'So when do you wanna meet? I'm with my boyfriend but I'll make him go somewhere else' I texted with my hands shaking,
'My mom's kinda crazy obsessed with stalking me so it will have to be during school or when I'm shopping, preferably at school cause my phone stays in my locker' she replied almost immediately,
'Goody two shoes lmao' I laughed aloud knowing it wouldn't wake up Jake,
'It's not me, she literally is addicted to knowing my exact location plus she won't know if I don't go to class'
'My school is really weird, there's not very many rules and it's not that strict so just come in whenever, it's about a 10 minute walk from your hotel, West orange high school is its name, use maps' she explained.
'Don't go to school on Thursday' I texted hoping she'd comply,
'Sounds good' She replied after what felt like hours.
I lay on my back for hours just thinking about our meet up, I cried then didn't then cried, then didn't. I've put myself in a forced situation yet again, I went online and forced myself to buy a ticket back home to LA for Wednesday, two days time, the payment was just about to go through before it had me confirm once more, my finger hovered above 'ok' but quickly pressed 'cancel'
My phone rang in my hand, I stared at the caller ID and for some reason answered, "what?" I asked bluntly.
"Hello honey" Karen's skeeky irritating voice echoed through my ears,
"What?" I asked again growing impatient.
"I just wanted to check up"
"Isn't it like 5 in the morning over there?" I asked suddenly being interested,
"How's Kansas? Can you tell me about it?" She asked hopefully, what the fuck, ok fine there was nothing else to do.
"I met Clara my birth mother, she's nice, she's young" I added hearing Karen go silent as if this were a movie and she was just about to sit down and dig into popcorn. "Her parents are more psycho then you and John which is hard to be-"
"Vanessa" she interrupted me, "We are the ones who raised you" she finished before letting me finish,
"So I have a sister-" I tried beginning again but surprise surprise Karen interrupted me again!
"What!? I thought you were kidding! How old is she? What's her name? What does she look like?" She kept asking and I almost hung up.
"Karen!" I shouted knowing Jake wouldn't wake up.
"Sorry continue"
"I'm in Florida to meet her with Jake and I'm kinda nervous about it, she's my twin sister, we look the exact same and it freaks me out completely. I know Clara was like 16 when she gave birth to me and when I was about five months old she gave us up for adoption and demanded we stayed together so I was adopted almost immediately and she was in a foster home for a few years" I said not finished but Karen decided she say something again,
"Vanessa you weren't adopted almost immediately either, we always told you that you were an airport baby and adopted you straight away but you weren't that young" she began which actually made me shut up. "You were still young when we adopted you but you were about one maybe one and a half" she said, "you came on a plane from Kansas alright but you might not have been alone" she explained,
"KAREN! Would you not think to look at other children! Biggest dumbass ever! We looked the exact same" I shouted into my phone.
"I know but all babies look the same" she tried defending herself,
"There's a reason you're such a annoying bitch!" I yelled before hanging up and someone shouting at me to shut up. I threw my phone across the room, poured at least 6 pills in my hand and swallowed them with a bit of water and in seconds I was out cold.
"Wake up, Vanessa, hello? It's like 3 o'clock and you're still asleep" I heard Jake call but I was too tired to open my eyes, "I don't know how many fucking pills you took but there's like five left" he said before giving up on waking me up.
I finally had the energy to wake up and when I did I felt more tired than ever before, I washed my hair and got ready, "it's four o'clock, you know that right?" He laughed as he gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"Sorry about your pills" I apologized, "Don't worry" he smiled, holding up an extra bottle, "wait how? I thought they were really hard to get"
"Forgot that I actually packed an extra one" he laughed. "Anyways I'm going to this doctor who gathering about 20 minutes away, do you wanna come?" He asked,
"No thanks" I said before giving him a kiss goodbye.
As soon as the door shut I pulled out my camera and tripod, the last video I posted was my first one which was ages ago, I decided I would leave the one of traveling off my channel to make it less... depressing.
'Send questions, I'll answer them on my YouTube channel but make it fast ;]' I tweeted and in minutes I had enough questions.
I turned on the camera and began recording my intro, "hey guys it's Vanessa and before I start the video please subscribe and hit the bell notification to get notified whenever I post a new video and without further ado here's my first Q&A!" I smiled before ending that part and pulling up questions and recording again.
"So in my last video I explained that I lived in LA and part of a family of 6, two boys and two girls not including the parents, I also explained that I was a senior in high school so let's see if anybody has any questions about that" I said before reading the first question.
"When is your birthday cause I'd love to send you something from @LaurenGellin" I read out before answering, "thank you Lauren, my birthday is the 1st of August 1996, well technically it's not but I'll tell you guys about that another time" I laughed before continuing.
"And finally this question is from @JakeBuckner and he asks, since when have you had a YouTube channel, btw it's amazing, well Jake" I smiled, "I've had this channel a few months and kind of forgot about it so there's your answer"
"Thank you guys so much for watching, if you like this video give it a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe, press the circle over there to over there to check out some of my previous videos" I said pointing to the corner where I would edit in my channel, "follow me on all my social media's which will be linked below and Thanks for watching, Bye" I smiled, closing my eyes and holding up a peace sign, "wow that came out of my mouth so naturally" I laughed before turning off the camera and editing that part in.
I spent ages and ages editing and finally gave up and decided to finish it tomorrow or something.
"Didn't know you were a YouTuber" Jake laughed as he opened the hotel room door and dumped a bunch of shopping bags on the floor, "what's in the bags?" I asked ignoring his statement, "Well I'm sick of fast food and hotel food so I bought us some actual fruit and vegetables and food real meat to make curries and eat healthy cause we're gonna get fat, well I will, you could eat a cow and you'd lose weight" he laughed,
"Not my fault I have a fast metabolism" I smiled helping him empty stuff into the mini fridge. "Shall we eat my lady" He asked in a funny accent while bowing to me, "not hungry" I replied going to sit on the bed.
"What?" I asked guilty,
"You haven't eaten properly in days and before you say it's nerves I'm not taking that as an as an answer, I will spoon feed you if I have to"
"We're having salad and you're getting the paper plates ready, you're gonna eat as much as you can" he ordered,
"Yes sir" I laughed annoyed, One thing I've definitely learned about Jake is that he's really convincing kinda like a dog trainer.
(Thanks for reading<3 hope you enjoyed❤️ there's a storm coming which will most likely shut off my power so I won't be able to update for the next few days but at least school was canceled XD)
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