Chapter 19 - Touch Me
They drove out from Taehyung's place and into the busy city. Jungkook saw one reporter's car trailing behind them and he started going through the city streets in his head, trying to find the best route to escape. The good thing about being a detective on the field is that it allows you to get to know the city and the people in it. But more importantly, it allows you to find some really good spots.
He managed to evade the car, going to the yellow light at the last minute, so the car behind was forced to stop because the light changed to red. Jungkook checked his side mirror and chuckled when he saw the pissed reporters. He quickly turned into the small streets. He lost them there.
They stopped at the small Korean restaurant.
Jungkook took off his helmet and turned back to glance at Taehyung. – ''I know it doesn't look much on the eye but trust me, they make the best food.''
-'' Oh, I trust you.'' – He says, taking off his helmet as well.
They entered and were met with a delicious smell of food and a small room, utterly packed with tables and people. The older woman on the counter smiled wide and went around to pat Jungkook's cheeks.
-'' Jungkookie, darling. So long since you were here.''
-'' Mrs Choi, how are you been?'' – He asked, taking her hands in his and bowing with a respect.
-'' Oh, very well. Business going good.'' – She answers warmly.
-'' I'm glad.'' – Jungkook says. He then turned towards Taehyung. – '' This is Taehyung. Taehyung, this is Mrs Choi, the best cook you will ever encounter at any of your posh places.''
The woman gasped, recognizing him. – '' Oh, my, it's Kim Taehyung at my restaurant. I'm so honoured.'' – She patted at her hair, and went to straighten her apron, tossing an angry gare at Jungkook, smacking his arm in good measure. – ''You should have warned me that you plan to bring a famous person here. I would have saved you a table in the back and... oh, I would do my hair, it's a mess.''
-'' No need, you always look lovely.'' – Jungkook smiled at her.
Taehyung grinned widely and stepped in. – '' He is right, I can assure you. You indeed look lovely and hardworking, and I admire you for that.'' – Taehyung spoke so politely that both Jungkook and Mrs Choi were captivated. - '' Jungkook told me that you make the great Japchae, so I begged him to come here. It's one of my favourites.''
Jungkook stared at him because he did no such thing, but he didn't let his features betray him. He was just surprised that Taehyung knew about this fact because Mrs Choi was famous for making Japchae, among other things.
-'' Is Soobin up?'' – He motioned at the upper levels where their home also was, stopping Mrs Choi from boasting tales of her famous recipes.
Her eyes grew exceedingly warm at the mention of her younger son. -'' Yes, he just came back from work.'' – She says proudly. – '' I must say, your good influence does him good, Jungkook-ah. I'm so grateful.''
Jungkook shook his head with a shy smile. – '' Ah, it's not my doing.'' – He is quick to reassure her. – ''It's all his own talent and good nature.''
-'' Ah, always so modest.'' - She pats him on the cheek. – ''Do you want to go to him?'' – And when he nods, she adds. – '' I'll send you food, yes?''
-'' Would you make one of your food bundles for four?'' – Jungkook asks hopefully. – '' We are needed elsewhere at the moment.''
-'' But we will make sure to visit and dine here next time.'' – Taehyung says politely. Mrs Choi beamed at them.
-'' Well, of course. Go on.'' – She ushered them into the hall where the set of stairs begins. – '' He is in his room. You remember the way?''
Jungkook nods and smiles when she pats his cheek. He laughs wholeheartedly when Taehyung tilts his cheek up so she could pat him as well, not wanting to be left behind. She was delighted. They went up the stairs towards Soobin's room.
-'' How the hell did you know about and japchae?'' – Jungkook asked intrigued.
Taehyung laughed quietly. – ''The place smells of japchae the most. Lucky guess. – '' He whispers.
Jungkook stared at him in awe. –'' Good nose.'' – He says.
-'' Who is Soobin to you?'' – Taehyung asked suddenly. His voice was slightly reserved.
-'' A very dear and reliable dongsaeng.'' – Jungkook answered and knocked at the door.
There was no answer.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and pressed the small button on the right of the door that stuck from the wall and says: -'' Press if you really must.''
Nothing happens for a while and Jungkook pressed again.
-'' What's going on?'' – Taehyung stood closely behind him, breathing down his neck.
-'' You'll see.'' – He said and pressed the button the third time, and then the growl was heard from the other side of the door and a rummaging. Soon the door opened and there it stood quite annoyed Soobin, who, seeing who it was, quickly changed his scowls for a huge grin. – '' Hyung!'' – He exclaimed, and then seeing Jungkook's companion behind him, his eyes widened a bit, and he bowed. – '' And Hyung's date. Welcome.'' – He bowed again and opened the door widely allowing them to enter.
Taehyung and Jungkook exchange the looks, Jungkook blushing slightly, but then puts back his swag on and presses the door button for the fourth time and the sudden white light started blinking viciously inside the room. Soobin's face dropped into a bored one.
-'' Sorry, I had to show him.'' – Jungkook says, grinning. He turned his head towards Taehyung. – '' When he's gaming he has his headphones on, so the only way to call him and still respect his privacy is to...''
-'' Blind me to death.'' – Soobin finishes, ushering them in.
