35 │escorted
The police car drives through the barren street and, as it slows to approach an upcoming intersection, its right turn signal begins to blink.
Deputy Bennett looks back at Millie through the rearview mirror, who gazes out the window. Still agitated, she hasn't spoken a single word throughout the entire ride. Much like an upset child giving him the silent treatment.
"You okay?" He asks, paying more attention to her than the road as he spins the wheel to the right to make a sharp turn.
He focuses back on the windshield, taking the short response as a hint to be quiet. "Okay."
Shaking her head, she sits up in her seat and grabs onto the thin metal bars that separate the two. "I can't believe him sometimes. Like come on, why is he keeping all of this from me? These are people I go to school with. People I pass in the halls every day. I deserve to know what is going on!"
"It's an ongoing investigation, Millie." He sighs, wishing he could provide her with the details she needs. "You and I both know that he isn't allowed to disclose any information to the public."
"But I'm his daughter."
"Which is exactly why he wants to keep you out of it. He just wants to keep you safe." Bennett's tone is stern but soft. It's obvious that, although the two barely know each other, he genuinely cares about her.
She nods, her sense of reason kicking in. "Yeah, I know. You're right. His intentions are good."
"So are yours." Bennett smirks.
Millie stares back at him through the rearview mirror, noticing for the first time how his navy uniform reflects perfectly in his light blue eyes, before shyly turning to glance out the window. Her eyes widen. "Oh, it's right here!" She points at a house just as he passes it. "Sorry. Forgot you were new."
He laughs, the car slowing to a stop as he puts the gear into reverse to back up the vehicle. "No worries."
The car stops right in front of her mailbox and she turns to him. "Well, thanks for the ride."
She clears her throat and glances down at the door, then back at him.
"Oh, right!" His cheeks grow pink in embarrassment. Distracted, he completely forgot that the back doors cannot open from the inside. "Sorry! Forgot it doesn't—"
"Yeah." She laughs, watching as he nervously gets out of the car and walks over to her door to open it. She can't help but find his incompetence cute more than anything.
The door pops open as he unlocks it from the outside, and he holds it as Millie climbs out of the squad car.
"Thank you." She steps out onto the curb and looks up at him, smiling. "For the ride and the advice."
Smiling back, he swings the door shut. He glimpses over and gestures to her house. "Absolutely. Would you like me to walk you to the door?"
Although she really wouldn't mind, the last thing she wants is to appear like one of those needy, high maintenance girls. The complete opposite of what she is."That's okay, I think I got it. Thank you though."
"Sure. Well, have a good night." He shoots her another awkward smirk before quickly turning to walk back around the car to the driver's door.
"You too." She gives him a short wave before turning to walk up the sidewalk to her front porch.
She walks up the steps and, as she puts her keys in the lock, turns around to see Bennett still sitting in his car. He gives her a wave through the passenger's window and her smile widens. She turns back around as she pushes the front door open and steps inside her house.
Bennett waits patiently to ensure she gets inside safely, watching as the light in the front hallway turns on and gleams through the thin curtains, before driving away.
♫ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ / ᴄᴀɪᴛʟɪɴ ᴄʀᴏsʙʏ ♫
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