The Truth
I stumbled around Jake's house in search for Chloe, it was 12:20 and I needed to be home before 1 cause I was in enough trouble as it already was. After about 20 minutes of looking for her I gave up and decided to walk home. I sent her a text saying how I had to leave. I began walking home, my head was sore, not because of the beer but because of how much thinking I did tonight, I tried to imagine how my life would have been if last thanksgiving had never happened but if what I imagined came true I would still be living a lie.
I don't know how far I had walked and I had no clue where I was, I was too distracted to realize where I was walking. What if I don't go home? What if I just continue walking, will anybody notice my disappearance? I was at the point of my thoughts where I was questioning things a human should not question on themselves. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a loud honk from a car behind me. I turned around to see blinding headlights shining in my direction.
"Get in the car!" A familiar voice shouted.
"Karen leave me alone!" I screamed trying to walk faster.
"Vanessa Olivia Anderson you get into the car this instant!" She shrieked.
I moaned heavily. Why is it that when an adult shouts at you you strangely obey their command? I trudged over to the car and hopped in, slamming the door behind me. "Are you drunk!?" She shouted. I glared at her.
"No I was just around stupid drunk people" I answered bluntly. That was mostly the truth, I mean I wasn't drunk, I only had a few gulps of beer. If someone got drunk off of that amount of alcohol then they're lame.
"Your father and I have been driving around all night searching for you! What do you have to say for yourself!?" She stated as she started to drive again.
"I dunno... I had a good time I guess" I giggled.
"You are the oldest child in this family Vanessa! You need to start setting a good reputation" She blabbed.
I began to ignore her after that, my whole life was just lecture, lecture, lecture, one after another. About 10 minutes later we pulled up in the driveway.
"Get inside, go straight up to your room, get ready for bed and go to sleep! Your father and I will discuss your punishment in the meantime" She ordered.
"Stop saying 'Your father' and 'Your brothers and sisters'! I'm not in any way related to any of you so just stop referring yourselfs as being my family, cause guess what Karen If you didn't already know I was adopted!" I shouted as I stormed into the house, up the stairs and into my bedroom. I slammed my head into my pillow and sobbed myself to sleep.
I woke up naturally, no kids stomping up and down the stairs, no screaming or shouting, I woke up on my own accord. I grabbed my phone off of my dresser, I ignored all the notifications, it was 12:09 on a Friday! "Shit!" I whispered to myself. How the heck did I sleep through my alarm and how come no one came to wake me up? I ran to my wardrobe and pulled out a dark blue crop top and a black short overalls dress. I grabbed a set of black boots and ran into the bathroom. I almost screamed when I looked in the mirror! I must have cried more than I expected cause my makeup from last night had ran a lot. I quickly applied some cute natural makeup, I had no time to wash my hair so I just braided into french plaits and ran downstairs.
There was a note left on the kitchen table it read:
Brought the kids to school early, your father and I are gone on a weekend trip away so you have to babysit. Make sure you're not late for school and be sure to pick them up on time!
Love Mom and Dad
WHAT!? Was this my punishment!? Having to babysit annoying little rats for a weekend!? I glanced at the kitchen clock on the wall it was now 12:45 I didn't see the point of going to school now cause we get half days every Friday. I pulled out my phone and opened imessage. I had over 20 missed calls from Chloe and 40 texts!
Chloe:Nessa where are you?
Chloe:I don't wanna leave without you
Chloe:Did you ditch me?
Chloe:Nessa please I'm worried about you
Chloe:I have to leave this party but I don't wanna leave without you!
I stopped reading after that, Did she not get my text? I scrolled up. I almost dropped my phone when I saw a red exclamation point on top of my text, It didn't send! Chloe must think I just ditched her! I have to make it up to her, but how? She's in school. I grabbed the house phone and dialed my school's number. The secretary picked up and her scratchy voice began to rudley introduce the school.
"Green lake high, Los Angelas' top high school, Secretary Cooper speaking may I help you?"