He cleans up a bit, feeling slightly embarrassed. – '' I didn't know you will come to my room or I would...'' – He murmured and Taehyung found him resembling Mrs Choi. Soobin barely dares to look at him in the eyes, his cheeks blushed. – '' Please, have a seat.''
But Taehyung didn't move to sit but instead offer his hand. – '' I'm Taehyung.''
-'' I know.'' – Soobin answers automatically, bowing deeply before returning the handshake with both of his. – ''I'm a fan of your work.'' – He says.
Taehyung's eyes go wide in surprise. – '' Oh? Which one? I have plenty.'' – He laughs.
Soobin smiled too, dimples peaking. -'' Umm...I like your paintings.'' – The youth says and Taehyung is pleasantly surprised.
-'' It's not so widely known.'' – He says.
Soobin chuckled. – '' I know, but I like to draw. Digital art, comic mostly, so yeah, I know my way around the online art world.''
-'' I had no idea you love to draw.'' – Jungkook told him.
-'' You never asked.'' – The young man answered.
-'' Where can we see your work?'' – Taehyung asked.
-'' Mostly Webtoon, and a few other sites.'' – Soobin answered. – '' At the moment I'm working on my new comic, about a rabbit who is a cop, and he is so muscled and cocky. I took inspiration from your cases Hyung. Hope you don't mind.''
Jungkook can feel Taehyung's eyes on him and almost hear his mirth.
- '' Did you meet mum downstairs?'' – Soobin asks.
-'' Yes, we had a nice chat. She sent us here to wait for the food. Are you ready to go?'' – Jungkook asks.
-'' Umm...'' – Soobin opens and closes his mouth. – '' Yeah, sure, let me toss on a hoddie.''
At that moment the white light flashed violently several times.
Taehyung blinked. – '' Oh, I understand now.'' – He covered his eyes.
-'' Blinding, I'm telling you. Yes?!'' – The last bit he yelled, and it was addressed at the person on the other side of the door.
-'' Tell Jungkook Hyung his food is ready.'' – Hasung, Soobin's elder brother, spoke from the other side.
-'' He can hear you!'' – Soobin shouted back and then looked at Jungkook. – '' Hyung, in case you haven't heard, your food is ready.''
Jungkook went to fetch it, leaving Taehyung to chat amiably with Soobin about the comics. When he returned with two big bags of food, the two men were laughing while watching something on Soobin's phone.
-'' You got to send me that.'' – Taehyung grinned, eyes flying over Jungkook. – '' Him too.''
-'' Send me what?'' – Jungkook asked, placing the bags on the nearby chair.
-'' The comic Soobin is doing. It looks just like you Kook.'' - He turned the phone towards Jungkook who furrowed his brows.
-'' Why is he pink?'' – Jungkook asked.
-'' Because he is a fighter for equal gender. He is muscled and he is pink and very opinionated.'' – Soobin says, taking the phone back from Taehyung. – '' And he is very strong too.''
-'' His eyebrow is ridiculous.'' – Jungkook chuckled in good humour.
-'' It's a strongly opinionated eyebrow.'' – Soobin answers a bit protectively.
-'' I think is awesome.'' – Taehyung says, still grinning.
-'' See, he gets it. Hang out with him more, he will broaden your horizons, Hyung.'' – Soobin says, clicking on his phone.
-'' Hey, show some respect.'' – Jungkook scolded without any seriousness.
-'' Hyung, I respect you and all, but when someone spends hours playing online with you, like me, and hears you curse like a fisherman, some of the fear and awe leaves them.''
Taehyung laughed wholeheartedly while Jungkook attacked Soobin to ruffle his hair, making the young man shout in defence.
The play lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough. Taehyung got the opportunity to see Jungkook in his playful manner, and he liked that a lot. He was smiling his bunny smile, clapping Soobin on the shoulder like a good Hyung. Soobin blushed slightly and then began sniffing.
-'' Smells nice, is there any food for me in there?'' – He asked, nudging his head towards the bags in the corner.
-'' Mhm. I got for you and your grandpa too.'' - Jungkook confirmed.
-'' Woah, awesome, Hyung.'' – Soobin's face lit up at the mention of the food.
That brightened Soobin's mood. – '' Alright, let me just...'' – He turned towards his game and logged off. – '' You owe me three assistances, Hyung. I've lost because of you.'' – He said pointing at the game.
Jungkook just grinned. – ''Sure, when I got some free time off again.'' – He agreed.
Soobin nods. – '' I will write it down in case you ''forget''.''
-'' I will not forget, you brat.'' – Jungkook scowls without real menace. –'' I'm working a lot now, no time to play, but as soon as I do, I'll assist you.''
-'' You play?'' – Taehyung asks with interest.
-'' Yeah, when I have time.'' – Jungkook answers.
-'' Cool. Me too. Sometimes.'' – Taehyung says, eyes twinkling with interest. – '' Maybe we could play together one day.''
The look he gave him could mean many things, Jungkook wasn't sure which, but he just huffed a laugh and nodded. – ''Sure, sounds fun.''
They left Soobin's room and headed towards the stairs when Tae leaned to whisper in Jungkook's ear.
