Melody Hill Foster Home
Jake and I left after we finished our hot chocolates, he asked if I was in need of somewhere to stay but I declined the offer and asked him to drop me off at my car in the park. We sat in silence again but it was a good silence because we both new that something good had come out of this. When we reached the park he got out of the car and stood in front of me. His chin was about an inch above my head but it felt nice when he rested it on me for a hug. "Thank you. Thank you for saving my life" I whispered as I hugged him tighter.
"It was worth it" He answered. I looked up and he looked down, we gazed into each other's eyes for a solid 10 seconds. His bright green eyes reflected light into mine.
"I never knew I would fall for a jock" I giggled nervously but truthfully, Jake had revealed his true caring self tonight and it made me realize the feelings I had for him were more than just friendly ones. I looked at his face, his thick blonde curly hair covering half of it but I could make out how surprised he was.
"Well I fell for you a long time ago" He smiled. He pulled my hips closer and kissed my lips, they were soft and smooth, just like I had imagined. I pulled away after about a minute and giggled.
"Wait how long have you liked me for?"
"Since kindergarten" He chuckled.
I laughed and walked over to my car, waving goodbye. I pulled my still wet car keys out of my zipped hoodie under Jakes jacket. Throughout the entire drive home I had a smile planted from ear to ear. This would usually be the point where I would call Chloe and gossip about my night but I was in no mood to even think about that bitch!
I walked inside and stumbled upstairs, my point of view on everything had taken a massive turn in the last hour. I went to my bed and lay down, I giggled to myself, finding it hard to believe that I fancy Jake! Harder to believe that we kissed! And that he's liked me since fricken kindergarten! I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep, dreaming about my crazy day.
I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun shining into my room, I haven't woken up happy in a very very long time. I skipped downstairs and grabbed an apple, I made my way back upstairs to prepare for today. I tied my hair into french plaits and did my make up naturally allowing my freckles to show. I wore black denim jeans, white converse and a blue shoulderless top. I grabbed my phone to check my recent notifications, no surprize they were all from twitter.
@VanessaAnderson I officially call it! You my friend have won the Dare games!
I replied while laughing.
@JakeBuckner We'll have to check the rule book to make sure XD
In seconds I had tons of favourites and replies asking why Jake thought I won and why I was denying it.
I had nothing to do for the day. I sat on my bed and thought for a while. I finally decided! I was thinking to myself, what if I was never adopted? I would have probably been in a foster home with no family whatsoever, I thought about how much I would have wanted to spend a day out with someone like an older sister or brother. I decided I would go down to the foster home in town and sign up to be a BigSister.
I gathered my stuff and went to my car. I drove straight into town, I knew where it was cause one day for school we came down and raised money for better facilities. I pulled up in the carpark and walked into the bright orange building. It was a normal house, it was just bigger, more colourful and packed with kids. I walked over to the front office and knocked on the door, a lady indicated for me to come in so I did just that.
"Please take a seat, how may I help you?" She asked kindly.
"Hi I'm Vanessa Anderson, I was wondering if you guys still do the buddy system or BigBrother and BigSister?" I asked.
"We do indeed, were you looking on taking a child out?" She asked.
"Yes I was, Is there much hassle involved?" I questioned.
"Only a little. As you know here at Melody Hill Foster Home we are very caring and protective, we take extreme care after our children and show them as much love as we possibly can. We introduced BigBrother and BigSister to give the kids a chance to have a fun day out with an older adolescent. To allow you to take part in our system we have to check your records, have you do a test, have you meet the kids and have a child choose you" She spoke as if the information was programmed into her brain.
"Cool let's get started then!" I said full of excitement.
"What is your full name?"
"Vanessa Bella Anderson" I replied, she began typing on her computer as she handed me a slip of paper and a pen. I wrote down my contact number, my date of birth, my address and my guardian's contact number.
"So Vanessa can you tell me why you're here today?"
"I imagined what it would be like if I was in the children's situation and I felt the need to come down, I recently found out that I was adopted and I was actually thinking if I want's I probably would have wound up here" I laughed.
"Really? Interesting." She said bluntly, obviously not paying attention. "Ok I've just had a look at your record and it seems clean" She stated, changing the subject. "You may follow me" She ordered. She led me into an even smaller room with a small desk in the corner, "You have thirty minutes to fill out this test" She said as she handed me a piece of paper and a pen. I walked over and sat down at the desk and began on the 'test'.
It wasn't hard, the questions were basically asking what I would do in some sort of an emergency situation where the child was in trouble or if a strange person approached us, It was general knowledge I guess. After half an hour the lady came into me and took the paper and ld me to a room with two couches and a coffee table. "Stay here!"
I sat down and waited, I glanced at a big clock on the wall, it was only 12 in the afternoon so after this if I got approved I could still have a day full of fun with the child. About 10 minutes had passed before 4 children entered the room along with an adult.
