Chapter 23 - Danger! High Voltage
It was quite a long day for Jin. A lot of work at KIM Enterprises, meetings and lunches with important people, and then there's Dong-Ho and the ''Organization''. Dong-Ho got information about V. Some of the men V attacked as he was saving the detective, had recognized him, and now Dong-Ho wanted his head. Jin wasn't able to calm his mind after that. He was tired, so very tired.
Today he was running everywhere, and he was exhausted. He was in the middle of checking some documents when Solar came in.
-'' Sajangnim.'' – He calls. – '' Why are you still here? You should be at home by now.'' – She gently scolds.
-'' Ah, I can't just yet, have these papers to finish.'' – Jin begins but was cut by a woman's hand on his forearm.
-'' No, it's enough. I will finish that for you, and leave it in your desk drawer for tomorrow. Your eyes are bloodshot red.''
Jin leans back in his seat, rubbing his eyes with the fingertips of one hand, groaning at the sudden relief he felt. – '' Yeah, you're right. I should go home, but there is just so much to be done.''
Solar shakes her head. – '' You won't finish any if you fall ill into your bed.'' – She points out, still touching his arm. Jin looks at her gently. She was brilliant. Gorgeous, gracious, strong and gentle, smart and capable. They went to the same college. Jin wanted to chuckle at how their friendship began.
They were rivals at first. Both top students in their class, were popular, and everyone expect them to date, but they didn't like each other at all. Much later, they met again, both on the top of their careers, they decided to join their forces together, and Jin never regretted doing that. His work became much easier with her around, making sure everything works perfectly without any problems. Her sharp mind and spot-on organizational skills were exactly what he needed – someone to lean on.
Taehyung used to tease him like he did Namjoon for Wheein, but neither of them ever made anything in that direction. For Jin, at least, Solar was always the most valuable employee and maybe something of a friend, but nothing more. He just couldn't afford a relationship right now, not with Dong-Ho and ''Organization'' around. As long as they are there, Jin will never be free, and everyone he loves and cares about would be in danger.
Even if Dong-Ho dies, the ''Organization'' will still make claims on them, and bringing down an organization of that magnitude is impossible. They are everywhere, but literally everywhere. They have their members all over the world, you can't escape them.
Still, Jin looks at Solar's beautiful face and her eyes look at him with concern. He placed his hand over hers and gave it a comforting squeeze.
-'' Don't worry, I'm fine, promise.'' – He says, smiling softly at her.
She narrows her eyes as if she was trying to see if he is lying to her or not. – '' Hmm... alright, I'll choose to believe you, but if you lie, Sajangnim, I will be angry.''
Jin huffs a laugh at this. First, her insistence to call him Sajangnim, which means CEO or boss, even when they were alone was funny as well as a bit annoying, but he respected the professional line between them, even though they would step on it here and there. And second, her angry side was always so endearing to Jin, that he almost wished she was annoyed with him. Her pouts and cute face made Jin smile most softly at her.
No, Jin wasn't in love, but he did have a deep affection for her. She would be a great life partner to him, a very good wife, since they had a good connection, could talk for the longest of hours, make funny remarks, and even argue. No wonder, Taehyung was teasing him about her all the time. He liked her, Namjoon did too, and she likes them as well. To say that she would fit right in his private life would be so easy if Jin's life was normal. If his parents were still alive and none of this had happened, Jin would be happy to marry her. His mother would love her, and even his father would approve as well. But, alas, that wasn't the case.
Jin took her hand and brought it to his lips to leave a soft kiss. If the slight blush on her cheeks was anything to go by, Jin was pretty certain it was well received.
-'' I wouldn't lie to you.' – He says. – '' And you are right as always, I should go home. You should too.''
She smiles prettily. -'' I'm not tired yet. I will finish this.''
Jin shakes his head. – '' No. The papers can wait. We shall both go home.'' – He says, standing up slowly to stand next to her. She had to tilt her head way up to look at his tall form.
He could see she wanted to say something more but refrained from doing so. Instead, she gave him another smile, fixed his tie and suit lapels and stepped back from him.
-'' Alright, Sanjangnim, I'll get my things. We will leave together.''
Jin chuckles. – '' Is it so you would make sure that I actually leave this place and go home?''
Her smile is adorable. –'' You bet.'' – He says and disappears through the door. The small smile didn't leave his face as he began gathering his things.
They say their goodbyes in the hall, as well as the girls in the store before each went their separate ways for today.
Jin arrived home, dreaming of his soft pyjamas and maybe some sleep. His body, however, was still buzzing with energy and he needed something to unwind. He went to his study and pour himself a glass of whiskey, enjoying the first sip and the pleasant burn of the golden liquid down his throat.
He closed his eyes as he relaxed in his comfortable chair, ready to meditate a bit before taking a shower when Namjoon burst into the room, startling Jin in the process.
- '' Hyung! You are home, great! You won't believe what just happen. Rim Kwang and Gyeong Hak-Kun are arrested.''
-'' What?!'' – Jin exclaims, standing up from his seat.
-'' The info I've sent on them...Hyung... the police used it. I didn't think they will, but they did!'' – Namjoon was quite cheerful.
Jin wasn't that amused. – '' Dammit, Joon, why did you do that?'' – Jin groans, falling back into his chair.
Joon was confused. – '' But, Hyung, you told me they should be dealt with.''
-'' Not right now. Later. Now, we have pressing matters.'' – He takes a deep exasperating sigh, before looking at his younger brother. – '' Did you know that one of Dong-Ho's men recognize V in the old station? They are looking for him.''
The colour from Namjoon's face disappears. – '' How?'
-'' Right before he was hit in the head and electrocuted, he saw him. Couldn't remember it all at first. Some memory loss, but now he claims it was him who snitched on them. Won Yong was there at the meeting, he knows that guy and he knows V.''
-'' Does Tae know?'' – Namjoon asks hurriedly, his mind already calculating all possibilities.
-'' No, but I did tell him to lay low with V mask, at least until we are sure that Jeon Jungkook will not give away this info.''
-'' Hyung, if Jeon wanted to harm Tae, he would have done that already.'' – Namjoon defends the detective.
Jin wasn't so easily swayed by the valiant detective. -'' Perhaps, but we can't be sure. Either way, this is the most inopportune. Dong-Ho already told the men to bring him in, if they happen to see him, but now, after this...''
-'' You think he will send Jihoon?'' – Namjoon's expression was grim when he asks this. He hated Jihoon.
Jin shrugs his shoulders. – '' If he believes V is a snitch and works with the cops, oh, yeah, definitely. Not to mention the connection Taehyung have with Jeon guy.''
Namjoon looks defeated. – '' I'm sorry, Hyung. I thought I was doing the right thing.''
Jin stood up again, approaching his brother to pat him on the shoulder. '' You did do the right thing, putting those monsters away. It's just at the wrong time.''
-'' We can still go according to plan.'' – Namjoon says. – '' We just need to be extra careful, and tell Tae what happened.''
Jin nods, moving away to look through the window. – '' Yeah, I already called him to come.''
-'' Good. Send for me as well, I want to be here.'' – Namjoon says seriously.
Jin chuckles. – '' I will not scold him if that's what you think.'' – That made Namjoon smile widely. - '' As if it ever works.'' – Jin continues with a smile of his own. – '' I will just tell him what I've heard.''
Namjoon nods. – '' Yeah, V needs to disappear for now.''
Jin took a deep breath before he knocked on Dong-Ho's door, mentally preparing himself for patience and hoping that his steel nerves will serve him this time as well. There was a sharp... - ''Enter!'' – ...and Jin walked right in. It wasn't strange to see Dong-Ho pacing in his office while he talked on the phone, not him being angry at whomever he is talking to, but it was strange seeing him moving so nervously. It wasn't just anger, Jin sensed, it was a bit of discomfort because Dong-Ho is not scared of anything, right?
