Chapter 13 - Quick Fingers
When he went to work the next morning, Jungkook had no clue what awaits him. He wasn't prepared for his friends and their loud teasing as soon as he entered the Bureau. At first, he wondered what he has done, or forgot to do, but then it all became clear pretty soon.
-'' Well, look at you, fancy stud.'' – Jackson's face gleamed when he spotted Jungkook coming to his desk.
-'' I wonder if he's gonna greet us this morning at all.'' – Jaebum added, grinning. – ''He might find us too low for his elevated and privileged VIP persona.'' – His almond eyes were especially on fire and ready to tease Jungkook this morning.
Jungkook scrunched his brows, confused. – ''What are you two on about? I look the same as always.''
-'' Oh, but he's not referring to your usual boring outfit.'' – Yugyeom grinned in his ramen and slurped the noodles loudly.
Jungkook was still confused when Jackson took the newspapers, and tossed them to Jungkook's table, grinning like the madman. – '' You looked good sweety pie.'' – He added, winking.
-'' A bit shabby next to his host, but I love the tie.'' – Yugyeom mumbled with his cheeks full. He swallowed and asked. – '' Is it the one we picked together?''
Jungkook stared at him in confusion when Mark passed to his desk with a mug in his hands.
-'' Gyeom, you ask like you don't already know that it's the only one he has.'' – He said, sitting down across Jackson, smirk ready on his face.
-'' Read this part here.'' – Jackson says and points the finger at the page. Jungkook's eyes followed.
Right there, in the middle section of the papers was a nice, not so small article about last evening's fundraisers gala that he attended. The photo took the centre page, and he saw Seokjin and himself on it, standing in front of that atrocious three smudges painting, with champagne glasses in their hands. They were facing each other, the painting clearly visible behind them. Under it, it says:
'' Kim Seokjin and the unknown VIP guest at tonight's fundraiser gala, admiring the art by Claude Katz.''
His eyes scanned the text and the article was nice, talking about the gala and auction, how much money has been raised, where will it go, and so on. The writer had plenty of admiration for the gala's host, Kim Seokjin, as it praised his actions by mingling between mortals, and honouring them with his presence and expertise by pinpointing the best pieces to bid, and so on and so on. It didn't really say mortals, but it was between the line.
He raised his eyes to look around the room at all the expectant faces. He didn't know what to say.
The guys were merciless.
-'' I had no idea you had such a profound taste or arts, Kook. Did you buy that painting that you so admired? '' – Mark said, taking a sip of his coffee and trying not to laugh.
-'' And put it where? To his bathroom?'' – Yugyeom suggests, taking another slurp of his noddles.
-'' Best place for inspiration.'' – Jackson raised his head and arms high, acting up. – '' Sitting on his throne, gazing at it in deep thought until it fills him with inspiration and awe.''
-'' More like helping with his digestion.''- Jeabum suggest, which made Gyeom snort so loud in his noddles that he started coughing, with tears in his eyes. The rest of them were laughing too. Even Jungkook chuckled.
-'' That was the stupidest painting I have ever seen in my life.'' – Jungkook spoke, shaking his head. – '' It costs 10 million won''
There were quite a few snorts and disbelieving gasps, and Jackson even exclaimed. -'' What!?''
-'' What you see on that picture is me actually asking who on Earth would pay for this crap.'' – Jungkook tossed the papers back to Jackson.
-'' And did he tell you?'' – Mark asked amused.
-'' He gave me the entire art lesson, it was pretty amusing.'' – Jungkook admitted.
-'' Yeah, you two look cosy.'' – Jaebum was now leaning on Jackson's desk, glancing at the photograph. – '' But, man, that tie.'' – He stared him in the eyes. – '' Dude, you have to buy the new one. I have seen you with this one three times already.''
-'' Fell free to buy me one.'' – Jungkook retorted, sitting himself down. – '' I ain't gonna waste money on accessories that I wear once in every like three years or something.''
-'' Oh, but if you get cosy with Kim you might need more than one.'' – Yugyeom smiled. He finally finished his noodles and tossed the cartoon bowl in the garbage next to his table.
-'' Isn't the time for you to go and do your business?'' – Jungkook asked and glared at them all in turn, which made them all talk at the same time, but it was Jaebum's words that he heard the most clearly.
-'' Well, it's a good thing that it was the eldest Kim you were photographed with, Kook, because if it was the youngest, the paparazzo will be beside themselves to discover baby Kim's latest playtoy.'' – He says matter-of-factly. – '' And then, my friend, you would be in all the news, so be careful.'' – He warned.