-'' I must say, meeting your friends and having them join on the first date is a completely new field for me.''
Jungkook shuddered at his voice so close and glances back at Taehyung, catching his amused half-smile.
-'' I've noticed not only one but two reporter cars following us.'' – Jungkook explains. – '' My bike is like a beacon in the sea of cars, so we need a bit of blending.''
They reached the back of the restaurant, where the small closed yard was. There, parked, was an old delivery van. Jungkook turned towards Taehyung.
-'' The last thing I want is them swarming the place we are heading to. No one will suspect that we sneaked out. They will just assume that we are dining in.''
Taehyung understood the plan, loving the sense of adventure and hiding. It was even more thrilling because it was with Jungkook, the representative of the law. And even though, they haven't broken any laws, it was still funny to Taehyung.
-'' Brilliant.'' – He said grinning mischievously. – '' And where does Soobin's grandfather comes into this plan?'' – He asks.
At that Jungkook just gave a cocky smile. – ''You'll see, it's a surprise.
Right then, Soobin reached the van and began grumbling when he opened the door.
-'' Sorry, Hasung didn't have time to clean it.'' – He apologized instead of his older brother, tidying up a bit, and tossing some empty bags of chips and soda cans into the trash. His brother did delivery and helped with the restaurant while Soobin studied.
-'' You mean, he was lazy.'' – Jungkook said.
-'' That too.'' – The young man agreed, starting up the engine. – '' Better lay down if you don't want to be spotted.''
They did, both Jungkook and Taehyung slid down on the back seat as they were leaving the back alley and stopping in front of the restaurant. Mrs Choi came out with some bags and boxes. It all looked like Soobin was a delivery boy, while in truth, she was just sending some stuff to her father-in-law. No one suspected anything, little less the reporters parked in their cars a bit down the street.
-'' Your bike is going to be safe there?'' – Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear.
-'' Yeah, I told Hasung to move it on the back when we leave.'' – Jungkook whispered back. – '' Sorry for all this, but I want to take them off our trail.''
-'' Oh, I don't mind, this is exciting, like in the movies.'' – Taehyung's eyes gleamed.
The flash of memory came to his mind, but he forgot from where. He banishes it and chuckles. – '' The movies?''
-'' Oh, I love them. I love to curl in the room and watch them.'' – His date answeres.
-'' And there I thought it would be too boring to take you to the cinema.'' – Jungkook says in good humour.
Taehyung snorted. – '' I don't think we would have any peace in public cinema.'' – He peaked a bit through the window to see after they drove a bit from the neighbourhood. – '' Where are we going?'' – He asks.
-'' Somewhere fun.'' – Jungkook gives the answer, smiling sweetly. He felt Taehyung's hand takes his and intertwine their fingers together. Damn, I love this. Jungkook thought, impatiently waiting for Taehyung's reaction when they reach their destination.
It took some 5 minutes drive until Soobin told them they could sit normally. They were on the highway and the road was clear. Both Jungkook and Taehyung straightened in their seat and looked through the window to see where they are. Still in the city, but in the much calmer area, some 25 minutes from the city centre. As they reached their destination, Jungkook watched Taehyung carefully and was very satisfied when he saw the amazement on the man's face once he realized where they are – the amusement park. Taehyung's enjoyment was so infectious, that Jungkook started grinning like a madman.
-'' The amusement park!? Are you serious?'' – He turned towards Jungkook, grinning widely.
-'' You said you love playing games and having fun, hence...'' – Jungkook said a bit nervously.
-'' I love it, but...'' - His smile diminishes slightly. – '' They will find me here.''
He meant about the reporters, but Soobin laughed. – ''No, they won't. It's closed.''
Taehyung turned his head to look at Soobin's eyes in the mirror.
-'' Yeah, it's an old park. The government officials shut it down a few years ago, claiming that some of the rides are too old and dangerous.'' – Jungkook clarified.
-'' More like my old grandpa didn't want to sell the place so the new hotel complex could be built.'' – Soobin added. – '' He is a stuborn man. He will not sell it, and when all the appeals fell on the dead ears, he made it a museum of sorts. The graveyard for the old games and rides that no one wants anymore. it works during the daytime, three days a week, even though all rides are out of function. It has a lot of old arcade games, though. Teens and kids storm the place during weekends.''
-'' Oh, I know how difficult the officials can be, especially if they are paid on the back by a mobster.'' – Taehyung says bitterly. Jungkook wanted to ask more about it, but Soobin spoke before he could.
-'' We're here. Hyung can you open the gate, please?'' – Soobin asked, keys ready in his hands. – ''Don't forget to put the lock back up.''
-'' Don't you worry.'' – Jungkook took the key and went out.
-'' This is awesome.'' – Taehyung spoke when they drove in.
Soobin's grandfather was an old but fiery man, who greeted them with a smile. They took their separate ways after that. Grandfather went to watch his favourite TV show and eat the food he was sent, Soobin took his portions and a bag full of coins and went to play games and Jungkook took Taehyung to a nice place at the centre of the park, where the small pond was. There were a few tables where they could eat in peace. The outgrown flowers and topiary were around, creating a shielded spot just for them. Taehyung was delighted. Who knew Jungkook was so romantic. He couldn't wait to tell Jimin.