-'' How can you let this happen!!!'' – He roared over the phone. – '' I told you not to take that offer.'' – He shook from fury, breathing heavily. – '' And now what?! How the fuck could you sell the fake thing!?''
Jin's body stilled as he listened to Dong-Ho's words.
-'' I gave you the real deal and your experts checked it, so don't blame me for your fuckup!''
A small silence ensued as someone on the other line responded, which was only used to provoke an already enraged man. – '' What do you fucking mean, you had complaints!? When those jewels are sold they are out of my problem. What?!''
His face grew dangerous as his voice drew cold and deadly. – '' My men know their job, what we sold you was checked several times before the deal, from both sides, our goods are real.''
Oh, fucking hell. Jin thought. Someone discovered the fake jewels Tae has been swapping. Jin just stood there in silence, trying to act like he didn't care about a thing, but trying to hear as much as he can the entire time.
He heard his name called and felt a hard stare in Dong-Ho's eyes. Jin quickly turned all of his attention to him.
-'' Was every piece we sold checked thoroughly for authenticity?'' – He asks Jin.
Jin nods. – '' Three times from our side, and once on the other side, as far as we know. Once we sell, we lose further knowledge of the goods.'' – Jin's eyes flushed hotly. – '' We never sold a fake.''
-'' Did you hear that!?'' – He ask the person on the phone. – '' So stop fucking with me! We delivered the real deal, and what your part is later doing is not my problem!'' – He cuts the line.
-'' Dammit!!!'' – He smacked his hand on the desk and Jin slightly jerk from the loud noise.
-'' Bunch of idiots!'' – He looks at Jin long and hard.
-'' Is there some trouble with the goods?''- Jin asks.
Dong-Ho waves his hand. – '' Not on our part. Some say we sold the fake stones.''
Jin's brows knit together at this. – '' I know my jewels. That shine, that depth, that cut...are 100% real.'' – Jin's voice was hard and annoying. –'' Who claims it's fake?''
Dong–Ho shakes his head. - '' It doesn't matter.''
-'' It does matter. Our integrity is on the line.'' – Jin insisted, allowing his voice to heat up a little. Dong-Ho noticed that.
-'' I said drop it. We know what we sold. I will not allow some idiot to tell me otherwise. I have more pressing matters to think about.'' – He says, and Jin knew he was talking about the arrest of Rim Kwang and Gyeog Hak-Kun, two nights ago.
First Yang Hyunwoo, then these two. Dong-Ho's ring has been shrunken considerably, which only made him more unpredictable and dangerous. Yes, the police work nicely. Too bad they too have corrupted officials on the top. With '' Organization'' pulling strings, those men will be out in no time.
The one thing Jin was mostly worried about was his brother, but there's no way Dong-Ho will know that Tae is actually V. Still, he dreaded, silently. He also knows that Dong-Ho will tell him nothing about it since it's not Jin's job at all. Anything Dong-Ho is doing that doesn't involve theft, Jin was out.
Dong-Ho went to sit on his chair. – '' Tell me you have good news.''
Jin inhales and takes a step forward. – '' The location has been researched. Some five guards patrolling, but there's a shift around six pm and three am, so we can plan around that.''
Dong-Ho releases the breath he held. – '' Good. At least that's good.''
He was about to say something when another knock was heard.
-'' Enter!''
The man came in one of his well-trained people.
-'' Ah, Eun-Woo, come, I have a task for you.''
Jin bows. – '' I'll leave you to it then.''
-'' No, stay.'' – Dong-Ho orders, and then turns towards the man, giving him a sheet of paper. – '' Here are the names. I want you to find and take care of them. Take some men with you, but be discreet.''
The man, Eun-Woo, nodded, taking the list without a word. Jin knew what ''take care'' meant. Some people will die, and soon. Jin wondered if V is on that list as well. Luckily, he forbid Tae to put on that mask again.
Eun-Woo left soon after, leaving the two men alone in the office. Dong-Ho's hard eyes find him and he nods towards the chair. –'' Sit, we have a lot to discuss.''
Jin's heart was thumping hard and he felt an unpleasant shiver deep in his bones, but he stood his ground, trying hard to stay calm. Dong-Ho doesn't discuss, he orders, and this could mean many things – good or bad. Jin just hoped that it won't be the latter.
Jungkook was wracking his brains about the case. The''Shadows'' struck again, but this time in Ulsan. It was their first time attacking the home. It didn't make any sense to him. His theory that the group was from South Korea was held only while they stay away from home, but now...There is a shift in their dynamics, or they become careless. Jungkook thought. He had to admit that their heist on Private Vaults was a masterpiece, so detailed and professional. Whoever was the mastermind was a bloody genius. Maybe it's more than one person planning. The thought came to his mind. Yes, perhaps. But Jungkook didn't think so. It's the recognizable style, that's why they know it's them. ''Shadows'' never left a note or business card to announce it was them. No, you just knew it was them by the way they did their heists.
He was adding new information to the pile, trying to guess where they will strike next, which was quite impossible since the attacks were seemingly so random.
Just then Yugyeom's head appeared at the office door. – '' Hey, Kook, you got a minute?''
Jungkook notices the dark circles under his friend's eyes and he quickly goes after him.
-'' Hyung and I have been going through the evidence we gathered.'' – Yugyeom spoke as they walked towards the elevators. – '' One of the hard drives we obtained was a gold mine, and not just this one case of ours, but several others. It's connected, just like the one that Mark and Jackson were working on.
-'' You think the same players are appearing?'' – Jungkook asks, stepping inside when the elevator opened.
Yugyeom nods. – '' Oh, yeah... one code name keeps repeating.''
-'' Oh? Tell me later.'' - He says, noticing the quick fill of people. He knew how easy it was to overhear something important, and Jungkook was always careful of who is listening. Gyeom understood and kept his silence until they were alone again.
Jungkook turns towards him. – '' Which name?''
Yugyeom looks at him and says in a hushed tone. – '' The name ''Viper'' keeps popping out. But when we asked our suspects about it they just turn pale and refuse to speak. Something is fishy there.''
-'' Tell Mark or Jackson to ask their suspects about that name, and see what they will say.'' – Jungkook suggested.
-'' Good idea.'' – Gyeom agrees. – '' If this is all connected somehow, someone is bound to know more.''
Jungkook snorts. – '' I'm not worried that they know, but whether or not they will speak.''
Yugyeom groans. – '' That's true.''
Jungkook observes him. – '' Hey, man. Are you better now?''
Yugyeom smiles tiredly and nods. – '' Yeah, I'm alright. Not better better, but not bad either.''
Jungkook just nods. Yeah, he understood this.
They reach the office where Jaebum was together with three members of the IT team that were checking the hard drive content. The place was a mess, filled with equipment, papers, tools and frustrated Jaebum, who, when noticing Kook, spread his mouth into a wide grin.
-'' Hey, sexy legs. Come to join in the party?'' – He asks in good humour. Jungkook loved his energy. No matter how hard and dark the work is, Jaebum will find a way to make it less so one way or another.
Jungkook grins back. – '' You know me, I can't resist when I hear the words ''party'' and you in the same sentence. Make me wanna twerk for you.''
Jeabum barks a joyful laugh, and Jungkook noticed that the IT team is trying hard not to smile as well. They got used to Jaebum's jokes, but they never spent enough time with Jungkook to see his funny nature shine, since he was always quieter and reserved.
-'' You are both idiots.'' – Yugyeom sighs, shaking his head in exasperation. – '' Kook, come, look at this.''
He turns one of the screens towards him and Jungkook saw the familiar faces there. He gasps when he recognizes V and his friend Bam-Bam, along with another, unknown, young man.
Gyeom, noticing the recognition in Jungkook's eyes, nods. – ''Yeah, I knew you will remember them.'' – He says. – '' Even though I wasn't there when you arrested them, everyone kept talking about the two, you in particular.''- He gives an easy nudge to Jungkook's shoulder with his.