Gyeom and Mark agree on that, except for Jackson who was typing something on his phone.
-'' Yeah, I agree as well, but it's the shame.'' – Jackson says quickly, looking up from his phone. – '' Like, no homo, but this man is hella fine.'' – He says and turns his screen towards the rest of them. On it was Taehyung posing for the photographers with a V sign under his eye. He looks expensive, cool and drop-dead gorgeous.
Jungkook just covered his face with his hand and took another exasperated sigh.
-'' I knew he would be a handful ever since he stepped into my office.'' – Jin started grumbling as soon as he was in Namjoon's earshot.
-'' He was fast, you must admit that.'' – Namjoon says with a grin.
-'' Why are you cheering for him? He's a bloody nuisance that we don't need at the moment.'' – Jin growls at the mere memory of Jeon Jungkook.
Namjoon just grins wider, his entire face lights up. – '' I have a good feeling about him, that's all.''
Jin huffed an annoying breath. – '' Yeah, well, I'll ask you when he messes up with our plans and get us killed.''
Namjoon's face grows serious. – '' That will not happen, because I watch everything.'' – He says, reaching to touch his brother's arm. He squeezes it once and then let him go, asking a question he wanted to know. – '' What did he want?''
-'' He wanted to talk about the necklace they found. When it was sold, to whom.''
-'' He needs to have a search warrant for the second one.'' – Namjoon quickly checks the mental database on the law.
-'' I know, I told him so as well.'' – Jin confirms quickly. – '' I told Solar to give him the copy of the authentication.''
-'' That's fine.'' – Namjoon stretches in his chair. – '' It clears us up from any rumours.''
-'' The next time I see Youngjae I will strangle him'' – Jin growls.
-'' He just loves to talk, you know that. Soon, he will have some other gossip to spread.'' – Namjoon tugs Jin's sleeve to draw his attention. – '' What do you think of Jeon?''
Jin snorts at the memory. – '' Cocky, polite, clever, babyface/muscle pig, totally Tae's taste, which is why I hope that they won't meet again.'''
-'' Too late, they already spoke at the gala.'' – Namjoon grins.
Jin raises his head, eyes round in disbelief, then curses quietly. -'' Damn, that was fast. Where was I?''
-'' Last-minute preparation for the auction.'' – Namjoon informs.
-'' Dammit.'' – Jin sighs like a man preparing for the chaos to come, pinching the bridge of his nose. –'' Who approached who?''
-'' Taehyung him.''
Jin groans. – '' I was afraid of that.''
-'' Taehyung loves a good challenge.'' – Namjoon chuckles, remembering the gleam in Taehyung's eyes after the entire arrest ordeal. Thank goodness he was masked as V and no one noticed that. He thought.
-'' I know he does.'' – Jin inwardly growls at Tae's competitiveness and obsession with people in general. –'' I need to talk to him about it. Jeon is on this case, which means that he could be our downfall if we are not careful.''
-'' What if we use their help.'' – Namjoon considers, nodding slightly towards the screen to include both Yoongi and Jeon.
Jin was already shaking his head in no. -'' I don't trust the police. They... No.'' – He stops, considers, and then rephrases it. – ''I don't mind the police force, they are just doing their job, but I don't trust their superiors.'' – He then nods towards Jungkook's photo on the screen. – '' He and others like him are just pawns in the power hierarchy.''
-'' Clever pawns, though.'' - Namjoon chimes in.
-'' Sure, but they are too deep into the system and rules, which is why they cannot be trusted as well.'' – Jin dismisses that idea.
-'' Still, I have a feeling that Jeon is different.'' – Namjoon insists.
-'' He surely doesn't play by the rules.'' – Jin agrees.
Namjoon grins widely. – '' He relies on his intuition more than his reason, but even that can sometimes be clouded by the emotions, which explains how Jimin managed to pry the information out of him in the first place.''
-'' Yeah, how did he manage to do so?'' – Jin wonders.
Namjoon just looks at him pointedly. -'' How do you think?'' – He arches his eyebrow in question.
Jin's brows knit together. – '' You don't mean...?''
Namjoon nods. – ''Yup.''
-'' Jeon is also...?''
-'' Mhm...''
-'' Does Tae know?''
-'' Oh, yeah.''
-'' Yah! Those guys are crazy"'' – Jin yells in exasperation.
Namjoon giggles. – '' Which is why I think Tae is targeting him now.''
-'' Are you fucking kidding me?'' – Jin was so tired of their youngest sibling's bullshit. – '' Why? Why does he need to fuck him as well?''
Namjoon laughs out loud, covering his mouth. – '' Because Jimin did it.''
