Chapter 11 - There Is More Than Meets The Eye
It was like someone plugged Yoongi into an electric socket, he was buzzing everywhere. It was the first time Jungkook saw Yoongi's morning routine. The first mug of coffee in peace was a must for Yoongi, then gradually he will wake up to start the day. By the time he enters his lab, which is some ten minutes later, he was energized like a kitten.
He was walking up and down, turning his computers on, and opening the books he was using, preparing his tools and notes. All that time Jungkook stands in silence, observing patiently, and after some solid minutes, Yoongi signals for him to come closer, which he does.
-'' Do you remember that flower-shaped ring you found in your raid of the warehouse, amongst other things?'' – Yoongi asked.
Jungkook nods. – '' Yes, there were several pieces of jewellery, but that flower ring really stood out from all of them. It was diamonds and ruby, right?''
-'' It's not a ruby.'' – Yoongi corrects. – '' It's a rarest red diamond.'' – Yoongi corrects.
-'' I didn't know there are red diamonds.'' – Jungkook raises his brows in surprise.
-'' There are. People often confuse them with rubies, but they are different in hue, tone and saturation.'' – Yoongi answers instantly.
-'' How can you know which is which?'' – Jungkook asks genuinely interested.
-'' The red diamond is a crystal made up of carbon in nature, while ruby is red in colour corundum with the main component of alumina. Each type has its own specific chemical and physical properties. Diamonds are made from carbon, rubies and sapphires from alumina and emeralds from beryllium.''
Yoongi said that in one breath, but after seeing that Jungkook just stares at him in confusion he murmurs to himself. – '' I keep forgetting you are not from this world.'' – He sighs defeatedly, and adds in a flat voice. – ''It's the colour. The colour is the most obvious difference between a ruby and a red diamond. Red diamonds have lighter red, while rubies have that richer shade in them.''
-'' Ok, but it's still hard to see which is which for an amateur.'' – Jungkook says pointedly, standing up for all gem amateurs out there, and Yoongi takes a deep sigh.
-'' And yet, I keep forgetting that you have no basic knowledge in stones.'' – He remarks. – '' There are some tests you could do, but it's best to go and see an expert.''
-'' Or just come to see you.'' – Jungkook says with a teasing grin.
Yoongi just nods. – '' Sure.''
-'' So there are different colours of diamonds?'' – Jungkook asks.
-'' Oh, yes. There are all the colours of the rainbow.''
-'' I didn't know that.'' – Jungkook was quite amazed. He always thought that diamonds are just white, and all the other colours are just other types of stones – rubies, sapphires, emeralds, topazes etc...
-'' And why would you? It has nothing to do with fighting crimes or playing games.'' – Yoongi snorts while typing the code on his computer.
-'' Hyung.'' – Jungkook whines. – '' Will you ever let that go?''
-'' What? You forgot to meet me because you were playing games. Never.''
Jungkook groans at that, and Yoongi grins widely, gums showing.
-'' I told you, It was my day off, I lost track of time, that's all.''
-'' Sure you did.'' – And Jungkook roll his eyes at that, apparently, no matter how much he tried to explain himself, Hyung is adamant to tease him about it. So be it.
-'' Either way... '' – Yoongi continues. – '' We established that diamonds can be other colours, but rubies are exclusively red. They only have different shades, from lighter bright red to deep reddish-brown. Following so far?''
-'' Okay, I think I got it.'' – Jungkook says. – '' So the ring is not a ruby, but a red diamond.''
-'' Correct.'' – Yoongi nods. – '' The 2.09-carat fancy red diamond Moussaief ring, worth almost 6 million American dollars on auction, to be precise.''
Jungkook's eyes widen. – '' Wow. That's a lot for a ring.''
-'' It is, but it's worth it. The real ring is a masterpiece.''
Jungkook knit his brows together. -'' The real ring?'' – He asks confused yet again.
-'' Mhm...'' – Yoongi hums in confirmation. – '' The ring you found in the warehouse was fake. Just like that diamond necklace with a very rare pinkish stone you saw here a few weeks ago.''
-'' What?!'' Jungkook asked perplexed.
-'' But, here is where things get interesting.''- Yoongi sounded almost animated while he spoke. His cat-like eyes shined with enjoyment. -'' They found a ring and some diamonds, among other things on that penthouse shooting two weeks ago.''
Jungkook opens his mouth in surprise, eyes wide. – '' Oh? Did they find that on the burglars?''
-'' No, they found it in the pouch, at the bottom of the pool.''
-'' Some of them drop it?''
-'' Maybe.'' – Yoongi considers. –'' The owner did say it was stolen from his safe, and we know two out of five thieves were killed, and none of them were caught, which means the other three escaped.''
-'' That still doesn't explain the fake ring we found in the warehouse.'' – Jungkook scratches his head.
-'' No it doesn't, but maybe they've tried to sell the fake one to Lee and his gang, because they lost the ring and those diamonds in that pool.''
-'' I don't think that Lee had an interest in the gemstones. That ring was very expensive.''
-'' That didn't stop them to get their hands in the gallery scandal, apparently.'' – Yoongi says matter-of-factly.
-'' You think they are that involved? '' – Jungkook asked in slight amazement.- '' I just thought of them as middlemen. Transporting and selling the stolen goods.''
-'' Perhaps.'' – Yoongi agreed. – '' They are still involved.'' – He says determinedly. – '' And I think they are involved with this too, even if second-hand. Think about it.'' – Yoongi looks at the man. – '' They already have their copy-cats for those paintings they've used, they could also have for the jewellery.''