They ate and talked about everything. Their conversation just flew like a stream, strengthened by the delicious food Mrs Choi prepared. She really put a bit of everything in it.
After, they went to the arcade to play games against each other. They were both quite competitive, Jungkook was better at everything, but Taehyung was a very skilful cheater and he managed to trick Jungkook often into losing points.
They had so much fun. Taehyung was loving this. It's been forever since he simply enjoyed hanging out with games and good company. All of his dates were more interested to impress him with expensive stuff and places and get him to bed. He didn't count Jimin there. They have their own fun and completely different dynamic. They were more like two players playing for the same team and supporting each other, but Jungkook was a good rival, a great opponent for both of them. He was challenging and intriguing, surprising Taehyung when he is least expecting.
It was years since Taehyung relaxed so much, being himself, without a worry about the reporters, and unwelcomed visitors. He found himself laughing from the bottom of his heart so many times that evening.
Just before the sunset, Jungkook turned to Taehyung. – '' Are you scared of heights?'' – He asked.
Taehyung pouted his lips a bit, contemplating.- '' I was when I was little, but not now, why?''
Jungkook grinned. – '' You'll see.''
He ran towards the small building where Soobin's grandfather lived and came back with him. He took Taehyung's hand and pulled him towards the big Ferris wheel.
-'' No way!'' – Taehyung exclaimed.
-'' Yes way!'' – Jungkook shouted in good humour. His facial expression was so giddy, so childish, so satisfied. Taehyung was mesmerized by him. Not only that serious and grumpy Jungkook could relax and smile, but his eyes smiled before his mouth did every time. Taehyung had a secret thought that he is rather privileged to see this happy Jungkook.
– '' I thought the rides are out of function?''- Taehyung said, following Jungkook into the open metal boot, holding Jungkook's hand.
-'' Not all of them are broken or dangerous, they are just closed for the public.'' – Jungkook answered, setting himself down on the seat. -'' Come, sit on this side, the view is perfect.''
Taehyung sat close to him, feeling rather excited. His heart was pounding hard in his chest.
Soobin's grandfather made sure the door was closed protectively before going towards the machinery. – '' Shout when you are ready to come down. I'll be near.'' – He said, and soon they were going up and up. Jungkook took out his phone and play some chill music quietly in the background. And once they reached the top, the wheel stopped, the seat swaying a bit. It was exhilarating. Taehyung clinged onto Jungkook.
-'' Wow.'' – Taehyung gasped, looking around. The entire amusement park could be seen from there. The old abandoned rides and machines were tucked between the trees and greenery. It gave a certain sad, but a charming picture, especially with the warm orange colour of the setting Sun. He raised his eyes towards the sky and he gasped from the certain awe of it. He had seen the sunset many times in various places, but this one was something special.
He took a few pictures of his surroundings, snapping a few selfies with Jungkook as well, before sitting comfortably in the seat and just enjoying the moment.
-'' So...'' – Taehyung began. – '' What made you become a detective?'' – He asked with a grin, and Jungkook rolled his eyes but began telling his tale. He talked about his life, leaving all private parts and people from his life a secret. He did feel great in Taehyung's company, but he was still a detective and he knew how to keep his life private. Especially after Jimin. He did tell Taehyung some anecdotes from the Police Academy, though, and some of the fun cases he had at the beginning of his career. Taehyung laughed, and reacted well in the right places, proving that he is an excellent listener.
-'' So...'' – It was Jungkook's turn this time. – '' You paint?''
Taehyung grinned and went on telling how he was always the trouble-maker in the family and pursuing the arts just to piss off his father was the real plan there. Being a talented artist was a plus.
-'' I never fitted my father's ambitious plans, you see.'' – He said. – '' I did everything opposite of what he wanted for me.''
Jungkook chuckled. – '' I did everything my father expected me to.'' – He smiled remembering his father with affection.
-'' You are attached to him?'' – Taehyung asks.
-'' Yeah, very much. He is my idol in a way. He taught me half the things I know now. Been there to support me every step of the way.''
-'' Wow, must be nice to have a great dad like that.'' – Taehyung said with a bit of sadness.
-'' He wanted me to become a cop...'' – Jungkook continues. – ''To go in his footsteps. And I have to admit, I love this occupation. It allows me to do something good for the community, even though this job is dangerous and not pretty at all.'' – Jungkook went silent for a moment, chuckled again, and went on. – '' My mum was so furious when I applied for the Academy. I think she secretly hoped that they will reject me.'' – He noticed Taehyung's surprised eyebrow and added. – '' My dad got hurt on the duty and had to retire. I think she had it enough of that with him and didn't want her only son to get hurt, or die on the line of duty.''
-'' She's just worried for you.'' – Taehyung says gently, remembering his own mother. – ''That's understandable.''
-'' What was your mum like?'' – Jungkook asked carefully, ready to be snubbed off for prying, but Taehyung just took a deep melancholy breath.