-'' Yah! Those horny bastards.''
The room was filled with Namjoon's laugh and Jin's critics of Tae's antics.
-'' I'm gonna kill him if he fucks this up because of the babyface over there.''
-'' Tae knows what he is doing.'' – Namjoon says softly. – '' He and Jiminie have been doing this for ages and I admire how dedicated they are towards one another.''
- '' How do you explain Jeon then?''
Namjoon shrugs at that. – '' I think he is just a distraction, a refreshment... for now at least.''
-'' And later?''
-'' Later....who knows.'' – Namjoon says.
Just as Yoongi suspected, Jungkook was like a dog with a bone. Ever since he joined Yoongi's team part-time he was in action non-stop. He still had to work on his own work, but things were better than ever for Jungkook, at least from the career side. He was everywhere. He helped Hwasa and Jinyoung on their case that was connected with Yoongi's. In a way, Jungkook was a bridge between two Units, which saves Yoongi a lot of time for not having to communicate a lot, which worked perfectly fine with Jungkook.
After talking with Choi Youngjae, who gave him some references, Jungkook returned trailing after Kunpimook Bhuwakul, aka Bam-Bam, since he was one link that had the potential to help him dig a bit more. Now, It was the third time Jungkook followed his movements around the city, and boy was he entertained. Mr Kunpimook would get out around three pm, go to his favourite restaurant for lunch, then proceed to move around expensive shops, visit the beautician, see some friends for a cup of coffee, go shopping and then return home to get ready for clubbing. He would usually spend the night dancing, accepting drinks from strangers and pulling them into the dark corners to grope them.
What Jungkook's trained eye saw was him nicking their wallets, or using a clever device to hack into the WeChat pay on their phones. He also took some of their other valuables, such are watches, jewellery, or some cool accessories when they get drunk. During the day he would visit different shops around Seoul, but he would never buy anything or would buy the smallest thing. Once he came into the store, take small things here and there and then went to the cash register with a story that he got some of their products as a gift, but doesn't like them so he would like to return them for cash. Of course, the woman asked him for the receipt, but he didn't have it, so she wasn't able to take them back and return his money. So, naturally, he had to take things with him. A neat little piece of work. Bam's confidence was so believable, as well as annoyed eye-roll that Jungkook had to laugh.
In the next store he got several things into a changing booth, he spends his time trying them on and then left without buying anything. But Jungkook did notice a different colour of his pants, and a new shirt underneath the one he wore. No one else did.
He probably stole around 400 thousand won worth of products from the last five stores. It was all small things. Jungkook had documented them all. He watched him doing a few more before he headed for his home. Jungkook didn't have the heart to stop him earlier. He needed him, plus, it was so masterly done that Jungkook had to admire his skill. He will make him return everything after he's done with him.
Six pm was the time Bam usually goes home, so Jungkook went ahead to wait for him.
Bam exits the elevator some ten minutes later and reaches the door of his apartment. He switches the bags from one hand to another, reaching for the keycard from his pocket.
-'' Hello, Mr Bhuwakul.''
Bam-Bam yelped, jumping a bit and almost dropping his shopping bags. He turns quickly around only to see Jungkook leaning on the wall next to him. He narrows his eyes, a hand with a card clutching at his chest. – '' What do you want? I'm not doing anything.'' – He says defiantly.
-'' Jumpy much?'' – Jungkook teased.
-'' Oh, go to hell.'' – Bam answered, annoyed, moving the hair from his brow. – ''Why are you here? Why are you bothering me again?'' – He asks, the irritation quite visible on his face.
-'' I have some questions for you, that's all.'' – Jungkook says matter-of-factly. – '' We did tell you we will contact you if we have some more questions.''
-'' Yes, and you were also informed that you can't ask questions without the presence of my lawyer, Mr Park Jimin.'' – Bam tilted his chin up in challenge.
The muscle on Jungkook's jaw twitched, but he remained calm, smiling still. – '' The lawyer's presence is only necessary if you have something to hide. You told me you did nothing, just this moment, didn't you?'' – He paused, giving the time for Bam to answer, which he didn't, so Jungkook simply continued. –'' I only have a few small questions. Just some information. So, I don't see why we need to bother Mr Park with this.''
Bam-Bam placed the bags in his hands in front of him like a shield. – '' What if I don't answer?''
-'' Then things get a lot more complicated, and I'm really not in the mood for complications.''
-'' H-how complicated?'' – Bam asks. There was an edge of nervousness in his voice.
Jungkook arched his eyebrow in a ''what do you think?'' manner.
