Chapter 22 - Planned Heists and Horror Cases
Jin was surrounded by Dong-Ho and his men. On the screen in front of him was a detailed plan of yet another heist. It was too bloody soon. Jin thought. Only four weeks ago did we finish the job in Vienna. It was still fresh, and recent. Jin didn't like it, not so fast, and yet, there were ready for another job, this time in their home country, and Jin was irritated beyond all measures.
The job in question was Private Vaults, highly secured, but not impossible to crack. Not for him anyway. His plan was perfect. He spent hours perfecting it, checking and double-checking it all, there was no flaw in it. He did his part, and now, it's up to the team. The plan is only great as the people in it. And of course, in any team, there are assholes. In this case, a bunch of assholes.
-'' Why can't we just cut the cable?'' – One of the men, Won Yong, asks. He was bulky and full of muscle which was the reason why he was in the team. Every team needs someone who can do the heavy lifting.
Jin wanted to roll his eyes, but their electronic expert, Moon Junseok spoke instead. – '' If we touch it without the access code, we set off the alarm.''
Jin nods in affirmation. Moon was the only one that Jin almost liked from this group. He was just the kid that Dong-Ho picked up for his brilliance and talent. He wasn't nearly as good as Namjoon, but Moon does the work nicely. His job is infiltrating the cameras, slight programming and hacking necessary for the job done. He is excellent with anything electric.
Jin noticed that Won Yong was about to comment so he promptly cuts him. –'' And before you suggest hacking into it, Won Yong, think again. We can't touch the system without being noticed by the security which is not connected to the Vault, but another private company. The codes change every hour. It would be difficult to guess which one it is. And no, we cannot try to guess it, because one false entry and the security company calls in to check everything and they are detailed. So, no, we will not get in through the code.''
Won Yong makes a sour face, grumbling something to his chin. Cursing Jin, probably.
-'' Then how you suggest we trick the cameras?'' – The tall, and thin man, of the name Im Suk asked. He was always too careful, always needing the most reassuring. Jin would be glad to send him packing, but he was one of the best safecrackers, and Dong-Ho wanted him.
Jin sighs, expecting this question. – '' The cameras could be manipulated. Their cords are outside. The small device was already planted by Junseok when we watched the premises.''
Won Yong narrows his eyes. – '' And that didn't set the alarm?''
Junseok shakes his head. – '' We didn't tap into the system, we just stayed on the line, watching. It's like we are watching through the window, but not getting in.'' – He explains the best he can. – '' We can only see this much, which is why Hyung checked it from the inside.''
-'' You went inside?'' – Dong-Ho asks one eyebrow arching.
-'' Not me, the acquaintance of mine. She had no idea I planted the camera on her when I sent her to hire the safe for her jewellery.''
The truth was, he sent Tae inside to look around. He dressed as a woman who requested a safe for her jewellery, all the way filming every inch of the place with the button camera on her jacket. He was natural with extracting all the information he wanted to know since the Vault's clerk saw a gorgeous rich woman and just started salivating.
Dong-Ho watched him for a moment and then nods. – '' Was her visit useful to you?''
Jin nods. – '' Yes, she is a very sceptic lady and asks a lot of questions, so we know how 90% of the security works there. Shall we continue?'' – He asks Dong-Ho, who gives him a small nod. Jin turns his eyes to Junseok and gives him the sign to carry on.
The young man, who was always in awe and fear of both Dong-Ho and Jin, swallows, inhales deeply and nods before continuing. -'' So, as I was saying, we have information from the inside and outside, which is why the cameras would be manipulated from the headquarters. When we enter, the copy will be placed, and then switched back when the cops show up.''
-'' Cops showing up?!'' – Exclaims Im Suk. – '' I thought we are trying to avoid the cops.''
Oh, Heavens, give me strength. Jin thought. He presented the entire plan on the screen, together with pictures. It was drawn for them.
-'' We gonna set the alarm.'' – Jin says.
-'' We will do what?''- Won Yong asks.
-'' Set the alarm, yes.'' – Jin repeats slower. – '' When the alarm goes off, it will take the security guards six minutes to get from their base to the vault. We timed it.'' – He nods towards the Junseok. –'' It will take us 15 minutes to get from the main hall to the vault.''
-'' If it takes us 15 minutes to get into the vault, and it only takes them six minutes to get there, we gonna spent our next 20 years in prison.'' – Im Suk spoke, calculating everything and watching Jin like he's an idiot.
Jin meets his stare point-blank, his posture not wavering even the slightest bit, but it was Dong-Ho who spoke harshly.
-'' Don't act like an idiot. Seokjin never failed us so far.''
-'' That's true.'' – Im Suk changed his tone instantly to a much more subdued one. – '' All I'm saying is this seems quite impossible, that's all.''
