Chapter 18 - Take Me Somewhere Fun
Jungkook sat at his desk, typing some reports. The last week was nightmarish. Who knew the reporters could be so bloody annoying and nosy. He just talked with the guy, for crying out loud. They didn't even do anything, and the bloody vultures were on him like on a fresh carcass. Not only did they were everywhere, following him, which provoked a humongous teasing from his colleagues, and a disapproving look from Yoongi, but they also ruined any chance of seeing Taehyung again. The guy probably doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore.
He sighs in frustration, cursing his luck. Well, maybe it's for the best. He thought and went back to his work. He had some three more hours before his shift ends and he wondered what he ought to do when he goes home. Should I hit the gym, or play video games?
He was trying to figure out how to phrase the sentence when his phone rang. The caller was unknown and Jungkook furrowed his brows in slight irritation. He disliked unknown numbers on his private phone. If it was his work one, it would be another matter, since literally, anyone could call, but it was not.
Reluctantly, he hit the answer button. -'' Hello?''
-'' Hello detective.'' – Deep velvety voice surged like a song in Jungkook's ear. His nerves gave a pleasant shudder.
-'' Hyung. How did you get this number?'' – The grin began to form on Jungkook's face as soon as he recognized that sexy voice.
-'' Hmm... it wasn't easy.'' – Taehyung said, pleased with himself. – '' But, luckily, I know the right people.''
Jungkook's brows furrow slightly at this. He wonders who could have given his private number away without asking him first. Still, deep down, he was glad, because it got him the chance to hear Taehyung again.
The man's voice continued speaking as these quick thoughts ran through Jungkook's mind.
-'' I ought to apologize for the torture you endured for the last week, but it wasn't entirely my fault, you know.'' – Taehyung said.
Jungkook chuckles. – '' I had a glance at what it's like to be in the centre of the public attention and I disliked it immensely.''
-'' Hmm...'' – Taehyung hums. – '' Then you know how I feel.''
-'' Terrible.''
Taehyung laughs low. – '' Not always.''
Jungkook cleared his throat. – '' I'm surprised you called, to be honest.''
-'' Why?'' – Taehyung asks seriously, but then adds in a teasing voice. – '' Did you think that the bunch of bad reporters would scare me away?''
Jungkook snorts, rolling his eyes. – '' As if.''
He could almost imagine the smile on Taehyung's face, as the man spoke next. - '' Besides, I'm fixing the fact that I didn't get your number that evening, instead of letting you leave without giving it to me.''
Jungkook felt his cheeks spread in a grin. Oh, I would give it to you gladly. He thinks and licks his lips, as his face grew smug. He liked this, damn, he did. He leans back in his chair. – '' Well, you should have, but your big brother came to take you home.''
Taehyung chuckle.
-'' Were you in a trouble for abandoning your post?'' – Jungkook asked.
-'' Nah.'' – Taehyung says playfully. – '' Jin Hyung got used to all of my antics. He and Joon Hyung actually had a bet about just how long will I stay.'' – He says in good humour.
That makes Jungkook laugh quietly. – '' Who won?''
-'' Joon Hyung, of course.''
Jungkook had to bite his lower lip at just how stupidly he was grinning. He was still in the office, watching left and right to see if any of his colleagues are looking at him. There were only several of them, with none of his close friends on sight. Thank goodness. The last thing I need is for them to eavesdrop on my conversation with Taehyung. Jungkook knew that they were more than curious about his love life.
-'' So...'' – Jungkook speaks casually, hiding the fact that he feels excited. – '' What can I do for you?''
-'' Hmm... there are a lot of things you can do... to me.'' – Taehyung's voice drops a few octaves and Jungkook felt something stir in his lower region. Shit, Taehyung, you sexy fucker.
-'' Oh? And what's that?'' – He teases back, playing innocent when they both knew that they are on the same page here.
-'' I don't want to say it over the phone.''
-'' No? Are you shy, Hyung?''
Taehyung's deep and smooth laughter sent hot waves in Jungkook's guts.
-'' Sometimes... if that's what you like.'' – He answers slowly. – '' I could be a good boy for you.''
Taehyung should be sued for his sleek tongue. Jungkook barely managed to stop the whimper.
-'' I still prefer you to be yourself, instead of anything that you think I would want.'' – Jungkook says after a moment of consideration.