He purses his lips and moves even closer as to speak in confidence. –'' I would rather have a simple day, you know. – '' Jungkook says. – '' At least today.''
Bam-Bam was watching him, searching for his bluff. In the end, his eyes narrow and he declares. – '' I'll take my chances.''
Jungkook pouted only slightly, eyes moving from the man to look around the hall. He crossed his hands on his chest, bringing his right hand to lean his chin, in contemplation. - '' Hmm...'' - He hums. – '' I wonder what your neighbours would say if they knew they had a thief in their midst?'' – Jungkook wondered, tapping one finger on his chin, acting up.
Bam's eyes went a bit wide. He snorted after a few seconds. – '' They would never believe that lie. I'm an angel, and I have money. Besides, if, hypothetically, I was a thief, you have no proof.'' – He finishes confidently.
Jungkook looks at him, smiling menacingly.
-'' Oh, let's not go there Bam... can I call you Bam? Your name is quite long.'' – Jungkook approached him even closer. Bam tried to move back, but he hit the wall behind him.
-'' I know my rights.'' – He hissed. – '' Don't you dare hurt me!''
-'' Hurt you?'' – Jungkook arched his eyebrows in surprise. – ''Now, why would I do that? Are you trying to attack me, Bam? Hmm? If you do, then I will have no choice but to defend myself.''
Bam stood there fidgeting, all cockiness evaporated. I make him nervous. Jungkook realizes. Good.
Jungkook's eyes slid down to the bags he was holding. He hummed again.
-'' Do you want to risk it? Or would you invite me inside for a chat?'' - Jungkook raised an eyebrow in question. – '' I promise to stay only shortly and then leave you alone.'' – He adds.
-'' We both know you have nothing on me.'' – Bam said through gritted teeth. – '' You are just fishing, hoping that I will grab the bait, well...guess what?'' – He leaned closer. – '' That ain't gonna happen.''
Jungkook grinned wider, like a cat cornering a mouse. -'' Oh, I don't need to, you are already in the net.''
-'' Bullshit.'' – Bam scowled. – '' You got nothing on me.''
-'' Oh, yeah.'' – Jungkook says. – '' Now, those bags, for example. Filled with things that you haven't paid for. They weren't gifts or free samples, I checked that.''
-'' You are delusional.'' – Bam murmured.
-'' Or this pretty shirt you wear underneath. It looked so good on the display in that store.'' – Jungkook continues, fingers tugging slightly on the shirt peeping underneath Bam's clothes. – '' And don't get me started about those pants.'' – The corner of Jungkook's mouth curves, his eyes sliding down Bam and up. -'' You still have the price tag on it.'' – He chuckles.
Bam's hand automatically went to his left ass cheek where the tag usually was, realizing too late what he's done. He blinked, wetting his dry lips with his tongue.
-'' I bought those things.''
-'' Where is your receipt?
-'' I toss them away. I never take them with me.''
-'' Ah, that's exactly why you couldn't ''return'' these things in the first place.'' – He points at one of the bags in Bam's hand. – '' You ought to keep your receipts so you could get the money back. Although I must admit, I haven't seen anyone with fingers so quick before.'' – He grins while Bam glared at him with pure hate.
-'' I pay with my card.'' – He says venomously.
-'' Show me your bank logs for today on your phone then.'' – Jungkook countered right away. – '' We will easily check if you bought them or not.'' – He insists.
-'' You need to have a warrant to check my bank accounts.'' – Bam hisses, straightening himself. –'' As I've said, you had nothing on me. Now move.''
Jungkook put his hand on the wall, stopping Bam from slipping away.
-'' Why do you make things complicated Bam?'' – He sighed exasperatedly, and went for his inner pocket. Bam jerks slightly as he expected something much worse than a phone. What happened in your life to make you so jumpy? Jugnkook wonders. His eyes fall on his phone and he opens the gallery and turns the screen towards the other man.
-'' Pictures speak louder than words Bam. Videos too.'' – He says, watching with satisfaction how ashen his face was becoming. – '' I'll ask again...'' – Jungkook says, putting away his phone. –'' How about that chat?''
Bam closed his eyes in defeat, sighing.
-'' Fine.'' – He says, his hands sliding down to hang next to his body, the bags rustle as they hit the wall. He points at the door. – '' I need to open it.''
-'' Sure.'' – Jungkook moves away.
Jungkook went in after Bam, who turns on the lights.
The apartment was quite nice and expensive, decorated in grey, black and white colours. When you enter the place you go straight into a spacious living room, connected with the kitchen area. Huge windows gave enough light even during evenings, and since he was on the 12th floor, the view of the city was beautiful.
