Twitter Solves Everything
"You can't bully other students! It's against the school policy" he shouted into my face as Gabbie fake cried beside me, the other side sat Veronica who was playing with her feet again,
"Mr Philip I wasn't bullying her" I defended bluntly as Veronica nodded from beside me,
"You mentally unstable pile of-" he quoted but left out the shit part, "You slut, you whore and you fake ass-" he quoted leaving out the bitch part, "I can read farther" he warned, "and I can come up with more" I mumbled under my breath as I heard Veronica hold in her laugh, pretending it was some sort of a cough.
"It was out of the blue" Gabbie burst out, "I thought we were friends but then I read the text and I assumed that it must have been her drug addict boyfriend" she bagan but I stood out of my seat before she could finish, my nails digging into the skin on my palms, drawing blood, "Sit down Vanessa!" Mr Philip, the principal shouted.
"Awfully disappointing, I thought better of you Vanessa" Mr Jenson sighed, "but mr Philip, Vanessa here has been attending my counselling sessions every free period she has this semester and all of last year and the and partly of year before that and I know that there'd have to be a reason for this outbreak" he explained, I gave a brief smile to him but he just looked at me in disappointment again.
"Her family life most likely" Gabbie scoffed, "her mother went through one of those 'weak stages' and probably still is, how many siblings do you have exactly?"
I stood up but this time and didn't obey Mr Phillip when he shouted at me to sit down, I felt as if time were moving in slow motion as I stormed over to the chair she sat 'innocently' in. I pulled my arm up and clenched my bloody fist ready to hit that bitch out of here.
"Don't" I heard Veronica shout but not even she could prevent me from knocking some sense into Gabbie, before I knew it, just as my closed fist was about to make contact with her face I was pulled back by someone, "let me at her!" I screamed but I was pushed back into my seat. "Another rule broken!" The principal shouted as Gabbie began releasing more fake tears, "You two get out! I want a word alone with Ms Anderson" he shouted as they made their way outside and that's when the tears began.
"Bullying is no exception" he explained, saying it more calmly after telling him about our family life, "I want Veronica to have an actual life because both you and I know that what we know was shit, Gabbie is a mental unstable bitch and that wasn't the only thing that's happened, Mr Philip, I'm not the bully here, Gabbie is" I shouted.
"What the hell could Gabbie have done worse than a life threatening text message, you said if she touches either of you again she's dead"
"It's an expression!" I defended myself, "this could be worse than a suspension" he shook his head in disappointment, "No!" I shouted, "I'm not putting up with this bullshit, This is my 5th year at this school and I'm not leaving till I graduate, I made a promise to someone that I would try my best and in my attempts to protect them I get in trouble" I cried, throwing my hands up in the air, "I swear to fuck if I get expelled what's the point?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear, "Now Miss Anderson don't use that tone" he warned, "why not? It's the only way I can get my point across that you'll remember" I shouted, slamming the door behind and pushing past Veronica and made my way into the girls bathroom where I knew Gabbie would be, touching up her makeup.
"Fuck you!" I shouted, "you got what you deserve" she smiled, "I know that what you did in the canteen wasn't the only thing, what else have you done to her" I demanded, "Why would I? She's pointless" she grinned, recoating her lipstick, "you're such a bitch" I laughed sarcastically, "I never thought this school would contain mean popular kids, let me tell you something" I said, going right up close to her face, "nobody will like you when they find out about this Because both you and I know that I have the power here" I smiled slyly.
"You better fucking tell me what you did to Veronica" I demanded once more, backing away from her cold breath, "You're both pathetic excuses for lives and don't come running back to apologize when heads turn"
"You're so sure about that?" I asked, pulling out my phone and opening twitter, "Gabbie Stewart, hate subtweeting but what a bitch, who bullies new kids?" I said aloud and threatening to press tweet, "Bluff" she laughed trying to do the thing where you push past my shoulder but it didn't work.
"Tweet" I smiled as the notifications began pouring in, "Karmas a bitch" I smiled, pushing past her and back into the hallway, "what were you doing in there?" Veronica asked, catching up with me, "She's dealt with, don't worry she'll probably move schools on her own accord" I laughed, pulling her in for a hug and apologizing for my attitude.
'What did you do?' She texted as we returned to our own classes
'Twitter' I replied as people bagan passing notes to me,
'Finally someone stands up to that bitch'
'She deserved it'
'I know what she did to ur sister' as soon as I read that note I shot my head up and my eyes locked with this guy sitting there rows ahead of me.
"Who are you?" I mouthed,
"Aaron" he mouthed back, I quickly wrote a note back to him,
'MEET MY AT FIFTH PERIOD OUTSIDE THE CAFETERIA' I threw the note at him and was distracted all through class.
Music with mr Lambogrichin, I was not in the mood for his hippy self but I had to go for Veronica, "No no no" he said as I tried to enter the class, "remove your bad spirits and then enter" he smiled weirdly.
I did the weird jig he loves that apparently gets rid of the 'bad' stuff and went to my seat, I pulled out my phone and began looking at the replies,
'Hope you're ok<3'
'Two faced, this is so out of the blue but I believe you'
'Are you sure? I've known here since kindergarten'
People are buying it, I smirked and then tweeted again,
'Thanks guys, she wasn't a nice person and tried to use me but please keep your cool with her cause two wrongs don't make a right :)'
Mr Lambogrichin began talking about a special key on the piano that was supposed to be magical and it would make good spirits enter your soul, he began playing an E minor and some guys pretended to be really happy which made everyone laugh, "Vanessa" I replied as he asked who I was, "I know, I just wanted to hear you say it" he smiled trying to flirt, "I'm Adam, class 4d"
"Class 4a" I smiled, we talked the whole class, "dare games" he smiled, "what?"
