Saturday finally arrived, the day I planned to begin posting my videos, my hip wasn't as sore as it was but it was still healing, Jake and I went on several shopping trips purchasing more healthy food and some nice stuff to treat ourselves, he bought me a pair of white yeezez and to be honest they're a waste of money, 500$ for a pair of shoes that aren't even heels?
"Let's have Mcdonald's" I begged as we trudged past but Jake insisted we make our own food back in our hotel room, he contacted his dad for the first time in a while and managed to make him rent out a suite for us so we had our own kitchen so Jake could now make meat... yay?
"Burger King?" I asked almost drooling,
"Nope" he laughed passing me an apple but I refused, Jake went inside of some video game store and that's when I made a run for it, straight into McDonalds and ordered a plain big Mac with a large fries and a coke, I swear it was 1,000,000 times better than anything Jake or I ever made, my phone went off with texts from Jake.
'Vanessa you didn't'
'IM SORRY IT CALLED ME!!! I'm a food whisperer!' I replied,
'Jesus how much did you order'
I looked up to see Jake staring at my food in awe "just this once" I smiled with food bulging out of my mouth, he sat in front of me and basically drooled at the sight, I became stuffed which left most of the burger untouched so I bribed Jake into treating himself.
"Shit, Jake get down!" I whispered, ducking my head below the window, "what? He asked through eating the burger, "pretty sure Veronica's out there, go look, she doesn't know what you look like" I ordered him, he stuck his head up and began staring at her,
"I don't thi- yep that's her" he said as his mouth dropped revealing his half chewed food, "ew Jake close your mouth, who's she with?" I asked, "some group of girls but she doesn't look happy, they're laughing and she's not" he squinted his eyes, "shit" he said reverting his eyes down to me, "What?"
"She saw me staring" he whispered, "look again" I said, "it looks like she's your sister" he fought getting up to order more food. I glanced above the window frame to a point where she couldn't see me but I could see her, Jake was right, she looked depressed, I saw her pull out her phone and next thing I knew I had a text from her.
'I need your help.' I watched her type, she hid her phone as best she could from the girls she was with,
'What with?'
'I'm with this group atm, they're horrible people and dragged me to a mall just to do stuff' she texted back almost immediately,
'Stuff?' I replied,
'Please Vanessa if anytime to meet this is the best cause they could hurt me' I watched as she slid her phone into her pocket as one of the girls turned her around and began laughing.
"Jake you're to follow me but stay at least 10 feet away, I'll call your name if I need your help but don't make it look suspicious, Ok?" I asked before he could as anything, he ate his food in seconds and followed me out.
'I'll follow you around, I'll make sure they don't do anything' I texted her, I watched her glance at her phone and quickly put it away before a girl tried to snatch it away from her. Veronica looked around in hope to spot me but she couldn't, I followed them store to store until they started laughing and making horrible comments about her that would make anyone cry by the sound.
Finally I followed them down to this avenue that was full of old empty shops that was was strangely indoors, Jake kept a low profile and knew only to step in when needed. Veronica still hadn't spotted me which was a good sign, that meant the other girls hadn't either, it got to a point where they began shoving her a bit which looked like playful pushes which turned into harder pushes which ended up with Veronica on the floor, this was my que!
I walked up to one of the girls and pulled her shoulder around, I was not gonna use violence... I'll try not use violence. The girl stared at me for a solid minute as did everyone else including Veronica, everyone's mouth was wide open in shock, "you better leave her alone" I ordered but they wouldn't listen, "fuck" the girl whispered.
"Ha look another freak!" One of them laughed, "gotta another creepy clone?" One asked shoving Veronica with her foot, "Are you here to collect the the piece of shit that was ditched at birth and nobody wanted or do you wanna join her?" They laughed,
"Last chance, Leave. Her. Alone" I ordered.