-'' Why does a rich kid like you, have to steal what he could easily buy?'' – Jungkook asks.
Bam snorts, placing his shopping bags on the sofa. – '' I wasn't born wealthy. I earned my money.'' – He says, taking off his jacket.
-'' You mean steal?'' – Jungkook asks.
Bam glares at him with narrow eyes. – '' No. I do have a job, you know.''
-'' To steal?'' – Jungkook grinned again, quite amused. Bam was the complete opposite of amused.
-'' I have a Youtube channel, I make good money out of it. I'm an influencer!'' – Bam says proudly. – '' Not that you know anything about it.'' – He adds mockingly.
-'' Oh, boy...'' – Jungkook just shook his head exasperatedly. – '' Brilliant influence.'' – He huffs a laugh and adds. – ''I hope you don't teach them to shoplift.''
-'' How dare you?!'' – Bam yells, getting into Jungkook's space. Jungkook just looks at him, calmly.
-'' Careful now, Bam. You are getting flushed.''
Bam instantly moves towards the mirror to check his reflection, leaning his palms on the wall after the inspection and then bows his head. He took a deep sigh, calming himself. – '' No, I don't teach them anything but how to look fabulous and confident.''
Jungkook nods in agreement. – '' You don't lack those, I'll give you that.''- He moves around the room. –'' So, why shoplifting?''
-'' There were times when I didn't have what to eat.'' – He says, his chin still on his chest. – '' I slept on the streets.'' – He raises his eyes on Jungkook. – '' I did what I had to survive.''
-'' I get that...but why now?''
Bam shrugs and turns towards Jungkook, leaning back on the small dresser with drawers. – '' So I won't get rusty, I guess. Besides, it's mostly ''borrowing'' things nowadays.''
-'' Hmm...'' – Jungkook hums in agreement. – '' Like that villa on Jeju island?''
Bam was shocked beyond measure. He had not expected anyone to know about that, especially not the police. Jungkook watches his open mouth quickly closing, staying silent.
Jungkook turns his gaze towards the shelf with some books and all sorts of elegant and stylish decorations. – '' Oh, yes, I know about it. You are a very clever guy.'' – Jungkook takes a random book out, flipping through his pages, and then places it back. He continues. – '' You check where the owners are, you and your girl-friends hack into their security systems, enjoy the free accommodations for a few weeks at the sea, use their stuff, wear their clothes, pay for a thorough house cleaning afterwards and then leave. The owners have no idea that anyone was there.''
Bam was struck, utterly speechless and Jungkook wasn't surprised that he was so. He himself had no idea that this was a thing until Hoseok told him about it. He didn't name Bam-Bam, of course, but Jungkook just knew he was involved in that as well. Once again, his hunch proved right considering how startled Bam looked.
-'' My point is... I got you in my hand.'' – Jungkook turns to face him. – '' And I don't want to use that against you. All I'm asking is to answer honestly my questions.''
The truth was that Jungkook was lacking real evidence since technically there was no case against Bam, no crime is reported, so Jungkook's evidence don't mean much. Sure, he could start the case about shoplifting he just witnessed, but Bam is a small fish, rather insignificant in the sea of real criminals, so Jungkook decided right away that he will not deal with tons of paperwork and won't do anything about the man just yet. Since Park would probably find a way to set him free somehow and he didn't want to deal with him. Jungkook was after the real boss anyway.
Luckily for Jungkook, Bam didn't know his rights much as he thought he did. He was street smart, sure, but also very foolish sometimes. Jungkook saw from the start that the man wore his emotions openly on his sleeve, his expressions and gesticulations were easy to read.
Still, it seems he knew how to make a bargain. – '' I'll answer your questions if you delete the pictures and videos of me.''
-'' Now, why would I do that?''- Jungkook asks with a grin, teasing him.
-'' Because then I will not call my lawyer in that case.''
Jungkook considers this. Things will be almost impossible to find out if Jimin is involved. He hums in thought and then agrees. – '' Fine, you answer my questions truthfully, and I will delete the videos after we finish.''
Bam clicks his tongue and shakes his head. -'' Yeah, I don't trust you'll do it afterwards. It needs to be before.''
-'' It goes both ways, Bam. I don't trust you any more than you trust me.''
-'' So, what are we gonna do now?'' – The man asks, crossing his arms as he stood in place.
Jungkook thinks things through and quickly comes to the solutions for their problem. – '' Tell you what... I will erase half of the pictures now, and the rest after we finish.'' – He suggests.
