another '' Shadow'' case, this time in Spain. It was a beautiful antique ruby ring, with diamonds. Yoongi said it could sell around 29 to 32 billion won, depending on how it was sold. That was a lot of money. Jungkook thought.
It was out of their jurisdiction, even though Yoongi worked as a consultant. They called him via video call for the briefing. A lot of countries worked together on this since the thieves used the whole world for their playground. No one knew where they would strike next, and plenty of expensive jewellery collectors shook in anticipation of whether or not they would be next.
They were also a high demand for security. Only in South Korea and neighbouring countries, had KIM's Security cameras installed to protect their belongings. Kims must have earned tons of money from this. And Jungkook still wondered what Taehyung's role with V was and whether or not his brothers knew about it.
He was finally able to go on the field, but a very calm period started for him. He did go here and there, looking and interviewing people, collecting clues and trying to find something tangible, but overall, he did nothing, considering how much his colleagues worked.
Still, he had some reports to write before he takes them up to Yoongi. He was nearing the end when Yugyeom came in, walking straight to Jungkook and leaning on his deck.
-'' You won't believe who I just saw.'' – He said in a hushed tone.
Jungkook looks at him with mild interest. –'' Oh? Do not hold me in a suspense, I beg you.'' – He says sarcastically.
Gyeom looks at him with squinted eyes. – '' You are being an ass. I'm seriously deliberating whether or not to keep this information to myself, although I know you would be interested in it.''
Jungkook sighs, leaning back from his work to give his friend his full attention. – '' Sorry, please do tell.''
Gyeom''s mood brightens, but what he says next made Jungkook's darken.
-'' Park Jimin just took the case of Gyeong Hak-Kun and Rim Kwan.''
Jungkook straightens instantly. – '' What!?'' – He exclaims. – '' Is he stupid?''
Gyeom shrugs his shoulders. – '' You know him better, you tell me.''
Jungkook's face hardens and he groans, leaning back in his chair.
- '' The evidence on those two are so strong.'' – Gyeom continues. – '' I don't think he got any chance of getting them out, no matter how great a lawyer he is.''
Jungkook thinks about it, feeling irritated. He just doesn't understand why Jimin would do that. He never takes cases that are doomed to lose, even though he loves a good challenge. He looks at his friend.
-'' He just came in as their new representative?'' – He asks the taller man.
Gyeom nods. – ''Yup. He is down with JB Hyung, getting over some paperwork.''
Jungkook shakes his head at that in disbelief. – '' I still don't get it.'' – He murmurs, eyes unfocused somewhere in the office as he ponders this new development. –'' He never takes utterly hopeless cases.''
-'' Yeah, but then again he doesn't lose, now does he?'' – Gyeom points out.
-'' There's the first time for everything.''- Jungkook commented darkly. He glances at the other man and warns him. – '' Be careful of his charms. He is a master manipulator and an expert in information extraction.''
Gyeom snorts loudly at that. – '' Bro, with all due respect, I'm not weak for male asses or their charm.''
-'' You fucker.'' – Jungkook sends a playful insult, smacking him on the arm, which made Gyeom laugh.
-'' You might think that now.'' – Jungkook continues in the same nature. – '' But his mouth is so skilful. They simply suck the information out of you.'' – He adds grinning at the pained expression on his friend's face.
-'' Aaah!'' – Gyeom jumps, shaking his head when he understood the double meaning in those words. – '' I didn't need to hear that!'' – He exclaims.
Jungkook laughs devilishly, pleased with the reaction he caused. They continued bantering like that for a while until they each went their own way. He was still wondering why Jimin had done it. Was he made to take the case? Did he want it? No, he wouldn't, not with these two. Jungkook decides. Did Taehyung make him? Did he have something to do with it? No, Taehyung wouldn't do that. He knew that much.
This shit was a hell of confusing. Jungkook disliked it, but then again, he was not the one handling the case, so he ought not to worry.
