The Call
So John and Karen returned home earlier and of course Rebecca told on me! That little brat! I'm gonna ruin her social life. Surprise Surprise I'm grounded for two months and have gotten my phone taken away from me, luckily I have an emergency back up though. I have school in the morning and I couldn't be more petrified, as much as I love school I'm just nervous to see what Chloe's gonna do, I mean it's not like anyone will believe her stories anyway they're all weirdly obsessed with me.
This diary thing to be honest is a pile of fresh cow shit! The counselor said it will 'help' but guess what? It hasn't, not one inch! I'm half thinking of just dumping it later cause it just takes effort to write in.
This weekend has been crazy though, I can't even forgive myself for what happened on Friday night! Thank goodness Jake was there or else I wouldn't be writing in this diary right now.
I'm still not talking to anyone but it's weird if I don't say bye so... Bye?
I closed my diary and stuffed it in my shelf, I quickly changed into my pj's and went straight into bed.
I opened my eyes, finding myself standing in the middle of a large hallway, at one end stood Karen and John, and the other a women with a blurry face who apparently was my birth Mother. They were all calling my name, begging me to join them at one side. "Vanessa honey, we cared for you for almost 17 years, come to us!" John yelled.
"Vanessa, darling, I've been waiting for so long to meet you! Please come to me, we'll get to know each other, we can become a family" She shouted from the other side. My head was spinning, I had no clue who I should choose, My heart wanted my real mom but my mind was telling me to stick with Karen and John. Suddenly water rose up to my ankles out of nowhere, it was rising and it wouldn't stop until I had to make a final decision! Sweat dripped down my forehead and I grew terrified, either way I chose I would hurt somebody and if I chose no one I would kill everybody! I began panicking! I screamed over all the kaos, shouting at everyone to shut up! But it was too late, the water was up to my chin and I was about to drown.
I woke up, drenched in sweat and gasping for air. I was panting heavily, my door burst open as Karen ran into my room, "What's wrong honey!?" She asked, running over to me. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" She asked.
"No I'm fine, it was just a bad dream" I answered bluntley.
"Alright honey, if you need me I'm just down the hall" she whispered, planting a kiss on my forehead which I quickly wiped off. As soon as she closed my door my alarm clock went off for school. Great. I slowly got out of bed and dragged myself over to my wardrobe and picked out an outfit. Because it was summer I picked out a pair of denim shorts, a cute pink crop top with cute writen under the left shoulder, a new pair of adidas shoes with a matching cap and put my hair up into a high ponytail. My outfit was actually pretty decent, hopefully I don't get pulled aside for having too much skin showing. Next I went into the bathroom and started on my makeup.
After about two hours of getting ready I ran downstairs, grabbed a banana along with my car keys and skipped out the front door, the heat blasted me in seconds. So I pulled out some aviators and put them on. I hopped in my cute little pink car and drove to school. I pulled up in a front parking space, where the cool kids usually parked. As soon as I got out of my car Jake pulled up beside me in a new convertible. "Cool ride right? It makes me look hotter" He laughed.
"I don't judge guys on what car they have or their looks" I giggled. He jumped over his door and locked it with his keys.
"How are you?" He whispered nicely.
"Could be better, but Jake I beg you not to treat me differently after what I tried to do" I answered.
"Whatever you want" He assured, taking hold of my hand, I didn't hesitate, I wasn't embarrassed to be seen with Jake and I didn't care if people saw my affection so I squeezed his hand back as we walked into the school doors. It was like in those movies where when a cool kids walks in and everyone pushes against the lockes in silence as they gaze in awe as they pass by. He walked me to my locker and turned to face me.
He was smiling ear to ear, as was I.
"I have practise at lunchtime for the basketball team if you wanna come watch" He laughed nervously,
"And I have lunch to eat, you know you don't need to try and impress me Jake, I like you for you" I smiled.
"Good, then I'll see you at lunch" He answered as he walked away,
"Wait! Jake don't skip practice for me!" I called after him but it was too late, he had already gone.
"New romance?!" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice echo through my ears.
"Yes Chloe! Now what do you want?" I asked bluntly.
"I was gonna ask if..." She started but I immediately cut her off. "If you are not gonna apologise then please just don't waiste your voice" As soon as I finished she closed her mouth and stormed off. I didn't need her, I could make new friends, it would be easy. I grabbed my chemistry book from my locker and made my way to class.
"Alright class, seeming as we only have one month left of school, I'm letting you chose a lab partner" The boring teacher Mr Lemoncat chimed. I sat beside the window and waited for someone to sit next to me. There was a few people bustling to get the seat but in the end Amber got it.
"Hi Vanessa!" She said happily, feeling accomplished that she had gotten the seat next to me.
"Hey Amber!" I said in the nicest tone I possibly could, I hated being grumpy to nice people, Amber always made sure everyone had a friend even if they were rude and mean.
The teacher began giving a lecture about some sort of chemistry thing, I don't know, I dozed off. I was thinking about my dream and who I should have chosen. The right thing to do was stick with Karen and John but I was also so curious to find out more about my birth mother.
"Vanessa, we have talked about this!" A loud voice shouted in my ear, waking me up from my daydream "You ought to stop dozing off in class!" The teacher stated, but before he could finish the bell rang, "And remember assignments are due next Thursday!" He yelled over the loud rustling of students grabbing their stuff.
I had music next which was ok I guess, I never really had a problem with learning instruments, it kinda just came naturally to me. I took a seat in the large room where the chairs were gathered in a circle, a stereotypical 'popular' girl sat next to me. She was beautiful and blonde, she was loudly chewing gum and on her phone. I wasn't intimidated, even though she was like 6 foot tall! I felt like I was in the right place.
The weird music teacher Mr Lambogrichin sat criss cross applesauce in the centre of the circle of chairs on the floor. "My young seedlings, Today we will sprout from the ground and create wonderful music! I want Taylor Smith on the bass, Andrew Matthews on the drums, Vanessa Anderson on the keyboard and Vanessa why don't you sing as well" He hummed.
I wasn't scared, I didn't give two shits on what people thought of my voice so I smoothly got up and made my way over to the keyboard. "Now I've heard you all play individually but let's see how you sound all together! I want you to sing 'Still into you' by paramore, it's tough but I believe you can pull it off" He said peacefully.
Music class went fast and so did maths and now it was time for lunch, I got food from the Cafeteria and sat down at an empty table, before I knew it Jake slumped down beside me. "Hola" He said happily.
"Let me guess spanish?" I laughed.
"Yup, I got my test back and I failed" He chuckled "Oh Well" Suddenly a whole lot of jocks and cheerleaders sat down at our table like usual.
"So, you never tweetet how you won the dare games Vanessa" Jessica chimed.
"It was a tie if you wanna know" I answered "Well actually Jake won" I corrected myself.
"No if I'm right, we both actually completed our dares it's just we both forfeited afterwards" He laughed.
All through lunch Jake held my hand under the table, it was really cute and everyone was so funny. I completely forgot about Chloe and it felt great. But with every positive comes a negative so as I heard my phone ringing in my pocket and I answered my phone my whole world turned upside down.
A/N: Hey Guys, so I'm afraid I'm leaving you on a cliff hanger for about two weaks XD <3
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