Jungkook, who still has his eyes glued on V's face, reacted at that, blinking a few times before murmuring. – '' Oh, yes, I don't think I will ever forget.'' – He chuckles just to make it less awkward. His throat was dry, and his heart was beating hard. Taehyung. Bloody fool, he's gonna get himself killed.
He straightened. – '' Where did you find these? In the suspect's computer? Where were they? A specific file, or random? What is the purpose of their existence? Blackmail, or hit list?'' – The tsunami of questions left Jungkook's mouth in one breath.
-'' Woah, woah, woah.'' – Both Jaebum and Yugyeom exclaim at the same time.
-'' Easy now.'' – Jaebum laughs.
-'' Yeah, man, what's with the questions?'' – Yugyeom chuckles.
They didn't understand why it was important to Jungkook, and he couldn't tell them. He decided to keep V's true identity a secret, to protect Tae. Shit, what am I doing? Why am I protecting him? He wondered, but at the same time, he knew the answer to that question.
He sighs. – '' Sorry, it's just...I've been trying to understand their involvement in this. I mean, they are just some petty thieves, while these guys are something much more sinister.'' – Jungkook tried to cover his anxiety.
-'' Yeah, I got that.'' – Yugyeom says, putting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. – '' I know this V guy helped you.''
Oh, he did more than that. Jungkook thought but didn't say it out loud.
-'' The photos were in the file.'' – One of the IT spoke carefully. – '' We believe they were gathering information, maybe for future blackmail or anything really.''
-'' Do you know who the third guy on the photo is?'' – Jungkook asks.
They all shook their heads. – '' He is not in our database.'' – The IT man answered.
-'' Alright.'' – Jungkook considers for a second. – '' Can I have a copy of those photos and the info? I will ask Noona to check that for me.''
-'' Oh, look at him, having access to the Top Computer Scientist.'' – Jaebum teases.
-'' Are you sure Moonbyul Noona will not bite your head off for disturbing her with every little detail?'' – Yugyeom asks.
-'' Nah.'' – Jungkook grins. – '' I know how to ask nicely.''
He notices a hushed murmur between the IT group and he arches his eyebrow at them. The guy who spoke previously became aware of the detectives watching them and went quickly to explain.
-'' Sorry...'' – He bows his head in apology. – ''We just didn't know you work with Moonbyul-ssi. We are in awe of her, in a way.'' – The man admits. The other two, another man, and a woman nod in agreement.
-'' She is the best. You are lucky to work with her.'' – The woman supplies.
-'' Not only that she is the top Computer Scientist.'' – The other man adds. – '' She also works as Information Security Manager, and Software she is a goddess in IT sector.''
Jungkook felt amused by that, discovering how the others saw his Noona. In a way, he was lucky to know and work with her. She always had time for him, with all of her work. Jungkook had no idea how much was on her plate, but he did know that Yoongi always wanted only the best in his team.
He quickly departs from the room, leaving them to work. The flash drive was in his pocket as he headed to the upper floors where Yoongi's sector was.
He found Moonbyul and Soobin working on something together, their heads almost glued to the screen. He wanted to laugh.
-'' Hello you two. Am I bothering?'' – Jungkook greet.
-'' Hey, Hyung.'' – Soobin's head pops up and he smiles at him. Moonbyul, however, keeps her head down, but murmurs.
-'' Not as you usually do.''
Jungkook chuckles, knowing that there is no venom in her voice and meaning. – '' I should consider myself lucky then, oh, Moonbyul Noona, the goddess in the IT world.''
That draw her attention. – '' What drugs are you using?'' – She asks, quite shocked.
-'' It's what the rest of the IT crew from lower floors are calling you.'' – Jungkook quickly explains what the guys said, and soon, both Moonbyul and Jungkook were chalking.
Soobin blushed a little. - '' Well, it's true, Noona. I understand them. You are amazing.'' – He admits, which brought another huffed laughter from her and more cooing at his rosy cheeks from Jungkook.
-'' Aish, Hyung.'' – He pushed Jungkook gently when he got his hair tousled.
-'' Anyway, what do you want?'' – She asks, and Jungkook shows the flash drive.
She quickly mounts it and looks through the data.
-'' I need you to find me the identity of this third guy. The first two I know. Also, the guys mention the name ''Viper'', probably an underground code name, but I need to know more about him. It seems that he is connected to not only Hyung's case but also the half of others in the Force.''
-'' Hmm...I'll see what I can dig about that snake. But didn't the geeks manage to use facial recognition on this guy?'' – She asks.
-'' They say it's not in our database.''
-'' Which means, he could be anyone.'' – She hums, typing something.
Just them Yeonjun came in. – '' Noona, I have the results you asked for.''
Moonbyul just roll her eyes. – '' You could just send it to me without bothering to come in person.''
-'' Oh, it's not the bother at all.''– He said, completely ignoring the jab sent his way. – '' Hey, Hyung, what's up?'' – He smiles widely.
-'' Oh, nothing much, work and all.'' – Jungkook answers. – '' And you?''
-'' The same... always working... nothing new...'' – His eyes glanced sadly at Soobin, who was promptly ignoring him. Jungkook, who already lost the bet to Taehyun, watched them pine for one another in silence.
- '' Hey, Soobin-ah.'' – Yeeonjun calls softly. Soobin's eyes found him instantly. – '' Umm... care to take a break? Grab some coffee together?''
The taller man pursed his lips together, his dimples showing, only this time in a serious way. – '' Umm... I can't. I have a lot of work to finish.'' – He says determinedly. – '' Maybe next time.''
Jungkook watched Yeonjun's face droop in disappointment.
The lad forced a smile. – '' Oh, okay. Next time then.'' – He says cheerfully, but with no real joy in it.
I'm gonna kick their sorry asses. Jungkook shake his head and share the look with Moonbyul, who seemingly had a similar thought.
-'' Hey, why do you have Kai's photo there?'' – The young man suddenly exclaims. All three of them turn to stare at roundeyes Yeonjun, who was pointing at the screen.
-'' You... you know who this is?'' – Jungkook asks, pointing at the third guy with V and Bam-Bam.
Yeonjun nods. – '' Yeah, it's my old friend. His name is Huening Kai. I don't know the other two, though.'' – He says.
Moonbyul's fingers typed in fast. – '' How do you write his name?'' – She glances at the young researcher.
-'' Here, let me.'' – Yeonjun begin typing the name, and Jungkook couldn't believe his luck.
Soon, the screen was filled with a much better picture of a bright young man, together with his basic information: birthday, place, age, education etc...
-'' You mention he was a childhood friend of yours.'' - Jungkook prompts.
Yeonjun nods. – '' He lived in my neighbourhood.''
A soft smile adorned his face as he began remembering his past. – '' He was always a weird kid, but very smart. He got this chemistry set for kids from his grandmother from America and he played with it all the time.''
-'' Not surprised that he has Bachelor in Chemical Engineering.'' – Moonbyul murmurs.
-'' Really? Oh, wow. I'm so glad for him.'' – Yeonjun exclaims happily.
-'' I reckon you are not in touch, anymore?'' – Jungkook remarks.
The man's face grew sad. – '' No, he moved away some years ago.''
-'' Tell me more about him please.'' – Jungkook points at the chair for him to sit, a pen and notebook ready to write down the important stuff.
Yeonjun, quite satisfied to have the excuse to stay longer, move his chair so he could keep glancing at Soobin, who sat quietly, working, but also listening with half-ear.
-'' He once put the neighbour's dog to sleep for six hours with his mum's sleeping pills he found.'' – Yeonjun laughed. – '' I still remember the screaming, he was like eight or nine maybe.''