-'' Hmm...'' – Taehyung hums in wonder. – '' That's....certainly different. I like it.'' – He says amused.
-'' So, you still don't want to tell me.'' – Jungkook prompts.
-'' No.'' – Taehyung answers instantly, and Jungkook felt a slight disappointment, which lasted only for a second before Taehyung adds. – '' I would much rather show you.''
That made Jungkook's insides jump with curiosity and a promise of something good. – '' You mean like a date?''
-'' Yes.''
-'' Are you asking me or are you waiting for me to ask?''
-'' I know I said that I will take you out.'' – Taehyung says slowly. – '' But, I'm in the mood to be surprised.''
-' U-huh. And what are your expectations?'' – Jungkook asks carefully. Taehyung is an expensive man, clearly way above Jungkook's paycheck. Still, he liked him a lot, so he was willing to try, even if that means asking Hobi for some favours.
As if reading his mind, Taehyung chuckles. – '' I don't want grand and expensive things and places if that's what you mean. I have that. I want something different. Something fun.''
-'' Fun?''
-'' Mhm... fun. I want to laugh.'' – Taehyung admits.- '' And you seem like the man who can make me laugh and have fun.''
Jungkook felt his heart squeezes at the childlike wonder in the man's voice. He thinks for a few moments. – '' Promise you will not criticize where I take you?'' – He asks.
Taehyung laughs. – '' I promise. But Jungkook, be careful. I want to avoid crowded public places.'' – Taehyung advises cautiously. – '' We don't need the situation from the last week, now don't we?''
Jungkook shuddered. – '' I definitely don't want that.''
-'' I thought not.'' – Taehyung says, amused. – '' However, I do hope that you will figure something out.''
The corner of Jungkook's mouth turned upwards. – '' I'm sure I could think of something.''
-'' Brilliant.'' – Taehyung laughs satisfactorily, adding in a more sultry voice. –'' I have faith in you, detective.''
Jungkook's almost groaned aloud at the word ''detective'' since it sounded so hot when Taehyung says it. One of the colleagues passes by, and Jungkook nods and smiles at him, his eyes following as the man got out of the office again. Jungkook leaned even further into his corner as he was trying to hide with whom he is talking.
-'' I have an afternoon off on Thursday. Are you free then?'' – Jungkook asks hopefully.
-'' This Thursday?''
-'' Yeah.''
There was a moment of pause as Taehyung probably checked his planner. – '' For you, I will be, even if I have to murder someone to free my schedule. ''
They both chuckled at that, and then Jungkook was saying. – '' Then I will have to arrest you.''
If he thought he will make Taehyung blush he was mistaken, because the latter responded instantly, quite seductively. – '' Oh, yes. The very thought of your handcuffing me gives me pleasant shivers.''
Jungkook groaned at that, biting his lips. Not so innocent images of cuffed Taehyung invaded his thoughts and he shifted again in his chair. – '' Behave, Hyung.''
-'' Yes, sir.'' – Came the answer.
Oh, fuck.
He probably groaned out loud because Taehyung giggled. – '' See you on Thursday then. What time?'' – He asks.
Jungkook who already had an idea in his mind said. – '' How about five pm?''
Taehyung snorts. – '' Are you taking me on a date or a kiddie's playground? – He teases.
-'' You'll see, have faith in me.'' – Jungkook leaned back in his chair, stretching, quite satisfied with himself.
Taehyung sighed. – '' Fine. But it better be good.'' – He warns.
-'' Don't worry, it will be. Is this your number?'' – Jungkook asks.
Taehyung chuckles. – '' No, I'm calling from the phone booth. Of course, it is.''
-'' Hey, all I know is you might be using someone else's number and then when I call you some big trucker guy called Bob answers and send me to hell.'' – Jungkook defends himself and grows smug when Taehyung start laughing.
-'' No Bob will have you.'' – Taehyung says joyfully. – ''Only me.'' – He adds, his voice more smooth.
-'' Only you?' – Jungkook asks, he just couldn't help it.
-'' Hmm... '' – Taehyung hums. – '' See you on Thursday, detective.''
Jungkook chuckles again. – '' Yeah, see you on Thursday.
The line was cut shortly after and Jungkook sat in utter silence, not believing what just happened. His heart was drumming rather fast and his breath shudders slightly from excitement. Fuck, what is happening to me? I'm shaking like some teenager who just spoke to his first crush.