The elevator sounded his destination and Jungkook strolls out of it when the doors slide open. He checked the documents he had for Yoongi in his hands, making sure that everything is there when the small whimper stopped him in his tracks.
He followed the sound and peaked inside the darkroom, where the door was ajar, and the light from the hallway lightens a small corner of the room where two persons were. Jungkook immediately recognizes Soobin, who had Yeonjun pinned against the wall, kissing him silly.
Yeonjun's hands were in the tall man's hair, pulling him closer as he wrapped one leg around Soobin's hip, whimpering into the kiss. Their eyes were closed, hands sliding everywhere, trying to pull each other closer. They were in their own world now, and considering how hungry the kiss is, it's probably fresh development.
Jungkook's brows went up in surprise and a small smile adorned his face. Finally. He thought. He was happy for them, even though he lost the bet. He wished that he could close the door without them noticing, so he could give them at least some privacy. He wonders if he just witnessed their first kiss after all.
Smiling affectionately to himself, he moves slowly away and walks towards Yoongi's office in light steps, feeling very cheerful.
Down in the Kim's Manor, Taehyung was furious.
-'' You did what!?''
Jimin sighs tiredly. – '' Tae Tae.''
-'' Don't you Tae Tae me.'' – Taehyung growls. – '' Jimin-ah, are you mental? I thought not, but hell, you are proving me wrong.''
-'' Taehyung, enough.'' – Namjoon scolds, not liking the tone Taehyung was using on Jimin.
Taehyung turns on him and sends him a glare that spoke a thousand words, before shifting it to his boyfriend again.
-'' How could you accept defending those two scums? They are disgusting? I can't believe it...''
He was still ranting, while Jimin fumed as well, ready to lash out at his soulmate. Namjoon wanted to intervene, disliking when they fight, while Jin remained quiet during the entire drama.
-'' I know pretty well who and what they are, Taehyung. You don't have to remind me.'' – Jimin shoots out, almost jumping at Taehyung's throat.
-'' Then why!?'' – Taehyung hisses the question, leaning into Jimin's space.
-'' Because they know about us, you idiot!'' – Jimin spat the words in Tae's face, which made the taller man open his mouth in shock, eyes widening for only a moment before a scowl replaced his surprise.
He snorts. – '' I told you already, they don't know shit, you are imagining....''
-'' Dong-Ho knows about us, Tae, or at least his man knows.'' – Jimin's facial expression made Taehyung pause on whatever he was about to say.
Jin asked calmly. – '' What happened, Jimin-ah?''
Jimin's eyes turned to look at him, a small puff of air leaving his mouth as he panted slightly. He licks his lips and steps away from Taehyung.
-'' I kept getting these anonymous emails telling me to take the case. Of course, I ignored them, until I got a phone call. Male voice, normal tone, he didn't use any voice distortion.'' – Jimin points out. - '' He told me to take the case, or something bad will happen to you.'' – He looks at Taehyung. – '' I told him that I have no idea what he is talking about, that you are my client, but he says something like ''don't play coy, you know what I'm talking about''. I told him that I don't, wished him a good day and hung up the phone. Then I got an SMS with our address. ''
Taehyung opens his mouth as he was to speak but no words came out, so Jimin continues.
-'' Then another one came, telling me to check my email.'' – He takes his phone out and finds what he's looking for. – '' He sent me this.'' – He gives the phone to Tae. It was a picture of him and JImin leaving the garage elevator together. – '' There's another one.'' – Jimin points out and Tae scrolls. The next one had them sharing a peck on the lips. They would do that every morning before each go their way, only this time, it was in the bloody garage.
-'' We weren't careful enough.'' – Jimin says sadly.
Taehyung grits his teeth. – '' How much more careful do we need to be? This is our garage, our building! Our safe space.'' – His voice was becoming angrier. – '' How the hell did they find us!? Who was it?''
Jimin shakes his head. – '' I don't know. The email doesn't give me any details.''