-'' Yes, but it doesn't make sense that they will try and steal it.'' – Jungkook clicks his tongue and tilts his head a bit. – '' After all, the record says the two dead thieves were Westerners, so maybe there are two groups we are talking about – the foreigners and Lee's gang. They could be working together, but I don't think Lee would send his men there. He was too careful, which is why he and his gang managed to evade the police for years.''
-'' Everybody makes mistakes.'' – Yoongi shrugs his shoulders.
-'' Hmm, yeah, maybe, but still... there is something that's been bugging me about this case.'' – Jungkook rubs his chin. – '' The guards at the bottom of the elevator said that they lost their consciousness, as well as the few on the top of the floors.''
-'' The pizza was spiked.''
-'' Huh?''
-'' They put some heavy tranquillizer in the pizza.'' – Yoongi explains. –'' The guards often ate from a few places around the block. The thieves probably observed them for a while, learning about their habits. They tampered with cameras too.''
-'' Did they check the pizza place? They probably got some new workers recently, someone with a criminal record or is familiar with the streets.'' – Jungkook wanted to know, his inner detective kicking in.
Yoongi nods. – '' They checked, there were three new additions, all delivery guys. Two checked out clean, the third one used a fake name. They looked for him, but he disappeared.''
-'' Damn. These criminals get smarter and smarter.'' – Jungkook grumbles. – '' What about the tranquillizer? Any familiar one?''
-'' It was some unique concoction that was probably home-lab made.''
-'' Do we have registered home laboratories in our perimeter?''
-'' Only four, but they were all checked and cleared.'' – Yoongi answers.
-'' But why did they shoot then if they already put them to sleep?'' – Jungkook wonders, eyes lost somewhere in the room as he thought this through.
-'' The roof guards surprised them.'' – Yoongi interjects.
-'' I don't buy it.'' – Jungkook waves his hand. – '' I mean they spend all that time observing them beforehand, they must have known about the roof guards as well. No, something doesn't add up here. They were too careful, only to make this huge mistake. No, I think it's something else, maybe disagreement in the group.''
Yoongi hums in contemplation. – '' Could be.''
-'' Maybe even two groups working together, which will support your idea of the gang's involvement. Two different groups, a different way of doing things... yes, could be. But, I don't know. I still don't think that the gang was there.''
-'' Then who? Some of the thieves then?''- Yoongi asks, and Jungkook had a feeling that he was testing his way of thinking.
-'' Maybe. I mean, it's the most plausible. Unless there was someone else there.'' – Jungkook says, his leg bouncing slightly as he stood with his arms crossed, deep in thought. – '' A third party. Someone who is not connected to either of the groups.''
Yoongi raises his brows as this idea opens new points of view to consider. -'' What's his role there?'' – Yoongi prompts him more.
-'' Taking the real diamonds and replacing them with the fake ones.''
-'' To what end?''
-'' Maybe it was to not raise suspicion. If it's a clean entry and exit then no one will know.''
-'' But the guards were drugged.''
-'' Yes, but if Woo came back and checked his safe, he will see everything in his place. He will never suspect the swap, just that they got food poisoning, and he will probably double the watch, nothing more.'' – Jungkook thought further.
-'' You're saying that this person works apart from the group?''
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders. – '' Yeah. But the chances of the two groups heading for the same safe is...''
-'' Small?'' – Yoongi suggest with a smile. Jungkook just nods.
-'' One of the guards did mention something about the man jumping from the building.'' – Yoongi adds this information, and Jungkook's heart did that little excited jump. – '' No bodies have been found on the street, however.'' – Yoongi continues, crushing Jungkook's hope a little. – '' So unless they grew wings, Minho thinks it might be just a hallucination because the guard who saw it was under the influence of the drug.''
Jungkook just nods, bringing his chin onto his chest. – '' Well, it was just an idea.'' – He says.
-'' It was a good one. I like it, but unfortunately, we have no evidence for that.'' – Yoongi says apologetically, patting Jungkook's forearm.
-'' Of course, I know.'' – The younger man agrees softly.
-'' Anyway, there is one more interesting thing here.'' – Yoongi announced excitedly, and when Jungkook nods his head in a ''continue'' manner, he adds. – '' The diamonds that were in the pouch together with the red diamond ring, match the ones that were stolen in Egypt some months ago.''
Jungkook's eyes went wide. – '' No the ''Shadows'' are in Seoul!''
Yoongi chuckles. – '' We don't know that yet, but yes we have a connection there. The owner, Woo has a lot of explaining to do.''
-'' He most definitely bought them on the black market.'' – Jungkook muses.
-'' Most definitely.'' – Yoongi agrees. – '' I doubt he would even report the burglary if there wasn't shooting because I doubt he has the papers of authenticity.''
Jungkook chuckles. – '' Aham, hard to have it when you buy stolen jewellery.'' – He then remembers. – '' Yeah, Hobi Hyung was just mentioning that job in Egypt. He says that it was done masterfully, from what he heard.''
-'' Oh, it was a high-class job, just like you expect from the ''Shadows''. And what's more, the ring was also stolen by them in 2018.'' – Yoongi adds. – '' We don't know just yet if Woo had a first hand buying the ring from them, or if he got it way later. I'm building a case here so Choi and Key could tighten their hold on Woo's neck and make him talk.''
-'' Do you want me to check...?'' – Jungkook begin to ask but fell silent because Yoongi was shaking his head in no.
-'' No, Mihno and Key are on the case. Leave it to them. Noona will help them with her search, and you and I will focus on why these fakes were even made.'' – Yoongi says.
-'' Hmm, maybe it's nothing...'' – Jungkook begins. – '' But I was advised to talk to Choi Yungjae about that necklace. Hobi Hyung confirmed that the Choi guy might know something.''
-'' And who is that source?'' – Yoongi's asked knitting his brows together.