-'' She was brilliant.'' – He said. – '' She had a lot of temper on her but was always so patient and loving towards me and my brothers. I was her favourite, I think... since I resembled her the most.'' – He looks at Jungkook, smiling. – ''Not just in looks, but in the character also.'' – He giggled. – '' We were the wild cats in the family, as she called the two of us. Jin Hyung and Joon Hyung were always too polite, too nice and obedient, but me? I was wild in a real sense of the word. Fearless. Lanky and too thin, ears bigger than my head and a spirit so untamed. I would always get into some scrapes.''
Jungkook laughed with him, imagining the young Taehyung.
They fell into a pleasant silence after that, watching the sunset. The colours in the fluffy clouded sky were unbelievable, not to mention the good mood and even better company. Jungkook's warm body next to his gave Taehyung comfort and lulled him into safety, and if there was any trace of the old fear of heights, they were completely gone now. He felt safe next to Jungkook, which was rare. The only people that made him truly safe were his brothers and Jimin. The sudden feeling opened up something in Taehyung's chest and he spoke quietly, but loud enough so Jungkook could hear him.
-'' When she died, it broke my heart.'' - He admitted, and Jungkook shifted his chin slightly in Taehyung's direction, listening carefully. – '' Without her...' – Taehyung continues. – ''...nothing was as pretty as before. She had that magic in her that nurtured all the right talent in each of us. I became quite impossible after that, my father was always furious with me. My Hyungs shielded me as much as they could from his wrath.''
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, not liking the idea of someone hurting Taehyung. – '' Was he abusive? Your father?'' – He asked.
Taehyung snorted darkly. – '' Not in that sense, no. He never lay his hand on me. I think he was always a bit afraid of what will I do next, how will I react.'' – He said, one of his fingers sliding left and right on his chin and he looked forward into the sky. –'' I was... am still... quite unpredictable.''
Jungkook was observing him, admiring, and a bit worrying when Taehyung's eyes found his. He saw the mischievous glint in them, the dept of mystery. He couldn't read him at all.
Taehyung's low timbre laughter vibrated in Jungkook's ears. – '' He sent me to a boarding school in Europe when I was twelve, but my education was abruptly ended when he died and my brother sent for me to come home. We never had a good relationship, my father and I, no matter what papers write.''
Jungkook was confused. – '' But you always talk about him with such high regards. All three of you.''
Taehyung wanted to laugh hysterically at this moment, imagining the way Jungkook would react if he told him the truth about everything. To unburden his heavy soul, share a long-kept secret. But, of course, he wouldn't, he wasn't crazy. Jungkook was a detective, and he was sniffing around as it is. Being with him like this was dangerous. Still, he allowed himself this. - '' It's just for the public.''
Jungkook's brows furrow at that, but he didn't ask for more. Instead, he glances at the sky, leaving the silence to settle once again, and Taehyung was grateful.
It was reckless beyond measure, Seokjin told him so, but Taehyung couldn't stay away from Jungkook. He tried, but there was something that drew him towards the man with pretty doe eyes. There was a sense of belonging, the puzzle pieces clicking right away.
Not to mention Jimin's infatuation with a man, made Taehyung even more so intrigued. He wanted this man, he needed him, Taehyung decided. He just needs to be extra, extra careful around him. At least, while everything is still in motion, and then, maybe, when everything is over, and if they stay in each other's lives, and if he survives Taehyung might tell him the truth. For now, however, Taehyung just wanted to enjoy being in his company, talking to him, wanting him.
-'' I've never been on Ferris Wheel before.'' – He says to change the subject.
Jungkook, who was watching the last bits of the Sun sinking in, turned his head to glance at him. – ''Really?'' – He almost choked from the sight in front of him. Taehyung skin was glowing in the sunset light, it seemed so warm, so magical. He was breathtaking.
Taehyung smiled sadly. – '' No, my folks never took us to amusement parks when we were kids. My father was always too busy, and my mum's fragile health didn't allow her to move around a lot, so we stayed at home most of the time. She made sure we always have fun there.''
-'' Once I grew up...'' – He continues after a slight pause. – '' Namjoonie Hyung and I went to Disneyland, but it was too crowded. We haven't got the chance to enjoy it much.''
-'' But you are enjoying now, so far at least?'' – Jungkook asked.
Taehyung turned his head to look at him, a big smile on his lips. – '' Oh, yes, I do. It is the best date I ever had.''
-'' I bet you say that to all the boys and girls.'' – Jungkook teased, making Taehyung laugh.
-'' Only the really cute and sexy ones.'' – Taehyung answered, his eyes narrowing, becoming erotic.
Jungkook felt the atmosphere changing. He gulped the saliva that gathered in his mouth. – '' I'm glad.'' – He says, gathering his courage. –'' Can I make it even better?''
Taehyung looked at his lips and then back to his eyes. – '' Maybe. What did you have in mind?''
-'' Can I kiss you?'' – Jungkook asked, leaning his head just a bit towards Taehyung's in an invitation.
-'' Fuck, yes...'' – Taehyung breathed and leaned as well until their lips met. The kiss was gentle as their lips became acquainted with one another. They were in no rush. They let themselves feel the softness of their lips, a slow breath mingling, and bask in the closeness they felt.