Jungkook considers his option, which was quite limited. Where to take Taehyung? Somewhere fun, yes, and yet, somewhere private. With not so many people around. We need to avoid those bloody reporters. The drive to the hillside is too suggestive. It will make him look like he just wants to get him alone. Well, that was true, but it's not only that. Jungkook thinks.
Suddenly, he remembers the perfect place. It's out of the way, secluded, and fun. He's sure his dongsaeng will help him with it. He could also take them there so they will avoid too much attention.
Jungkook saves the forgotten report, makes a mental note to finish it first thing in the morning, with all hopes that he will not forget about it overnight, and jumps from his chair, almost running towards the elevator.
He reaches Yoongi's floor but turning not towards Hyung's office, but Moonbyul's. He knocks.
-'' Hey Noona, can I borrow Soobin-ah, for a few minutes?'' – He asks.
Moonbyul who was in the middle of something just nods, and the young man, who turns and smiles when Jungkook peeked in, stands up quickly.
-'' Save your work.'' – Moonbyul says.
-'' Already did, Noona.'' – Soobin answers politely.
-'' Good lad.'' - She mumbles, not taking her eyes off her work.
The two men went to the lounge room to grab some coffee. Yoongi surely did his best to make this floor to his liking. He asked for hard work from his employees, but in return, he made sure that their break time is comfortable and cosy, with always stocked vending and coffee machines.
-'' How are you? Does Noona still have you helping?'' – Jungkook asks once they settled on the corner sofa.
Soobin chuckles. – '' Yeah.'' – He says, scratching the back of his head. – '' It's nothing spectacular, pretty mundane stuff, yet, plenty of it. I don't complain. It's interesting, and I learn something new from Noona every day.''
-'' I must say I'm glad knowing you are around.'' – Jungkook smiles affectionately, taking a careful sip of the hot beverage.
Soobin nods, with a satisfied smile. – '' I like here too. Um...'' – He hesitates for a second, casting his eyes down in his lap like he is trying to form his thoughts properly. – '' I'm thinking about going back to school.'' – He admits finally.
Jungkook arched his brows in surprise. – ''Oh?'' – He then smiles big.-'' That's awesome. Good for you. Did Noona put that idea in your head?''
Soobin blushes. – '' Umm, no. I mean she approves, but it was, actually, Yeonjun that suggested it.'' – Soobin barely managed to say the entire sentence without choking on his own saliva. His cheeks were flushed as well as his ears. Jungkook grinned even wider.
-'' But do YOU want it, Soobin-ah? '' – Jungkook asks.
Soobin's eyes grew wide and innocent as he nodded his head. – '' Oh, yes. I was thinking of Computer Analysis or Programming. I already know a lot on my own, so it will be great to expand my knowledge. Noona told me she would get me on her team if I still want it by the time I finish it.''
-'' Wow, that's cool.'' – Jungkook squeezed the boy's shoulder with affection. Even though Soobin was in his twenties, and still acted like a kid sometimes, he was, by all means, very mature and dependable when work is involved. His small cousins adored him, and he was a very good Hyung to them. He would babysit them often and always found a way to entertain them.
Soobin's dimples flashed as he smiled back and he drank his cappuccino.
-'' So, what did you need me for?'' – He asks after a few seconds.
-'' Is your grandfather's arcade still open?'' – Jungkook wanted to know.
The lad nods. – ''Yup. Why? Want to go?''
Jungkook stared unfocused at some spot in the room, his eyes wide as he observed the idea from all angles. He bit the corner of his lip. – ''Yeah, I think I might.'' – He looks at Soobin. – '' Would he mind opening up on non-working days?''
-'' I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind, not for you at least. Why? Don't want the crowd?''
Jungkook nods. – '' I..ah...I have a date, and that person prefers a minimal amount of people.'' – He says slowly, scratching at the back of his head.
Soobin smiled slyly this time, dimples flashing. –'' Hyung's having a date? Ohoho, now that's interesting.'' – He teased.
-'' Soobin-ah.'' – Jungkook warns, scowling at the laughing youth.
-'' Ah, Hyung, don't worry. I'm sure grandpa would agree to open up for you and your date.'' – He emphasises the word ''date'' a bit, wiggling his eyebrows.