His face grows serious, and his eyes widen. – '' He didn't do that to hurt the dog.''- he adds hurriedly, shaking his head. – '' No. That dog was always barking, always. No matter who passed by, no matter what time of day and night, he was always yapping, and Kai just thought that he must be exhausted from all that barking.''
Jungkook chuckles at this, watching the man's mouth widen in a relief smile. – '' He was some four years younger than me, but it always felt like we are the same age. He was always joyful, curious and funny. Smart, too, oh, maybe too much, sometimes.''
His features drop suddenly and his face got serious. – '' Things changed when his mum died, though. He was seventeen when that happen. I didn't see him much back then, since I was already in college. But we would meet every time I visited my folks until he moved.''
He took a deep almost regretful sigh. -'' We all suspected that his stepdad was beating him a lot, but neither of them ever admitted it happening.'' – Yeonjun said, gaze cast down on his hands.
-'' Where was his dad?'' – Jungkook asked carefully, already knowing several possible answers to that question.
-'' He was a soldier, who died in action when Kai was only five. His mum remarried some three years later. Everything was fine for a long while until she died and the guy was left with a teenager in his hands. Since Kai didn't want to leave his school and friends and go to live with his grandmother in the States, it was agreed that he will stay with his stepfather, who is his guardian until Kai comes of age.''
Yeonjun wrapped his hands around himself as he was cold. – '' Then one day he ended up in the hospital. A neighbour found him unconscious on the first floor of the building, his body covered with bruises. This time the police sniffed more, questioning everyone, bringing his stepfather for questioning, child services were involved as well, but everything failed since Kai didn't want to say anything. He just kept claiming that he went hiking but slipped and fell tumbling down the slope.''
Yeonjun looks at Jungkook with sorrowful eyes. – '' Of course, nothing happened. His stepfather was released and they moved.''
-'' What happened with him?''- Moonbyul asked this time.
-'' That's the thing, I have no idea. The only thing I heard is someone mentioning that his stepfather went blind after a few years, some accident with the spices or some sort. He got sick. A lot of the people who knew him thought of karmic justice after how he treated Kai.''
-'' Where was Kai then?''
Yeonjun shrugs his shoulders. – '' College maybe, I don't know, we lost touch. I only know that his grandmother from America came to live with them as well to help.''
-'' Do you perhaps know the address?'' – Jungkook asks, but Yeonjun shakes his head.
Jungkook glances at Moonbyul. -'' Noona?''
-'' Already on it.'' – She was typing and clicking like crazy.
Jungkook turns towards Yeonjun once more, wanting to thank him, but noticed the man watching Soobin's stiff form.
Jungkook clears his throat, which finally brings the man's attention back. – '' Thank you for the information.''
Yeonjun's face clears. – '' You welcome, Hyung. Glad I could be of help.''
-'' Here.'' – Moonbyul turns, putting the note with the address in Jungkook's hand. – '' Here's the address. I had sent the copy of his bio on your phone.''
-'' Thank you.'' – Jungkook grins. – '' Let me know about the other guy, alright?''
-' Sure. Now, leave, both of you. We have work to do. Sobin-ah, come.'' – She calls the younger man to continue where they left off some minutes ago.
Jungkook left with Yeonjun in tow. They got to the main hall, ready to depart each on his way when Jungkook stopped the other. – '' Hey.''
Yeonjun pauses turn and tilt his head expectantly. – '' Yes?''
Jungkook thought hard about whether or not to intervene. In the end, he decided to at least say something.
-'' If you like him, you should tell him.''
Yeonjun's eyes widened almost comically. – '' I... I don't think... umm... how do you...?'' – He stammers. Jungkook came closer to place a hand on his shoulder.
-'' I will repeat. If you like him, but really like him, then you should tell him. Because I'm pretty sure the answer would be positive. Alright?''
The guy was still in a state of shock, and Jungkook uses that to make his departure. He pats him on the shoulder, smiles encouragingly and with a quick wave leaves the poor man in the middle of the hallway to ponder his words.
Either way, something will happen. He smiles to himself as the door of the elevator closed behind him. As he reached the ground floor, he had got an idea. He picked up his phone and dialled the familiar number.
-'' Hey, Hyung... I need some information.''
Huening Kai's house is quite away from the centre. Jungkook had to check GPS carefully so as not to get lost. His bike, no matter how great it was, didn't offer mud protection as the car did, and Jungkook only hoped that his pants will not be ruined along the way. The greenery, however, was beautiful, and after the roaring of the bike engine ceased, the peace and serenity of the place were quite relaxing.
No wonder he chose to live here. It's beautiful. It went through Jungkook's mind.
There was no answer when he knocked on the door, but a quite loud bang was heard somewhere on the other side of the house. Jungkook took out his gun and went to check it out.
He found chaos in the backyard, fire, a lot of smoke and a young man, coughing while he used the fire extinguisher to get rid of the stubborn flames. Jungkook saw another tank and went to help. Together they managed to put the fire down.
The man was panting harshly, taking off his goggles and smiling. – '' Hey, thanks.''
Jungkook nods. – '' No problem. Are you ok?''
-'' Yeah... not the first time.'' – The lad chuckles and Jungkook could see what Yeonjun meant when he said that the kid was a bit weird. Brilliant, he said, but weird.
-'' My name is Jeon Jungkook.'' – Jungkook starts. – '' I'm a detective.''
The smile disappears from Kai's face, and the cautious expression replaces it. Seeing that, Jungkook went quickly to put him to ease.
-'' You are not in trouble. Not by me anyhow.''
-'' Yeah? And why are you here then?'' – He asks carefully, posture a bit nervous.
-'' I work on a case, and your name popped up.''
Kai's eyebrows arched at that. – '' Oh? In what way?''
Jungkook considered what to say. – '' Some bad people were taking tabs on you and your two friends, Bam-Bam and V.''
Kai's face narrows even more.
His silence prompted Jungkook to continue. – '' I have the reason to believe that they might come after you.''
-'' Why?'' – Kai asked.
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. Why indeed? Yeonjun wouldn't want him hurt. Jungkook mused, and then he mentally cursed himself because another reason showed up to him. You mean because V wouldn't want it? Well, dammit. – '' Could be many things.'' – He tries. –'' We have increased murder cases, plus a lot of evidence that points that there might be a spring cleaning in their ranks. Cutting some loose ends.''
Kai was silent, just watching him carefully. Jungkook knew he needed another approach.
-'' Your old friend, Choi Yeonjun, works with me.'' – The spark of recognition flare-up in Kai's eyes, but then his brows drew back into a scowl again.
Jungkook knew he needed to fix it. -'' Well, not working with me, but our paths cross often. He is also in the Force, only Forensic.''
The shadow of a smirk came to Kai's lips, and finally, he spoke. – '' Yeah, he always seemed like a person who will end up helping the dead tell their truth.''
A sudden chill ran down Jungkook's spine at that, but he wasn't wrong. Yeonjun was very good at finding clues even though he didn't work with victims in Yoongi's team. He says as much to Kai.
He was amused. – '' Oh, well, still researching.''
-'' Umm...Huening Kai-ssi, can I ask you a few questions. It might help me find out who looks for you and what they want.''
Kai watched him for a long time, considering. In the end, he agreed.
-'' Want some coffee?'' – He asks, and Jungkook smiles in relief.
-'' Yeah, the coffee would be great.''
It turns out that Kai didn't know much, since he keeps to himself the most. He knew nothing of anyone named ''Viper'', nor Kwan or Gyeong. As for V, he told Jungkook that he meet him through Bam and that he was a good Hyung.
-'' I wish he would visit me soon. I miss our talks.'' – The young man says.
When asked what does he do for a living, the young man answered that he is taking a break from his studies and concentrating on his research.
-'' I like to experiment, you see.'' – He said excitedly after showing Jungkook a few of the things he's been working on.
Remembering the chaos that welcomed him in the backyard, Jungkook just murmured with a strangled smile. – '' Yeah, I saw.''