-'' Alright, don't scold, but it was Park, alright.''
Yoongi's brows furrow even further at that. – '' The same Park that got you suspended. Dammit, kid, do you want me to take you off from this case? What are you doing with him still?''
As expected Yoongi was disappointed. And Jungkook, even though he expected this outburst, he wasn't prepared for the burn. He scowls back at the smaller man. – '' Hyung, I will not make the same mistake from before.'' – He says scornfully. – '' I learn fast from my mistakes and you don't have to worry about me confiding anything to anyone ever again. Besides, Park was only there because he was connected to the case since his two clients are arrested at the warehouse.''
Yoongi arches his brows at that.
-'' Yes, they were.'' – Jungkook confirmed, without Yoongi asking. - '' Either way, I have a good feeling about that Youngjae guy, and I think you should let me talk to him and see what he knows about the fake necklace and where the rumour is coming from.''
Yoongi just looks at him in silence, contemplating what to do. He knew Jungkook's intuition, but he didn't like the source of that information. Moreover, he just didn't want to see Jungkook hurt and made a fool again.
-'' Stop seeing Park.'' – He says. – '' And you might go and see what Choi Youngjae knows.
-'' I'm not seeing Park.'' – Jungkook answers firmly. – '' Not anymore.''
In a brief silence that occurred just then, there was a fast and mute mental argument between them. A lot of things have been thought and projected and yet neither of them utter a word. In the end, Yoongi nods once and utters just one word. – '' Good.''
He then turns and walks towards the safe he held in his laboratory. He types the code and once it was open he retrieves a small box from it.
-'' Come.'' – He calls for Jungkook, who obeys quickly and approaches the huge magnifying glass where Yoongi stood.
-'' I wanted you to see just how skilful this copycat is, and why I want you to focus on finding out why they were made.''
-'' Okay.'' – Jungkook nods, feeling ready. – '' Show me.''
The box contained two gorgeous flower fings. They were side by side, completely identical to the eye.
-'' Can you see any difference?'' – Yoongi asks. His previous annoyance was replaced by amusement.
Jungkook shakes his head. – '' No, they look the same. May I?'' – He asks and points at the rings.
-'' No, be my guest.''
Jungkook takes them under the light, turning them left to right. They looked amazing. – '' This is insane.'' – He murmurs.
Yoongi nods in agreement. – '' The real ring was gorgeous itself, but the fake is a masterpiece of how perfectly it was made. Whoever made it is an amazing artist.'' – Yoongi says with admiration.
Yoongi opens his hands, palms up so Jungkook could put the rings in his outstretched hands. They were placed under the magnifying glass. The big screen fills with the image of the rings, side by side. The HD quality was unbelievably clear and Jungkook was able to see so many details that his naked eyes missed. – '' Wow.'' – He breathes.
-'' Yes, this baby is amazing.'' – Yoongi runs his finger over the magnifier. He loved his equipment. He spent a lot of time nagging for the funds so he could equip his floor with the best quality machines. Jessi, from the Accounts, curses loudly whenever he sends her a new request for funds. They had many arguments over the years, but even she learned – when Yoongi wants something, he gets it.
-'' They used lab diamond of the lowest of value.'' – Yoongi says. -'' The cut is amazing, polished to perfection.'' – He points at the screen with a pocket laser he kept there. – '' It's really hard to achieve the best cut for a diamond that will improve the stone's beauty and value. But look how perfectly they managed to do it here.'' – He points first on one, then the second ring. –'' Which is why I'm truly intrigued why spending all that money and time creating the perfect copy when It's just as valuable. Not as the original, of course, but still. If they wanted a decoy then a mere trinket will be enough to mimic.'' – He mused. – '' Unless they wanted to trick even the experts. In which case they have succeeded. I'm telling you, Kook-ah, this is perfectly made.''
Yoongi's eyes gleamed with respect and admiration. Jungkook had never seen him like that before. This was Yoongi in his element, doing what he loves to do. He thought.
- '' You'll need precise artistry and workmanship to fashion a diamond that creates the three most desirable visual effects.'' – Yoongi raises one finger. – '' Brightness – how the diamond reflects both inner and outer white light.'' – He raises the second finger, looking straight at Jungkook to check if the latter is following what he is saying. – '' Scintillation – how much sparkle a diamond has, and what light pattern the stone creates in dark areas, and finally – Fire.'' – He raises his third finger. –'' How a diamond scatters white light and whether it forms all the rainbow colours.''
-'' Yeah, Hyung, I literally don't understand any of this except that the con artist did an amazing job that gives you a hard-on.'' – Jungkook says without thinking which earns him a smack on the back of his head.
-'' Why I even bother with you?'' – Yoongi grumbles.
-'' Because I'm your dongsaeng and you have the patience of a Dalai Lama.'' – Jungkook grins his toothy grin. Yoongi just rolls his eyes in annoyance.
- '' Is the fake necklace as perfect as this one?'' – Jungkook asks.
-'' You mean if it's the work from the same artist?'' – Yoongi asks with raised eyebrows. – '' Not enough evidence to be 100 per cent sure, but if I have to guess, I'm 99.9% sure it is.''
Jungkook laughs at this. Yoongi never allowed his genius self to be unappreciated.
-'' How did you know?'' – He asks, nudging his head at the screen. – '' Which one is real?''
-'' The real one has an internal flaw, known as inclusions. See it here?'' - He points at the small line on one ring that seemed out of place. Jungkook nods. – '' Good, now look at the other one. How does it seem to you?'' – Yoongi asks.
Jungkook squints, tilting his head to the side. – '' Umm... it looks more in order.'' – He says, trying to find the words. – '' Like the lines are carefully put, instead of...I don't know...''
Yoongi chuckles at his lack of vocabulary.