Jin looks coldly at the men in the room, ignoring Im Suk completely. – '' We break the job into three different stages. Five minutes each, with some twenty minutes or so in between, so it would look random .'' – He clicks on a small remote to change the pictures on the screen. - '' So stage one: we break into the elevator hall. That triggers the alarm. We will have three minutes to do that and fix the door, which is not complicated. Then we go back to the headquarters in the next-door building and wait. In the meantime, Sungho, you will go to the guards' room to take care of the locked door and switch the security cards I've got made.''
Han Sungho's eyes gleam with some oily fire. Jin never liked him. He was always slippery, but he was also one of the best mechanics out there.
Namjoon did enter the security mainframe with his clever little program and that's why Jin knows so much about it. He managed to find which keys they were using for the elevator and where they kept them (they should always be in, instead of in someone's else charge, since that person could be corrupted along the way or take an unexpected sick day, so the keys always stay in). Namjoon found so many little holes in their shield that he almost wished to hack them just to point out their flaws.
-'' Stage two: breaking into the vault elevator. This time Junseok, and you Sungho will go together. He will need your mechanical help with the elevator.''
Han Sungho nods.
-'' The alarm goes off again.'' – Jin continues. – '' We are back in the holding pattern. We wait for the security to come and sweep the place in search of the intruder. The first two times we won't be there, so they could do a detailed search of the premises. We will have the camera set to play a recording...'' – Jungseok nods in confirmation of Jin's words. – ''...while we are there, but put it back on when the cops show up.'' – Jin explains. – '' The second time they come, the cops will sweep the place again, and start to think of the possibility of a technical problem.''
-'' How come the cameras and alarm are not connected with the same company?''- Sungho asks.
-'' The cameras were installed way before.'' – Junseok answers. – '' The Security Firm that fixed their alarm system just upgraded on already existing equipment.''
-'' In other words, they were lazy.'' – Jin point out. – '' Which we will use to our advantage.''
Several men smirk at that, agreeing with Jin.
-'' Alright, carry on. Stage 3.'' – Dong-Ho waves his hand.
-'' Stage 3: we get us down to the vaults corridor. Each stage will take us 4 minutes, with two minutes to spare before the security guards get to the place.''
-'' Alright, I see...'' – Won Yong finally realizes Jin's plan. – '' With the alarm going off three times, the police will think it's a malfunction.''
- '' That's right.'' – He nods to the man in confirmation.
-'' But if the code is changing every hour, why don't they just change the code before time?'' – Han Sungho asks.
-'' That's the lucky catch for us. The system is scheduled, and it's not only securing that Vault but others as well, which means all the codes are changing, everywhere. They cannot go ahead of time, they can only make sure it's secured, which is why they will send the cops first, to check.''- Jin answers.
-'' But what if they stay there until the code changes?'' – Dong-Ho points out.
-'' They will not. The cops on night shifts have too much going on on their plate than stand watch for an hour.'' – Jin says with confidence. – '' Only after the alarm keeps repeating several times will they get the order to stay, to make sure the alarm is not waking the neighbourhood up until the Security Firm sends some of their experts, first thing in the morning if this thing keeps repeating.''
-'' Hold on a minute.'' - The smartass in the group, Ha Bong, which was quiet so far, finally asks. – '' You said that the cops will probably sit upstairs, waiting, until the code is changed. Are you telling me we will be down in the Vaults with a bunch of security guards just sitting upstairs?''
Jin nods. –-'' They won't even know we are there. They'll think that the alarm system malfunctioned and once we fixed the cameras they can't see us, and can't hear us all the way down and through eight inches of steel.''
Jin watched Ha Bong thinks about this. He was their gunman, the protector in a way. His job is to get them out the hard way if things go awry. Naturally, he wants to know the risks.
-'' How do we get out?'' – The man asks.
Jin thinks a little. – '' We can't say with certainty where the cops will be at the moment, so be prepared for non-lethal solutions.'' – He says to Ha Bong. – '' If we can avoid being seen, the better, but if we are spotted then make sure there are no casualties. Smoke bombs, teasers, sleep darts, whatever you want.''
Ha Bong nods.
Jin looks at all of them. – '' We get out the same way we got in, unless the path is closed, in which case you improvise. Do not hurt the police officers.'' – Jin warns sternly. – '' This group avoided being caught only because it was cautious and didn't have deathly outcomes so far. Make sure it stays that way.''
Ha Bong turns to Dong-Ho. -'' Boss, you think this will work?''
-'' For 32 billion won worth of jewellery, I'm prepared to give it a try.'' – Their leader says, giving a small nod of acknowledgement to Jin, who bowed back in return.
-'' Alright, let's prepare.'' - Ha Bong claps his hands, and the group disperse.
In the end, only Jin and Dong-Ho stayed.
-'' Care to tell me why are we doing heists in our own country?'' – Jin asks carefully.
Dog-Ho just looks at him. – '' Good money.'' – He answers.
The nerve under Jin's left eye twitched. – '' You sure it has nothing to do with An Baekhyun asking favours?''