-'' You are such a kid.'' – Jungkook shakes his head exasperatedly. – '' I can see Yeonjun's influence. He's been corrupting you big time.''
That made Soobin laugh joyfully. –'' I don't know about corruption, but he is a bit of an imp.''
-'' And how are you two going? Anything changed?'' – Jungkook asks in retaliation.
Soobin's face slightly falters and his smile became bittersweet. – '' I don't know, Hyung. He's....confusing. I don't know what he wants, really.''
-'' How come? He is pretty straightforward in his flirting.''
Soobin nods his head. – '' That's the thing. He is advancing so strong sometimes, and when I reciprocate, he just pulls away and turns into a joke. He is sending me mixed signals.''
Jungkook suddenly remembers the talk he had with his other dongsaeng sometime before, on the hospital rooftop. Taehyun said the exact same thing about Yeonjun. That, and their silly bet.
-'' I just think he's nervous.'' – Jungkook says. – '' He is loud and bold, but deep down he has insecurities. I think you are much more confident than him.''
Soobin's eyes widened. – '' Me? No.''
-'' Yes, yes, you. You are much more certain in what you want and feel, while he hides behind that loud persona.'' – Jungkook says, patting Soobin's knee. – '' You just need to be bolder than him next time and not let him escape.''
-'' Hyung, I... I don't think I can.'' – Soobin stammers.
-'' Of course, you can, and you will.'' – Jungkook looks at him pointedly, giving him the reassurance he needs before leaning back in his seat. – '' You can do it.''
-'' But what if he rejects me?''
Jungkook burst out laughing at that. – ''Soobin, he gave you heart eyes the instant he saw you the first time and he spent fifteen minutes touching your leg, not to mention daily breaks you have together and chat in the hallways.''
-'' The leg ...It was an accident. He kicked me. He didn't mean to, but he did, and he was just feeling guilty, that's all.'' – Soobin tried to protest.
-'' He just kicked you lightly, and a quick five seconds rub would alleviate the pain, but no, he went full therapy on you, and it's not even his line of work. Not to mention all the meals and treats he's been bringing you. C'mon, Soobin-ah, don't be blind, he wants you, but is uncertain if you want him back.'' – Jungkook says pointedly, arching his brow. – '' You like him, yes?'' – He asks.
Soobin smiles, casting his eyes down. – '' Yeah.''
-'' Then go for it. Alright?''
Soobin swallowed but nodded. – '' I'll try.''
Jungkook sighed. He knew better than to push the matter further, so he brought the subject back to his problem.
-'' Can you ask your grandfather to let us in on Thursday around six or seven?'' – He asks.
Soobin nods. –'' I will ask.''
-'' And, um... can you give us a ride?'' – Jungkook tilts his head, looking at the dumbfounded lad.
-'' But you been there million times. You know the way. '' – Soobin says., looking at Jungkook like had grown a second head. – ''Why do you need me for? I won't be your third wheel just because you're nervous.''
Jungkook slaps him on the thigh.
-'' Ouch!'' – Soobin shouts.
-'' It's not that! We need to be incognito and I only have a bike.'' – Jungkook explains.
Soobin blinks a few times. –'' Who are you dating? Someone already taken? Will the furious spouse chase after you?''
Jungkook fixes him with a glare. – '' No.''
Soobin grins. – ''A celebrity, then?'' – He jokes, and then his eyes went comically wide as the thought pops into his mind. – '' Could it be?''
-'' No, Sobin-ah, do not guess anything.'' – Jungkook warns.
-'' But Hyung...''
-'' Shush, you will find out on Thursday.''
Soobin's face turned into a smug one. – '' Hyung, I should take tips from you.''
-'' Aish, this boy.'' - Jungkook grumbles in annoyance, refusing to look the lad in the eyes. He could feel Soobin's devilish grin.
He hears his chuckle instead. – '' Very well, Hyung. I'll drive you and your celebrity date.''
Jungkook shakes his head in exasperation. – '' Why am I friends with you?''
Soobin laughs. – '' Because I'm your favourite dongsaeng.''
-'' Aish...''
Thursday couldn't come faster. The week dragged by slowly, work was busy and Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about the date.
-'' What is your secret? Where do you get your energy?'' – Mark asked, playing with his little stress ball and watching Jungkook buzzing around. He was running up and down the entire day, little to Yoongi's floor, and then back to his old desk or Hwasa's, as they checked the evidence since their cases overlapped. Then back up and down again. He was totally energized.