Jungkook groans. – '' It's like you are trying to achieve that careless hairstyle, you know, the wind tousled one, but with the hairdryer. It will never have the exact same effect.''
Yoongi closes his eyes and tosses his head back, shoulders shaking in a silent laugh. – ''I've never heard the analogy such as this to explain the inclusions in a diamond, but it will do.'' – He shakes his head.
He returns his attention to the screen, a little smile still on his lips. – '' The real diamond is natural made, formed in the earth, so it will most definitely have at least one small flaw. Only a few diamonds in the world have no flaw, which makes them flawless and perfect, but they are extremely rare.'' – He turns to Jungkook. – '' The fake ones are grown in labs, and since they are not subjugated to the environmental pressures that real diamonds go through while forming, the fake ones don't have those quirks.'' – He adds.
Yoongi sighs and rubs his neck, observing the rings.
-'' I could spend hours telling you the difference and the constructions of the diamonds. There is an entire study on that subject alone. The most fascinating things, but you won't understand any of them. Not because I think you are not intelligent enough, far from it.'' – Yoongni quickly clears, up when he noticed a slight frown on Jungkook's face. – '' But because in order to truly understand what I'm telling you, you will have to have at least basic knowledge in gemstones and a few other lessons first.''
Jungkook smiles softly. – ''That's alright, Hyung, I know what you mean. Just tell me the real stuff that I can use. I trust you with anything you say about the rings anyway.''
The corner of Yoongis's mouth turns upwards at this. – '' Your faith in me is outstanding.'' – He says.
-'' Yeah, well, you did teach me how to drink, and how to assemble that damned IKEA furniture.'' – Jungkook grins.
Yoongi laughs again. – '' I'm glad to be of service.'' – He says.
-'' So, what do you want me to do first?''
-'' Hmm... go and see that Choi fellow. See if he can give you some clue. How accurate it is? I won't wish someone from our department to share secrets about the case, so see if you can find the source of the rumour. If it's one of ours, I will personally twist his balls.'' – Yoongi promises darkly.
-'' What if it was a woman?'' – Jungkook asks amused.
-'' Naah, my ladies here are smart. They know better than to babble about the case in progress.'' – Yoongi says. Then thinks and adds. – '' But if they did, well, I'll think of something more mental and less physical for sure.'' – He purrs with evil satisfaction.
-'' You are scary sometimes, Hyung.'' – Jungkook admits.
Yoongi's mouth spread in a devilish smile that gives Jungkook the creeps, so he quickly says his goodbyes and leaves.
-'' The police know about the fake necklace and the ring.'' – Joon tells the news as soon as his oldest brother entered his lair.
That stopped Jin in his tracks. -'' How much do they know?''- He asks and continues approaching the place Namjoon was, a tad bit slower.
-'' They connected the ring and the necklace to the ''Shadows.''
-'' That was fast.''
-'' Yeah, but we kind of expect it. The Interpol already works on it in Europe, they will just connect it to them once they have enough proof, as the other countries did.'' - Namjoon concludes. – '' They will try to press Woo, but will find nothing except the cold trail.''
-'' That's encouraging. There's nothing there to connect him to us or Dong-Ho, so we are safe, for now.''
Namjoon nods more to himself before he says. –'' They got pretty damn close at one point.''
-'' Meaning?'' – Jin asks.
-'' Meaning, the idea of the ring swaps did cross their mind, together with the hooded individual who was spotted leaping from the building, but luckily for us they let it go.''
Jin raises his brows. – '' Really?''
Namjoon nods. – '' It was actually detective Jeon that suggested it. He was piecing the story little by little and he got pretty accurate, but since he had nothing to support that claim he allowed it to be dismissed.''
-'' Hmm, he is smarter than I thought.'' – Jin says, sitting in the chair near the wall.
-'' He is actually very clever.'' – Namjoon types something on his keyboard and Jungkook's picture and his data showed up on one of the screens. – '' I've been through his cases from the past and the man is like a hound. He has a really good gut feeling, and is determent, which is why they called him for backup on this case.'''
-'' He is that good?'' – Jin asked sceptically.
-'' Oh, yes. Disregard his misjudgement in his last case, but I believe he allowed his emotions to get in the way which is never good. He would have An Baekhyun locked for good if Jimin didn't interfere.''
Jin's face was scandalized. -'' He was the detective on the case?''
-'' Mhm. And anyway, they were talking about Lee's gang as well.''
-'' Those fuckers worked with that asshole, Cling Dawson, who nearly killed Tae, and ruined two of our jobs.'' – Jin says acidly. – '' Do we have anything about him?''
-'' Dawson was just following the information Yoshi gave him, and I took care of Yoshi.'' – Namjoon says darkly. – '' He owes money to many people, which is why he sent the information to several clients, including us.''
-'' That greedy fucker.''
Namjoon nods in agreement. –'' Well, you would need to find a new informant, Hyung.''
-'' That's not a problem.'' – Jin waves his hand in dismissal and then nods towards the screen. – '' He will be a pain in the ass for us, right?'' – Jin asks.
Namjoon snorts. – '' Only if we let him.''
- '' Who is handling the case?''- Jin asks and Namjoon knew he meant the ring case.
-'' Seoul's Intelligence – Choi and Key. They are good, but not that good.'' – He answers.
-'' And what's Jeon's role in all this?'' – Jin wonders out loud.
-'' I believe the is there to pick up the loose ends. Min Yoongi is a hell of a clever man and he is tenacious and thorough with his job. He will not allow anything to slip his attention, and Jeon is that perfect hound dog that you send to sniff out your target. They are a match made in heaven these two.'' – Namjoon says with admiration.
-'' You really like that guy Min, aren't you?'' – Jin smirks at his sibling.