-'' May I?'' – Namjoon asks, raising his hand so he could see the photo. Tae gives it to him.
Namjoon got to work, quickly downloading the photograph on his computer. It took him a few clicks to find its origin, time and place.
-'' He used the burner phone. It's out of function, probably discarded it later on. Jimin, could you send me that email, please?''- He asks.
-'' Done, Hyung.'' – Jimin announces half a minute later.
-'' Alright, who are you?'' – Namjoon murmurs to himself, typing fast.
-'' When was this?'' – Jin asked as he observed the photographs on the phone.
-'' A week ago, perhaps.'' – Jimin answers.
-'' A week and three days, twelve hours to be exact if you ask about the picture, Hyung.'' – Namjoon corrects.
-'' I do, thank you Joon-ah.'' – Jin answers, and looks at Jimin again. – '' And the emails, when was the first one?''
-'' Less than a month ago.''
-'' Hmm...'' – Jin hums in thought. – ''Right after the trial date has been set.''
-'' Why didn't you tell me?'' – Taehyung asks his boyfriend.
-'' Well, I didn't want to you react like this.'' – Jimin points out. –'' Besides, I thought it was a ruse until the pictures showed up.'' – Ha adds.
-'' Got the address from where the emails were sent.'' – Joon announces. – '' It seems that he used an internet café in the neighbourhood.
-'' Well, that's old fashioned.'' – Jimin says, snorting.
-'' Or...'' – Jin adds. – '' The best way to cover your IP address.''
-'' Oh... you're right.'' – Jimin's brows furrow. – '' So we don't know who he is?''
-'' There are other ways to find out.'' – Namjoon says calmly.
A few typing commands and screens two and three were now featuring the CCTV cameras from Tae's and Jimin's building.
Taehyung quickly realized what his brother attends to do. -'' Yes, he had to take those pictures.''
Namjoon hums in acknowledgement. Checking the camera near the elevator.
-'' He should be right there then.'' – Jin points to the screen while checking the picture on the phone. –'' This is the right angle.''
-'' Hmm... there are no cameras to that angle.'' – Namjoon grumbles. – '' The best one is this, but I can't see the license plates on the car nor who was in it. I will need to check the footage from that day.''
-'' How about the entry?'' – Tae asks.
-'' Considering that the pictures were made around 7:45 am on Tuesday, that would mean that he was there for a long time. So I ran through the guard lists for the day before. There were 375 entries that day, but only 7 after Jimin's car drove in around half-past ten, Tae was already in the apartment at the time, or at least his car log says.'' – Namjoon points out. – '' The 7 in question are your neighbours.''
-'' Did you check the main Gates? See non-residents on that list.'' – Jin asks.
-'' I did, 17 people left their names at the South Gate, and 52 at the North one. There was a party in 12B.''
-'' He could mix with those bunch and just sidetrack to the destination he wanted.'' – Tae muses. – ''That's what I would do.''
-'' So he must have known the number of your building.'' – Jin points out, brows furrowed in concentration.
The camera changes to the garage entry. –'' If I knew the license plates it would be a piece of cake, but there are two entries, the South one and the North one. There are 12 large buildings and 18 small ones in your complex, each has access to 7 garages, 5 buildings per garage.'' – Namjoon recites from his head, probably checking the complex blueprints.
The lists of people's IDs and their photographs are on the third screen, and then open another program loading the IDs into it. He types some commands to connect it to the camera log and let it run. License plates, entry cards, facial recognition, he scanned them all, eliminating the residents and focusing on the 69 visitors for that day.
He then cross-references with the previous logs to see if any of the names and plates repeat, which narrowed the search to 23 people. And then he looks at the names.
-'' I need to do some illegal data search, Jimin, forgive me.'' – Namjoon says and swiftly opens another system where he typed in the bunch of codes that meant nothing to the three men in the room. Soon the logo of MOIS appeared.''
-'' Joon...'' – Jin's voice was slightly alarming. – '' Are you hacking into the Ministry Of Internal and Safety?''