"Or what?" One asked me as she shoved me backwards, "you asked for it" I said, I didn't even need to call Jake cause he saw her push me, he ran towards me and pulled me back before shouting at the girls, "you ever lay a hand on her again and you'll regret it, or her" he said pointing at Veronica, "Are you the baby daddy?" One asked which shocked me for a minute, I looked down at Veronica who was shaking her head almost laughing, "Oh I get it" I laughed which made everybody stare at me. "What's your name?" I asked pointing at the obvious leader of the group,
"Kelly, why do you care?" She asked clenching her fists but Jake stood between us, "got a boyfriend?" I asked again figuring it out,
"Fuck off" she answered.
"Samuel" said Veronica who got to her feet,
"Shut the fuck up" she shouted trying to walk away but her friends held her back, they tried storming at us but Jake pushed them back,
"Careful Don't wanna hurt the baby" I laughed, "how far along are you? 3-4 months?" I asked pretending to be concerned, "not showing just yet"
"Shut up" she repeated.
"You see my mother who couldn't take care of Veronica and I gave us up for adoption when she was 16 years old, she explained everything what teen pregnancy was like and looks like your following the description" I smiled crossing my arms,
"Told you guys her family was fucked up, maybe that's why her face is so deformed, cause her mom was so young and her new mom is so old" Kelly laughed setting her squad off to.
"Tell me Kelly do I look deformed?" I asked, "and what's wrong with having slight defects? We're all human, oh wait you have more than one person" I said staring at her stomach, "Yeah, you're both midget shit heads that can fuck off" she shouted.
"I'm taller than you" Veronica laughed which set Kelly off, her face grew thin and red, she in clenched her fists to reveal blood, she was really angry. "White, I will kill you and your creepy clone!" she shouted,
"It's Vanessa" I interrupted her, she pushed past Jake and shoved me to the ground, and lifted her arm to punch me but Jake pulled her off, she kicked him in... Yeah he just went down immediately. The other girls held Veronica back while she made her go at me, "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this!" She laughed, "oh I'm not Veronica" I told her, have you already mixed us up?" I asked.
She once again raised her hand high above her shoulder and began hitting me, she was strong but she wasn't strong enough, she managed to hit my shoulder which was about it before I pushed her off of me, "calm down! No child wants to grow up with an aggressive mother!" I shouted standing back, jake still lay crouched on the floor, her friends had Veronica pinned against a shop window and were hitting her hard. I tried pushing past to stop them but they were too strong, I watched as Jake broke up the fight and basically picked Veronica up and stood her beside me.
She stared at me as I stared at her, "you guys are gross just make out already" Kelly said out of breath, jake threatened her and the others by saying he would call the police if this continued, she walked past me and whispered something in my ear, "I swear to fuck that your school life is over"
"So is yours" I whispered back, "also" I pulled her arm back so she could hear me, "I'm not from here, California so you can't really do anything" I smiled sarcastically.
They stormed off leaving Jake walk away to give me some privacy, "than-"
"Stop, I'm only here cause you wanted saving, I would be back in Cali by now if it weren't for this, why? Why didn't you wanna see me? I'm your sister! Someone who I'm actually related to!" I practically shouted at her,
"Cause I'm in trouble" she teared up,
"What?" I asked confused.
"My mom's a psycho, she has a tracking app on her phone to stalk me at all times and she locks all the doors and windows in the house at 6:30 so if I'm not back in time I have to sleep outside, she's always been like this, she barley feeds me and takes away my phone most of the time so that's why I don't text back a lot" she cried, "help me leave" she begged, I noticed how skinny she was at that moment.
"Do you have any money?" I asked concerned, squeezing her hand for comfort,
"No, she's taken the money from my trust fund and spent it on gambling or security cameras or creepy stuff like that" she trembled, I pulled her in for a hug, it felt right, she fit in my arms and for the first time in forever I felt complete.
(Hey guys thanks for reading❤️ sorry it's been so long, I may have pre written most of the book😂 but I promise the stuff I'm writing atm is intense, it probably won't be uploaded till late 2018 just saying😂😂)
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