Luna... (Part 2)
"I'd rather not talk about it now. Can we close down your shop and come to my place, I need to feed my pigeons... and talk to you. Of course. Please!" Luna started to pick up all the things that she pushed on the floor. "Ok... This better be good this is my trade on the line..." Yal started to help Luna. The term "trade" was a kind of "money" term. Luna picked up a glass ball and gave it to Sara who chucked in a cardboard box. Lily smiled at Yal and grabbed a whole chunk of wood and slung it under his arms. First they payed a short visit to Yal and Lily's house to drop of the trade. Then they walked in silence to Luna's house. She wondered her hand through her pocket to find a key she stuck it in the key hole and opened the door. Pipi jumped up at Luna and she patted him on the head then she went into the kitchen, grabbed some pigeon feed. "Make yourselves at home!" She opened the door"I am just gonna feed my little pigeons!" Lily laughed. "Luna isn't a crazy person or a cat person (reference to the crazy cat lady from MCD) but can she be classed as a "a-little-bit-crazy-person-who-can-talk-to-animals-and-has-lots-and-lots-of-animals-in-her-house-and-garden person"?" Lily breathed and Yal laughed he always had loved Lily's creativity. "I guess!" Yal said still laughing. Lily grabbed Yal's hand "It wasn't that funny!" Sara sat down on the same chair she had sat on in the morning and laughed to herself. Luna burst through the door.
"OK who told a joke without me!?" Luna walked through a door with a empty bucket that had been full to the brim with bird feed. Sara pointed at Lily and Yal. "It wasn't really a joke it was more of a question." Yal looked at Lily.
"Spit it out!" Luna shouted playfully at Lily. "No!" Lily looked down "Yal has to say it!"
"I am not!..... Let's just get on with what Luna had to say..." Yal was wriggling from side to side.
"Subject changer!" Sara pinched Yal playfully.
"OK! OK!" Luna sat down in front of everyone, took a sip of tea she had made and cleared her throat. "When Sara came round, unexpectedly, earlier we started talking about my mum." Sara looked down her checks flushing a light pink.
"She left me when I was three the day after my birthday. My mum gave me these four bracelets that you have on now... I remember what she said really clearly now that I have had time to think about it...she said to keep them until I feel the time is right to give them away...-" Lily gasped. "Oh here you keep it!" She pulled the bracelet of her wrist.
"No! You are the right people! I would say I have lots of friends in the village but I don't know them as well as I know you too and I know I have just met you Sara but I have a good feeling about you..." She took a sip of tea and carried on. "I want to find my mum...with you..." She looked up and smiled. "You don't have to its just...-"
"Oh! Sweetie! Of corse we will. And I love adventure!" Sara patted Luna on her back. "Yea I agree with Lily!" Yal looked down. "Yes! help you!" Yal looked down. Everybody bobbed their heads in agreement and smiled at each other. "Thank you!"
Soooooo... What do you think? Sorry I haven't updated in a long time😢 but I hope you like this and I can't wait to see where this goes.
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