Chapter 21 - Caught In A Lie
Jungkook wondered what did he do wrong in his past life to have the worst luck in relationships in this one. The trick Jimin and Taehyung pulled that night was truly the worst. Yet, the small part of his brain told him that he did the same in a way, kissing Jimin in the bathroom while ''dating'' Taehyung. Still, it wasn't nearly close to what they did to him. He couldn't believe how naïve he was with them. He should have listened to his gut feeling. He should have known that things were too good to be true. Call him dramatic, but he honestly had no truly happy moments in love that weren't destroyed by a heartbreak.
Right now, he needed a distraction. Something to take his mind off his aching heart and bruised ego. He needed work. A lot, and a lot of work, but, unfortunately, there was still nothing new in the case, so he set his mind on checking the lead Choi Youngjae gave him. Plenty of research showed him that Yang Hyunwoo wasn't innocent at all. Now he just needed to find some solid evidence that links him to the massive drug dealings in Gangnam-gu.
On Friday, he went to the given location to sniff in. He borrowed Jackson's car for stakeout, bought himself enough snacks and water and prepared himself to wait for newcomers. Some four hours later, around six pm, the car came in and drove to the abandoned station. Jungkook, who was some far distance away, hidden got out of the car and began jogging towards the place, using old buildings and trees for cover. At one point, he had to duck when he heard another car approaching quickly, and by the time he was near the station, two more cars came through.
There were guards stationed in front of the building, so he needed to find another way in. Silent as a ghost he sneaked behind one of the guards and went inside. The place was big and there was a lot of rubble, not the mention two guards that kept patrolling the corridors. Jungkook was considering backing out, and even sending the message to Mark or Jackson, but he knew that this opportunity will now show itself again. It was now or never. He had to find some evidence. His gun was with him, so he felt some security.
He heard voices coming from the other hall, so he went closer, using the pillars to hide his approach. He had to lay down on his stomach and crawl under the stairs, hoping that no one will remember to check there. Luckily, the place had no electricity, and the only light inside was through the glass roof, so he was nicely hidden in the shadows.
He slides closer and closer to where eight men stood in the half-circle. Two of the low scum Jungkook instantly recognized from the photos Youngjae gave him. Yang Hyungwoo wasn't there yet. He couldn't see them properly, not all of them anyway, but he could hear them perfectly, which is why he pulled out his phone to record everything.
-'' The next two tons should arrive from Thailand on Tuesday.'' – The rough voice spoke, with a thick Daegu accent.
-'' The same place as the last time?'' – Another man whose back was turned towards Jungkook, asked.
-'' Yeah.''
-'' How do we stand with China white?'' – The new voice of the man on Jungkook's right spoke. He was seating on the nearby box.
The first gruff voice sorts irritably. – ''Chinese ask for 20% more, greedy bastards.''
-'' Can we switch to someone else?''
-'' Afghans have some good quality shit.'' – The new voice joined in the discussion.
-'' Yeah, but the cost of the import will be bigger and riskier than that 20%, and I don't want to go through North.''
-'' I hear they also have a deal with the Chinese.''
-'' The North?''
-'' Mhm.''
The voice huffs a laugh. – '' Of course, they do, they are first neighbours.''
-'' I don't fucking care!'' – The first rough voice grunted. – '' Let's get back to the problem. Do we pay the 20% or do we look for another source?''
-'' We pay, of course.'' – The new and much more confident voice spoke. Jungkook nearly jerked because it seemed like it was coming above him. He wasn't wrong much, since the man just came down the stairs. Was he already there when I came in? Did he see me? He hoped not.
The man's steps were calculated, approaching like he owns the place, his bearings showed wealth and arrogance. It was Yang Hyunwoo.
The heated argument erupted as all of them had something to say. In the end, it was Hyunwoo who demanded their silence.
-'' Enough with this bickering.'' – He says in a calm voice, but with still enough power to keep them from arguing. – '' We will pay to Chinese, and we will...'' – He looks pointedly at one man. – '' with the Northerners. We managed to avoid the law so far because we were careful, but that doesn't mean that we cannot be caught if we let our guard down.''
The silence in the room was deafening. It was clear that Hyunwoo is in charge.