"I'm gonna leave you all alone for a while to bond." The adult said as she left the room. The kids all sat on a couch opposite me.
"Hi guys! I'm Vanessa, what are your names?" I asked happily. None of them answered. "Don't be shy" I urged.
"I'm Laura" A little girl whispered sitting at the end of the couch.
"Wow that's a beautiful name Laura, how old are you?" I asked. It was weird, I had never been this way around kids before. She held up 4 fingers. All the kids went next, 'Philip, Alexia and Sammy'
"So do you all want a Big Sister?" I questioned. They all shook their head except for Sammy who was 6.
"All the other girls and boys want want a cool BigBrother but I want a BigSister!" She smiled. She was so cute.
After around an hour of playing with the kids I was called into the office. "So Vanessa you've been approved to become an BigSister! You can start today if you like?" She stated happily.
"That would be wonderful!"
She explained that the kids would choose amongst themselves who would come with me for the day, she told me to wait another bit while the kids talked. I waited for quite a long time until the office door opened. The lady walked in with Sammy behind her. A smile wider than her face spread across her cheeks.
"Here you go Sammy, This is a ladybird phone, if anything bad happens press the house button and it will call us and if something dangerous and scary happened press the 911 button and the police will be called" The lady explained. She then moved her eye vision towards mine. "If you find someone is following yo, don't be alarmed it will be Sammy's social worker" She assured. I nodded my head and bent down till I reached Sammy's eye level.
"Hiya Sammy" I smiled as I stuck out my hand for her to shake it. She looked at it and giggled, she pulled me in for a hug instead.
After another few minutes of signing papers we were allowed leave.
I held her hand as we walked down the street. "So Sammy tell me about yourself"
"My name is Sammy, I am 6 years old and I live in avery big house full of kids and I love playing" She giggled. I laughed with her, she was too cute too handle. She was wearing a yellow top and denim overalls, her light brown curly hair was in pigtails. "So Vanessa tell me about yourself" She mocked which made me burst out laughing.
"Well Sammy My name is Vanessa, I am 17 years old and I live in a house with a different family and I love school" I said.
"What do you mean a different family?" She asked,
"I was adopted" I explained.
"Oh like I might be someday" She smiled.
We walked a little further until we reached the park. We played on the swings, in the sandbox and on the slide. Sammy was distracted by a catchy song that rang through the air. "Ice Cream!" She screamed, she jumped up and down in excitement, she had a glistening want in her eyes which forced me to say yes. After we both got our ice cream we sat down on the park bench exhausted.
"So Sammy what do you wanna do next?" I asked.
"Shopping! All the older girls at Melody Hill are allowed go shopping once a month with their school friends and I've always wanted to go!" She basically begged.
"Well lucky for you Sammy town is only a two minute walk away and I happen to be a professional shopper!" I smirked.
"Great let's go then!" She chimed.
She grabbed my hand and dragged me across the park, a lady that must have been her social worker also followed us. We had a very funny conversation on our way in, discussing all the weird things we could think of. By the time we made it in Sammy was bending over with laughter. "Which shop first?" I asked. I expected her to pick something like Toys R us but instead she insisted we go straight to Sephora. "How do you know about Sephora?"
"The older girls always talk about how much they want stuff from there" She declared. We strutted into the beauty shop and looked around, it was then when I spotted the last person in this entire world that I wanted to see, Chloe.
"Sammy can we come back here later?!" I asked, trying to pull her away but she was too intrigued by lip gloss to listen.
"Vanessa!?" I heard Chloe ask.
I sighed and turned around. "What?"
"Hi, it's uh been a while" She whispered.
"By a while do you mean a day?" I said sarcastically.
"Look it was a lot to take in, ok? I'm sorry!" She stated harshly.
"I don't know what has gotten over you Chloe but the way you've been acting lately disgusts me, so come back to me when you wanted unpause our friendship!" I whispered angrily, making sure Sammy wouldn't hear, but it was too late, she was already staring up at me confused.
"Fine!" Chloe shrieked as she ran out of the store.
"Who was that crazy girl" Sammy giggled.
"That was my friend who doesn't like me cause I told her I was adopted" I answered. I saw Sammy staring in awe at a pink sparkly lip gloss. "Do you like it?" I asked.
She didn't answer, she just continued to stare at it, I grabbed it and went up to the counter and paid for it.
"That will be 42$ please ma'am" The lady ordered, I handed her my card and led Sammy out of the shop. I handed her the bag.
"Here I want you to have this, show all the older girls and tell them that it's one of a kind" I smiled, she hugged my legs and whispered thank you.
I walked her back to Melody Hill and waved goodbye as her social worker took her inside.
I really enjoyed my day with Sammy, I never knew it was that easy to lighten someone's day.
(There's probably a ton of spelling and grammar mistakes in this but I don't careXD Hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter<3)
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