-'' Yeah, what are you using? Give me some.'' - Yugyeom begs from his desk, reclining on his chair, his eyes closed. He and Jackson went out last night and had too much to drink.
-'' Better something for the headache.'' – Jackson whined, his face buried in his arms on the top of his table.
Jungkook chuckles. –'' Have one soju too many?''
-'' Oh, I'm never drinking again.'' – Jackson whines.
-'' You say that every time.'' – Mark says.
-'' I mean it.''- Jackson insists.
-'' Sure you do.'' – Mark snorts. – ''Every time.''
Jackson flashes him his middle finger, not raising his head and Mark promptly toss the ball on his blond head, which then bounces back to his palm.
-'' You are such an asshole, Mark. I really can't believe how much.'' – Jackson raises his head to scowl at his partner and then goes back to his previous position.
Mark just grins widely, utterly enjoying. – '' I love you too, boo.''
-'' Does anybody wants coffee?'' – Jungkook asks.
-'' Me.'' – Both Yugyeom and Jackson raise their hands.
-'' Coming right up. Mark?'' – Jungkook asks.
-'' Nah, I'm fine.
-'' He has his special juice.'' – Yugyeom teases, still not opening his eyes.
-'' It's just fresh-squeezed fruit and veggies. It's healthy, detox. You should try it.'' – Mark takes a sip from his bottle.
-'' Nah.'' – Gyeom shakes his head. – '' You eat vegetables, you don't drink them.''
-'' Proves how little you know.'' – Jaebum enters the office, catching Yugyeom's last statement. He goes to his desk, tossed some papers on it and went on rummaging something in his drawers, making noise.
-'' Ah, do you have to be so loud?'' – Jackson whines again. – '' My head hurts.''
Jaebum just ignores him and continues with his task.
-'' What are you looking for anyway?'' – Yugyeom asks, opening one eye to check the noise.
-'' I can't find that paper with the address written on it.'' – Jaebum says, still rummaging. – '' I thought I put it in the file, but it's not there.''
Yugyeom straightens a little to look him better. – '' Which address?''
-'' The one Gwan Sang-Hoon gave us.'' – He sat on his chair opening the notebook after notebook, looking.
Gyeom furrowed his brows. – '' Have you written it down somewhere else? Just in case?''
-'' I'm looking for it. I'm sure I did. But it's gone, I can't find it.'' – He was starting to lose his patience. Yugyeom knew him well. Jaebum was laid-back and cool, but push his buttons much and he grew angry.
-'' Let me check if I have it.'' – Gyeom says, sitting straight. His face showed that he was not feeling all well.
The glass with dissolved Aspirin appears in front of him. He looks up and sees Hwasa's face.
-'' Drink.'' – She orders.
-'' Thanks, Noona.'' – He sends her a grateful smile, and she nods. She passes Jungkook, who just returned with mugs with coffee, placing one on Gyeom's desk, and then proceed to go after Hwasa who was already at Jackson's side.
She smacks the blond man on the shoulder. – ''Get up!'' – She barks, pulling him up in a seated position and taking his hand to place the glass in it. –'' Here.''
Jackson looks at her confused, but she just arches her eyebrow and says. – '' Drink.''
-'' Are you sure you are not domme?'' – Mark asks and laughs when she shoots him a death glare. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle as well, blowing at his drink to cool it down as he watch Jackson drink greedily until he finishes the entire glass, burping slightly. Hwasa rolls her eyes.
-'' Go and wash your face with cold water.'' – She says.
Jackson makes a painful face. – '' I don't wanna.''
-'' Now.'' – She pulls him up to his feet. – '' Have you eaten?''
-'' No. I'm gonna be sick if I put anything in my mouth.'' – He responds, shaking his head.
She ignores him and turns to Mark. – '' He needs to eat something.''
-'' Hey, I'm not his babysitter.'' – Mark says, raising his hands to stop her from persuading him further.
-'' No, I can't eat, I will throw up.'' – Jackson shakes his head, begging her to leave him to die.
She observes him. - '' You know what, I'll take you.''
-'' Come on, Hwasa, don't be a pain in my ass.'' – Jackson protests, getting irritated.