Dong-Ho's eyes flash in annoyance. – '' Careful now, don't push your nose where you shouldn't.''
-'' The reason why we stayed off the radar for so long is that we had chosen our jobs carefully. We never strike in our own courtyard.'' – Jin was persistent.
-'' The job is in Ulsan, not here.'' – Dong-Ho answers.
-'' We are internationally wanted criminals.'' – Jin says, the anger still managed to seep into his calm and composed voice. Dong-ho enjoyed hearing it, especially because of Jin's careful and uptight bearing.
-'' No one will expect us to strike here, Seokjin.'' – Dong-Ho light up a cigarette, taking a long draw before blowing it out, right in Jin's face. Jin's nose, wrinkles in disgust, but he says nothing.
The man continues instead. – '' Korea will be just another victim on the list of the infamous ''Shadows''. – He chuckles at the name.
-'' There are certain rules that we need to keep in order to...''
-'' We don't need to follow any rules, Seokjin. Stop whining, it annoys me.'' - The man hisses. –'' You plan is perfect, we will not get caught, and we will stay low for a while.''
-'' Yeah, I don't trust Ha Bong.'' – Jin says.
The man's face furrows. – '' What it is now? Why?''
-'' He's too slippery.'' – Jin responds.
He knew men like Ha Bong, he was like a pirate, wherever the wind blew he will sail and stab you in the back at the promise of the bigger bounty.
Jin was so against him being accepted as a part of the crew. He didn't trust him at all. Or, better yet, he didn't trust any of them, but at least the others were content to be in the shadows and just steal. For some of them, like Won Yong and Han Sungho, it was about the thrill of danger. Im Suk was there because he was afraid of Dong-Ho, and Junseok was still young and all of this was amazing to him. The money and the adrenaline were the main fuels in their crew. At least, Jin knew why they were there, but Ha Bong... There must be dozens of better men for the job instead of him, but no matter how hard Jin tried, he couldn't find out why Dong-Ho insisted on him so much.
At least he didn't bring Jihoon in, that would be a disaster. Jin almost shuddered at the thought. He could just imagine how many ''accidental'' casualties will they be simply because the young man enjoyed killing so much.
He was brought back by Dong-Ho's scowl. – '' That's not a reason, Seokjin.''
Jin blinked, trying to remember the last thing he said before he allowed his thoughts to overrun his concentration. That was always dangerous, especially in Dong-Ho's company. People died because they let their guard down in front of this man.
Jin straightened his shoulders more, meeting the man's gaze steadily. – '' We kept him in check while we avoided home, but after this job... I'm telling you, he's gonna go solo next time.'' – Jin says knowingly.
That provoked a terrible emotionless laugh in Dong- Ho. – '' Don't be ridiculous.''
-'' Mark my words. He'll try his own thing, with his own crew, he will get caught and he will talk, so you better be prepared to take care of him.''
Dong-Ho shakes his head in disbelief. – '' The paranoia you live in, Seokjin is unbelievable. '' – Dong-Ho says with contempt.
Jin just shrugs his shoulders. – '' Very well, I'm off, I have things to attend to. Do you have any more need of me?''
Dong-Ho waves his hand in dismissal, and Jin bows before letting himself out of the room.
I'm sick of this bloody shitshow. Jin thinks bitterly and walks away.
Things got a bit easier for Jungkook after that huge case with Jackson and Mark. His bruises had healed but he still rewinds in his memory of the fight with Taehyung. He haven't told anyone about him yet, and he wasn't sure that he was about to either. He wasn't sure why he protected him when he is clearly a criminal. Or at least, he is hanging around with ones. He still couldn't believe that V is Taehyung. That mask was good. Like, really good. But Jungkook still wondered how he didn't notice.
Maybe because you met V first, and both times it was evening or night. Both times the encounter was short. With Taehyung, however, he spent hours, he saw him many times in many ways. He knows every mole on his body, every crevice, every curve. He would recognize Taehyung everywhere.
Yeah, maybe. He muses, and deep down he wanted to see him again. Jimin, too. He hated himself because of it. It made him feel weak. That's why he worked a lot, or play video games when he didn't. Either way, he didn't wish to be alone with his thoughts, memories and heartache.
Hoseok was always happy to have him. He and Yoongi were always there. He never had to explain anything. They knew something had happened, which he doesn't want to talk about it, and they respected that, offering him silent support. It was exactly what he needed.
Jungkook was deeply immersed in his video game that he almost missed his phone dancing on the table next to him. The vibration was moving it on the surface and threatening to topple down from it. The name of the caller was Yoongi Hyung and Jungkook cursed, already mentally preparing himself for the loss of life in the virtual world he was in at the moment. Still, Yoongi rarely called, and when he did, it was important.
He took his headphones off his head and quickly pick up the call.
-'' Hyung, what's up?''
-'' Finally.'' The grumpy voice echoed. – '' You are gaming again don't you?''
-'' Umm...'' – Jungkook felt like a child again, scolded by his mother for neglecting his studies.