-'' Yes, Hyung.''
-'' Are you being safe?'' – Jin asks in the same careful tone.
-'' You know I am, Hyung.'' – Namjoon answers nonchalantly. – '' Besides, I hacked them a few years ago and added myself to the employee list. I'm just logging in like a worker there.''
Jimin stared at him in awe, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's neck from behind. – '' You are brilliant, Hyungie.''
Namjoon blushes like he always does when Jimin becomes touchy and gives him compliments.
-'' I'm gonna scan the names and their IDs. Should have pictures soon.''
It took him some fifteen minutes until he had names and pictures listed on one of the many screens on the wall.
They all look through them when three Kims gasped.
-'' What?'' – Jimin asked, not recognizing any of those people.
-'' Son of a bitch.'' – Namjoon curses in a low voice.
Jin clicks his tongue. - '' He used a false name, but he didn't disguise himself well.''
-'' I will kill him.'' – Taehyung growls next to him.
-'' You will not do such a thing.'' – Jin says in a low voice. Although remain calm, Jimin noticed that he was pissed. There was a bit of anxiety in his posture.
One of the images zooms in and the face of Kang Jihoon shows up.
-'' Who is he?'' – Jimin asks.
-'' He is the bastard who works for Dong-Ho.'' – Taehyung answers, eyes not leaving the face on the screen. If a look could kill...
- '' One of his assassins.'' – Jin adds.
-'' He is a psychopath and sadist.'' – Taehyung instantly corrects.
-'' Now let's find proof.'' – Namjoon murmurs, the new window pops up on this main screen. He goes to the cameras and checks the garage footage.
Several minutes later, Namjoon was still looking at the footage in fast-forward, changing the cameras, while the three men spoke behind him.
-'' Dong-Ho didn't say anything about this.'' – Jin says in a quiet tone. – '' And he never misses the chance to rant about Taehyung to me.''
-'' Could it be that this man, Jihoon, didn't tell him yet?'' – Jimin wonders. His posture was rigid, arms crossed across his chest.
-'' Could be.'' – Jin nods. – '' He probably has his own reasons.''
Taehyung scoffs in irritation. – '' If he thinks that he can use that against us....against me... he is very much mistaken.''
-'' Love, he is already using it against you, through me.'' – Jimin points out.
Taehyung growls deep and dangerous. – '' That bastard...''
Jin chuckles at Tae's expression and then looks at Jimin. – '' Let's just say that Jihoon is obsessed with Taehyung a bit.''
-'' A bit?'' – Tae asks in annoyance, his eyebrows rising high. – ''Try a lot. Fucking pervert.'' – Taehyung grumbles.
-'' What happened?'' – Jimin wanted to know.
-'' Oh, nothing really.'' – Jin waves his hand. – '' Jihoon just uses every opportunity to mess with Tae. He acts like he can't stand him.''
-'' But in truth?'' – Jimin prompts.
-'' He wanks off to him.'' – Namjoon interjects from his seat.
Jimin arches his brows and stares at Taehyung, who growls again. – '' What? I told you he is a pervert.''
Jimin grins. – '' Now, I'm curious. Did you even see him do that? Or he has told you?''
-'' Of course, I haven't seen, and he didn't tell me!'' – Taehyung bristles at that. – '' We just know, well Joonie does.'' – He adds.
Jimin turns to Namjoon. – '' Hyung...?''
-'' What is seen cannot be unseen. My eyes still burn.'' – Joon says. –'' Damn, even the camera lenses must have been suffering after seeing that.''
Jimin bends down in laughter. – '' What did he do?''
-'' Nothing!'' – Taehyung shouts too quickly, that even Jin had to smirk. – '' Joon-ah, don't you dare tell him!''
Namjoon chuckles. – '' Let's just say it involves Jihoon's private time and tons of magazine cuts with Taehyung's head on it.''
Jimin looks at him confused. – '' Just his head?''
-'' Mhm...''