Namjoon splutters. – '' No!'' – He denies it. – '' I mean, I admire his intelligence and his hard-working, but that's it...''
-'' Mhm, is that why you've been watching him almost 24/7.'' – Jin teases.
-'' I'm just watching to see how far did they go.'' – Namjoon gives him a deadpan look. – '' Like I did just now.''
-'' Of course.'' – Jin agrees unconvincingly and Namjoon just knows that there is more of the teasing coming up.
-'' Is that why your face turned scarlet?''
Namjoon takes a deep exasperated sigh. – '' Say whatever you want Hyung.'' – He strives to keep his face as neutral as possible, but only succeeded to look constipated. Jin laughed.
-'' Oh, I'm sorry, Joonie. You are just so adorable to tease.'' – He sends him a flying kiss. Namjoon ignores it. – '' Namjoon-ah.'' – He calls. – '' Joonie, are you mad now?'' – He still giggles.
-'' No.'' – Joon says, but it sounds sulky. – '' I just don't want to be teased about this.''
Jin knows he means Min Yoongi. He stops laughing, the soft smile still on his face though.
-'' Is he that fascinating to you?'' – He asks gently, watching his younger brother.
Namjoon sighs deeply yet again. – '' I think so. I mean I've met so many highly intelligent people online, but I never did in real life, you know.'' – He says, scratching his head and touching the glasses that were on his nose. – '' He seems like a person I could talk to about everything, as fast as I want and to know that he might understand me without me needing to explain or simplify things, no offence, Hyung.''
Jin smiles. – '' None taken. I know that you struggle, and I thank you that you do this for us so we can understand.''
-'' No, no, Hyung, it's not hard with you, I don't even need to do it. You both know me so well that there's no need for me to explain anything sometimes. That's not the point. It's just, most of the time you just stare at me when I start talking about something I care about deeply, like crabs, poetry and programs... I know you have no interest in that and that's fine, but there is a beautiful connection in everything and I just love that.''
-'' But we just can't see it.'' – Jin says gently. – '' Not in the way you see it.''
-'' I'm sorry, Hyung.''
Jin's brows come together in disapproval. – '' Don't ever apologize for being smart, Joonie.''
-'' I know, it's just...''
-'' I know, I know... we will not talk about it anymore, and I will not tease you again.''
-'' Hyung, we both know that's not true.'' – Namjoon smiles at his elder. – '' You will tease me in less than ten minutes.'' – He says knowingly.
Jin acted scandalized. – '' I will not!''
Namjoon just laughs. – '' Either way, Min is really fascinated by your work, Hyung. He says the pieces you made are the masterpieces.''
-'' Of course, they are.'' – Jin says without an ounce of modesty. –'' What?'' – He asks incredulously when he saw his brother laughing. – '' It's true. I'm great at what I do.'' – He says. – '' I'm starting to change my opinion on this Min guy. He is smart after all, and he got good taste as well. But, Jeon...'' – He adds after a few moments of silence. – '' He was the one who arrested Tae, right?'' – He asks.
-'' Mhm... He is unknowingly connected to us. First with Beakhyung, then Jimin, then Tae, and now the case.''
-'' We need to be careful about him.''
-'' I'll watch out for him, don't worry, Hyung.'' – Namjoon reassures.
-'' Joon, you can't watch everything.'' – Jin scolds. – '' You need to get some rest.''
-'' Don't worry, I sleep enough.''
-'' Four hours is not enough.''
-'' You know, It seems our Jiminie gave Jungkook a new trail to follow.'' – Namjoon says abruptly.
-'' Nice way to change the subject, you ass. Just so you know we are not done on this subject, I will still nag you, because I care about you and I want you healthy.'' – Jin continues his tirade. They share a look for long seconds when Jin yells. – '' Fine! I'll take the bait. What trail?''
Namjoon's lips quivered but he managed to stop the smile. He knew too well that trying to test Jin's patience when he's cross with you. He still doesn't know how Tae does it. Probably because he is adorable and foolish, but Namjoon wasn't feeling that brave.
-'' Choi Youngjae.'' – He says.
Jin's face narrows. – '' Youngjae.'' – He hums. – '' I don't see the danger. Youngjae has nothing.'' – Jin dismisses this. – '' What I want to know is why Jimin felt the need to tell him anything.''
-'' They know each other from before. He was the detective on An Baekhyun's case. There's bad blood between Jimin and Jungkook.'' – Namjoon points out.
-'' Still, I don't see why.''
-'' Maybe he wanted to give a peace offering after everything he put him through.'' – Namjoon offers.
-'' Hmm, maybe.'' – Jin agrees. – '' Alright, you win this one, add Jeon to your watch list.''
-'' Will do, Hyung.'' Namjoon grins, ruffling his hair. It grew too long. Jin thinks. It's not that it looks bad on him, but it's rather difficult to maintain it properly where all you do is sit in front of the computer and brush it from your eyes. He runs his fingers through the dark locks and decides. - '' You should cut your hair, it gets too long.''
-'' I don't have time.'' – Came a quick answer.
-'' That's like ten minutes or so.'' – Jin insists.
-'' It's more than twenty with Heechul.'' – Namjoon grumbles. -'' He talks too much, which means that he's doing the job twice as long as it should be because he spends more time talking than cutting.''
-'' Well, he loves to talk, sure, but he is an excellent hairdresser.'' – Jin points out.
-'' That's all fine, but he talks way too much about the things that I have no interest in.'' – Joon taps on his keyboard.
-'' That's only twenty minutes, surely you can go through that.
-'' We shall see.''
-'' Don't be a grump.'' – Jin pats his head, eyes returning to the screens. - '' Alright, I'm off. Keep me posted if something changes.''