Yoongi cuts him. – '' Of course, you do. Now, open the door.''
Jungkook was confused. – '' The door?''
-'' Jungkookieeeee! Open up!'' – Another, much louder voice could be heard and not only from his phone but close by.
-'' Hoseokie Hyung? Wait...are you on my front door?''
-'' Ding, ding, ding, that's the correct answer.'' – Yoongi's drawling voice was full of sarcasm. – '' Now, open the bloody door so we won't stand here like two idiots.''
The line was cut. Jungkook stood frozen for three seconds before jumping from his chair and rushing to let his two Hyungs in.
-'' Jungkookie, we knocked and used your doorbell for a minute.''
Jungkook looks sheepishly at them. – '' I'm sorry, I had my headphones in. I didn't expect you, otherwise...''
-'' Otherwise, you would clean this mess.'' – Yoongi stood in the middle of the room with his hands on his hips, observing the chaos of stuff, piled on top of one another. – '' You neglected your living space. Why?''
Jungkook felt shame creeping up his cheeks. – '' I was busy with work.''
-'' And gaming.'' – Hoseok adds, grinning at their dongsaeng. He turns to Yoongi. – '' I told you he is probably a mess.''
Yoongi shook his head. -'' Go, grab a laundry basket and come pick dirty clothes up. They need to be washed. Hoseokie and I will toss the garbage and tidy the place a bit.''
-'' Hyung, you don't have to do it.'' – Jungkook went to stop him from picking up the empty chips bag when Yoongi shoot him with a glare.
-'' I know I don't, and believe me I wouldn't do it for anyone but you and Seok, so cut the crap and do as I say.'' – There was no room for argument in his voice.
Hoseok nudges him with a smile. – '' Go and do as he says. Let Hyungs help. We brought groceries, Hyung will cook your favourite.''
The promise of food did an amazing thing to Jungkook's will and he quickly obeyed, picking up the stuff to be put in his washing machine.
An hour later, the place was clean and tidy. Laundry was happily washing, his sheets changed and smelling nice, towels too. His floors were vacuumed and the dust wiped, together with his windows. They divided the job into three groups, and since the apartment was small, everything was done rather fast. Yoongi took charge of the kitchen, while Hoseok did the living room and the windows. Jungkook cleaned his bedroom and bathroom. Finally, everything was done, ramen was cooking and the pork belly was grilling.
-'' Jungkookie, where are your glasses?'' – Hoseok asks, holding the bottle of soju. – '' I can only find two.''
Jungkook pauses what he was doing to look at Hobi. – '' Oh, I broke one by accident. Just take the mug, I'll drink from it.'''
Hoseok clicked his tongue in disapproval but did pull the mug out.
When everything was finished they sat down in the living room and used the coffee table, since Jungkook didn't own a dining table, nor had a place for it anyway. Soon the first happy sounds were heard from Hoseok and Jungkook, praising Yoongi's cooking wordlessly. Yoongi watched them with satisfaction and went on eating himself.
A couple of soju and filled tummies later, all three of them were in a different state of relaxation. The music was on, TV as well, but it was muted, and the lazy conversation took place. Jungkook loved this. Even though he was surprised to see them, and was a bit annoyed and ashamed when they forced him to do his chores, the food and the company afterwards were worth it, and Jungkook felt hopeful again.
The whole thing with Taehyung and Jimin, and the craziness at work made Jungkook's head a bit chaotic. He lost his rhythm and desire to do anything really. So this intervention was very much needed, and if Jungkook has to be completely honest, quite welcomed.
He looks at them with warmth in his chest and says. – '' Hyungs, thank you for everything, truly.''
Yoongi chuckles but doesn't comment on it, while Hoseok made a sound, like ''Aish...'' and waves his hand in dismissal like it was not a big deal. But it was. It was for Jungkook, and he was so happy to have these two men in his life. They were the two pillars that he could lean on, seek support and guidance, and feel appreciated. Maybe it was soju, maybe a clean place, a full belly and the obvious care he received made Jungkook a bit emotional. He felt his eyes begin to tingle as the wetness started to gather, and his chin wobbled a bit. He quickly excuses himself to use the bathroom, hoping that Hyungs didn't notice anything. If they did, they were too polite to comment on anything.
He splashed the water on his face and gather control as best he could, taking a deep breath. Why was I so emotional? He wondered. Maybe because it felt so nice to be taken care of for a change. His mind supplies, and Jungkook had to agree. It was nice to be cared for and loved. Jungkook strived to achieve that for a long time, always searching in the romantic compartment, while the truth was, that love and care could be found in many things. Jungkook considers himself lucky.
When he returned to the living room he found his Hyungs in a lively discussion. Well, lively isn't really what it was since both of them were still lying around, but mentally wise... yeah, it was lively enough. Jungkook gave a soft smile with one corner of his lips and sat in his place.
They were talking about theft, somewhere in Vienna. Some major auction house was holding an auction and one of their buyers was robbed as soon as they left the compound.