-'' The highest demands for ''ice'' and ''Jandi'' are in the heart of Seoul, and the best ice comes exactly from the North, so we go through them. Also, do we have some news from our farms in Thailand?''
-'' Everything works in order.'' – The man who sat spoke. – '' The next shipment is due on Tuesday. Our guy in the border police says it should be easy-peasy.''
-'' Good. Make sure it is. We don't need any surprises.''
The meeting continues like that, and Jungkook just couldn't believe his luck. He knew he got a jackpot with this and couldn't wait to share it with Mark and Jackson. There's gonna be a bit bust soon.
A few more locations of deliveries and storage were mentioned before the meeting ended. They left the place one by one, except for the few men who stayed behind. They wander farther away, which gave Jungkook a perfect opportunity to sneak out. He was almost at the window when someone hit him on the head.
He sprawled down on the floor, hissing with sudden pain at the back of his head, his eyes unfocused as the two men towering above him. He reach for his gun, but it was snatched from him. Fuck.
-'' What do we have here?'' – The man looks at Jungkook's face. – '' You got balls sneaking here.''
-'' I haven't seen his ugly mug here before.'' – The other one says, looking at his gun. – '' Maybe he's a cop.'' – He glances at his partner. –'' You think he heard something?''
-'' Perhaps.''
Well, fuck. Jungkook thought. He recognize the other as the one who sat on the box during the meeting.
-'' Kill him.'' – The first one spoke.
Jungkook watched the man pointing his own gun at him when the familiar light brown poodle hair sneaked closely behind them. He watched in shock as V hit a guy on the head with the brick in his hand and then the other one across his face when the man turned. He went sprawling down the floor, the gun went flying out of his hand. V jumped and pressed the teaser on him. The electricity shook the man's body and he grunted in pain, but after a few seconds, he lay unconscious on the floor.
The other man began stirring so V hit him in high voltage as well. Then his eyes fell on Jungkook.
-'' Are you ok?''- He whispers, looking frantic.
-'' V? What the fuck?'' – Jungkook started, but V just shook his head.
-'' Not now. Can you walk?'' – He asks.
Jungkook nods. – '' What...?''
-'' Later. Let's go.'' – He hissed, pulling Jungkook by the wrist. – '' We have to get out of here. Now.''
Jungkook jumped, snatched his gun back, and went hurriedly after him, still trying to be quiet in case anyone is still there. Once they were out, and in the parking lot, they began to run fast.
They ran until their legs started to shake from exertion and their chest heaved from the lack of air. They stopped after some 700 meters and leaned back on the nearby wall, quite hidden from the street.
-'' Jungkook, what the hell are you doing here!?'' – V hissed after a minute, grabbing Jungkook's hand again to turn him around so he could face him. – '' Do you know who these people are!? Do you want to die?!'' – V was almost yelling, eyes wide and almost scared. His voice had changed, the deep velvety rumble he had heard so many times. And his familiar.
It was like something hit him hard. Like some blinded light turned on in his brain and he remembered where he saw these eyes. The images went flying in his mind with full speed and he saw those eyes over and over again, watching him – calm eyes, bored eyes, excited eyes, sexy eyes, bedroom eyes, laughing eyes, serious eyes, dangerous eyes.
-'' T- Taehyung?'' – Jungkook stammered as if seeing him for the first time. – '' Is this really...? How...?''
V turned from him fast, releasing his hand like he was burned, but Jungkook caught him this time. – '' Taehyung!''
Taehyung turned. – '' Shh...quiet.'' – He hisses dangerously. – '' Do you want everyone to hear you?'' – There was no more pretending. It was him – Taehyung. V was Kim Taehyung.
Jungkook watched him, speechless. All this time, Taehyung was V. The arrest, Jimin busting him out. V...he was always there, always near. Bloody hell. Jungkook ran his hand through his hair, eyes round in shock, he was speechless. All this time he lied to him. All this time he and Jimin played their little game. Jungkook you fool. You stupid fucking fool.
A sudden, hot urge of anger enveloped Jungkook's mind and he lost his careful control. He grabbed Taehyung on his throat and slammed him on the brick wall. – '' Explain! How? Why?''
Taehyung struggled. – '' J-Jungkook...I c-can't breathe...''