-'' I will.''
Jin starts walking towards the exit. – '' I'll call Heechul for you for tomorrow.'' – He says, tapping at the unlocking code. – ''And watch Yoongles for me, yeah?''
Namjoon growls loudly at that, but Jin just laughs loud and leaves.
Two nights later Jungkook was standing in front of the VIP karaoke room. Wednesday was the night off for Choi Youngjae and he loved to sing. What the fuck am I doing here? It ran through Jungkook's mind.
The noise was deafening on the lower floors, but here on the top was bearable, since there were only three VIP rooms in total. There was a bodyguard standing guard in front of the door, and he and Jungkook just stood there for a few minutes in silence. He is making me wait for the entire song to end. Jungkook thought, gritting his teeth in annoyance. Still, he asked for a meeting and Youngjae told him where to find him, so, Jungkook had all intention of waiting.
Finally, some bloody song has ended and another guy comes out from the room saying that Mr Choi will see him. Fucking finally.
-'' Right this way.'' – The guard says, and points for him to follow.
Jungkook enters the darkroom with only a light show on. The group of people sat in the booth, with snacks and drinks on the table while they search for more songs to sing. Youngjae was nowhere to be seen. He glances at the guard who stood in front of the small door. He nods for him to go through it.
The new song just started at that moment and one of the girls there started to screech the lyrics out. It was so painful to listen that Jungkook quickly skipped the room in three long strides through the door. He found Youngjae reclining on the chair with a phone in his hand. He raises a finger for him to wait until he finishes his call.
Brilliant. More waiting. Jungkook sighed, mentally preparing himself for a long night. Some five minutes later, Youngjae finishes his call and stands up.
-'' Detective Jeon, I presume? Choi Youngjae.'' – He offers him the hand that Jungkook shakes in return.
-'' Please, have a seat.'' – The man says and Jungkook does.
-'' I hear you have some questions for me.'' – Youngjae says, and then adds with a smile. – '' For gracious goodness, why?''
-'' First of all, thank you for seeing me. And second, it's about a certain information you shared some time ago.'' – Jungkook says politely.
-'' Oh? Is that so?'' – Youngjae's face narrows in a thought. – '' You have to remind me of what exactly you mean because I say a lot of things every day.'' – He smiles widely again.
His grin is big and warm, and Jungkook had a funny thought that both Hoseok and Youngjae run on the same joyful energy source.
-'' It was said that you claimed to know about the certain diamond necklace with the rare pinkish stone, that was now in the police custody.'' – Jungkook prompts.
Youngjae's eyes narrow. – '' Oh, that.'' – He says and his smile takes on a sly note. – '' I might have said something like that.''
-'' Can you tell me what you say exactly?'' – Jungkook asks patiently.
-'' Oh, it was so long time ago, who would've remembered such a thing?'' – Youngjae leans back in his chair, the fixed smile never leaving his face. He was a handsome man, charming, and sly deep down.
Jungkook smiles back, checking his notes. – ''Let me refresh your memory then.'' – Jungkook says. – '' You claimed that you know for a fact that the necklace, which was stolen, was indeed fake, isn't that right?''
Youngjae smiles even wider, eyes gleaming. – '' It seems that you know what I've said even better than me.'' – He chuckles. – '' I wonder, why bother asking me in the first place.''
Jungkook felt the nerve under his eye twitch in annoyance. God, how he disliked smartasses.
-'' Oh, because I've heard that from the third party, and I have to check if it was true, surely you know that.''- His face was still a perfect mask of professional politeness.
Youngjae pouts slightly. – '' That's true.'' – He says, then adding. – '' For what you just say. The third parties are truly unreliable. There's always a chance that someone heard something wrong.''
-'' Are you referring to yourself or that third party?'' – Jungkook asks, and Youngjae's eyes flash in irritation.
His face hardens slightly, but his smile still remained firmly planted on his face. -'' Certainly them. I always have the correct information.''
He likes to think that he always knows everything, and has the best contacts and information. Jungkook remembered Hoseok's words.
-'' Of course.'' – Jungkook bows his head only slightly to show that he understands. – '' So, is the rumour true?'' – He asks.
-'' Obviously.'' – Youngjae says, one eyebrow arching. – '' As I've said, my pieces of information are always correct.''
-'' And where did you hear it from?''
Youngjae smiles wider. – '' Surely you don't expect me to reveal my source, do you?''
-'' I do, since that information is classified and the case is ongoing, which means that any leaks from the source are forbidden and must be stopped.'' – Jungkook answers cooly.
The eyes gleamed in satisfaction at him. – '' Well, you would know that perfectly, detective Jeon, would you? About sharing the forbidden information, I mean.''
Hot anger gripped Jungkook's insides at those words, and he wanted to growl. How the hell did he know? Probably did some research when I asked for this meeting. Asshole. He wanted to punch that sly smile from the man's face. Sunny personality, my ass. Jungkook thought furiously. His tongue was itching to send the man to hell, to curse him and say all profanities. He didn't though. His well-trained mind stopped him in its tracks. It wasn't easy. It took years and years of learning to control his irritation and his anger, and now he was proud to say that he managed to do so.
He swallows his anger back, keeping the neutral mask on his face, only adding a smirk. I will not allow him to see that he got to me.
-'' Well, of course, which is why I know for a fact that is a no-no.'' – He answers light-heartedly with a smile.
Youngjae tosses his head back and laughs. – '' Oh, detective, you are amusing. I like people that could take a joke.''
Jungkook was smiling still, but inside he was sending him to 100 hells.
-'' I understand that things like this could be tricky.'' – Youngjae says after a moment. – '' But I can assure you that the information didn't come from the police.''