Jungkook raised his palm to cup Taehyung's right cheek and tilted his head to give him better access. The kiss ended after a few seconds and they stared at each other, breathing a bit shallow. Taehyung felt Jungkook's hand on his and realized that he had Jungkook's shirt tightly fisted in his hand as he held on to him as if trying to prevent him from disappearing.
Jungkook smiled happily and dived in to kiss him again, but this time slowly opening his lips with his tongue, asking to be let in. Taehyung obliged with pleasure, and after the first few touches of their tongues against each other things grew more and more heated.
Taehyung pushed his long fingers on the back of Jungkook's hair and pulled him closer. Their kiss became much stronger, more passionate, and borderline desperate.
He hooked his leg over Jungkook's lap, almost straddling him, hands sliding down Jungkook's chest and his abs....right down to his...Jungkook stopped the kiss.
-'' Wait.''
That made Taehyung blink in confusion, thinking he did something wrong. – ''Sorry, I got carried away.''
He began to move, but Jungkook's hand kept him still. – '' No, it's not that. It's just...'' – He stopped and gulped.- '' I like you.'' – He said, looking at his hand that held Taehyung's knee. – '' I don't want this to be just a one-time thing.''
Taehyung smiled gently. – '' I don't want that to be a one-time thing either.''
Jungkook finally raised his eyes to look at Taehyung, who was breathing hard, eyes filled with lust.– '' Good. Because I don't think I would be able to stop if we start anything now.''
Without a word, Taehyung took Jungkook's hand from his knee and place it on his hard member. – '' I wanted you ever since I saw you in that ridiculous tie.'' – He huffed a laugh.
Jungkook tosses his head back to laugh. – ''Will you ever let that slide?''
Taehyung giggled, shaking his head. – '' Hell no.''
They giggled together, nuzzling in each other's faces and sharing kisses before Taehyung added. – ''Let's not pretend that either of us thought they will go home at the end of this date with only a goodnight kiss.''
Fuck, his damn sexy voice. Jungkook groaned and attacked Taehyung's lips with hunger, pulling him on top of himself to properly straddle him. The booth swayed left and right, the sunset all forgotten for the moment.
When Taehyung began rolling his hips on Jungkook's, they both hissed from pleasure.
-'' You are so bloody gorgeous, it's not fair.''- Jungkook panted, rocking them. Their movement sway the booth a bit harder and the old metal began to squeal loudly.
They were both startled by that, and grew still, listening to the rusty old sound. It was deafening in the quiet park. With nothing else working in the all-present silence., so naturally, any small sound, or in this case, a loud one, could be heard ten times stronger.
They stared at each other with wide eyes and then burst out laughing, clinging to each other.
-'' Shit I had no idea it will be this loud.'' – Jungkook says, wrapping his arms around Taehyung.
Taehyung on the other hand peered down above the railings. – '' You think the old man can hear us?''
Jungkook turned to look around his shoulder. They were really high, but the man did tell them to shout for him to bring them down. Before he could answer, however, Taehyung purred. – '' Well, I guess we have to be quiet.''
Jungkook was surprised when Taehyung stood up from his lap and knelt between his knees, both of his hands on Jungkook's thighs, sliding up towards his zipper.
-'' Oh, fuck me...'' – Jungkook moaned, tossing his head back.
-'' With pleasure.'' – Taehyung says seductively. – '' But later. Right now, I want to take you in my mouth and make you cum.''
Jungkook never had an experience like this before. He never got his soul sucked through his cock at such a high place, as the evening drew to an end and darkness came rushing in.
The bloody silence must have amplified their sounds because the old man had that smug and knowing expression on his face when he put them down sometime later.
-'' Don't worry, I was young once.'' – The grandfather winked and went pass them towards his house.
-'' We didn't... it's not...'' – Jungkook began, but the old man just waved him off with a good chuckle.
-'' Been there, done that with my old lady when we were your age.''
Taehyung buried his face in Jungkook's shoulder, shaking with silent laughter and embarrassment.
Soobin, who just came into the earshot when the old man began speaking, stood there frozen and watched his grandfather with a painted expression. – '' I did not have to hear that piece of information grandpa!''- He turned towards the pair. – '' Are you ready to go? Because I certainly am.'' – He said and started walking towards the van, not waiting for their answer.
They both nodded more to themselves and went with him.
-'' You think the reporters realized by now that we escaped them?'' – Taehyung asked.
-'' Most definitely, but I could always ask Soobin to take you home.'' – Jungkook says.
Taehyung's eyes narrowed. –'' I don't want to go home yet.'' - He says, his hand gripping Jungkook's biceps. He would gladly bring Jungkook up to his apartment but he didn't think the man would appreciate seeing his and Jimin's photos on the wall, even though his boyfriend was on a business trip and wouldn't mind whats so ever. What's more, he would probably love to watch it all over the video call. – ''Can we go to your place?'' – He asks instead.
Jungkook contemplates it for only a second but then nods.
-'' Good, because I'm still not done with you.'' – Taehyung breathes in his ear, his voice very low.
It shook Jungkook to the core and he said impatiently. - '' We can go with my bike then.''
-'' We better.'' – Taehyung purred, leaning closer.