-'' But you love when I boss you around, don't you, lamb?'' – She asks, eyes going round and innocent. – '' You asked me so many times to buy you food, and here I am offering.''
He looks at her sceptically. – '' You gonna buy me food?'' – He asks.
-'' Mhm, but you gonna eat everything to the last bite.'' – She smiles.
Jackson looks at Mark who just shrugs his shoulders. – '' Hey, your decision.''
-'' But this is a unique opportunity, you do realize that?'' – Jackson points out. – '' This happens every decade or so.''
Jungkook giggles as he watched his friend think hard about this offer while trying to ease down his stomach.
-'' Are you going for lunch?'' – Jinyoung asks. He appeared some minutes ago and silently watched the entire ordeal.
-'' Mhm, wanna come?'' – She asks.
-'' And rob you the opportunity to treat your Hyung?'' – He points at Jackson. – '' I would never.'' – Jinyoung says, smiling wickedly. If Hwasa's look could kill, he would be a dead man.
-'' Alright, I made up my mind. We'll go. I won't miss this chance.'' – Jackson says, putting on his jacket. –'' I want soybean sprout soup.''
-'' Deal, we take some meat on the side as well.'' – She agrees.
-'' Or better some shrimps,'' – He smiles.
-'' Yeah, that will do.'' – She agrees, hooking her arm around his. – '' Gyeom, wanna come?'' – She asks.
-'' Nah, I brought my food with me this morning.'' – He says gratefully.
She shrugs her shoulders and then turns to Jackson. – '' Let's go.''
Jackson's winning grin at the rest of them was hilarious, and as soon as they were out, Jaebum asks.
-'' You think she'll pay for him?''
Jinyoung snorted. – '' Not a chance. That young fool has no idea that he will be paying not just for his food, but hers too.''
They all laugh at that, feeling not so sorry for Jackson.
-'' You think he has a crush on her?'' – Yugyeom wonders out loud.
-'' Nah, he just loves when she bosses him around.'' – Jaebum says knowingly.
-'' Yeah, she's like a cute kitten. Kittens look adorable when they hiss.'' – Mark agrees.
Jinyoung snorts loudly. – '' Don't let her hear you say that.'' – He says. – '' Her claws are sharp and she knows how to use them.''
-'' Well, you would know everything about it.'' - Jaebum's eyes gleam at his best friend as he says this, and Jungkook has a notion that there is something more in there than simple teasing.
Jinyoung's expression is stoic and unchangeable. – '' Yes, since I work with her almost every single day for long hours.'' – He retaliates, glaring at Jaebum, who grins and then returns to his search.
-'' I'm ordering some food, anyone wants anything?'' – Jungkook says, raising his eyes from his phone.
The chorus of ''no, thank you'' could be heard from various desks, when Gyeom asks. – '' Why haven't you gone with Noona and Jack?''
-'' First of all, I wasn't invited, and I don't want to intrude. And secondly...'' – Jungkook began answering, only to be cut by Mark.
-'' And he didn't want to split the bill with Jackson in the end.''
Jungkook tosses his head as he laughed his little evil laugh.
-'' You cheap ass.'' – Gyeom grins as well.
-'' Nah, that's called good economy.'' – Jaebum chimes in. – '' Jungkookie knows when to back off from investment that is doomed to fail badly.''
-'' Isn't there an ounce of sympathy for our foolish comrade?'' – Mark asks.
-'' Nah!'' - They all answer at the same time which provokes howls of laughter.
Jungkook loved this easy atmosphere in the middle of the week, making everything easier as the days goes by. Their job is not always pleasant, but at least they have these small moments in between tough cases.
Still smiling, he checks his order, pays for it and leaves the phone on his desk. Still no messages. What do you expect? He will not call you again. The thought crosses his mind and he quickly banishes it. You'll see him tomorrow, though, if all goes well. He smiles secretly to himself and continues with his work.
Finally, Thursday has come, but the day couldn't be slower. Jungkook made sure that Yoongi won't need him today and he was checking the clock every half-hour. You will go mental, stop it. He scolds himself.
So far, Taehyung haven't called to cancel anything, but Jungkook couldn't sit still, so he send him a message to confirm the time for today. Yes, everything was set, the date is happening. He reassured himself when Taehyung's reply came.