"Yes my name is Mildred White, I'm Chloe White's mother, I would like to withdraw Chloe from school for the day due to a family crisis" I mumbled in my best Mildred impression.(Chloe's Mom)
"Of course Mrs White I'll call her to the office and have her wait in the parking lot for you" Miss Cooper stated hanging up the phone. Wow that was scary but exhilarating!
I ran outside and grabbed my keys, I hopped in my cute pink mini cooper. After Thanksgiving Karen and John attempted to make me feel better by buying me a car, I'm not complaining or anything but it just shows how unloving they are.
I drove as fast as I could, I drove up the long driveway to the high school, it's weird how difficult it was to scale those gates last night and now I'm just driving through them. I pulled up in the carpark, I saw Chloe and I kicked the passenger seat door open. "Get in!" I shouted.
"No!" She said stubbornly crossing her arms. "I'm waiting for my mom"
"That was me you thick ass! Now get in!" I shouted again.
"Vanessa Go Away!" She shrieked, she only used my name when she was being serious with me and I mean really serious!
"Chloe please?" I asked, she rolled her eyes and reluctantly got into the car. "Look Chloe I'm so so so sorry, I swear on my life I sent you a text but it didn't send, I began walking home but Karen found me so I wasn't able to contact you and I overslept so I didn't bother going to school and I only saw your texts ligit like 5 minutes ago" I ranted, trying to explain myself in the most innocent way possible.
She burst out laughing, I was so confused. "What?" I asked, staring at her blankly.
"Nessa you don't need to explain yourself all I needed was an apology, I believe you and I never thought that you ligi just left me" She stated, smiling as she pulled me in for a hug, "But if we're being honest I seriously thought it was my mom calling" She laughed, blushing.
"For real!?" I burst out laughing. She nodded embarrassed "well I have to pick up the kids from school so wanna come?" I asked, giving her puppy eyes.
"Fine, but what about your car? You don't wanna get it dirty"
"That's why I always have a tarp in the boot" I smiled, seeming as my 'siblings' were young and sticky they always found a way to mess up everything! The day we moved into our house they had already written all over their bedroom walls and they didn't even get into trouble for it! I began to drive towards their elementary school. I connected my phone to the car's speaker and blasted out music.
We pulled up outside the school early so I asked Chloe to put the tarp down while I went in and collected the youngest one. I walked into the bright colorful hallways where multiple eager parents were waiting to collect their perfect little bratty children. I had no clue what classroom to go to, yet alone which grade they were in. I walked up to a snotty looking woman in a tight pencil skirt and a waistcoat. "Excuse me Ma'am but do you know what class Charlie Anderson is in?" I asked politely as possible, trying to contain my utter disgust towards her outfit choice.
"Yes he's in my daughter Nicole's class, Quite a troublemaker I must add" She stated.
"Ugh tell me about it!" I agreed, she looked taken back, It was as if she expected me to feel hurt about her comment.
"You look a little young to be a mother" She said sharply, looking me up and down.
You look a little old I thought, "ME? I'm most certainly not his MOTHER! I am just here to pick him up!" I corrected,, she opened her mouth to speak again but I wasn't bothered to listen so I walked away to wait somewhere else. The bell rang and small kids began piling out of the classroom, it was like a stampede. As soon as I saw Charlie I grabbed his hand and walked out of the school.
"Nessa?" He asked confused.
"Nothing, it's just been so long since I've seen you" He giggled.
"Charlie you are six, you have barely seen anything in this world!" I stated as I began dragging him to the car.
"What about Becca?" He asked quietly.
"Shit!" I mumbled, he gasped covering his mouth,
"I'm telling Mommy!" He threatened.
"Go ahead" I laughed "Now what grade is Rebecca in?" I asked.
"She usually waits at the cool wall where all the popular girls from her grade hang out" He stated.
I walked up to a crowded wall which I assumed was the 'popular' wall cause there was a bunch of small bratty girls standing around, pointing fingers and giggling. I marched up to the wall still holding Charlie's small sticky hand. "Rebecca come on it's time to come home!" I shouted over the group of girls. They all went quiet and stared up at me, it was kinda creepy, they all had smiles on their faces.
"Wow your sister is so cool!"
"She does have good fashion sense!"