And Jungkook only squeezed tighter. – '' Was it all just a game to you!? You and Jimin both! Why did you do it?!'' – He felt hot angry tears blurring his sight and something like a growl and a sob escaped his throat. – '' Why did you do this to me!?''
He released him, moving away, and Taehyung slid down the floor, gasping for air.
-'' Jungkook.'' – He calls softly.
Jungkook swirls around. – '' No! Shut up! I don't want to hear any more of your lies!''
-'' Jungkook, please. There is a reason why, please listen to me.''
-'' No!''
-'' We must go. I'll explain everything, but not here. Please. Come with me.'' – Taehyung reached for his hand but the man just jerked it away.
-'' Fuck off! I'm not going anywhere with you! Fuck, I'm gonna arrest you!''
-'' Jungkook, please. You can't do this. Not now, please. There is a lot at stake here, don't do anything rash now because you are angry.''
-'' Angry? Taehyung, I'm furious! I dislike you so much right now!''
Taehyung's voice wavered. – '' That's not true.''
Jungkook round on him again. – '' Fuck if it's not! You lied and deceived me multiply times, and not only as Taehyung but as Vincent as well. What kind of twisted sick game are you playing, ha? Why did you choose me to be the victim of your little fucked-up game!? What? Was I a joke to you, is that it? Someone you can laugh at with Jimin?!''
Taehyung shook his head. – '' No! No! You were never that, never...Jungkook, please... please understand that I had to pretend to be V. I'm sorry, but I just had to. You came there and I didn't expect you at all.''
Jungkook snorts sarcastically. – '' Well, that didn't stop you from lying and pretending when you were Taehyung, either.''
-'' I wasn't pretending then! Jungkook, I never pretended then, you have to believe me.''
-'' The fuck I will.'' – Jungkook shakes his head, waving his arms feeling so angry, so confused, so hurt. Fuck, it hurts! He paced left and right like a trapped panther, feeling the fury rumbling in his chest, ready to strike.
He felt Taehyung's arms stopping him, turning him around to say something and he just snapped. He hit him across the mouth, and Taehyung staggered back. The shock and hurt were visible in Taehyung's eyes when he raised them to look at Jungkook, and then they became angry as well. Taehyung growled and attacked.
Jungkook who was expecting retaliation blocked his hit with his arm, and send the punch of his own. Taehyung evaded it and swirled around him, kicking him in the side. Jungkook grunts and moves away, only to send his foot towards Taehyung's head. The man anticipated it and moved so freaking fast. Jungkook felt a punch on his kidney and then his knee. His leg buckled and he barely managed to stay on his feet. He turned just in time to avoid Taehyung's hands that were about to grab him in a headlock.
The quick fist caught Taehyung straight in his chest and the man groaned. – '' Calm the fuck down, Jungkook.'' – He growled. – '' I don't want to fight you.''
Jungkook wanted to laugh.
They were circling each other like two wild cats, ready to attack.
-'' I don't want to fight you, Jungkook. I care about you!''
-'' Shut the fuck up!'' – Jungkook roared and attacked. Another few blocked and reciprocated hits and kicks were exchanged. Taehyung's lip was bleeding, and Jungkook's cheek was bruised.
-'' It's true!'' – Taehyung hissed. – '' Why do you think I saved you just now, ha!? Why do you think I risked my life and my cover to save you fucking ass if I didn't care!?''
-'' Maybe you just try to ease up your guilt!'' – Jungkook shouted back. – '' Or maybe the death of a cop doesn't stand well with your sentiments. I don't fucking care why you did it!''
-'' Bloody hell, Jungkook, I don't want you dead! I care about you, you stupid, stubborn oaf!''
Jungkook attacked him again, and Taehyung evaded him again.
-'' You fucking lie to my face while you acted as if you care about me!'' – Jungkook sway his fist at Taehyung's nose, but missed.
-'' I never lied to you! I told you the truth! I didn't pretend!'' – Taehyung blocked yet another kick, and quick as a snake punched Jungkook's jaw.
-'' Shit!'' – Jungkook groans in sudden pain, moving away from the attacks. – '' You never said anything about Jimin!''
-'' You never asked!''
Another failed kick, another block.