He took a shower, and quickly blow-dried his hair, styling it so it will expose his forehead with bangs split on the side. He put on his clothes and splash a bit of his favourite cologne. He checks himself in the mirror only to realize he dressed more for a club than an arcade. He did tell Taehyung to dress casually. So he quickly changes into jeans, boots and a t-shirt. He grabs his leather jacket, his phone, keys first, and then his helmet. He made sure to bring the passenger one as well for Taehyung.
He takes a deep sigh to calm his nerves and checks himself into the mirror one more time before going out and driving toward the address Taehyung provided.
He arrives at the place, giving his name to the security guard at the entry of the building's complex. This neighbourhood was expensive, a lot of A-listers lived here and security was serious. He assumes Taehyung let them know he was coming because they let him pass. He sends Taehyung a message and leans on his bike to wait once he found his building.
-'' Oh, damn, Jungkook, can you be even more bad boy dreamy?'' - It was the first thing that left Taehyung's lips when he saw him.
Now, Jungkook knew he looks good, especially in his leather jacket and tight blue jeans, so he chuckles at that, wanting to look cooler, but instead felt his cheeks getting warm from praise, which didn't escape Taehyung's hawk-like eyes and he grins slyly like a cat. His attire didn't help Jungkook's face to calm down because Taehyung looked like a snack.
He was wearing a black and white button-up shirt, with the bandana on his forehead, made from a similar print as his shirt. The first two buttons were open and the beautiful honey-coloured skin of his neck and part of the collarbones were visible. Jungkook was dying to taste with his tongue.
He swallowed the fast gathering droll in his mouth and ran his eyes across Taehyung's body from toes to his eyes, staying there.
-'' I said dress casually.'' – He says, watching Tae's eyes widen slightly before sliding down to his clothes.
-'' This is casual.'' – He pouts. – ''These are my comfortable pants.''
Jungkook huffs a laugh at the response and Taehyung's lips curve into a smile. -'' Don't I look good?'' – He asks, dropping his voice down and spreading his arms.
-'' Very.'' – Jungkook nods, gnawing at his lower lip as his cheeks smiled.
Taehyung gave him a knowing and seductive grin, the one where his small pointed teeth made an appearance. It was so wicked and sexy at the same time.
He turns around slowly, showing off. – ''You approve? I really put an effort.'' – He said in his deep timbre.
Jungkook chuckled. – ''Don't you always?'' – He asks.
Taehyung's answering chuckle made him bite harder at his lower lip to stop himself from grinning. He needs to calm down otherwise Taehyung would think him too eager.
Taehyung didn't even try to stop his smile from forming. – '' Oh, of course, I do. My mother taught me to always look my best, even when I don't feel like it.'' – He let his hands fall on his sides. He took a few steps closer, the voice become quieter. – '' Especially when I don't feel like wearing clothes at all.''
Jungkook's eyes went wide. He felt his mouth fly open and his cheeks go a bit hotter from the intense gaze Taehyung was giving him. Taehyung's presence alone, and the fact that he was standing so close that Jungkook could see the small moles under his lips and on his nose, did not help with Jungkook's concentration. He was sure of one thing. Jimin was gorgeous up close, but Taehyung is breathtaking.
He took a shuddered breath, not breaking the eye contact. If he doesn't move I will do something stupid, like try and kiss him right away. Jungkook thought.
The left corner of Taehyung's mouth curved even more upwards, his eyes dropping down on Jungkook's lips and then up to his eyes again. He was contemplating.
Reluctantly he took a step back. – '' So, have one for me?'' – He gestured at the helmet laid on the seat of the bike.
Jungkook blinked and followed his gaze. The understanding dawned on him and he moved. – '' Yeah, I do.''
He moved the bigger one and place it in Taehyung's hands. – ''Hold it, please.'' - He proceeds to open the seat and pull out a much smaller but still good helmet from it. – ''It's not cool as that one, but it's...'' – He turned to see Taehyung placing his big helmet on his head. – ''... good.'' – He finishes, pursing his lips tight so he won't laugh at the cuteness of Kim Taehyung, who opened the helmet visor and looked at him with his eyes round and his cheeks squished adorably.
-'' It's really tight.'' – Taehyung says, his lips formed into a pout.
-'' It's supposed to be a bit tighter. It keeps your head safe.''