-'' Hyung, hurry up.'' – Soobin shouted and Jungkook growled.
-'' The quicker we go, the faster I will have you.'' – Taehyung says, nuzzling in Jungkook's neck. Jungkook groaned and pulled his hand towards the vehicle.
The ride back was quiet. Neither of them really wanted to talk with words, but their touches spoke volumes. Taehyung's hand on the inside of Jugnkook's thigh made small circles, fingers caressing upwards every third brush, and Jungkook felt tingles on his skin and himself going harder. He had no idea how Taehyung managed without the release. The tent in his pants must be quite painful. They made sure to behave nicely in Soobin's presence trying not to traumatize him so early in life. Jungkook could see that his dongsaeng was eternally grateful.
-'' Hyung, see you at work. Taehyung Hyung, see you around.'' – Soobin waved, grinning widely once they were in his home and almost ran up the stairs to his room.
Jungkook snorted and thanked Mrs Choi for the excellent food and help. She told them both to come often and asked Taehyung for a picture with her, which he gladly accepted. And then they were off, roaring on the strong machine through the city lights and traffic. The night was chilly and the speed cool them off nicely. Taehyung's hands must have been cold because he pushed them inside Jungkook's leather jacket's pockets.
Jungkook, who always drove with the utmost concentration, jerked slightly when he felt Taehyung's fingers on his crotch, squeezing slightly.
-'' Shit, Taehyung, we gonna crash if you keep doing that.'' – He says over his shoulder when they stop at a traffic light.
Taehyung fluttered his eyelashes. – '' But I'm not doing anything.'' – He says in all innocence. – '' I'm just warming my hands.'' – He gave another squeeze and shifted his hips closer to Jungkook's back so he could feel how hard he is.
-'' You look so sexy riding that thing, in those jeans.'' – He says erotically. -'' I wonder if you can ride something else, too.''
Jungkook's cock twitched at that and Taehyung, who felt it, grew even smugger. There was a honk behind them, signalling them to move because they got the green light again. None of them notices the light changing during their little interchange. Jungkook gave an enthusiastic gas and they almost flew towards Jungkook's flat.
They wasted no time getting naked. Taehyung looked fucking amazing without any clothes, Jungkook wanted to lick him whole, suck on his skin and stuff his mouth with his nice long cock. But before he could come closer he felt Taehyung's foot on his chest keeping him at bay. The man's eyes ran over Jungkook's masculine body, his abs, his thighs, and length, letting the lewdest moan. –'' Oh, fucking hell, Jungkook, you look divine.''
Jungkook lower his gaze to his chest where Taehyung's foot was, moving it slightly so his toes could touch the right nipple. He hissed, biting his lower lip. It felt so good.
Taehyung remembered what Jimin told him about him being sensitive and he moved his foot up, towards Jungkook's mouth. –'' Suck.'' – He ordered, and Jungkook obeyed. Taehyung groaned when he felt the man's tongue between his toes, covering them with saliva without breaking their gaze.
Taehyung moved his foot away with a ''pop'' from Jungkook's mouth and placed it on his nipple again, sliding it between his wet toes and wiggling. Jungkook made a desperate whine, and his cock reacted every time Taehyung curved his toes around the bud.
-'' You are so fucking gorgeous, darling.'' – Taehuyng spoke in his low timbre. He pressed the heel of his other foot on Jungkook's groin and Jungkook let an embarrassing sound. His hands flew to hold Taehyung's foot so he could rut into it.
Taehyung was mesmerized by him. – '' I want you.'' – He said, breathing hard as he stroked himself slowly.
-'' How do you want me?'' – Jungkook asked, hissing as he rolled his hips.
-'' Turn around and let me see your ass that I've been ogling for the entire evening.'' – Taehyung says.
Jungkook did and Taehyung leapt to grab at his thighs and tight ass. – '' Your built, is like a statue...'' – He said amazed, hands sliding up towards his waist, groping it and moving Jungkook's ass closer to his groin. One of Taehyung's hands slid up the man's back slowly and deliberately, only to grab at his shoulder, bringing him up. – '' The things I want to do to you...'' – Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear, mouthing it.
-'' Yes, do them.'' – Jungkook breathed. He was so turned on. He turned his head so their lips can meet in a messy kiss.
Taehyung slid his hands up Jungkook's chest to pinch gently at his nipples, enjoying the sounds Jungkook made. He rolled his hips on Jungkook's ass, his hard cock sliding between Jungkook's asscheeks.
Taehyung groaned and mouthed at his shoulder, biting it. -'' I want to fuck you.'' – He says. – '' Please, let me fuck you?''
-'' Do it. '' – Jungkook pushed his ass back. – '' Fuck me... fuck me good.''
The feeling was splendid. Taehyung was bloody fantastic with his cock. Generous lover, who took his sweet time prepping him and sucking him, driving him to the point of losing his mind. He was pounding into him from the back, both on their knees. Jungkook had trouble holding up since every roll of Taehyung's length hit him straight to his sweet spot and Jungkook just wanted to bury his face into the mattress, but his partner didn't allow it. The reflection of them on the window glass was extremely erotic, and Jungkook had to admit they looked way too good together.