-'' I'm telling you, the thieves attacked the buyer's car as soon as the ownership was switched.'' – Hoseok was saying. –'' The car got out of the parking lot and drove a few streets away before the ring was stolen.''
-'' I've heard something about that.'' – Yoongi squinted his eyes as he tried to remember reading about it. – '' Their car was highjacked, right?'' – Yoongi asked.
-'' Yes, the victim said that their car was hit with an electromagnetic bullet.'' – Hoseok confirmed. – '' The car electronics shut down, like the switch.''
-'' Hacked?'' – Jungkook asks this time.
-'' Probably.'' – Hoseok scratched his neck as he nonchalantly tossed his hand over the couch. – '' They waited for the red light, to make sure the car won't crash somewhere.''
That gave Jungkook a pause as the strange feeling filled his chest. It was like some certainty came reaching up to his brain, and he had the upper knowledge somehow.
-'' That's very careful of them.'' – Yoongi snorted. – ''Nice, thoughtful thieves.''
-'' As it suits the ''Shadows''. – Jungkook supplied with quiet admiration.
Both men look at him.
-'' It didn't say it was them.'' – Hoseok says, brows knitting together. – '' I'm pretty sure they didn't say either.'' – He was racking his brain for some hidden information he might have missed.
Yoongi, on other hand, was a sceptic. – '' You can't just suggest that, Kook-ah. First of all, it's not their modus operandi, they usually go to places when there are not many people around. Second, there was no proof it was them.''
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders. – '' Perhaps, but something tells me it was them.''
-'' This group was so careful.'' – Hobi says. – '' My friend told me he had never seen anything like that. He had access to street cameras and files, and it was perfectly done.''
-'' I don't think I will ever stop being in awe of the people you know, Hobah.'' – Yoongi's cat-like eyes grew wider in wonder.
Hoseok's hand covered his mouth as he laughs. – '' Aish, Hyung. As if you are any better. You know so many important people.''
-'' Academically, yes.'' – Yoongi agrees. – '' But like you, no... I could never find enough energy to socialize with so many different kinds of people.''
Hoseok laughs at this, slapping Yoongi's knee gently. Yoongi smiles softly and looks at Jungkook who had the same endearing affection on his face as he watched them.
Yoongi grows serious, blinking a few times. – '' Anyway, what did your friend say, Hobah?''
Jungkook huffs a laugh at Yoongi's obvious discomfort for having been caught in his affections, and a swift change of the subject.
Hoseok stops with his giggling and switched back to the story like the pause was never there. -'' He told me that he had never seen anything so fast, so careful, and perfectly done in his life, and he saw a lot, let me tell you.''
The discussion about the case continued for some time until Yoongi and Hoseok stood up to leave.
-'' Try to keep this place in order, yeah?'' – Yoongi says as he was putting his shoes on. – '' I will come in inspection unannounced.''
Hoseok laughs when Jungkook bows his head in a slightly embarrassed manner. – '' Aish, Hyung...''
Yoongi nudges his shoulder, and gives him his gummy smile, while Hoseok wraps his hands around Jungkook's shoulders in goodbye. Once they were off, Jungkook leaned on his door in contemplation. A satisfied smile adorned his face as he planned the rest of his day and decided to get out of the house for a while. He called Yugyeom for some pool, but the man doesn't answer for the rest of the evening and even the next day. Jungkook found it strange, so he sends him a message asking whats wrong. The answer was just short - ''Can't, busy.''
Two days later, he went in search of Yugyeom, who declined several invitations to join them after work. Jungkook was confused. He knew that he and Jaebum got some big case that required their undivided attention, but he didn't expect to be ghosted by his best friend like this.
-'' Has anyone seen Gyeom?'' – He asked, looking left and right. – ''I saw JB came in...'' – Jungkook was scanning the office but he couldn't find either of them.
-'' Oh, yeah, you don't know, you weren't here as much.'' – Mark said, sighing deeply. – ''They've been working on some nasty case for the past month or so.''
Jungkook nodded. – '' I know, Gyeom mentioned it.''
-'' Yeah, well...a few nights ago there was a breakthrough in their case.'' – Mark quieted his voice, turning left and right. – '' They've got the location, the time and all.'' – He said, scratching his chin. – '' When their team went there, they found a hellhouse...It was really bad. I don't know much, but let's just say some people don't deserve to live.'' – He huffed disgustedly. – '' Hell, they are not supposed to be called human at all. Monsters more likely.''
Remembering some of Yugyeom's extremely bad cases, Jungkook cursed inwardly. He ran a hand through his hair, gripping it slightly. – '' Shit.'' – He murmured, letting his hand fall next to his hip.- '' I need to find him.''
He went towards the stairs and bumped into JB. He was leaning on the railings, gaze lost somewhere, while his cigarette burned, the ashes falling in the hollow space in between the stairs. Jungkook's eyebrows flew to his hairline in shock because JB doesn't smoke. He approached him carefully.