Taehyung pulled it off, his hair flying around his face, so he had to shake it off of it. His bandana was slightly askew, and Jungkook went to fix it without even thinking. He caught himself as soon as he touched it, pulling his fingers back and murmuring. – '' Sorry.''
Taehyung was watching him with amusement. – ''Oh, please continue whatever you wanted to do.'' – He says smiling.
-'' Just... your...'' – Jungkook stammered a bit, pointing at the bandana.
-'' Should I take it off?'' – Taehyung asked.
-'' No, it looks really really good on you.'' – Jungkook admitted.
Taehyung quirked his eyebrow in pleasant amusement. – '' Really really good?'' – He teased, and Jungkook just huffed a laugh.
-'' You know you look good, stop fishing for more compliments.''
That made Taehyung smile wide. His smile was beautiful. His face was beautiful. The entire man was so beautiful. Thought Jungkook.
-'' Put your facemask on.'' – Jungkook says softly. – '' For anonymity.'' – He adds as an explanation.
Taehyung just nodded, still smiling. His glowing eyes never left Jungkook's as he placed the mask on his face. Spirits have mercy. This man is going to be the death of me. Jungkook thought, fighting all impudent thoughts that began bombarding his mind at that moment.
Jungkook forced himself to breathe again. The man's gaze was too intense. He raises the helmet. – '' May I?'' – He asks.
Taehyung nods lightly and Jungkook quickly fastens the helmet on his head, clasping it under his covered chin. Only then does he becomes aware of Taehyung's closeness, not realizing when he moved. Jungkook felt his motorbike touching the back of his thighs and he wondered for the moment what would be like if Taehyung just stepped in between his legs and kissed him silly. His mouth open slightly at that thought and Taehyung'e eyes locked on them. Jungkook swallowed hard. Yes, he could be dominated by this man, he thought.
Taehyung stood proud, with his wide shoulders, killer gaze and handsome frame. There was certain agility, softness, yes, but also strength, so different from Jungkook's.
Now, Jungkook was physically strong, and muscled, he knew how he looked. He worked hard for this body. The menacing and dangerous look was alright in his line of work, but... standing next to Taehyung, he felt equal to him. Even though Tae was much slimmer and fragile at first glance, there was a certain power that oozed from him. Like the entire World could be his if he chooses.
Their chemistry was so strong and palpable, that Jungkook could almost taste it. He remembered their previous encounters and Jungkook quickly realizes that Taehyung held back a lot then. This time, however, there was the intention and there was no doubt in Jungkook's mind that Taehyung means to conquer.
He cleans his throat. -'' Umm, ready to go?'' – He asked quietly after they both stood there for a good minute in utter silence just staring at each other.
Taehyung nods. – ''Let me just put my jacket on.''
He moves back and Jungkook's body relaxes. Shit. How the hell I'm going to survive the rest of the evening? He shook his head a bit to clear his mind and then straddles the bike, putting his own helmet on.
He turned towards Taehyung noticing that the latter didn't move at all, but instead was sliding his half-lidded eyes down Jungkook's back and his ass. He stayed far too long admiring the way Jungkook's thighs hugged the motorbike so naturally.
He snapped his eyes up and met Jungkook's. – ''Sorry.'' – He says, slipping the jacket on. – '' I got distracted.'' – That made Jungkook chuckle.
He placed himself behind Jungkook, sitting close. Both of his inner thighs and chest touched the man's hips and back, arms locking around the thin waist.
- ''I'm ready.'' – He says.
-'' Not the first time riding a bike?'' – Jungkook asked.
Taehyung smiled, placing his chin on Jungkook's shoulder. – '' No.'' – He answered shortly and took a deep satisfied sigh, smelling the mix of Jungkook's cologne and the leather jacket. His hands wrapped tighter as he scoot closer. - ''Drive.'' – He says. – '' Take me somewhere where we won't be interrupted by the bloody paparazzi.'' – He says grimly, but then his voice became hopeful again. – ''Take me somewhere fun.''
Jungkook chuckled. – '' As you wish.'' – He answered and started the engine.
Again, cursing me to the devil for finishing like this. Well, it's worth the wait, because you know what is coming in the next chapter, don't you?
And I just need to say that I love Jungkookie's, Got7 and Hwasa's interactions. It was my favourite to write. The boys are just a lively bunch, and I'm so glad for including them in this story.
Until Friday, take care, darlings 💜💜💜
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