-'' Why were you here, now!? What are you doing, Taehyung?'' – Jungkook grabs his hand in mid-air and twists, making Taehyung yell. The man twists and jumps in the air, wrapping his legs around Jungkook's neck in a wrestling move and tosses them both to the ground.
-'' F-fucking h-hell!'' – Jungkook curses, jabbing his fingers in Taehyung's thigh in hope of an escape.
Taehyung growls, turning around so fast that Jungkook didn't know what hit him. Taehyung's legs and arms were around him, squeezing his chest and his neck. He Is like a fucking anaconda! It flashes through Jungkook's mind.
-'' Stop fighting me!'' – Taehyung growls in exertion, not relaxing a muscle. What's more, he squeezed tighter. The more Jungkook struggled, the more Taehyung squeezed.
Jungkook felt his sight gets darker like he was slowly losing his consciousness. He reached for his gun, wrapping his fingers around the handle. I can't shoot him. It flew through his mind. I can't! He let go of it.
With the last atom of strength, he kicked his legs up and over his head, the sudden weight on Taehyung stomach as Jungkook's shoulderblades jabbed hard. He falters, easing his hold just for a moment and it was all it took for Jungkook to twist his body almost impossibly and get the upper hand.
One thing Jungkook realized at this moment was that Taehyung could beat him. He could kill him if he wants, but all of his hits were careful not to make permanent damage. He saw many fights where he knew the fighter was holding back, and Taehyung was holding back, just like Jungkook was holding back as well.
They stared at one another. Jungkook's eyes roamed on Taehyung's masked face. Now that he knew, it was impossible to unsee it. He looked like V, but the real Taehyung was visible underneath. It was an insanely good mask, Jungkook was so impressed and weirded out at the same time. He felt him swallowing hard since Jungkook's hand was on his throat. The other one holding Taehyung's right wrist.
Taehyung, on the other hand, had his fingers jabbed deep into Jungkook's collarbone. Jungkook whined at the pressure.
-'' Taehyung.'' – He calls and Taehyung freezes, watching him. They both panted, dirty, bruised and bloodied, still holding each other, but there was no force there.
-'' Please don't fight me, Jungkook-ah.'' – Taehyung whispers imploringly.
Slowly, Jungkook's pressure eases around Taehyung's throat, feeling Taehyung's fingers grasp the back of his head and pull him into a kiss.
Jungkook whined at the sharp pain of his cut lip and the divine feeling of Taehyung's mouth on his. God, he missed him.
There was the taste of their mixed saliva and blood and Jungkook felt his body turning on. No, no, fuck no. His reason hit on harshly and he pulled back violently.
-'' Jungkook-ah...'' – Taehyung called and reached for him, but Jungkook was already on his feet.
-'' Jungkook, please, don't run away from me.'' – Taehyung stood up as well. – '' I need to talk to you.''
-'' I can't deal with this shit right now.'' – Jungkook shook his head.
-'' Kook...''
-'' I can't... I just... fuck...can't.'' – He says as he turns and ran away, missing the way Taehyung's face scrunched in sadness, failing to see the pain in his eyes. He missed it all. He just ran.
He went to Jackson's house, calling Mark to meet him there.
-'' What the hell man, what happened to you!?'' – Jackson exclaimed as his eyes fell on Jungkook's bruised form. – '' Who did this to you?!''
-'' I'm, your keys. Thanks for the car.'' – Jungkook placed the keys in Jackson's hand and quickly slip inside, heading towards the bathroom. – '' I'm gonna clean up a bit.''
-'' Shit man, you are not fine!'' – Jackson protested.- '' You need a doctor!''
-'' I'm fine, don't worry.''
He looked himself in the mirror and saw that he indeed was a mess. His cheekbone was bleeding, and he had a nasty bruise on the left side of his jaw. His collarbone had Taehyung's fingerprints on it, and the back of his head still pained him. Luckily, it didn't bleed.
When he came out after some minutes he discovered that Mark was already there.
-'' Kook? What the hell happened? ' – Mark was rendered speechless at the sight of his friend.
-'' Told you he's fucked up.'' – Jackson adds, his arms crossed on his chest as he watched Jungkook in concern.
-'' Stop looking at me, both of you.'' – Jungkook snaps at them. – '' I have something important.'' – He waves with his phone.
-'' You need help first!'' – Jackson yells.