-'' Hyung.''
That jerked Jaebum from his thoughts and he turned his head to look at the newcomer. His eyes were so tired and dull. He managed a weak smile.
-'' Hey, sexy legs.'' – Even his teasing had no spark. His voice was flat and unemotional.
-'' Bloody hell, Hyung. What happened to you?'' – Jungkook approached closely, putting a hand on JB's shoulder and squeezing it slightly.
-'' I'll be alright.'' – Jaebum smiled a bit, but Jungkook knew it was only for his sake. Jaebum flicked the ashes from his cigarette and took a deep pull of it, exhaling it long and audible. – '' Just some disgusting shitshow.'' – He says, looking somewhere far. – It will be fine once is over. Once the fuckers are dealt with.'' – His flat voice now took a new darker tone, almost menacingly.
He turns toward Jungkook. –'' Don't worry about me.'' – He says, patting Jungkook on his shoulder, and putting the stump of his cigarette off. - '' I've seen some shit like this while I've worked undercover for three years. This...'' – He stopped, grinning acidly and shaking his head. – '' I'm gonna deal with it...'' – His face becomes dangerous. – ''... I will not stop until I do.'' – He says, his eyes blazing fire.
Jungkook gulped, watching him with wide eyes. JB's face was livid, his furious emotions rumbled as he remained calm and composed. Jaebum was one of the dorkiest and sweetest people he ever met, sometimes teasing him too much, all in good humour, but this Jaebum was angry, determent and dangerous. Jungkook knew he will not get anything more from him since JB was a very private person, especially with his emotions.
-'' Where is Gyeom?'' – He asked instead.
-'' In the car, I believe. He loves locking himself in sometimes, especially when we work on some hard case.'' – Jaebum answered, sighing deeply. – '' We've been going through some evidence with the tech team, we....'' – He stopped, looking at the ground. He then shook his head and walked slowly towards the exit door. As his bruised hand grabbed the doorknob he raised his head to look at Jungkook.– '' Go to him, will you? He needs a friend now, I believe.''
-'' How about you?'' – Jungkook asked. – '' Do you need a friend, Hyung?''
The shadow of humour twinkled in Jaebum's eyes. He smirked. – '' As much as I appreciated the offer of your fine ass, I still like tiddies.''
He laughed as Jungkook rolled his eyes and groaned. – '' I didn't mean in that way, you ass.''
Jaebum kept grinning. – '' I knew you like my ass.''
-'' Hyung, I'm serious!''- Jungkook protested, but he was secretly admiring Jaebum's ability to pretend so naturally. The older man came and tossed an arm around Jungkook's shoulders. – '' I know, I'm kidding.'' – He says, patting Jungkook's back. He grew more sombre. – '' I'm fine, kiddo.''
-'' You should talk to someone, Hyung.'' – Jungkook says gently.
Jaebum nods. – '' I will.''
He moved back and towards the door once more. – '' Go check on our little one.''
Jungkook snorted. – '' He's bigger than both of us.''
Jeabum grinned with fondness in his eyes. – '' Yeah, he grows bigger and bigger by each day. I feel like a proud mama.''
Jungkook let out an amazing giggle at that. Jaebum smiled once more and then disappeared, leaving Jungkook behind, whose own smile dropped the second after.
He knew Jaebum deals with his demons in his own way. Jungkook only met him after he came back from his undercover mission, but Jinyoung knew him way before when they were both recruits together. He said that JB was never the same afterwards, and no matter how hard he tries to hide it and act like a goofball, he carries deep scars on his soul. Jungkook believed that if there is anyone Jaebum would go to talk to it will be Jinyoung. He hopes that will be the case this time as well.
With that in mind, he headed toward the soda machine and took a bottle of water. He needs to find Gyeom.
As Jaebum said, Yugyeom was in the car, leaning on his seat, eyes closed. Jungkook observed him carefully and then knocked gently on the window. The man's eyes opened and squinted at him before he lower the glass.
-'' Hey.'' – Jungkook offers him the bottle of water which Yugyeom gratefully took. He drank half of the bottle in three long gulps.
-'' Ah, thanks. I needed that.'' – He says, brushing at his mouth.
-'' Can I join you for a while?'' – Jungkook asks, not wanting to intrude in case his friend wanted to be alone, but Yugyeom only nodded and unlocked the passenger door.
Jungkook went in, closed the door behind him, and settled in the seat. They just sat there in silence for a few long minutes. Jungkook knew that Gyeom would speak if he wants to, so he waited patiently. He didn't have to wait for long.
-'' You know when you find yourself in unbelievable evil shit...'' – Gyeom begins slowly, eyes up-front, not really moving his lips. – ''... where your mind can't deal with all the bad stuff around you, so it just kind of.... I dunno... not shut down, but more like...umm...''
-'' Becomes numb?'' – Jungkook offers quietly.