-'' Were they glued on something else?'' – Jimin wonders.
-'' Kim Namjoon!'' – Taehyung yells.
-'' That's all I will say Jimin-ah.'' – Namjoon says, eyes still glued on the screen, watching the footage.
Jimin round on Taehyung. – '' Do tell, I'm dying here.''
Taehyung looks at him dead in the eye. – '' What flowers do you want on your grave?''
Jimin slaps his arm and they both burst out laughing.
-'' One day, I will get that story out of you.'' – Jimin promises after a while.
-'' Bring it on.'' – His soulmate shoots back.
-'' Got him.'' – Namjoon announces, and all three join him to have a better look.
There was Jihoon, entering through the North Gate with a bunch of people, then proceeding into the building with them, and then stops, telling them something and turning away. The rest of the group goes into the elevator, and Jihoon leaves for the stairs to the garage.
The camera changes to lower levels, and they saw him going pass three elevator exits, keeping his head down and avoiding the cameras. He had his cap on and a jacket with a high collar. He stopped in front of Tae's and Jimin's building entry, looking around. He then approaches the area where the camera that looks at the elevator is and disappears.
On the other camera, he could be seen near a car. He does something to it and then steps in on the back seat.
-'' There... it matches the angle of the picture.'' – Jin points out.
-'' Yup.'' – Namjoon says.
-'' Jimin, I think you should not take the case.'' – Jin says firmly. – '' We'll find the way to deal with Jihoon.''
-'' But he might say something to Dong-Ho.'' – Jimin says worriedly.
-'' Let him, fucker.'' – Taehyung spits.
-'' I'll deal with Dong-Ho, Jimin-ah. Don't worry.'' – Jin says.
-'' I don't think they will give up just like that.'' – Jimin says. – '' They might complicate things for you.''
-'' We'll be fine.'' – Jin adds affectionately.
Jimin was not convinced. – '' Tell you what I'm gonna do. I still didn't give them an answer. I just went as an adviser. I will continue being so, claiming that the first lawyer they chose is already well-acquainted with the case and need no help from me, but because I was asked, I will be there to observe and help if needed. That will calm everyone sufficiently enough, I think.''
-'' No.'' – Taehyung soots instantly. – '' It will not calm me.''
-'' I don't think that's a good idea.'' – Jin says worriedly.
-'' No, listen both of you. If I refuse, Jihoon might do something out of spite, but if I do go, he will leave Tae alone.''
-'' Don't worry about me. I can take care.''
Jimin glances at Taehyung. – '' I will always be worried for you.'' – He says softly, and then looks at Jin. – '' I could see what they know, and do what's in my power to keep them locked for good.''
-'' The Police did find a bunch of stuff on their computers.'' – Namjoon spoke, scratching at his jaw. –'' Kwon and Hak-Kun are keeping their mouths shut, for now, but as soon as they realize they are on their own, they will talk and it will make Dong-Ho dispose of them.''
-'' Even in jail?'' – Jimin asks shocked.
-'' Oh, yes.'' – Namjoon snorts. – '' It won't be the first time he did that. – '' What's more intriguing is that he hasn't done so already, which means that he needs them for something else, or they have something that he wants.'' – Namjoon muses.
-'' I'll try and see what.'' – Jimin decides.
-'' No, you will not! Jimin!'' – Tae pulls him away on the arm. – '' You will be in Dong-Ho's spotlight then. I won't have his eyes on you. He might get ideas to hurt you. Don't fucking do it! I forbid you!''
-'' First of all, you can't forbid me anything, Kim Taehyung.'' – Jimin says in an icy voice. – '' Second, shut up and let me do what I can to help and keep you safe.''
Taehyung almost growl-screams in his face. – '' Aaaah! You are so stubborn sometimes, it drives me insane!''
He storms out.
-'' He is just worried about you.'' – Jin says, sadden, not liking when they fight.