-'' The video as well.'' – Bam interjects.
-'' And a video too, yes.''- Jungkook confirms with a nod.
-'' Delete all of my pictures right now, and then delete the video afterwards.'' – Bam insists.
-'' I'll delete seven and leave two, and the video for later. Do we have a deal?'' – He offers his hand.
Bam taps his foot on the floor for several heartbeats before groans and accepts the hand. – '' Fine.''
Jungkook grins at his small victory and takes out his phone. He quickly found the pictures and select seven of them, then press the delete button in front of Bam's eyes.
-'' Remove them from your bin as well.'' – He insists, and Jungkook chuckles but does that as well.
-'' Okay.'' – Bam goes to his sofa and sits in the corner, pointing to the other one. – '' Ask your questions now.'' – He says, grabbing a pillow to hug for support.
Jungkook found it strangely cute and funny at the same time.
-'' Alright. Do you know the woman Jung Ho-Yeon?'' – Jungkook sats down and opened his notebook.
Bam widens his eyes. – '' You mean the actress?''
-'' Yes.''
Bam snorts loudly. –'' Everyone knows about her.''
-'' I mean personally. Do you know her personally?' – He rephrases his question.
Bam shakes his head. – ''I wish. Alas but I don't. Why?'' – He asks.
Jungkook looks in his notes. – '' It says here that she is the owner of the diamond necklace with a pink stone.''
Bam's expression grew more confused. – '' So?'' – He asks.
-'' That was the same necklace you claimed you saw and that it's fake.'' – Jungkook says and watched as Bam's eyebrows went up high.
-'' I what?' – He asks incredulously.
-'' You commented that the necklace was fake when you saw it.'' – Jungkook says matter-of-factly. – '' Are you denying it?''
-'' I don't know what are you talking about.''
It was plain as day that Bam was utterly confused, so Jungkook took his phone out once more. -'' Here, take a look.'' - He shows him the picture of the necklace.
The man studied the picture carefully, his brows furrowing as he tilted his head to the side in consideration. His mouth pouts slightly as he zoomed in on the photograph so he could see better.
-'' And...? Rings any bells?'' – Jungkook asks.
Bam hums. – '' Well...I think I saw it before.''
-'' You think?''
The man scowls at Jungkook. – '' It was some time ago, I don't remember, honestly, but I think I saw it. It was really pretty.''
-'' How long ago?'' – Jungkook shoots another question.
-'' Hmm... maybe several months ago, why?''
Jungkook looks at him at that, one eyebrow arching. – '' How many months, be precise. Try to remember.''
Bam groans in boredom, rolling his eye in the process. – '' I don't know, a month, or two top. Why?''
-'' And you saw this necklace where exactly?'' – Jungkook asks instead of answering him.
-'' At the acquaintance's house.''
-'' Name?''
-'' Why is this important?'' – Bam asks annoyed
-'' Bam, please, we have an agreement. The name of your acquaintance in which house you saw the necklace.''
Bam set his mouth in a straight line. – ''Sun Kyu.''
Jungkook looks at him questioningly. – '' Who is Sun Kyu?''
-'' Just a guy that thinks he's cool because he has money.'' – Bam waves his hand in dismissal. –'' He is a real asshole, and he loves to brag about the expensive things he owns.''
-'' What's the address?''
Bam shrugs. – ''I dunno. I didn't pay attention. Somewhere in Seocho-gu.''
Jungkook writes it down. -'' Is he a friend of yours?'' – He asks, glancing up and watching the man carefully to see if he's gonna lie or not.
The corner of Bam's mouth curls in disgust. – '' No.'' – He answers instantly. – '' He likes to ogle me, trying to flirt.'' – He shudders. – '' I can't stand the man.''
Jungkook writes down his answer, together with some of his own observations. He glances at Bam and asks rather curious. -'' Then why were you in his house then?''
He notices that Bam refused to meet his eyes, decidedly looking around the room.
-'' I was just tagging along.'' – He answers.
Hmm, not a lie, and yet he is hiding something. Jungkook concludes.
-'' With whom?''
-'' A friend.'' – Bam was yet again being evasive with his answer.
Jungkook was starting to lose his patience. -'' Does this friend has a name?'' – He asks.
Bam raises his head higher, inkling the head towards Jungkook but still refusing to look straight at him.
-'' If I tell you, you will just get him in trouble.'' – He says.
-'' Is there a reason for him to be in trouble?''
Bam's eyes widen, glancing at Jungkook this time and then shakes his head. – '' No.''
-'' Then why hide his name?''
-'' Simply because.''