-'' Just give me ice or something frozen to put on my jaw, I can feel it swelling.''
-'' Shit, fine.''
Once the pack of frozen squids was on his chin, he played them the video and both Mark and Jackson watched it in utter silence. After it was done they both raised their eyes at Jungkook and looked almost angry at him.
-'' You fucking asshole!'' – Mark growled at him. – '' I told you not to go there alone!''
-'' Fuck, man. You should have called us.'' – Jackson added, irritated.
-'' I went there to watch and see if anyone will show up.'' – Jungkook defends himself. – '' I managed to sneak in and record this. I stayed low until they left. I thought I was alone, but I was wrong. Two of them stayed behind and saw me. One had a gun, but someone the most unexpected showed up to help me.''
-'' Who?'' – Jackson asks, brows furrowed. Both he and his partner had grim faces while they listen to the story.
-'' Vincent An.''
Their reaction was identical. – '' What!?'' – They say in unison.
-'' The little scarring bastard that got away?'' – Jackson adds.
Jungook almost regrets mentioning him. His stomach lurched unpleasantly to warn him to keep his mouth shut. Why should I? He fucking lied. Because it's Taehyung. The fuck does that's has to do with it? Don't say more about him. Fine!
The argument was so wild in his head, that he hadn't heard any of the questions the boys asked. Instead, he told them half the truth. Saying that V just helped him escape and then got away before Jungkook could catch him.
-'' Slippery bastard. I knew he was corrupted.'' – Jackson shakes his head.
Mark sighs. – '' Well, it's good that he chose to help you, instead of letting you die.'' - He still glared at Jungkook. – '' Do another stupid thing like that and I'll kick your bloody ass!'' – He warns.
-'' Sorry. Didn't plan to.'' – Jungkook says apologetically.
-'' Yeah, well... it still doesn't clear you out.'' – He says grimly. –'' Give me that phone, I wanna see it one more time. Jack, give me a pen and paper. We have some dates to write down.''
What happened, in the end, was that they recognized half of those men on the video, even though Jungkook couldn't film all of them, like the one who was turned away from the camera, but he did recognize the two guys that attacked him afterwards, from a many pictures Jackson and Mark had in their database.
-'' A-ha, now I got you, you motherfucker!'' – Jackson exclaims, when he recognized one of the men.
-'' Who?'' – Jungkook aks.
-'' Gwan Chan-wook.'' – Jackson growls.
-'' That's one slippery bastard.'' – Mark supplies. – '' It caused us so much trouble before, and he always gets away.''
-'' Bloody fucker.' – Jackson was still cursing in his chin. Jungkook wanted to chuckle.
They gather the rest information and try to connect it with the vast number of cases and evidence the best they could. Their IT team ran through locations, and the two men, with Jungkook's help, began sweeping the areas, cooperating with the police in South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan.
They found the farms and secret laboratories, and arrest the crooked border control cop who was approving the containers from China and North Korea, with smuggled drugs.
But the most satisfying was the face of Yang Hynwoo when they got enough evidence to press tons of charges on him. He went down cursing loudly.
Others were not so satisfied, entering a nasty fight with one of them. He, Mark, Jackson and a few police officers were separated from the rest of the cops as they chased the main suspect, entering the unfamiliar place. They spread around to cover more ground as they searched for the man who was hiding now. It was a bloody trap. Several dozens of men came through, opening fire on them, ready for a kill. Soon they ran out of bullets, so they had to improvise.
A few of the police officers fell down, some wounded, some dead, and Mark lost it. Jungkook saw him fight before. After all, he was an ex-Special Force soldier, but none of them had ever seen him fight with the lethal intent in his eyes before. It wasn't really a fight anymore. Mark went for a kill.
Jungkook had never seen anyone fighting with such speed and instincts. As much as his own fights allowed him, Jungkook kept glancing towards Mark, who moved like fricking John Wick. Kick in the knee, snap his neck, block another one, break his elbow, the hand hitting the man's nose, showing it inside the skull, slip, block, twist, take the knife, slit the throat, turns, throw the night across the room in the guy's eye. It was a slaughter on the highest level.
Jackson held his own as well, but he was more of the ''use everything you can find'' type of guy, and he did. From chairs, boards, empty guns, and fallen knives to the walls and glass. He used whatever he could lay his hands on.