-'' I know he does. I am always worried about him. Every time he goes on the job, and especially when he dresses as V... my heart beats in suspense until he comes home or calls to tell me he is safe. I'm mad because of it, and he just doesn't get it.'' – Jimin says bitterly.
-'' He knows.'' – Namjoon adds. – '' He just thinks that his worries about you are bigger than yours for him.''
-'' Don't say it like that, Joon. It sounds like Tae doesn't have faith in Jiminie, which is not true.'' – Jin scolds, glaring at his younger brother.
-'' I wasn't.'' – Namjoon defends weakly.
-'' Anyway...'' - Jin glances at Jimin, face clearing. – '' Tae just thinks that he can protect himself better than you do. After all, all three of us have dealt with these scums for a long time. We know them. And before you say that you do too, let me just say that you know them when they are locked. They all change their tune when they face bars, and they give their trust into your hands to get them out.'' – He points out. –'' We see them at their worst, and trust me, some of them are real scumbags.''
Jimin bows his head. – '' I know. Which is exactly why I'm so petrified each time he goes there.''
Jin smiles gently. – '' I am too.'' – He admits. – '' All the time.''
Sometime later, Jimin finds Taehyung in his room. He is sitting on the bed, checking his phone. His face was still gloomy, eyes narrowed. Jimin knows he saw him in his peripheral vision but chose not to acknowledge him. Still, he knocks.
-'' Can I come in?''
-'' Do whatever you want. I can't stop you, now, can I?''
Now that was petty and childish. Jimin knew this phase of Taehyungs pretty damn well. He sighs tiredly and walks in, climbing to the bed and onto Taehyung's lap, straddling him and taking his phone away.
-'' Tae Tae...look at me.''
Taehyung refuses, looking everywhere but at Jimin.
-'' Tae-ah, please look at me.'' – Jimin tries again with an even sweeter voice. He cups Taehyung''s jaw and caresses it with his fingers.
Taehyung huffs a breath and does what he was asked, annoyance still strongly visible in his eyes.
-'' I know that you don't like it, and I'm sorry.'' – Jimin begins. Taehyung rolls his eyes, wanting to turn his head, but Jimin's hands were firm. – '' I know you are worried about me, but I'm worried about you too.''
Taehyung clicks his tongue. – '' I told you, you don't have to be.''
-'' It's easier said than done, Tae. Especially when you love someone as much as I love you. You are my world, my person. How can't you understand that?''
Tae's eyes go softer.
-'' I am worried.'' – Jimin continues. – '' I am afraid, but I will feel much better if I can keep you safe only for a moment.''
-'' Jimin-ah...''
-'' Please, don't fight me. Let me do this. You know I'm careful.''
Taehyung sighs deeply, closing his eyes while doing so. – '' I know.''
He brings their foreheads together.
-'' I'm sorry for snapping at you, Jimin-ah. I'm just scared for you.'' - He admits in a hushed tone.
-'' I know.''
-'' I dislike that you were pulled into this.'' – Tae continues, licking his lips. – '' You will be in danger, and I hate that I can't help you much then. I can't keep you safe.''
-'' We gonna be alright, Tae Tae. We'll get through this, together.''
Taehyung growls suddenly. – '' I strangle Jihoon when I see him.''
Jimin chuckles.
-'' I hate him.'' – Tae says. – '' I really do.''
-'' I love you.'' – Jimin says lovely, arms pulling Tae even closer.
Taehyung sighs again. – '' I love you, too, more than life.''
Jimin pulls back to look at Tae's eyes, smiling shyly. – '' Good.'' – He says and kisses him sweetly.
Oh, this was fun to write, especially the virtual fight between two hackers. I love that Moonbyul and Namjoon clashed their keyboards together, and I love Yoongi's calmness and support that he is constantly giving.
Hobi is truly a precious gem, not knowing that he just added fuel for more things that about to happen. Still, it's all quiet before the storm comes.
The next chapter will be exciting, so stay tuned. Lots of love, darlings 💜 💜 💜
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