-'' Yeah.'' – Yugyeom nodded, raising his eyebrows high, but still not moving his eyes from some invisible spot on the steering wheel. – '' Yes, quite numb.''
He went silent for a moment or two and then took a deep breath and continues. – '' When we got this case, it was just a regular one, you know.'' - He chuckled darkly. – '' Regular as murders could be.''
Jungkook understood. There is a reason why Jungkook never worked on the Homicides. It's not that he was scared, or that he wasn't able to pull the trigger. On the contrary, he had no problem dealing with scum and murderers. No, it was the victims that gave him nightmares. The knowledge that he was too late to save them, the devastation in their family's eyes, the ghosts of the cold cases that were never solved. No, Jungkook couldn't handle it. He gets too emotional, it clouds his judgement because he takes it too personally.
He always wondered how Yugyeom and Jaebum manages. Even Mark and Jackson. It's tough being on the streets dealing with the evil side of the world.
Yugyeom took a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds and then released it slowly like he wanted to exhale all the bad memories from the past week.
-'' It wasn't anything that we haven't seen before.'' – He continues. – '' A simple murder. An execution. Asian male, around 43 years of age, average built. One-shot in the head, right between the eyes. Clean. We saw those before. It's not pleasant, but not terrible. You know what I mean?''- He asks, and Jungkook nodded without a word. He did know. Considering some other gruesome crimes, a clean shot in the head is almost like a field trip in the Homicides.
-'' At first, we thought it was just some gang retaliation, but after some digging, we connected the victim with some people that you don't want to deal with.''
He gulped audibly like he is trying to ease down the lump in his throat. – '' Hyung recognized one man from the photo.'' – He glanced towards Jungkook, who listened to him with rapt attention. – '' Rim Kwon. He encountered him while he was Undercover, but since he wasn't a prime suspect at the time, he got away.''
Yugyeom brushed his face, pressing the tips of his fingers on his eyes for a second. – '' We worked diligently to solve this case, but we kept stumbling on roadblocks and setbacks one after another. Because, not only the gangs and drugs are involved, but human trafficking as well, and whatnot.'' – His throat worked as he was trying to swallow something again. He opened the water bottle and took a swig, finishing it. Jungkook waited patiently. Gyeom allowed his head to hit the back of the seat. – ''That motherfucker has so many connections...'' – He shook his head left and right. – '' No matter how close we come close to him he just slips away. He is like an eel.''
Gyeom makes a disgusted face at this thought, but then his expression clears. – '' That is until we got an anonymous tip.''
Jungkook hums in interest.
-'' We got a message with time and coordinates, together with some satellite footage of the place and our suspect. At first, we thought it was a trap, but then Hyung said he saw the sign on the message before.''
Now Jungkook's interest was completely intrigued. He didn't dare to cut Gyeom's flow of thoughts.
-'' There's this one guy, a hacker. Hell, maybe it's she as well, but I just have a feeling that it's a dude.'' – Yugyeom shakes his head as if to clear his mind. – '' Anyway, he fights for justice, especially there where there's corruption. He goes by the name of Rkive.''
Jungkook's eyes widen. – '' He contacted you?'' – He asks breathlessly.
Yugyeom chuckles amusingly. – '' Well, considering how huge your eyes are right now, I'll reckon you heard of him.''
-'' Heard of him? Man, I'm a fan. The things he does, how's...'' – Caughting himself on time, Jungkook clears his throat. – '' Sorry, carry on with your story.''
Gyeom chuckles. – '' Your fanboying is unbelievably cute.''
-'' Shut up.''
The man laughs, but it's a sour laugh, still affected by the recent events.
-'' We managed to gather enough evidence to get a search warrant for the location the hacker provided. He also gave us the name of the girl who managed to escape from her captors before she could be sold. She gave us such horrid details that it was enough for the judge to give us what we need.''
He paused again, gathering his thoughts. – '' The place was remote, owned by Kwon. it was in one big house in the countryside. The nearest neighbour is several kilometres away, so it's a pretty recluse. Perfect for every illegal business.''
He held the now empty water bottle in his fist, screwing the cap back on. With each new word, he was squeezing it harder and harder.
-'' We caught them unprepared, both Kwon, and his business partner Gyeong Hak-Kun, together with a few others. Hak is well known in the underground for filming hard-core sadistic porn. When we saw them together in the pictures we knew they were filming something of that nature. Hyung put together a strong team that worked swiftly. But no matter how much I prepared myself for things I was bound to see there, nothing...'' – He gulped and took a shaking breath. – '' Nothing could prepare me for the real thing. It was a mess.''
He stopped talking, hands shaking now. The bottle was almost deformed from the pressure, so Jungkook took it from Yugyeom's grip and squeezed his hand tightly instead.
-'' It was a studio, as we thought.'' – Yugyeom said, the voice tense. – '' They were filming snuff movies.''