I glared at Rebecca who was know red with embarrassment "I hate to intrude your little 'cool' gang but Rebecca has to come home Now!" I stated. Rebecca emerged from the crowd keeping her head low. We slowly walked away, the girls continued to whisper behind us. "Who cares what weird awkward 10 year olds think am I right?" I said breaking the silence. Neither of them answered. I looked down at them, they were both staring at me.."Ok what's with all the staring!?" I asked.
"Sorry, I haven't seen you in ages!" Rebecca whined.
I didn't answer I just trudged back to the car. Chloe had set the tarp down in the backseat, she had also placed a booster seat chair. "What's with the booster?" I asked, strapping Charlie in.
"Your little brother Jacob" She answered. I felt so stupid!
"Shit!" I shouted running back into the school to the kindergarten block. The halls were empty and I had no clue where to find him. I ran up and down hallways until I came to a doo where I could see that the classroom lights were still on in, I peaked through the glass and saw Jacob sitting down next to a teacher's desk playing with his feat. I knocked on the door and barged in. "I'm so sorry Miss I.. I was stuck in traffic" I apologized.
"And who are you?" The teacher asked,
"I'm Jacob's older sister, Vanessa Anderson" I stated confused.
"Because of strict school rules I am not able to hand a child over to a non parent without proof" She said, crossing her arms. Wow School has changed a lot from when I was young, I was just kicked out the door and that was that.
"Okay, well Jacob knows who I am"
"Jacob who is this?" The teacher asked in a kind voice, a complete different tone she used when talking to me! She kneeled down to his level.
He stared at me from a while, he looked confused. Shit what if he doesn't remember me!? He's only like three and I haven't shown my face downstairs in my house or even outside of my bedroom in a very long time!
"Nessa?" He asked, I sighed heavily, thank goodness he knows me!
"Ok I'm sorry Miss you may take him, and please next time pick him up on time!" She ordered.
I picked Jacob up and looked him in the eye, we left the classroom, "Thank you for knowing who I am" I laughed. I put him down, he grabbed my hand and giggled. I walked back to the ca, strapped him in his booster and left.
"Phew that was really hard" I laughed to Chloe,
"I can't believe you forgot about Jacob!" She chuckled.
"Hey it is not my fault!" I jokingly defended.
"It kinda sorta is, I mean you live with these kids how could you forget about one!" she laughed.
It was all funny until Rebecca decided to butt in and ruin basically everything. "She forgets cause she never comes out of her room"
"What do you mean?" Chloe asked turning around to face Rebecca.
"It doesn't matter!" I interrupted.
"Ever since she found out she was adopted she hasn't come out of her room" Rebecca stated.
I slapped my forehead, Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit! Chloe laughed "Haha Nessa's not adopted, don't joke about that kinda stuff"
I stopped the car at the side of the road and slammed my head into the steering wheel, tears began welling up in my eyes. I had no clue what to do, I had never told anybody that I was adopted, the only reason the kids know is because of how messed up Thanksgiving was last year! The whole car was silent for about thirty seconds which felt about thirty years!
"Vanessa is it true?" Chloe whispered. I couldn't even lift my head to answer her, I was too ashamed in myself for hiding something so big from my best friend. "Vanessa!?"
I slowly lifted my head, tears softly strolling down my cheeks, I glanced at Chloe who looked hurt, "it is" She whispered. We stared at each for a few seconds before she opened the car door and stood out onto the footpath, "Congratulations Vanessa for winning worst friend of the year! I thought we could trust each other! I told you all my secrets!" She shouted,
"Chloe I wasn't' ready to tell anyone!" I defended but it was too late, she had already slammed the door and started walking away. "We are driving home, you are packing your bags and you are all staying at uncle Jim's for the weekend! Do you hear me?" I mumbled, tears now streaming down my face.
"Nessa I'm sorry but please uncle Jim is weird" Rebecca started,
"Rebecca that was not your secret to tell! You just ruined a long friendship, how does that make you feel? Shit right? Cause that's how I feel!" I stated as I began driving again.
A/N: Hey Guys! Hope you're enjoying the boom so far<3 Can't believe it's already over 100 reads!!! Feel free to ask any questions if you have any;)
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