Jungkook was more into quick disarm, kicks and punches, taking their gun, shooting until he runs out of bullets, and then repeating the process.
But Mark, he was tearing them down quickly. In the end, there were only five of them alive. Their boss, however, didn't survive. The crime scene was deemed a bloody massacre.
In the end, they managed to uncover and break a major drug ring in South Korea, and their neighbouring countries. The so-called - ''White triangle'' – was one of the largest methamphetamine trades in Asia, originating when the police cracked down on production in Japan in the 1960s, which prompted the Japanese criminal gangs to relocate their illegal laboratories to South Korea and later to Taiwan, where the drug is cooked and smuggled back to Japan to feed the habits of tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of addicts.
Still, a lot of them remain hidden. Several other players are now hiding until the dust settles, and then, unfortunately, they will start building the ring again, as they did before, and the police will have to fight it all over again. But, at least, for now, the police won this fight, gain a few new leads, arrest a bunch of them, closed and confiscated tons of drugs and marihuana and they couldn't have been happier.
-'' Fucking Gwan Chan-wook!'' – Jackson curses furiously. – '' The bastard got away again!''
Mark and Jungkook only look at one another and sigh. It seems that Jackson's fight is still not over.
Mark and Jackson have been following that gang for a long time, coming to dead-ends often. It wasn't that they weren't good, but what Jungkook got them was the major piece of evidence that started the domino effect. The rest fell so easily after that.
There was one name that showed up, that neither Jackson nor Mark ever heard off. The code name is the ''Viper''. Allegedly, he was one of the main players, but no one knew anything about him. It was like he was a ghost. Still, that's the problem for future Mark and Jackson. Right now, they just wanted to celebrate. The entire office went out for beers and barbeque.
-'' I had no idea how to thank you.'' – Youngjae called Jungkook after the story break on every news channel.
-'' No need. It was your input that lead to this.'' – Jungkook said, not wanting to take any credit.
-'' Still, you looked through and you found the clue. Jungkook, you are the secret superhero. I want to give you whatever you want. My neighbourhood, Hell, entire Korea is safer because of your boldness and bravery.''
-'' Now that was just too much.'' - He felt his cheeks grow hot. – '' Tons of other more important people who worked hard on these cases are the ones you should address your gratitude towards, not me.'' – Jungkook insisted, but Youngjae didn't allow it.
-'' Yes, yes, thanks to them as well, but most of all, thank you. Just ask whatever you want and it shall be yours.'' – Youngjae was determined.
-'' I don't want anything right now, but if I ever need some favour I will call.'' – Jungkook promises.
-'' Be sure you do. I'm your man now.'' – Youngjae chimes joyfully.
Taehyung watched the news with rapt attention. Even though Jungkook's name wasn't mentioned, he just knew that he was the one who brought them the evidence they needed to strike. He was so proud of him. A fine good detective.
Namjoon was ecstatic. He was carefully following this case ever since Taehyung told him about it, way before Jungkook ever came into the picture. Yang Hynwoo and Lee Jisung were two major players in Dong-Ho's little empire, and Namjoon loved seeing them fall more than anything.
Jin was so furious with him when he discovered that Tae blew his mask to help Jungkook.
-'' I fucking told you Taehyung to stay away from that bloody detective!'' – Jin roared.
The brothers had a heated fight, and Namjoon had to step up and knock their heads together. They were fine now, but for a solid month, all three of them waited in dread for the police to show up on their doorstep. No one came. Jungkook didn't tell on him. That knowledge alone brought butterflies to Tae's stomach. He kept my secret. Taehyung smiled at that revelation, feeling giddy. There is still a chance then. Fuck yeah.
So...that happened. Please, understand that Jungkook is hurt like his emotions are wounded. He doesn't think rationally. He is angry and hence the stubbornness and the fight.
I wish I was able to describe in detail the way Mark fought here, but I felt that it would be too much action and gruesomeness since he aimed for a kill. But if you watched ''John Wick'' you'll know what I'm talking about.
Plus, Jungkook kept Taehyung's secret, which was surprising because he is a very good and honest detective. Even though it warned him before, his gut feeling, told him to wait and keep his mouth shut...for now.
Until Friday, take care, darlings 💜💜💜
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