-'' Ah, fuck.'' – Jungkook cursed quietly. The snuff movies were one of the worst kinds in Jungkook's opinion. First, it was child pornography, then snuff movies, which were pornographic films or video recordings of an actual murder.
He went on telling Jungkook about the horror they found there. Out of two teenagers, one was dead, while the other hung on the ceiling, still struggling. Yugyeom managed to save him by holding his weight until another police officer cut the rope.
-'' We caught them during the live stream. The motherfuckers paid tons of money to watch that. Sick monsters all of them.'' – His jaw was clenching hard from the combined effort to curb his anger and stop himself from crying.
They also found computers filled with illegal movies.
-'' There are tons of them. We are going through all with the tech team, trying to connect the missing persons with the victims in those videos. Many of them were so young. Hyung is going through with them, I couldn't, so he sent me away. '' – Yugyeom admitted, blinking more tears away. Jungkook was speechless. He had no idea what was going on when he saw Jaebum just now. No wonder he was like a ghost. And how he managed to smile, a little less joke, escaped Jungkook's reason and understanding. This was the biggest nightmare case. Whenever children are involved, it was hell.
Yugyeom sniffed, brushing his face with the back of his hand.
-'' When we swept through the house, Hyung took the top floor, while I went to the basement with my team. We found a young woman, and a boy, he couldn't have been more than 15. They were bruised and bloodied, starved, half-naked, bound and chained on the wall, but still alive.''
Jungkook felt his eyes getting wet as well as he watched his friend struggle to maintain his composure.
-'' I've never been so scared, disgusted and furious in my entire life.'' – Yugyeom was barely holding up. He sniffed once more, his voice cracking. – '' And wasn't even hate involved. To these creatures, it was just business. The money, nothing else.''
Gyeom stared through the windshield, sniffing as he tried to calm himself, his voice wavering. – '' I heard Hyung cursing loudly. He was so angry, Kook. So fucking angry. When I went up the stairs, I saw women and young boys and girls bound to bedposts in many rooms, drugged and naked. '' – He swallowed again, gasping for the air. – '' They were renting them. The youngest was just ten years old.''
He then broke down into sobs. Jungkook wrapped his hands around him and pulled him on his chest, letting his best friend cry his heart out.
After a long while, Gyeom calmed down and sat back in his seat, only to lean on to rummage for the tissues.
-'' I'm a bloody mess.'' – He says, blowing his nose loudly.
-'' You should get some sleep.'' – Jungkook says and then asks. – ''When was the last time you ate?''
Yugyeoms hook his head. – '' I don't know... this morning, maybe.''
Jungkook checked his watch. – '' it's almost six pm, Gyeom.''
The man just shrugged his shoulders. – '' Not really hungry, and I can't sleep. I still have nightmares.''
Jungkook observes him carefully and then proceeds to type something on his phone. It went back and forth until he put the phone inside his pocket and turned to his friend again, slapping him on the thigh.
-'' Change seats with me, I'll take you home.''
Yugyeom's eyes widened. – '' I can't. I have work to do. Hyung needs me.''
-'' He's going home as well. Jinyoung Hyung will take care of it.'' – Jungkook says, stepping out of the car. He went around and opened the driver's door. –'' Move, Gyeoms. Let me take care of you.''
-'' Kook, I can't...'' – Yugyeom began.
-'' You will.'' – Jungkook was firm. – '' You will allow me to take you home, and you will take a shower. I will order us some food. You will eat and then take some sleeping pills and go to sleep.'' - Jungkook placed a hand on Yugyeom's nape, squeezing it slightly. – '' You will not be alone. I will be next to you the whole time. You need rest. And then tomorrow you can continue your work.''
They held each other's gazes for a moment, having an internal fight of wills. In the end, Yugyeom, too tired and wounded, relented and nodded. Jungkook waited for him to move and then jumped in and start the car.
The chaos we are living in has no bounds. Jungkook thought as he side-glanced at Gyeom. Hearing this, Jungkook's problems seemed almost childish, so he decided then and there not to wallow in his own desperation anymore when things can always be worse.
Boy, if he only knew how much worse.
So, we have a glimpse of ''Shadows'' work and Jin's involvement. As long as Jin is the one planning it all, there weren't any casualties in their heists, so he made sure that the car stopped first before ordering the attack. No one was harmed and the theft was successful. There is a lot on Jinnie's shoulders. Damn, I love him a lot 💜💜💜 Plus, Sope and Jungkook are forever adorable 💜💜💜
Now, the second part was much darker, and much harder to write, because of the heavy subject. I apologize for the darkness and the cruelty, but this shit happens every day in every country, unfortunately. I wanted to show how awesome and committed Jaebum and Gyeom are and how gruesome some people can be. Dong-Ho's associates are the worst, and individually are strong, each in their own niche, which is why I had Namjoon slip the info to JB as Rkive. Remember the names of Rim Kwan and Gyeong Hak-Kun because they will cause a lot of problems later on in the story.
See ya next time. Take care, darlings 💜💜💜
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