We have been informed of the Pulsiraat : the bridge across the fire of Jahannum which is sharper than a sword and thinner than a strand of hair. The practise for the crossing of that Pulsiraat is here in this earthly life. Shariat is analogous to the Pulsiraat.
…The Pulsiraat is Haq. Although it is beyond our intellectual capacity to understand its true state, our Imaan (faith) and Yaqeen (conviction) is in that which has been conveyed to us
by Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم , of the Unseen.
In fact, this is the condition of the validity and acceptance of ‘Imaan’; and this is proven and confirmed by the Qur'aan Sharief.
The first characteristic Allah Ta’ala makes mention of, in describing the pious and successful ones, is :
These beliefs include our belief in Allah Ta’ala, His angels, The Day of Judgement, The Mizaan (Scale), Haudh-e- Kauthar, Jannat, Jahannum, etc.…
When a person learns to walk the ‘tight rope’ of Shariah; with consideration of what is Halaal and Haraam, permissible and not permissible, pleasing to Allah Ta’ala and displeasing to Him; and when he inculcates the code of Shariah within
his life, by observing and practising upon all its commands, then, Insha Allah, on the Day of Qiyaamah, he will cross the Pulsiraat like lightening and will enter Jannat.
In implementing these laws of Allah, the lover of Allah seeks to attain His pleasure and hopes to be granted the meeting place for His lovers (Jannat). There is an extreme and heartfelt yearning to see Allah Ta’ala’s Glorious Countenance and to meet Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم and all other lovers
of Allah.
…For it will only be in Jannat that Allah Ta’ala will remove His veil and grant to His lovers the strength of sight to be able to see Him.
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