Kai grins, not really caring.
-'' Kai...''- Jungkook starts after he was asked to use his name. – '' I don't know if anyone will come to you, but please be careful. I suggest you stay with some friends for a while.''
Kai's brows furrowed. – '' But I can't leave my work here.''
-'' The work will be here when you return, and it will all be to waste if something happens to you, so take a break. Anyone with you in this house of yours?''
Kai shakes his head. – '' Nah, I'm here by myself.''
-'' It's dangerous being here alone.''
The smile was still on the young man's face. – '' I love being alone, it gives me a certain freedom.''
Jungkook saw just then that it's pointless trying to reason with him. He sighs deeply and stood up to go.
-'' Either way, be careful.'' – He pulls his contact card. – ''If you see any suspicious cars around, or men lurking, give me a call.''
Kai takes the card, examines it and then looks at Jungkook, smiling brightly. – '' I will. Say hi to Yeonjun, and tell him to visit, if he still remembers me.''
Jungkook smiles back. – '' Oh, he remembers you. And I will send the message.''
-'' Thanks.''
-'' Take care, Kai.'' – Jungkook reaches for his bike, putting a helmet on. – '' And call if you need me.''
The man nods and waves, as Jungkook started the engine and drove away. Damn, I hope he will listen to me. Jungkook hoped as the house behind him grew smaller and smaller.
After speaking with Kai, yesterday, Jungkook wondered whether or not to contact Taehyung. He had so many things to ask. His involvement with some shady people, and the possibility of being in danger...he just couldn't make himself do so. Not yet anyway. He wasn't sure if the anger stopped him, or the weakness he felt around him.
If he's been completely honest, Taehyung never made him feel any less important or inferior when they were together, but he did make him weak in the knees like he is losing his determination. There was a reason why Jungkook didn't want to call him. He didn't want false hope, he didn't want to fight his own emotions again. Not with this mess happening right now.
So, he turned to the next person on his list, and he groaned. Bam-Bam will be a handful. Still, someone has to talk to him, and Jungkook's gut feeling was telling him that the man knew a lot more than he pretends.
He reached the familiar building, hoping that the man didn't move. He checked his watch quickly. Yes, Bam should be at home right now.
Once he reached the right floor and knocked on the door, he heard footsteps approaching. The feeling of being watched made his eyes move to the peephole on the smooth wood, and he quirks an eyebrow at it. Soon, an annoyed groan was heard on the other side, and the locking mechanism began making noise.
-'' What do you want now?'' – Came a question instead of a greeting. Bam-Bam's face looked tired and in a foul mood.
Jungkook tilts his head. – '' I came to check up on you.'' – He says.
Bam rolls his eyes. – '' Yeah, right. What is it this time, detective? Have you come to harass me again?''
Jungkook pouts slightly at that. – '' I never harassed you, Bam. We just talked, don't be so dramatic.''
Bam growls at him. – '' I am not dramatic. Now, tell me what you want and go away. I'm not in the mood.''
Jungkook wanted to retaliate so badly, but he realized that doing so would definitely shut the door for him. – '' I have a few questions for you.'' – He raises his hands in placate manner when he saw that Bam was preparing to turn him down, so he quickly adds. – '' It's not for the hallway, and it's serious. Can I come in?''
-'' No.'' – Came an instant answer.
-'' V saved my life.'' – Jungkook wasn't sure why he said it, but it did wonders to Bam's mood. It turned from irritated one, to worry in a second.
-'' He did? You...'' – He began, stopping himself and then trying again. – '' Do you know where he is?'' – He asks finally.
Jungkook gestures to the apartment with his head, not wanting to have this conversation here in the open.
Bam clicks with his tongue, the irritation flashing back. – '' Fine, come in.'' - He moved away so Jungkook could pass.
Once inside, Jungkook spots the familiar living room and a wonderful view through the huge windows. Seoul is beautiful during the night, so shiny and busy.
-'' And?'' – The impatient voice spoke behind him. – '' Have you seen him? Is he alright?''
Jungkook turns and was surprised to see just how worried Bam really is. His usual cocky posture was now nervous, and his eyes gave away just how deeply scared he is. Jungkook wondered what happened from the last time he saw him.
-'' I saw him a month ago. He was alright.''
Bam release a breath he's been holding, his brows still knitted in worry. – '' Did he tell you anything of him leaving the country, or going somewhere?'' – He asks.
Jungkook shook his head. – ''Noup.'' - He watched Bam carefully as the man fidgeted. – '' Bam, what's going on?''
-'' N-nothing.''
-'' Bam, don't lie to me. I can't help you if you do.''
Bam snorts. – '' Why do you care?''
Jungkook takes a step forward. – '' Bam...'' – He calls softly. – '' Tell me what happened? Why are you worried so much about V?''
Bam made a face, looking everywhere but in Jungkook's direction. Finally, he answers quietly. – '' I haven't seen him for a long while. It's not like him to ghost me like that.'' – He admits, running the hand through his messy hair. – '' No messages either, as he disappeared.'
Oh, no, he didin't. Jungkook thought amusingly. You probably saw him on the internet or in some magazines only a few days ago. You just didn't know it was him. Jungkook never read any of the articles that mention him, but he was always aware of them.
-'' I'm sure he is fine.'' – He says, trying to sound comforting. – '' He is one resilient man.''
Bam scowls at him. – '' I'm serious here!'' – He hisses. – '' You don't know him as I do! He would never leave his friends like that. I'm telling you something might happen to him, especially with all of this chaos going on in the city, and the people asking about him...''
He cut himself from further speaking like he said too much already. Jungkook, of course, notices.
-'' Who is asking about him?'' – He wanted to know, observing the flushed colour leaving Bam's face rapidly.
-'' No one... just people, regular people.'' – Bam stammers, and then gets his confidence back. – '' Just some acquaintance wondering where he is and why he didn't call them. And they know we are friends so they are bugging me.''
Jungkook didn't buy it. – '' Bam...If you believe there is someone after V...?''
-'' Oh, no, no, no...'' – Bam starts waving his hands and shaking his head, eyes round, but then stops, turns to pace away and then back, clearly struggling within himself. – '' Well...umm... not exactly.''
He began pacing left and right in the middle of the room, murmuring something in Thai, his body tensed, borderline with panic.
Jungkook reaches and stops him in his tracks. –'' Hey, calm down.'' – He places his hand on Bam's forearm, trying to ground him to place. – '' Bam, do you think someone will hurt V?''
Bam bit his lower lips as his chin wobbled.
-'' Is the name ''Viper'' familiar to you?'' – Jungkook asks hopefully.
All blood from Bam's face disappears, and the round panicked eyes found Jungkook. The man opens and closes his mouth several times, his voice gone. It was all the confirmation Jungkook needed. Bam knew this Viper guy, which means V knows him too. Dammit, Taehyung, in what mess are you got into?
-'' I think you should go?'' – Bam finally found his voice.
Jungkook was firm. – '' Not until you tell me.''
Bam yanked his arm from Jungkook's grasp and started pacing again. – '' No, no, no, you don't ask those things, and you don't speak about them either!'' – He hisses, eyes glaring at Jungkook before resuming his pace around the room.
Bam knew something, something important, otherwise, he would not react so strongly to this.
-'' Who is he, Bam?'' – Jungkook asked calmly, but inside he was vibrating.
-'' I don't know! No one really does!'' – The man yells.
Jungkook's brows furrow at that. – '' Have you ever met him?''
Bam stops in his tracks. – '' Hell, no, and I'm glad for it! That's the last thing I need in my life!''
-'' Did V meet him?'' – Jungkook was persistent.
Bam didn't answer.
-'' Bam?'' – Jungkook approaches again. – '' Bam, did V meet the Viper before?''
Still silence, and just pacing. So, Jungkook stops him and grips his arms. Bam struggled. – '' I don't want V hurt.'' – Jungkook shakes him a little. – '' I want to help him if he is in trouble, Bam.''