Jungkook thinks about whether or not he should try his luck. Hell yeah.
-'' And you said you hate Sun Kyu?'' – He checks the names from his notes before asking.
Bam's expression furrows. – '' I didn't say I hate him. I just can't stand him.''
-'' Isn't that the same in this case?'' – Jungkook chuckles.
-'' No. If I hated him I wouldn't go to see him at all.'' – The man says pointedly. – '' Is this gonna take long? I have stuff to do.'' – He huffs annoyingly at Jungkook, who just stood calmly.
-'' Soon.'' – He promises, checking his notes again. – '' So... when did you and V go to Sun Kyu's house?'' – He asks nonchalantly, watching like a hawk for Bam's expression.
-'' I told you, some two months ago. We...'' – He shuts up, eyes going wide in horror.
Jungkook let his grin grow wide like Cheshire's cat. -'' So... you went with V.''
Bam shakes his head. – '' I didn't say that.''
-'' Oh, but you did in a way.''
-'' No, no, no, I didn't. You did.'' – He was growing nervous.
Jungkook, still grinning, gave a little laugh. – '' It doesn't really matter. You still confirmed my suspicions.''
He starts laughing when Bam jumped to his feet, tossed the pillow in the corner of the room and began speaking in Thai. Considering the angry series of unfamiliar words, Jungkook decided that he is probably cursing him in the worst possible way. He didn't care. He had V connected.
Bam was pacing the room, waving his hands and growling. – '' I want you out of my apartment!'' – He says in Korean so Jungkook could understand him.
-'' In due time. Bam sit down, you making me dizzy.'' – Jungkook crosses his legs.
-'' What the hell do you want more?''
-'' Why was V there?''
-'' I'm not telling you shit!''
-'' Come now Bam, we had such a pleasant talk just moments ago.'' – Jungkook sighed.
-'' I will not say anything.'' – He takes his phone. – '' I will call my lawyer.''
Jungkook stands up and snatches the phone from Bam's hands before he could dial Jimin's number.
-'' That's not what we agreed on, Bam.'' – Jungkook says sternly.
-'' Give me back my phone!'' – Bam yells, furious like a firecracker.
-'' I will once you calm down.'' – Jungkook's voice was calm and firm.
-'' I will not calm down as long as you here in my house.'' – The latter was becoming way too dramatic for Jungkook's taste. He wanted to slap him, but instead, he raises his hands in a calming manner. –'' Just a few more questions and I will go.''
-'' No more questions! We are done!''
Jungkook's temper flared instantly and he growls at Bam, forcing him to take a few steps back until his back hit the wall. – '' Did you know that necklace was stolen?''
Bam's eyes grew even wider than they already were from fear. – ''What?'' – He stammers weakly.
-'' It was stolen from the actress's apartment five months ago, which means that the necklace that you saw in Sun Kyu's apartment could be the very same one.'
-'' But... but the necklace is fake. It's fake!'' – Bam says in a panic.
-'' How can you be so sure?'' Are you an expert?''
-'' N-no.'
-'' Then how can you claim that it's not real?''
-'' V knew. H-he told me.''
-'' And how would he know? Unless he has something to do with the necklace? Or you perhaps.''
-'' No, I do not! He... he wasn't involved.''
Jungkook was bombarding him with the fast questions, not giving him enough time to answer. He wanted to confuse him, to make him panic so he will lose his careful control and say something that he shouldn't.
-'' How do you know?'' – He continues mercilessly. –'' Can you prove that?''
-'' Well, no, but...''
-'' Bam are you aware that this could potentially connect you and your friend V with a serious crime?''
Bam scrunched his face as he was about to cry. – '' We didn't do anything!'' – He cries out, covering in the corner like some wounded puppy. Jungkook checked himself after seeing this behaviour. He closes his eyes, taking a big breath, willing his anger down. He knew he went too far. He allowed his temper to break through his control, which was unacceptable.
He moves away from the shaking man, hands offered in surrender. – '' Bam, I'm sorry. I crossed the line.'' – He says in a calming voice.
Bam was breathing heavily, trying not to tear up. Jungkook saw that there is more to his shaking than the mere fear of Jungkook. No, this was something deeper, like stirring the old memories. The bad ones.
- '' I just wanted to know the truth. '' – He says carefully. – '' If V is mistaking, Bam, then this whole thing gets way serious, do you understand that?'' – He places his hands on his hips, head bowed on the ground when Bam didn't speak.
It took several moments for Bam to move slightly. He licks his lips and then speaks quietly. –'' He was laughing when he said it.''
Jungkook looks up at him, brows raising in question. – ''V?'' – He wanted to be sure.