"I challenge you to another dare games, heard the last guy ended up dating you" he laughed, "and still is" I corrected him, "But yes, it's been a while since this school had some dares, tweet me and we'll begin" I smiled. "So I've been needing to ask you something"
"Go ahead"
"The other day I was in the park, I was just so innocent when my number went missing, I looked everywhere for it but I can't seem to find it, do you mind if I borrow yours for a while?" He smirked, winking and handing me his phone.
Why not? It won't do any harm to my current relationship, "my boyfriend is borrowing it at the moment cause he surprisingly lost his as well but I'm sure you could share" I shrugged beginning to laugh as I put my number into his phone.
"So my phone also does this thing where it randomly calls people on Friday nights and makes me ask them if they'd like to go to a party that night"
"Too far Adam, gotta boyfriend and he's picking me up from school later" I smiled, patting his shoulder as he laughed it off.
The rest of music class was Adam asking me out with really cringy pick up lines which just made me laugh, "you're next in line" I assured him, "Just you wait" he smiled as the bell rang for 5th period.
I waited for 20 minutes for Aaron to show up and just as I was about to leave he showed up, "Look, I'll tell you what happened but don't think that will make me suddenly like you guys, I like Veronica and I tried to stop Gabbie but she just kissed me and Roni stormed off" he explained, "you're the guy" I laughed, "huh?" "Never mind" I grinned.
"Gabbie's been horrible to Roni for ages, ever since she came, she pushed her against a locker when she first came and made fun of her weight, she reminds Roni everyday about it and she just gets upset. Ever since Linda moved schools she's been finding someone to pick on" he explained, "Linda?"
"Doesn't matter"
"Anything else?" I asked concerned,
"Loads, Gabbie wrote a note to Her telling her to go back to the streets, she keeps trying to trip her up between classes" he said growing stressed.
"That bitch"
"Veronica says it's nothing compared to her old school but I want it to stop" he basically shouted, "I'm scared Gabbie will go too far, I'm scared for Veronica" he gulped as I pulled him into a hug.
We talked about other stuff to distract ourselves from the problem, "Do you like my sister?" I blurted out, begging to know, "I dunno?" He said shyly as his cheeks grew rosy red, "I'd say take the chance when you have it cause there's a lota Guys here who would go down on their knees for her" I winked and walked off.
'I know what Gabbie's done to you' I texted Veronica, waiting all through chemistry for her reply, "Can Vanessa Merrell please report to the principal's office immediately" the intercom blasted as all eyes turned to me, I looked up from my phone and the teacher beckoned me to leave. I grabbed my handbag and left the room, still on my phone, checking out my YouTube, you can get payed off of YouTube! I was getting money from ads and if I said something about a certain company they'd pay me money!
I sat outside Mr Philips office, waiting for him to call me in.
The time finally came where he called me in, I opened the door and stopped as soon as I looked up from my phone, I saw Karen sitting down on one of the chairs looking bored out of her fucking mind but she was furious, I glanced at Veronica who was already here, her cheeks were tear stained and a crumpled up tissue was gripped in her trembling hand. "Take a seat" Mr Philip asked, he didn't have to ask me twice.
"So why am I here?" Karen asked, already wanting to leave, I realized that Gabbie and what looked like her dad was sitting next to them in the corner, I glared at her for a solid minute until I spoke up. "I sent Gabriella a text, telling her to straighten up or she'd face some consequences, she's been bullying Veronica" I spoke up, the anger vivid in my voice.
"No jumping to conclusions please" Mr Philips said sternly, "Veronica, is that true?" He asked, but she stayed silent, she was smart in a way, you don't snitch on someone no matter what, it's an unwritten rule.
"Veronica tell the truth" Karen warned,
"Where were you?" I interrupted, "pardon? I was at home" she replied, "no, for the last week and a half, where have you been? The kids had to stay with John because you just left us" I whispered harshly, "not right now Vanessa" she answered harshly as the principal looked at us weirdly but quickly went back to topic.
"Veronica, your answer will resolve this situation, your sister will be suspended anyways" he bagan,
"What?" I shouted, "the meeting hasn't even happened! " I interrupted as my eyes stung with tears, "Sit down" he said sternly as I forced myself to back down.
"You threatened another student, you're lucky you're not getting expelled!" He shouted, pointing his finger at me, "tell me if Gabbie bullied you"
"You're innocent until proven guilty" Gabbie's Dad spoke up.
"Yes" Veronica whispered leaving us all go silent, "pardon?"
"yes, Gabbie did a few things but nothing new, no offence but it's not like it affected me whatsoever, I got death threats at my old school and I was told to kill myself so a girl attempting to trip me up and just verbally talk to me is actually a relief!" She shouted as we stayed silent, "what exactly has Gabriella done because for another student it might have a different effect"
"Nothing" Gabbie tried saying but Mr Philip cut her off,
"She tries to trip me up a lot, she makes fun of me for my weight, kissed the guy I like and made fun of my sister" she explained, getting out of her chair and storming out, I stood up but Karen pulled my arm down, forcing me to sit down. "Get out, the meeting will be held on Thursday, I'll have the answers then, but for now neither of you are to come back to school" he ordered as I stormed out of the room.
"Karen! Where are you going?" I asked as I watched her make her way to the exit, "back to my holiday" she said before leaving again, "fine, be a shit mother, bet you Jacob won't even remember who you are" I shouted after her as I went to find Veronica.
(HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hope everyone has an amazing 2019 and I hope you enjoyed the holidays💛 thanks for reading!)
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