Jungkook arches his eyebrow. – '' No? Then who?''
-'' I will not divulge their name, only that they knew for a fact that it's a fake one when they saw it.''
Jungkook was writing this down. – '' Was this before or after it was stolen?''
-'' I believe it was before. I recall my source telling me they saw it when the necklace was still with its owner.''
Jungkook raises his eyes at that. – '' And they say nothing to the owner?''
Youngjae chuckles. – '' Not their place, and not as if they would believe them.''
-'' I see.'' – Jungkook murmures. –'' So you think the necklace was fake when he bought it?''
Youngjae nods. – '' That's the most plausible explanation.''
-'' Would you also happen to know from where the necklace was bought?''- Jungkook asks hopefully.
Youngjae thinks carefully. – '' There is really one place in Seoul that deals with the rare and the most expensive jewels – Kim's jewels – which is the main branch of...''
-'' Kim Enterprises.'' – Jungkook finishes.
Youngjae smiles. - '' That's right.''
-'' And you think Kim deals with fake goods? That's a serious accusation.'' – Jungkook says with satisfaction when he saw Youngjae's eyes widen.
-'' I said no such thing.''- The man defends himself.
-'' Well, if you claim your source is impeccable and the jewel is bought from Kims, then that's a natural conclusion, isn't it?'' – Jungkook asks innocently. His mask would probably work if he managed to suppress the mischievous gleam from his eyes.
Youngjae's eyes narrow and he stops smiling, his face becoming annoyed. –'' Well, that's something you should see with Kims then.''
-'' Don't you like Kims?'' – Jungkook asks suddenly.
-'' I have to reason to love nor dislike them.'' – Youngjae answers curtly.
-'' Well, it looked like you trying to toss the ball on them.'' – Jungkook commented while pretending to write some notes.
-'' No. I only concluded the one option.'' – The man's voice was cold now, with no trace of previous warmth.
-'' Hmm... could be that your informant is wrong?'' – Jungkook throws bait.
-'' My informant is not wrong.''
-'' Is she an expert in jewels then?'' – Jungkook tosses another bait.
-'' No, he's not, but an avid admirer.''
So it's a he. Jungkook thought. He could see that Youngjae grew more and more annoyed, but he just had to know. He needed one more bait, and he hoped that Youngjae won't pull out.
-'' Then maybe there is a chance that he's wrong, or he lies.''
-'' He was certain in what he said. He knows a lot about jewels, it's his passion, and he wouldn't lie to me.''
Jungkook made a mental note to check Youngjae's male acquaintances that have some connections with jewellery.
-'' Oh, well...I guess that's it.'' – Jungkook says, closing his notebook.
Youngjae raises his brows. – '' Are we done?''
-'' Yes. I guess so.'' – Jungkook nods, but then he stops, glancing at Youngjae with a slight smile. – '' Well, there's one thing I want to ask you.''
-'' Oh?''
-'' Yeah, it has nothing to do with the case... it's just. I hear you are a pretty good racer.'' – Jungkook says to change the subject. Youngjae's expression clears and he smiles yet again.
-'' Oh, yes. I just love the adrenaline.'' – He says. – '' I love the speed and the freedom they give me.''
Jungkook smiles widely. – '' I agree on that wholeheartedly.''
They began talking about cars and racing in general. Jungkook, who loved to drive told him about his motorbike, while Youngjae talked about his favourite cars.
-'' I heard it's gonna be a big event.'' – Jungkook says after some minutes. – '' Some real beasts of cars will be offered to the auction. I have a friend who works there, and he told me that there will be some private views the day before.'' - Thank you Hobi for that information.
-'' Really?'' – Youngjae was utterly intrigued.
-'' Mhm. I heard that some pretty big top notches of Seoul requested these pre-auction viewings.''
-'' Do you know who will be there?'' – Youngjae asks quite intrigued.
-'' He mentions the likes of Lee Byung-hun, Jo Insung, Park Chanyeol...''
-'' Park Chanyeol? As in Park Chanyeol, the owner of the ''Phoenix Inc.'', that Chanyeol?'' - Youngjae's mouth was open, and his eyes burned with irritation.
Jungkook looks at him. – '' Yes.'' – He answers innocently. – '' My friend says that he already had the car in mind, but wants to negotiate the price.''
-'' Which car is it?'' – Youngjae asks too eagerly.
Jungkook narrows his eyes and shakes his head. – '' I can't say. My friend asked me to keep it to myself. I already said too much. Sorry.''
-'' Oh, come on... nobody will find out that you told me.'' – Youngjae's voice became sweet as honey.
-'' Really, I can't, forgive me.'' – Jungkook stood up to leave. Youngjae did the same.
-'' Oh, come, have a drink with me.'' – He says.
-'' I really shouldn't.'' – Jungkook acted a mild resistance.
-'' Come. It's late, your working hours are over. Relax, have a drink, sing a song. '' – Youngjae tosses one arm over Jungkook's shoulders. – ''We are friends now.''
Jungkook raises his brows. – '' Are we?''
-'' Well yes. Anyone who talks about cars with such passion as you is considered my friend. So come, one drink.'' – Youngjae says warmly, a big smile on his face, but Jungkook knew that underneath that friendly persona hides a hunter. Hoseok did warn him that Youngjae always gets what he wants. Especially if that means messing with Chanyeol's plans. If his curiosity is piqued, there's no stopping him. And Jungkook just piqued his curiosity.
-'' Okay, but only one drink.'' – He agrees.
-'' Perfect.'' – Youngjae exclaims, patting his shoulder in a friendly manner. – '' Let me introduce you to my friends.''
After the short and loud introduction to the merry and already drunk bunch of people, Youngjae drew him down to sit next to him, pushing a glass of soju in his hand.