That made the man stop trying to get away, and Jungkook knew that the best way to get the information he needs is to play on V card since the man was clearly upset and afraid for his friend. Ah, you silly fool, if only you knew who your friend V really is.
-'' Some dangerous people are looking for him... looking for you both.''
Bam jerks at this, but Jungkook's hands were holding him put.
-'' Bam, I need to know who is after him, so I can help him.''
He pauses slightly, waiting for the words to sink in, in Bam's mind, before he continues. – ''Does V know Viper?''
There was a silence and then Bam let a pitiful whimper.
-'' Yes...'' – Bam whispers. – '' Yes he met him. '' – And when he looks at Jungkook, his eyes are filled with tears. – '' I heard of people disappearing not too long after they met this man.''
-'' So, it's a he?''
Bam nods. – '' I don't know anything more about him.''
Oh, that's disappointing. Jungkook thinks. He felt Bam's fingers wrapping around his jacket.
-'' I'm scared that something happened to V, and that this man is responsible.'' – The man admits.
Taehyung, you and I have a lot to talk about. Jungkook groans in his brain.
-'' I'll find him.'' – Jungkook says. – '' I'll find V.''
There's a spark of hope in Bam's expression. – '' Please, he is my friend. I care about him a lot.''
Jungkook nods and then remembers.
-'' Do you know Rim Kwan, and Gyeong Hak-Kun, perhaps?''
Jungkook was amazed at how quickly Bam's face had changed after hearing those two names. The disgust was so strong.
-'' I do not associate myself with the likes of those two monsters.'' – Bam hisses angrily.
-'' Care to explain why they have your photographs on their computer?''' – Jungkook shoots back.
Bam's eyes widen eyebrows arched in surprise. – '' What?''
-'' Mhm...'' – Jungkook hums in affirmation. – '' We arrest them a few days ago. Found a lot of stuff on their hard drives. A lot of photos...a few of you and V.''
Bam shakes his head. – '' I have no idea, honestly.''
-'' Well... you've been followed. Maybe it's just a standard procedure if you have some dealings with them, or...''
-'' We never had anything with those two!'' – Bam interrupts him urgently. – '' We never did. Neither of us. Please, believe me. We would never work with them, never.''
-'' Alright, alright, I believe you.'' – Jungkook tries to calm the upset man. – '' Then they may have some inferior motives towards you, which is why I need you to come to the station with me and see if you can identify some of the....''
Bam was shaking his head frantically before Jungkook could even finish his sentence.
-'' I can't do that. No. They'll think I'm a snitch. They will kill me.''
-'' Who are they?'' – Jungkook need to know, but the man was so hard to cooperate.
He grows fidgety again. – '' I can't, please, I can't...don't make me.''
Jungkook sighs in exasperation, closing his eyes. Another dead end. He didn't have any reason to turn Bam in or to ask for a warrant. He only had the speculations, and some photos, but nothing else. It wasn't even connected to his case, well...not entirely. Speaking with him like this was his only option for now. Unfortunately, it wasn't successful.
-'' Fine.'' – He says defeated. – '' I won't make you do anything you don't want to. But, do you have some other place to stay for the time being?'' – He asks. – '' If they kept a tag on you, they surely know where you live.''
Seeing how frightened the man is, Jungkook attempt to ease him up a little by making a joke. – '' Some villa to ''borrow'' or a week or two, maybe?'' Alright, that was terrible. He scolds himself.
Bam's expression stayed the same, but he spoke. – '' I might have a friend that I could stay with.''
-'' Good.'' – Jungkook nods in approval. – '' Contact them.'' – And then as a thought crosses his mind, he adds. – ''I just hope that friend is not Huening Kai, though.''
Bam's wild expression told him that it was, in fact, Huening Kai.
-'' How did you...?''
-'' He was in the photo with you and V, that we found. His house is not safe either, plus he lives so far away from the city, a perfect place to hide the crime. No neighbours. No one to hear you scream.''
Bam shivered violently. -'' Oh, bloody Hell.''
-'' I told him to go someplace else.'' – Jungkook continues. – '' I just hope he will listen to me.''
Bam didn't say anything to that.
-'' Do you have some other friend?'' – Jungkook asks gently this time.
Bam thinks for a bit and then nods. – '' I'll manage.''
Jungkook hums at that but didn't comment. -'' Can I use your bathroom, please?'' – He asks instead.
-'' Yeah, sure.'' – Came the answer.
He didn't have to use the loo, but he wanted to give Bam a chance to calm himself. He rummaged through the cabinets to see what was in there. There were tons of cosmetics, and the shower gels Bam was using were too strong for his senses.
He heard the knock on the front door and he leaned closer to hear who it is. He heard Bam's footsteps and the door opening, and then a gasp and something breaking.
Jungkook grabs a gun from his holster and hurried out just in time to see a man standing behind the struggling Bam with the scarf tied around his neck, strangling him. Bam's legs kicked everywhere, and his hands tried to claw the man's face, while his own was getting too red.
Jungkook raised his gun. – '' Police, let him go!'' – He bellowed.
The man jerked his head and in one swift movement, he reached for a throwing knife near his chest and with lightning speed tossed it in Jungkook's direction. Jungkook barely dodges it and aims to shoot when the man released Bam and rolled out of the way.
Bam started coughing violently, eyes tearing up, while Jungkook ran forward, aiming around the corner when the man rushed at him, using a martial art move to knock Jungkook's gun out of his hand and elbowing him in the stomach at the same time. Jungkook groaned in pain but managed to stay on his feet.
The man moved swiftly and Jungkook barely got the time to block the man's foot from kicking his middle but wasn't fast enough to dodge his fist. He was punched straight in the face and he felt the rush of metallic taste of blood in his mouth.
He ducks down to avoid the second attack, sending his own punch instead to his enemy's ribs.
The man groaned and moved out of the way. He was light on his feet, like an MMA fighter. Jungkook knew those fighters well, he fought them in the boxing club he goes to from time to time. They are quite unpredictable because you never know which move they're gonna use next.
The man took out his other knife and attacked again. Jungkook had to think fast. He let the blade slide in front of him, before moving quickly, gripping the man's hand and twisting it until the knife fell out of his grasp. He managed to hit him twice in the face before the man turned quickly on his toes, snarling at him. He attacks so viciously with his other arm that Jungkook had to let go of him and step back. He had to move out of the way when the fighter jumped in the air to send a flying kick toward Jungkook's head. He hit the TV instead, his foot breaking through the screen and getting stuck there.
Jungkook glanced to find Bam, but he wasn't in the room anymore. He hoped he escaped since the front door are still ajar. He looked for his gun when the man growled pulling his foot free. He turns just in time for Jungkook's series of punches.
Right hook on the jaw, left uppercut in the abdomen, another jab at the man's elbow. He swings with his left hook again but was blocked, dodged, swings again, blocked, kick in the sheen, avoided, elbow on the man's nose, avoided. Jungkook was becoming frustrated and very furious. He growls and kicks the man straight on his chest, forcing him to fall backwards on the floor, knocking the small table and the lamp in the process. They came crashing down. The man, however, simply rolled over his shoulder and came swiftly on his feet again charging right at Jungkook. He wraps his arms around Jungkook's waist and using his strength and speed, pushed him hard on the wall.
Jungkook was temporarily left without air in his lungs, he was gasping for it, but the other man didn't give him the chance to inhale because he kept hitting his stomach in quick succession. Jungkook curls inside to protect himself but gets kneed in the face. His head slams back at the wall turning his vision black for the moment. He felt the blood oozing from his nose and the ringing in his ears. His knees buckled right before he felt another strong kick on the side of his head and he went flying across the room, falling on top of the glass coffee table. There was a sound of glass shattering and Bam's screaming. Oh, no, he is still here. Jungkook felt a few slashes across his forearms and forehead, blood dripping slowly, leaving the bloody trails.
