Who doesn't love a good Monday morning I said sarcastically in my head, I miss the time where I'd be happy to go to school, in all honesty I miss all my old year, they were super weird and super divided but they completed it. Chloe's gone to her crazy granny's for a weak to help her with redecorating even though Chloe couldn't lift a chair if she tried.
I knocked on Veronica's door to wake her up, I slammed open Rebecca's and pulled her blanket off of her and opened her curtains until her complaining woke Charlie up, I opened the blinds in his room and did the same thing I did with Rebecca. "Nessa I don't feel good"
"And I don't care, up and out, my school starts earlier than yours and I'm dropping you guys off for the next week" I said before going into Jacob's room. "Time to get up Jaky" I whispered as I shook him awake, "you need to get dressed" I smiled as I opened his currents and put on his fan.
I've been ready since 5:30 cause I couldn't sleep, I went downstairs and pulled out four cereal bowls, Rebecca being impatient and all pushed Charlie down the stairs thinking it would get her somewhere, I just heard a crash and some gross regurgitating sound. "Rebecca!" I shouted, I walked over to them and just about stood in Charlie's throw up, "go to bed, Now!" I yelled at Charlie. "Why did you push him?!"
"He was in the way"
"Give me your phone!" I ordered as she handed me the iPhone 5c white, "You're not getting this back!" I shouted, I went over to the sink and threw it in the filled basin. "I hate you!" She screamed as tears rushed down her face, "Good!"
She ran past Veronica on the stairs who was holding Jacobs hand, "what's up with Charlie and Becca?"
"Weak immune system and impatient" I said frustrates I basically threw cereal bowls at them.
Veronica said she wasn't hungry but still sat beside Jacob while he was eating.
"We're leaving!" I shouted,
"Why aren't we at Daddy's?" Rebecca asked as she wiped tears from her face, "he doesn't like you" I lied which made her cry more. "Stop being so mean" Veronica laughed, "Sorry I'm in a rush, Charlie, get down here! You're going to Johns" I shouted as he trudged down the stairs in his pajamas.
I dropped them off at school and said if John wasn't collecting them then they'd have to walk, I dropped Charlie at Johns and he wanted to talk to me about something but I drove off just in time.
I parked the car in my usual spot and looked to my left, where Jake would usually park, some car pulled into the empty space which took my mind off of him. I glanced over at Veronica who was walking over to some guy, she smiled shyly at him and he went red and smiled. I looked over and our eyes met, I winked and laughed leaving her extra embarrassed.
I was not waiting for Jake any longer so I was gonna text him,
'Look Jake if you wanna stay together you need to straighten yourself out. I don't care how long you've been doing it but no way in hell am I dating a druggy so make a choice. I don't give a shit if you break up with me over text or to my face, make up your mind cause I'm not gonna be waiting on you much longer' I texted, proud of my statement. I strolled into school and opened my locker,
"Oh Vanessa"
"Yes Tina?" I sighed, "there's a party at mine on Wednesday, exclusive only, you can bring your sister if you want" she smiled, handing me her address. "Tina this is really hard for me to say but I promised her that I would stay away from parties for a while" I said, "but give me a month" I whispered, she laughed and walked away.
Veronica came over to her locker where I was waiting for her, "Oh Romeo just kiss me already" I mocked. "Shut up" she laughed as her face went bright red, "So who is he!?" I asked excited,
"he's no one" she said, I could see how hard it was for her not to smile. "Roni Please!? You know about my boyfriend" I tried convincing her but she stood her ground. "I knew your boyfriend cause you brought him to Florida"
"Come on we have P.E" she smiled, pulling a gear bag out of her locker, "I haven't seen him before, is he new?" I asked, wanting some information, "No, he's been coming here since freshman year" she laughed, "Oh, I didn't really pay attention to younger years"
"20 laps!" The teacher yelled as we began to jog, I pulled Veronica behind the bleachers so we could miss out, "thanks goodness" she laughed, "I was not prepared to faint in front of everybody"
"If Chloe were here she would have pulled some strings to get us food but that means being mean to freshman's and that's why she does it"
"So you're not the typical popular girl?" She asked,
"Yeah, If you were in my situation, you'd understand" I laughed, "we've been here two weeks so I'm not sure if it will be the same"
We joined at lap 19 and pretended to be out of breath, the teacher stared at us for a minute and spoke up, "You two are what we've been looking for" she said chuffed, as everyone began playing tag rugby. "No thank you Miss Melody, I've told you before that I don't cheer" I smiled,
"But Miss Anderson, you were a star gymnast" she complained, she glared at me for a solid minute, "what about you..." she asked Veronica without looking at her, "Veronica White" she answered, the teacher stared at us and laughed.
"Vanessa you're red and you're blue" she pointed at Veronica, we put the band around our waists and stood mid pitch doing nothing, "it smells horrible" she laughed as she covered her nose, "that's probably Max" I pointed as we watched the buckets of sweat pour from his brow, "Ew" she giggled. "Hey, Twins! Get playing!" The teacher shouted, "good luck" I laughed, "he's on my team, if you have the ball you're a goner" I smiled.
The game went on and on and on, I got passed the ball and as a joke me and a few girls from the class played hot potato witch Miss Melody did not like, Max took the ball at one point and ran like crazy, I heard a few girls basically wetting themselves for him, Veronica was standing still, playing with the grass with her foot, the ball slipped out of Max's hands and landed by her feet. "Don't pick it up!" I shouted along with several other worried people, Max was like an tornado, you get in his way and you're a goner.