Jungkook endured two and a half long hours of really bad singing from Youngjae's companions, some not so bad rapping, several shots of alcohol... - Thank you Yoongi Hyung for making my alcohol tolerance big enough. Jungkook was grateful in his mind – and also some surprisingly great ballads sung by no other than Youngjae himself. He can sing. Jungkook concluded in awe.
-'' So, which car did you say Chanyeol has set his mind to buy?'' – Youngjae almost yelled in his ear over the song that's been sung at the moment.
Jungkook who pretended that he is drunk just smiled foolishly. – '' I'm pretty sure I didn't.'' – He answered.
Youngjae grinned. – ''Oh, yes you did.'' – He says. – '' You said it's one of the rare ones.''
-'' I didn't, did I?'' – No, he didn't, but he pretended he wasn't sure.
-'' Yes, yes, you did. Oh, what was the name again, I can't remember. I must be drunk.'' – Youngjae giggles and Jungkook laughs too.
-'' Noup...'' – Jungkook shakes his head. – '' I think I'm pretty s-sure I didn't...'' – Jungkook slurs a bit. – '' Yeah, pretty sure.''
-'' Here.'' – Youngjae places another shot of soju in his hand, raising his own. – '' Cheers!''
They drink and Jungkook waits. He didn't need to wait for long.
-'' Oh, come on, Jungkook. I really want to know.'' – Youngjae was drunk by now. He tried to hold on, but Jungkook could see how sparkly his eyes are and how debauched his look became.
-'' It's a secret.'' – Jungkook says, pouring another shot.
-'' But we are friends!'' – Youngjae whines, tugging at Jungkook's sleeve.
-'' Yes, we are.'' – Jungkook agrees. – '' Cheers!'' – This time he placed the glass in Youngjae's hand and raised his own.
-'' Cheers!'' – Youngjae almost yells sulkily. – '' You are not my friend. Friends tell each other secrets.''
He looks accusatory at Jungkook, who smiles and drags Youngjae closer so he can whisper in his ear, all traces of alcohol disappearing from Jungkook's voice.
-'' I'll tell you what. How about you tell me who told you about the fake necklace, and I tell you which car Chanyeol wants to buy? How about that, hmm?'' – Jungkook leans back to study Youngjae's expression. It was utterly conflicted.
Seeing that he needs just a little push, he adds. – '' Imagine the look on Chanyeol's face when you steal the car in front of his nose.'' – He says, patting the man's knee. – '' I heard there are only a few of those cars made in the world, but only this one is now on the market. Imagine how cool it would be to own it.''
Even with the loud music, Jungkook was so near Youngjae that he managed to hear a small whine from the man. He feels Youngjae's hand grabbing his neck to draw him even closer, in what was now considered socially inappropriate closeness between two men. Jungkook didn't move, he just looks at Youngjae, feeling his warm breath that smelled of alcohol.
Youngjae watched him in the eyes. – '' You tell me, yes?'' – He asks.
Jungkook nods. – '' After you tell me. I give you my word.'' – He answers.
There was a moment of pause. They just stayed there, waiting for the other to make a move. Youngjae leans closer, his hand cupping Jungkook's cheek. Their position was almost intimate. Jungkook wasn't sure on which team Youngjae played, nor if he was just drunk, but he did feel the man's lips brushing his ear as he breathed the name. – '' Bam-Bam. I know him as Bam-Bam.''
Jungkook's eyes widened at this, and his heart drummed in excitement. Holy shit, he has him. If Bam is involved then V is involved as well.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he failed to notice Youngjae moving and staring at him until he grabbed his chin and turned it to face him.
-'' The car...Jungkook. Give me the car.'' – He almost hissed, breathing heavily right now.
Jungkook smiled wickedly. – '' Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, one of 20 ever made limited-edition.''
Youngjae almost moaned, closing his eyes. – '' With odd-firing 5.2L V10 engine?''
Jungkook nods. – '' It cost 4.5 million dollars.''
-'' Mmmh... a masterpiece.'' – The man says, glancing at Jungkook with his half-lidded eyes. He grabs his face with both of his hands. – '' You gave me the treat.'' – He says. – '' You are a good friend.''
He kisses Jungkook's cheek and then moves away. Only then does Jungkook notices that the man is hard. He arches an eyebrow at him and Youngjae laughs in amusement. He leans again.
-'' I love strong cars.'' – He giggles. – '' But I love fucking Chanyeol's life even more.''
They both laugh at this. Youngjae patted Jungkook's knee while looking around the room. He sees his target, an attractive woman that was singing, quite good, at the moment. She was having a time of her life, clearly tipsy, but happy.
-'' If you excuse me, I will go and ask that lady for some private conversation.'' – Youngjae says, grinning mischievously.
So, definitely straight. Jungkook smirks, but then a thought came to his mind.
-'' Hey, Jay.'' – He catch the man's hand as he was to stand up. Youngjae turns curiously.
-'' One more thing.'' – Jungkook pulls him in the earshot. – '' Do you know a man by the name of Vincent An? Or V?''
Youngjae grins evilly. – '' Unless you have yet another juicy information for me, then I don't.'' – He says chuckling. – '' Don't be too greedy.'' – He pats Jungkook's cheek a few times in a friendly measure and then just walks towards the woman who just sang her last chorus.
Oh, well... it was worth a try. Jungkook thought. Still, he has two names on his list now. Kims, and slippery Bam-Bam. I guess this wasn't such a bad night of work after all. He thinks before leaving the group to have their fun.
Alright, so my apologies for the long lesson in diamonds, I'm just fascinated by it. I was thinking of pulling a lot out, but then how would I show Yoongi's genius in stones?! Either way, thank you for your patience with the beginning.
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