He shook his head to clear his vision, which was extremely difficult. Everything danced in front of his eyes from the concussion. His right ear was ringing and his entire head hurt as if it will explode. He heard Bam crying for help and Jungkook moved. Gathering all of his strength he got on his feet again. The murderer had Bam on the floor, strangling him again.
Jungkook didn't think, he just snatched a big shard of glass in his hand, ignoring the pain in his palm and jumped. He stabbed the man in the throat. His eyes rounded in surprise and shock, hands going to grab the glass, which was impossible since it break when Jungkook cut the artery and the man was bleeding out too fast. He fell dead several seconds later.
Jungkook sagged on the back of the sofa in relief, panting. He shut his eyes hard to stop the headache, while Bam cried hysterically.
-'' It's alright.'' Jungkook says, patting Bam's shoulder. – ''You are okay, Bam.''
The man curls more into Jungkook, holding on to him as he wept.
Jungkook didn't mind, he allowed it. He reaches for his phone only to discover that the screen was completely smashed. Great.
-'' Bam.'' – He calls the man, but he was too busy crying into Jungkook's jacket. – '' Bam, where is your phone? I need to call for help. Where is it?''
The man reaches for his side pocket and pulls out the silver elegant phone, unlocks it and hands it over to Jungkook who dials Yugyeom.
-'' Gyeom, it's Kook. I need back up man. I'm at...'' – He never finishes because two huge men bust in through the front door, guns ready. Jungkook only has time to move Bam and himself out of the way by pushing them behind the sofa. The bullets flew, breaking the vase, and ripping the pillows and sofa's mattresses.
Jungkook covers Bam's body with his own, pressing him hard on the ground. He sees the knife that got lost under it and grabs it.
-'' Stay down.'' – He whispers in Bam's ear, who covers his head with his hands, still crying. The shooting stops, as if they used all of the bullets and Jungkook uses that opportunity to jump and move fast toward them. His ribs were hurting badly, and he felt that every breath he takes is like someone punching him, but his adrenaline was pumping wildly by now, dulling the pain of his aching body for the time being.
One of the men finished changing the cartridge and pointed his rifle at Jungkook, making him jump out of the way, but not before he tossed the knife at them. As he was falling he could feel the bullets flying past him, nearly catching him before he rolled over his shoulder and using the momentum when the killers moved to dodge the blade, Jungkook was on them.
He knocks the gun off one man, sliding behind his back in one swift movement, grabbing at his shoulders to put him in the way of the other man's gun. The man hesitates, not wanting to shoot his partner, and Jungkook kicks his live shield onto the other man.
Jungkook slides in agile movements, knees in a half-crouch, legs wide, swiping them across the floor, feeling the perfect balance as he moved like a warrior. He spent his entire life training martial arts and he couldn't be more grateful for that.
The other killer with the gun regain his balance and aimed at Jungkook, who moved behind him in a spin, touching his left arm which made the man start turning to the left, only for Jungkook to swirl on the right, grabbing at the man's right hand and using the speed of his movement to twist the man's wrist and knocks him out of his balance again. The man screamed when his joints popped, and the gun fell to the floor. Jungkook kicked it aside and twisted the man's arm again in a different direction, pulling him like the ragdoll so he could slip in and toss him over his shoulder.
The other man was on his feet again, the knife in his hand. Jungkook slid next to him to hit the man's sides, then slid again around him so he could punch him in the kidney. The man roared and spun like a raging bull, swishing the knife in front of him, but wherever he sliced he caught only air because Jungkook was again out of his sight.
Jungkook kicked the other man in the face that was trying to get back on his feet, and turn to his current attacker. He let his muscle memory and reflexes guide him. Kick to the man's chest, slide around, pull at his shoulder, move again, block the punch, hands gripping at the enemy's arm, turn and pull until he loses the balance, another step, pull, twist, the knife is down, quick punch to the man's throat, the man starts coughing, use the movement and speed of his enemy to his own advantage and hit the man's face with the bottom of his palm, slid aside, hit in the man's lower back, another one on the side of his neck, cutting the blood circulation for a second, which is enough for the man to lose consciousness. Turns toward the other man avoids the kick with the kick of his own and catches the man right across his mouth with his other foot in a fast swirl. The man falls back on the bookshelf and gets smashed on the floor. He doesn't move anymore.
Jungkook stood there in the middle of the room, panting hard, his body still tense, his arms and legs ready for more fight. He was expecting new attacks but there weren't any. He allowed himself to breathe more easily now.
-'' Bam!' – He called. – '' Bam!'' – He turned around looking for him.
-'' H-here.'' – He weak voice called, still hidden behind, now completely ruined sofa. Bam's eyes were round, red from crying and really scared. Jungkook approached him. – '' Are you alright? You are not hurt?''
The man shook his head. He was alright.
-'' Good.'' – He stood up, he had no time to lose. He picked up his gun and went towards the first killer that Jungkook stabbed in the neck, but he was dead. He went to the other one and checked his vitals. He was still alive. Jungkook took his handcuffs and pushed him on his stomach, pulling his hands back and locking the cuffs on it. He kept the third man in sight ready to react if he starts to wake up, but the man was out. The heavy bookshelf and a ton of things were all over him. Jungkook spotted the scarf that the assassin used for Bam and tied the third man's hands as well.
The scarf. This was supposed to be clean murder with no trace. A silken scarf doesn't leave bruises around the neck. But I got in the way. What a mess.
He went towards the kitchen that was connected with the living room and started opening the draws one by one... he cursed and went to Bam's bedroom, opening his closet hoping to find some belts or ties. He chuckled when he found Bam's sex toys box. There were nice handcuffs with red fur in there and several scarfs. He took them all and went back. The men still lay unconscious.
He snapped the fluffy cuffs on the third, replacing the scarf and then proceeded to tie up his legs and knees and elbows on the back. He did the same with the other man.
Even if they wake up, they won't be able to move. Jungkook looked left and right. He needs pictures of the crime scene. Where is the phone? The phone! Gyeom!!!
Jungkook jumps towards the phone, it was still on. Bless you, Gyeom. Jungkook thought, putting the phone in his ear.
-'' Gyeom?'
-'' Kook!, thank God you're alive! What the hell happened? We heard gunshots, screaming and breaking!'' – Yugyeom exclaimed.
-'' Attempt of murder. Luckily I was here.'' – Jungkook says weakly. The headache was killing him. -'' One dead and two unconscious and bound.''
-'' Fuckin hell. JB and I are on our way, we traced the phone location. The police should be here any minute now, the neighbours called in as well cos they heard the ruckus, shoots, and screams.''
-'' Call for the ambulance.'' – Jungkook added.
-'' Shit, are you hurt?''
-'' I was mistaken for a punching bag, but you should see the other three.'' – He chuckles and then groan, his ribs might be broken.
Yugyeom curses and tells him to hold on. Jungkook just wanted to sleep. The adrenaline was wearing off now and his body started to ache. He needs some painkillers and a bed. His legs shook a little and he stumbled but before he fell, he was caught. He felt Bam's hand on his arm, steadying him.
-'' You are bleeding.'' – The man says.
Jungkook looks at his arms, they were covered with small cuts. He felt some blood on his face as well. Damn, this headache. He groans in pain.
-'' You have something for the head? it's killing me.'' – Jungkook asks hopefully. Bam, stopped crying and was strangely calm and resigned.
-'' Just some Aspirin. Come, let's get you cleaned up.'' – He pulls him towards the bathroom.
He was placed on the toilet seat, while Bam went for the first aid kit. He gave the medicine to Jungkook, who took it with the tap water from the sink. He closed his eyes, urging the headache away. He heard the soft rumbling of cotton and bottles, plastic and liquid. He opened his eyes to see Bam pouring antiseptic on the cotton pad and went to clean Jungkook's head.
