I laughed hysterically, feeling high from the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I heard Nia, my best friend, scream in excitement. The sound of our sneakers pounding on the hard cement while hearing the furious shouts of the men chasing us.
I ran into an alley, finding a place to hide until those idiots got lost. Nia immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a series of trash cans and we both crouched, breathing heavily. We were deadly silent as we heard their footsteps run past us until they were no longer heard.
"Man, that was freaking sick!" Nia laughed, letting out a breath. I chuckled back, placing my hand over my chest and closing my eyes tightly.
"We are reckless," I whispered, a hint of a smirk playing on my lips. I stood up, brushing the dust off my bare thighs.
"Guess that's what happens when you're raised in the hood," Nia replied, shrugging ever so slightly. Even after running like maniacs, she still looked as flawless as ever. Her dark skin contradicted quite well with her bold red lipstick and curly dark hair.
I sighed and glanced at my watch, "Wanna hit the club?"
She grinned, her dimples showing, "You know I do,"
. . .
I watched as Nia rubbed herself onto some man, the flashing red and green lights casting shadows on their faces. I smirked, drinking another shot of vodka.
"Hey? Could you, uh tell your friend to get off my friend,"
I turned my head and much to my surprise I saw someone who most definitely didn't belong in a club, especially this one. Judging from his appearance, he was not from this part of town.
"Excuse me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow daringly.
He pointed to Nia and the man, averting his eyes quickly as they began to kiss.
I rolled my eyes, "Why don't you go tell your friend to leave my friend alone?"
He frowned, "I knew I shouldn't have come here,"
I didn't miss the lingering look of disgust in his eyes when he eyed me. I placed the shot glass down and felt my temper rising, however, I quickly looked away before I did something I would regret.
God, again with these rich boys and their judgemental attitudes.
"Are you just going to stand there and watch me?" I sneered, unable to keep the anger out of my tone.
"Are you going to tell your whore of a friend to--"
I grabbed the collar of his shirt harshly, glaring at him dangerously, "Finish that damn sentence, I dare you,"
His green eyes widened and he coughed awkwardly, his cheeks flushed. I let go of his collar and pushed me back, "God, you don't even belong in this side of town, so please do us all a favor and go back to your side of town,"
He ran a hand through his jet black hair, making him look extremely attractive, "Gladly,"
I watched as he disappeared into the crowd of people, grabbing his friends bicep and pulling him away. I watched as Nia looked shocked at first before spitting out curses.
She walked over to me, her brown eyes flaming with anger, "I hate those dickheads!"
"Oi Roberto, can I get another shot?" I asked the bartender, holding up the empty shot glass.
I turned back to Nia, "You know em'?"
"They go to the same university as us Nova! That guy who dragged Jake is the damn quarterback!" she muttered. "They are all dicks I'm telling you!"
"I-I mean come on we aren't that bad! Just cause we have different lifestyles doesn't mean that they should think of us as low lives!" Nia yelled, ignoring the various stares she got in return.
I drank the vodka in the blink of an eye before saying, "Forget them, Nia, it's always been like that and it ain't gonna change anytime soon,"
"Glad to know they care enough to trash talk us," I mumbled, before throwing myself onto some random man and pressing my lips to his.
No matter how much it bothered me, that guys green eyes kept popping up and wouldn't leave.
Damn it.
. . .
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