My head felt light but my body felt like the heaviest thing ever, how in God's name is this possible!? "What do you mean?" I giggled realising this was probably a big joke you know, between mother and daughter, "you know..."
"Clara" she interrupted,
"Well Clara I strongly appreciate you reaching out to me but I don't think we should be joking just yet, I wanna get to know you, probably the same with you" I smiled hoping she'd just continue telling me about her.
"Vanessa please understand, I know you're in the moment but I thought that you two were traveling up together? Right? You kept saying 'us'" she smiled nervously, "I gave birth to two children and I would strongly appreciate that you tell me where she is!" It then hit me that she was being serious, I gulped not knowing how to answer, "Come on Vanessa"
"Can you give me a moment please?" I asked as I walked outside to get some air, Jake was quick to follow me, "Can I please just have some space!?" I panted, he walked back inside as I paced around the foot path. I shakily grabbed my phone and dialed Karen's number which was under the name annoying bitch, she didn't deserve a capital letter. "HELLO!? Is that all you can say!?" I shouted, Karen was taken back and she asked why I was so mad, "I HAVE A SISTER!" I cried, she stayed silent for a moment before speaking.
"Vanessa I don't know what you're on because I can confirm to you that your father and I only picked up one baby from the airport" she laughed thinking this was a joke,
"Shut up Karen and tell me the truth!" I croaked,waiting for an answer.
"Vanessa go take a nap because I think you might be coming down with something, if you think your father and I wouldn't have taken two children when we were told there was only a 1/50 chance of even having our own children!" She explained, before letting her finish a boring lecture I hung up and walked back into the restaurant and sat down across from my mother.
"Is it true? Do I have a younger or older sister?" I whispered,
"What are you saying? You have a twin" she stated making my mouth drop almost dislocating my jaw, my eyes watered, I felt light headed and wanted to just wake up from a bad dream and find out that Karen and John are my annoying parents and just hate life but sadly this was reality and I didn't know how to feel about it.
"Sorry this is a lot to take in.." I began but finished, placing my face in my palms and spilling a few tears.
"Vanessa I'm sorry... I can't imagine how you're feeling" she patted my back which felt strange, I whipped my tears away, leaving my eyes bloodshot and my cheeks red.
"The people that adopted me had no clue that I had a sister" I sniffled as Wendy handed me a tissue,
"It's ok, whoever adopted her as an emergency contact for me in case something goes horribly wrong" she whispered, but we both know no one ever rigs that number unless you're my loopy grandma. We distracted ourselves by discussing my adoption,
"You were born in Kansas originally but I was very very young at the time and my parents wouldn't let me keep you guys unless I covered all the money side, they were very proud of their perfect family until I 'messed it all up',they've never really forgiven me. I tried taking care of you guys for a while but juggling school and twins babies and still being a teenager was a struggle and even though my parents were supposed to be supportive they weren't in the slightest. The point came to where I began to fall asleep in class and my grades dropped, I began failing and my parents had none of that, you two were about 3 months at this stage and I was running low on cash, neither my siblings or my parents would help out so I had no choice and it had gotten to the point where you guys were screaming and crying in hunger, I felt like a horrible person but it was the only choice to keep you two safe and potentially alive" she explained as if she'd said about a million times before,
"I'm sorry... but who's my father?" I asked,
"My sophomore year boyfriend who quickly ended it with me after he found out, he helped out in cash wise for a while until his family moved away for a fresh start in Philadelphia"
"Wow you were young" I answered surprised.
We stayed silent for ages until I asked a few more questions,
"You're actually name is Vanessa Jo Merrell which is my maiden name because I want giving you your fathers, your sister is Veronica Jo Merrell" she finished,
I had to contain a giggle which was really hard, "Why do we have the same middle name?" She didn't answer but just looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you Vanessa, for coming to meet me... giving you and your sister away was the hardest thing I've ever had to do" She said beginning to tear up causing me to aswell until I asked for a selfie so I could post it on Instagram and Twitter which completely ruined the moment but I'm Vanessa and I'm awkward.
"I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna continue going as Vanessa Anderson" I stated awkwardly, she gave me a sad look as if I had done something,
"Oh that's ok" She whispered and fake smiled but quickly changed asking me about my life and I had no problem explaining it to her.
"So Basically...."
Hours passed and before we knew if the restaurant was closing and we had spent all day just talking which was really nice, she offered jake and me a room in her apartment but I reclined telling her we had booked and in which wasn't true, I just didn't want it to be awkward for Jake. We sat in his car in silence while I smiled to myself, "Looks like it went well"
"It actually went really well but I found out really big news which is probably gonna change my life" I told him, he looked at me confused,
"I have a twin sister" I exhaled, watching his jaw drop,
"Seriously?! That's awesome!" He laughed quickly kissing my cheek. We talked for a while, explaining to him why I was givin up for adoption until we finally pulled up to a B&B both exhausted so we immediately hopped into bed, Jake taking a pill and quickly falling asleep and even though I was tired there was something keeping me up. I wanted to find my sister and I wanted to start searching right now, I went to the best place to find a person and that was social media! I started off with Twitter. I did a simple search of Veronica cause I had no clue what her last name was, but only verified accounts came up, I scrolled through all of the non verified accounts but there was nothing, I wasn't sure what she looked like I mean there's
A chance we look the same but there's always a chance we don't and I would never find her. I went to Instagram and did the same and found nothing. It left me upset so I didn't feel like sleeping at all now so I just threw on a jacket and went for a walk in the cold evening.
How would I find her? Clara didn't know where she was or have a number for her family, only Veronica's family new how to contact us, I hadn't realized how far I'd walked thinking about such simple thoughts, I looked around and nothing looked familiar. Great, Just great. I reached into my pocket to get my phone but it wasn't there, oh no. I had no clue where I was, in the middle of a state I'd never been to before with no phone, I tried walking back in the direction I came but I ended up getting even more lost. What was I gonna do? Wait till light? Or just keep walking.
(Hey guys hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long to update I'll try to update faster:) Thanks for reading<3)
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