Bam nods. –'' Yes. He was laughing when Sun Kyu was away because he didn't know about the necklace.''
Jungkook walks towards the sofa and sits, patting the place on the other side for Bam to do the same. He did without complaints.
-'' When did he tell you this? During or after you got out from Sun Kyu's house?'' – Jungkook asks in a much softer voice. He places Bam's phone on the coffee table, away from Bam, but still there where he could see it. He notices that Bam followed his every move.
-'' After.'' – He answers, lowering his gaze at his hand in his lap. – '' He didn't want Kyu to know just yet.''
-'' Why?''
-'' I honestly don't know.'' – His eyes find Jungkook and he saw the honesty in them. – '' That's all, truly.'' – He says in a small voice.
-'' How did V know it's fake? Did he tell you that?''
Bam nods. – '' He recognized it right away. He said the diamond is not the right shade.''
Jungkook remembers Yoongi's lessons about the diamonds and the identical rings.
-'' Does Sun Kyu seems to you to be the type of person who would have something to do with the black market? Or do some dirty business?'' – Jungkook asks. He saw the hesitation in Bam's eyes. His throat worked as he gulped.
-'' I...'' – He began, not sure how to answer that.
-'' You will not get into trouble if you answer that, I promise you.'' – Jungkook adds quickly. He understood why Bam was so reluctant to answer. It might put him in a difficult situation.
-'' Sun Kyu is not a good man.'' – He answers. – '' I don't know if he made the fake necklace because he couldn't get the real one or if he truly didn't know what he was buying, but the man is a snake.''
-'' Or if he stole the necklace in the first place.'' – Jungkook muses. Whether the necklace was fake when it was stolen or was switched later Jungkook wasn't sure, he only knew that he need to check Sun guy.
Bam shrugs. – '' His fingers are in far too many pies. And not all of them are legal.''
-'' So why are you and V with him?''
-'' We did a small job for him. He asks us to promote his friend's club.''
Jungkook sighs exasperatedly. – '' Not the club story again, Bam.''
-'' No, it's true. He approached us with that offer.''
-'' What people pay you to be a guest in their club?'' – Jungkook snorts in disbelief.
-'' I am quite famous on social media, you know. I have a lot of followers. People use things I do and go to places I visit. They like me.'' – He says indignantly, all previous fear and insecurities disappearing.
In one thing Jungkook was certain and it was that Bam-Bam was telling the truth this time. Sure, he wasn't innocent as he wants people to believe. After all, he is a small criminal, but he wasn't bad. He was frivolous and shallow at most times, deep and caring at the next. He cared for V, that for sure.
-'' Where does V live? It seems he gave a fake address.'' – Jungkook tries.
As expected, Bam's brows furrow in displeasure. – '' I don't know, I don't go to his place. He usually comes to mine or we hang out outside.''
-'' Isn't that little weird?'''
Bam shakes his head. – '' No. Everyone has their own level of privacy they want to keep. V is an artist, he loves his peace.'' – Bam sighs deeply. – '' Look, I'm really tired right now. I think you should go, please.'' – He adds the last word almost pleadingly.
Jungkook nods. He had more than enough to continue his search, so he stood up.
They walk to the door, both stopping in front of it. Jungkook turns. – '' Thank you for your time.'' – He says politely.
-'' I fulfilled my part of the bargain, now it's time for yours.'' – Bam reminds him a bit stiffly.
-'' Hmm... should I?'' – Jungkook teases.
The man gives him a dirty look. – '' That was the deal.''
Jungkook pouts, considering for a long moment. – '' Fine.'' – He says finally.
He went on deleting the last two pictures and the video from both his gallery and his garbage bin, under Bam's watchful eye. Only when everything was done to satisfaction did Bam open the front door to show him out.
-'' I would ask you to never show at my doorstep again.'' – Bam says curtly, the irritation visible in his eyes.
Jungkook smiles wickedly. – '' Can't promise you that, so try not to steal again. '' – He says as he stepped out of the apartment. –'' I will know if you do. See you around Bam.''
-'' Fuck off.'' – Came the curse and the door slammed behind him. The litany of curses in the Thai language could be heard behind the closed door and Jungkook just laughs as he went toward the elevators.
I somehow feel bad about how sneaky and stern Jungkook was with poor Bam-Bam, but it was necessary. The new clues have come up, the new trails to follow and Jungkook is going in the right direction.And I love the small talk between Namjin about the maknae line, don't you? Anyhow, I hope you are all fine and well, and I'll see you on Monday. Take care, darlings 💜💜💜
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