She stepped out of the way just in time, if she stayed still she would probably be dead. "Max!" She shouted as he got up to apologize, "he dropped the ball!" Someone from my team shouted, "Max stood beside her, trying to flirt but I could see the disgust on her face.
"I'm Gabbie" a girl behind me said, I turned around to see her with her arms crossed, "I hear that you're the shit"
"You could say that" I agreed, crossing my arms too, "I heard you really proved yourself last year, suspensions, got drunk several times" she smirked, "what do you want Gabbie?" I asked annoyed, "anyone in this school will bow down to you in a second and I want that, Chloe turned down my invite but you're bigger than she is"
"You want to be popular?"
"It's taken time but I reached myself to the top"
"Well 'Gabbie' I need to learn names cause I have no clue who anyone is, how about I follow you on Twitter?" I asked, "she follows 48 people" someone whispered behind her, "no, I want a shoutout on Twitter, some of your 20k followers will follow me if you do that" she said and smiled, "that's it?" I laughed, "Yeah"
"20 laps!" The teacher yelled, Roni and I hid behind the bleachers once again and later was joined by Gabbie and her weird friend. "Not now!" I said, trying to push them out but they stood their ground, "meet me in the library on Wednesday during free period" she said before leaving and shoving her friend out of the way. I glanced over at Veronica who looked as if she was about to cry at the sight of Gabbie
"Who's she?" Veronica asked, obviously knowing who she already was,
"Gabbie, she's giving me info in exchange for followers" I said, distracted by checking my phone from a reply from Jake.
"Why?" She asked,
"I don't know anyone, at least you're new so it's not your fault but people are expecting me to know" I said, "Just use a yearbook"
"I need to know their stories, what they've done, their reputation!" I corrected myself,
"Do you know her?" I asked confused but she just ignored my question.
P.E was finally over and next was business studies, definitely one of my worst subjects, I've never gotten above a C in it, this year I was determined to do well, Mr Manore said I could do online tutoring with a client of his and I took the opportunity as soon as he finished the sentence, "you know Vanessa, a C isn't a bad grade" he said, handing me the email of the tutor.
"I know, I wanna do well for someone"
"Doing the best for you, is the most important thing" he smiled as he continued with the class, "Thank you" I said as I went back to writing notes. Between classes I would study questions for business cause there was a test at the end of next week.
"Lunch!" Some guy shouted behind me as he grabbed onto my shoulders, "Hey there" he smiled, "Stop flirting" I laughed, "I have a boyfriend"
"And I'm open to anyone, even chicks in relationships" he winked, walking away with his friends and pointed at me and smiled, "who's that" Veronica asked, nudging my shoulder as she joined beside me from her classroom, "Adam, he's a flirt, I'm surprised he hasn't hit on you yet, you're new and you haven't experience his really cheesy pickup lines. "Cafeteria?" I asked, she paused for a minute and glanced at her phone, "em... no thanks, I'm gonna way with another group for today" she smiled. "Oh I get it" I winked as she laughed and walked off.
I sat down next to Abby and began eating my sandwich, people began sitting down and conversation began.
"Vanessa! You have to go to the party!" Shane complained, "I can't" I laughed, "No one's going then" Rylie frowned as he pretended to pout. "Look I can't go" I smiled as everyone else laughed, "Hey babe"
"Adam, go away" I laughed, I looked over at him, not realizing how close we were, "whoa, you have a boyfriend"
"Go away!" I laughed, "Where's Veronica?" Some girl asked, "Yeah" people began asking, I just shrugged my shoulders. "Gotta go loves" I smiled, getting up and throwing my lunch bag in the trash, "Call me!" Adam called, leaving me smile.
I made my way over to my locker and opened it up, "Veronica?" A deep cracky voice asked from behind me, "I'm not Veronica" I turned around, facing some freshman, he had longish black hair that was super greasy, he was kinda on the heavy side and was double and more the width of me, "Are you ok?" I asked sympathetically, "you're not Veronica?" He asked, "no, Vanessa" I replied.
"Close enough" he shrugged, he held out his hand and looked at me, "I'm not giving you money" I said shocked, as I stepped back, "I don't want money" he laughed, "food" he smiled, "I don't have any" I stepped back again, "but she usually gives it to me, she says meet her at her locker halfway through lunch and she'll give me her food" he said confused, "well I'm not her, and I beg you not to take food from her, you know how skinny she is" I begged, "fine" he sighed, "At one cost"
"Kiss me" He slyly added,
"Ew, you creep, fuck off!" I shouted as I pushed past him, I began my search for Veronica.
It took almost the rest of lunch to find her until until I remembered one last place! I basically ran outside and past groups of certain interests, I walked past the druggies under the bleachers, they offered me a hit but I passed it down and told them about Jake real quick, they gave me sympathy for a second until they realized that the same was for them. I continued walking till I reached the side gates, I slowly pushed it open and tiptoed across the tarmac until the corner appeared, a rare amount of people knew about this place, in freshman year I had lunch here most days with a few people especially Chloe and sometimes Jake, I smiled, remembering how young and weird we were. Past the corner was a small rectangle patio with grass running along the borders, there was a bunch of flowers and plants there and a stone bench, those who knew about it had no clue why it was there but just enjoyed it, there was this ditch in the grass that seniors a few years back turned into a mini pond which used to have fish in it but they quickly died cause no one was feeding them, So now you can see the odd frog.
I heard Veronica giggle and some guy chuckle, "I knew it!" I whispered to myself. I peeked past the corner and saw them awkwardly sitting next to each other. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but it looked cute.
Thanks for reading! Sorry if it's not too interesting now but I promise the next few chapters are where the book gets really interesting!😏❤️
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