I buckled Jacob up in the back seat while Charlie whispered something to me, "who's in the front?"
"That's my sister" I whispered, we both whispered loud enough for her to hear which made her laugh, I told her not to let them see her face previously to make it a surprise.
"Rebecca what's wrong?" I asked impatiently, still reaching over her to buckle Jacob in cause they made him sit in the middle, "she's angry at you" Charlie answered for me but Becca hit him hard after he said that which started a hitting fight between them and Jacob was in the middle bending over in his booster to save his life.
"One more punch and you're walking home!" I shouted and then they were silent, "Good"
There were plenty of questions asked but none about Veronica, all about where I went and what did I get them which was nothing. I blocked them out and began speaking to Veronica instead while the others rowed in the back,
"they're something" she laughed, "jeez just wait till it's bedtime, hellhole" I giggled over the noise.
"Alright!" I shouted, stopping the car so they'd shut up, "Rebecca and Charlie get out and walk, if you guys aren't home before we are I'll be telling Karen about your fight, you're about a block away with a shortcut and I'll give you a 15 second head start" I ordered as they began complaining but I shut them up and forced them out of the car, "brutal" Veronica laughed as we watched them sprint away.
"Beat them!" Jacob giggled, as he jumped up and down in his seat, I was gonna be nice and let them win, I was gonna drive as fast as I could to beat them but Charlie was smart, he ran in the middle of the road, his dirty blond curls grew wet from his sweat and the sun shining down on him. Rebecca was super unfit so she couldn't keep up with Charlie who did like 5 different sports during the week and at 8 he had a lot of muscle for his age.
I was forced to let them win because they both ended up running on the road to block my way, Rebecca disappeared at one point, she looked in the window and saw Veronica and stopped in shock.
Veronica went to the bathroom while I got Jacob out of the car and into the house, "Vanessa I don't know if you know this but your clone is in the bathroom" he whispered, genuinely concerned. "I'll let you in on a little secret" I whispered back, "she's my twin sister, we look the same"
"Like Tom and Rob" he said, "sure" I answered not knowing who or what he was talking about.
I made them all sit down on the couch, Charlie and Rebecca were still out of breath and wet from sweat, "Right, I have someone I'd like you to meet but before you do, you guys are going to have showers right after this cause you smell. Now without further ado please welcome my beautiful twin sister" I smiled as Veronica entered the room, their mouths hung wide open at the sight of her, "that's your clone!" Jacob shouted in shock, "You have a twin?" Charlie asked, "you're identical!?" Rebecca's mouth was wider than the others.
"We're staying here for another year and after that we're out" I explained, "Are you doing college here?" Rebecca asked, "No, doing senior here again, I missed too much school and Veronica will be starting her senior year anyways so I decided I may as well go"
"So there's two Nessa's?" Jacob asked confused, "no I'm Veronica" she laughed, "huh?"
"Get up and do your homework, I'll make some lunch" I ordered before they grabbed their bags and trudged upstairs.
"They're so cute" She smiled, sitting at the counter while I made some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, well when I say 'made' I mean turned the jars upside down and shook them until spread poured out and just put another slice on top. "Yeah" I sarcastically scoffed, I made three sandwiches and ordered pizza for us, one by one the came down and ate their food but Rebecca stayed in her room, not that I cared.
"So how will I tell you apart?" Charlie asked as peanut butter covered his face but he wasn't as bad as Jacob, he's barely eaten the sandwich but just put it in his face.
"I guess I have deeper dimples" I said but Charlie lectured me that he wasn't gonna know us apart by that so he demanded more, "I wear glasses most of the time, you know what I usually would wear and if that's not enough you could tell us apart by my blonde highlighted hair and her dark brown hair" I said almost sick of their questions.
Jacob hopped off the chair and went straight to the den and I wasn't fast enough to stop him, by the time I got there he had peanut butter and jelly on the couch and his hand print on the wall, "go up to Rebecca and tell her that she has to give you a bath!" I shouted, "Come on Jacob, you're too old for This shit"
"Ok shit" he mocked me,
"No No No No No No No No!" I yelled but I was too late he was now shouting it as loud as he could, "SHIT!" He laughed but Veronica came into the room to quiet him down, she kneeled down in front of him and looked him in the eye,
"you do not use those words" she said sternly, "Why shit" he giggled, pushing it, "because if you do Santa won't come and the tooth fairy won't want your teeth because you've said such bad words!" She lied, he promised he'd stop and ran up to Rebecca out of fright.
"I asked you to stop" she said,
"Sorry, I'm just so used to it, I promise I'll try"
(Guys this book is loooong! I have a bad habit of pre writing and it will ligit take like another year to finish if I upload on an actual regular basis but the ending would be worth it so you'll have to be patient😂. Thanks for reading💜)
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