-'' I never saw anyone fight like you.'' – Bam says quietly while dabbing around the wound, cleaning the blood. – '' It was amazing.'' – He adds, touching too close to the cut and Jungkook hissed from the sudden sharp pain.
-'' Sorry.'' – Bam says, blowing the cold air on the cut.
-'' It's alright.'' – The pain eased off and Jungkook's forehead cleared from a painful grimace. He looked at Bam-Bam. – '' Do you know who those men were?''
Bam's eyes widened in sudden fear, his hand shook a bit and he gulped, calming himself before continuing to dab at Jungkook's skin.
-'' Bam, someone wanted you dead and you know who. Please, let me help you.'' – Jungkook whispers.
Bam shudders, closing his eyes. – '' You can't keep me safe. They will find me.''
-'' No, they won't. I won't let them find you.'' – He placed a hand on Bam's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. – '' I didn't let them hurt you now. I promise you will be safe.''
-'' You can't promise that.''
-'' You are right, I can't. But I can promise that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, how's that?'' – Jungkook smiled weakly.
Bam gave a small smile in return. – ''Sounds alright.''
They nod to each other in agreement. Jungkook grimaced when Bam dabbed at the jaw where the small cut was.
-'' Who are they?'' – Jungkook asked again.
Bam made a slight pause before answering. –'' I told you the truth, I don't know much.'' – He notices Jungkook's scowl and rushes to explain. – '' I swear, I just ever met a few of them, but you know them already. These, however...'' – Bam shakes his head. – '' I never met these before, only saw them.''
-'' Where?'' – Jungkook asked.
Bam's brow furrowed in concentration. – '' They are not related to the gang. These men...'' – He took a deep breath. – '' I saw them only twice. The first time they came into the club we were in, they talk to Lee, I don't know what. They just talked and left, but I remembered them because they looked different.''
-'' How different.'' – Jungkook interjected.
-'' Dangerous, bad...not like they are part of the gang. I don't know. I just didn't like them.''
Jungkook nods. -'' And the second time?'' – He asked.
Bam visibly paled. His breathing quickened and his hands shook a bit. – '' The s-second time they beat up one guy from that circle because he stole something he was not supposed to.'' – He almost whispers. –'' It was ugly, like...ready bad. The guy ended up handicapped from the neck down, and will probably eat through a straw for the rest of his life.''
-'' What's his name?'' – Jungkook asks.
-'' I don't know their names, they never told us. They just call them Bosse's men.'' – Bam answered honestly.
Jungkook shook his head, which was painful and made him dizzy. – '' No, I meant the guy that ended up in the hospital.''
-'' His hame is Chanwook. Gwan Chan-wook.''
Jungkook's eyes widened, he heard that name so many times before. Jackson wouldn't stop grumbling about it. The '' slippery bastard''. Chan-wook, huh, it seems that he hasn't got away after all. Jungkook thought. He couldn't wait to tell Jackson.
-'' When was that?'' – He asks.
Bam's eyes narrow in concentration. – '' Umm, a few weeks ago, maybe a month.''
Yes, it matches the time frame.
-'' Why would they want you dead?'' - Jungkook was raking through his brain trying to piece this puzzle together. – '' What did you do?''
-'' We got caught by you.'' – Bam answers, eyes staring straight at Jungkook's. Jungkook huffs through his nose.
-'' Me and V were the only ones walking free, while the rest were arrested. Then the others began falling like flies... I believe they think we are snitches. That we work for the police, and I never...'' – Bam's voice hitched and he swallow the cry back.
-'' These are professionals, Bam. These are not mere criminals.'' – Jungkook says. He clicked with his tongue In annoyance. – '' This is a mess. Listen.'' – He looks the man deep into the eyes. – '' Once the police come, you will come with us, and you will tell us everything you know.''
-'' I can't.'' – Bam began.
-'' You can and you will.'' – Jungkook said sternly. – '' They already think that you are a snitch, which is why they've sent a killer after you. I'm pretty sure that the other two are just an entourage, the cleaning crew, whatever. But, Bam, try to understand, once they hear about this and trust me they will, there won't be any doubt in their minds that you are the snitch, whether you worked for the police or not. You have no other choice but to work with us and let us hide you.''
Bam groans and buried his face in his hands. –'' I'm dead.''
Jungkook chuckles, patting the man on the head. – '' Not yet, and we will make sure you stay alive, but I need you to cooperate.''
Bam sniffs and looks at Jungkook, his eyes were teary again. – '' I hate all of this.'' – He says. – ''I never wanted this.''
-'' I believe you didn't.'' – Jungkook says. – '' How did you end up in this shady business in the first place?''
-'' The gang has known me since I was a kid. They took me in from the streets. I was useful to them.''
-'' You are a gang member?'' – Jungkook asks a bit surprised, but Bam was shaking his head furiously.
-'' No, no, no. I had their protection, but I was never the part of them. Mostly because of V, he protected me in a way.''
-'' How is he protecting you?'
-'' He just knows people. He has their respect, so they didn't touch me because of him.''
-'' How is he connected to the gang?''
-'' I think they just know of each other. The same clubs and acquaintances.''
Hmm...he is rather defensive when V is in question. Loyally protecting his friend. Taehyung, I hope you realize how good a friend you have. Jungkook mused. Best ask him again later in the station.
Jungkook was about to say something when a loud crash from another room and a bunch of loud footsteps were heard. He jumped out of his seat, pushing Bam behind himself and raising his gun at the door. The cop shows up.
-'' Police, don't move! Drop your gun!''
Jungkook pulled his hands up in surrender. – '' I'm a detective Jeon! I called for backup.''
-'' Your gun down!'' – Another cop showed up.
-'' Take it easy.'' – Jungkook began.
-'' It's alright, let him go! He is ours! Dammit!'' – Gyeom showed up, putting his gun back in his holster, pushing the cops away and wrapping Jungkook into a hug. Jungkook winced when his bruised ribs protested in pain.
-'' Shit, sorry mate.'' – Yugyeom turns to the cops who just stood there. – '' Get out, check with others.''
They bowed and left without a word. Jungkook sat on the toilet seat again, leaning back to rest.
Yugyeom turns his eyes on Bam, nodding. – ''Are you alright?''
The younger man nods. – '' Thanks to him.'' - He points at Jungkook, who just chuckled and waves his hand.
-'' Don't mention it.'' – He grunts as he tried to find a more comfortable position.
-'' Gyeom!'' – Came from another room.
-'' In here!'' – Yugyeom answered and soon Jaebum's face came into view.
-'' Bloody hell!'' – Jaebum exclaims scanning Jungkook. – '' Why is it always you in the middle of some huge mess?''
Jungkook chuckles tiredly. – '' What can I say, danger loves me.''
Yugyeom snorts. – '' That was awful.''
They both chuckle.
Jaebum leans out the door. – ''We need a medic here!'' – He then came back in and placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. – '' Don't worry, buddy. They will patch you up in no time.''
-'' Perfect.'' – Jungkook let a sigh of relief, closing his eyes. He doesn't remember anything else after that.
I lot happened in this huge chapter, and things are moving fast. First of all, I just had to include more of Solar. I know that a lot of you (me included) don't really like seeing our boys with any other Idol in any type of romantic relationship, but I felt like this was needed. I wanted someone for Jin, and I think Solar is perfect, so sue me (I make an exception for her because she is adorable).
We also saw that the secret about fake jewels is finally showing up, which will be used nicely to destroy Dong-Ho's integrity for his buyers. Yeah, it pissed him off immensely.
Then, new clues came out and Huening Kai's name became known, as well as the name ''Viper'' which is connected directly with Dong-Ho, only the police still don't know it yet.
And finally, the fight at Bam's place. That was fun to write. I enjoyed it, immensely. I hope you did too?
Until the next time, take care, darlings 💜💜💜
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