-'' Look at you.'' – Taehyung murmured into Jungkook's ear, pulling it with his teeth. – '' Look how good you look, baby. Look how perfect your body is.''
And Jungkook looked and saw how responsive his body is under Taehyung's touch, his mouth, his neck, chest, and thighs. His own member was hard and was bouncing up and down with his lover's movement. The look itself was raw and erotic at the same time. He mewled at the sight.
Taehyung sucked at his neck, one of his hands splayed on Jungkook's abs, while another played with his nipples, his hips never faltering, but going even deeper.
-'' Oh, Fuck.'' – Jungkook moaned, head tossed back at Taehyung's shoulder.
-'' So fucking beautiful.'' – Taehyung spoke, eyes never leaving their reflection, wishing only it was clearer. – '' time I will fuck you in the room full of mirrors, so you can see how perfect you are, and how good I fuck you.''
-'' Mmm, please...''
-'' Please what?'' – Taehyung asked breathlessly, feeling himself getting closer.
-'' Touch me.'' – Jungkook barely managed to say, eyes rolling on the back of his head.
Taeehyung's hand slid down to wrap itself around Jungkook's member. –'' Such a nice cock.'' – He says in his deep voice. It vibrates in Jungkook's ears and he feels his body starting to shake from immense pleasure. Taehyung squeezes him just right and starts moving his hand. Jungkook let out grutural moan.
-'' Ah, yes, fuck, yes. Just like that, oh fuck.'' – One hand find its way to Taehyung's hair, turning his head so he could kiss him.
-'' Jungkook, you feel so good.'' – Taehyung hissed and dived into the kiss, quickening the snap of his hips into Jungkook's hole. It was too good. Jungkook was exactly the partner Taehyung loved to fuck. Strong, sexy, pliant, but still challenging. With Jimin, he loved to relinquish his control, allowing himself to be dominated, and Jimin knew exactly how he loved it, but Jungkook was a refreshment. No wonder Jimin was so into him. Taehyung almost felt jealous and not because he felt Jimin's affections could change, but because he wanted a slice of that pie too, and now he had a taste, and he can't get enough of it. It's addictive, Jungkook is addictive. This is only the first sex, the first of many. Taehyung hoped. What more can they discover together? Or even better, what the three of them can discover together? Taehyung couldn't wait to share him with Jimin. It will be electrifying.
The mere idea urged him to snap his hips faster. Jungkook's answering cries told him that he was near as well. Taehyung's deep moans echoed the room and Jungkook found himself arching, fucking into Taehyung's fist while his ass snapped back at Taehyung's length with such ferocious speed that he felt his muscles would break from tightness. Their moans and grunts mingled, skin on skin intensified and Jungkook saw stars. His orgasm hit him so hard that he wailed. His neighbours probably heard it, but he couldn't give a damn at the moment.
Taehyung's own grunts and gasps became louder as he filled his condom some minutes later. They fell on the bed exhausted, breathing hard.
-'' Bloody hell Taehyung.'' – Jungkook said, rolling onto his back to look at the said man. He almost choked how fucked out Taehyung looked, his honey skin glistening with sweat, while his hair was pushed back, exposing his forehead and strong eyebrows. His half-lidded eyes gleamed with satisfied shine, and his mouth was red and wet from all the kissing. He looked ethereal.
-'' Fuck.'' – Jungkook murmured. – ''You look like some ancient Greek god.''
Taehyung bust out laughing, and suddenly he looked quite normal, human-like. Jungkook felt his mouth spread in a tired but content smile.
Taehyung gleamed and kissed him sweetly. – '' You are like those Greek statues. Hercules brother from another mother.'' – He said in good humour.
It was now Jungkook's time to start laughing.
-'' It seems we both have ties with ancient Greece.'' – Taehyung continues, nuzzling into Jungkook's cheek to kiss it. Jungkook's fingers caress Taehyung's face.
-'' Can I stay the night?'' – Taehyung asks after he searched Jungkook's eyes for any sign of regret, but he couldn't find any. Jungkook's smile was infectious so he mirrored it.
-'' Yes, you can.'' – Jungkook says. – '' But we have to get up early because I have to work.''
-'' Okay.'' – Taehyung agrees. – '' But I don't want to sleep yet, it's only...'' – He checks his phone on the bedside table.- '' Quarter past eleven. We have time for at least one more round.''
Jungkook smiled wickedly at Taehyung's words and kisses him with a passion that left Taehyung breathless. – '' How do you want me this time?'' – Jungkook asks between the kisses.
He felt Taehyung's hand gripping his and dragging it down between his legs straight to his ass. – '' I want you to prep me.'' – He says, licking inside JungkooK's mouth. – '' And then I want you to fuck me into oblivion.''
Jungkook smiled wide, lips still glued to Taehyung's. – '' I love the sound of that.'' – He says and pulls him in.
So, I hope you enjoyed this Taekook smut. I know I did. Just to clarify, because people always ask, all three of them are switch, which means they bottom and top depending on the mood and situation. This time, we read Taehyung top, but next time we will see Jungkook as a top, so bear with me.
Until next time, take care, my lovelies 💜💜💜
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