Chapter 5
(Tara's P.O.V.)
I was still very shocked at discovering this. I started thinking.
"Power what do you mean power and what do you mean first?" I asked.
The Alpha looked at me.
"You have powers 4 water, earth, air, and fire." He explained.
I just stood there.
"So how do I know which one I got?" I asked.
The Alpha looked at me and then at Brendon.
"Your mate will know Brendon close your eyes and connect your mind with Tara the power she gained will come to mind." He explained.
Brendon closed his eyes and I felt him connect with me. His eyes opened and he looked at me.
"Well red you're first power is fire." He smiled.
I went to the fire place and put my hand out and immediately a fire started.
I stepped back shocked.
The Alpha looked at me.
"Looks like I have to step down and let you be in charge." He said.
I looked at him and growled.
"NO! No this doesn't change anything I'm staying a Gemma that's final!" I shouted and stormed off to me and Brendon's room.
15 minutes later Brendon came in and sat down next to me.
He started to play with my hair which for me immediately calmed me down. He chuckled at me. And I smiled.
"I talked to the Alpha and you're staying Gemma." He smiled.
I smiled back and laid my head down in his lap he kept on playing with my hair till I fell asleep.
I was in the forest surrounding the pack territory I looked around confused.
I started walking around and I saw a light in the distance. I was drawn to it and saw a beautiful woman.
Her hair was golden and flowed behind her it flowed and sparkles in the moonlight. She was wearing a gorgeous white dress it flowed around lighting up like the moon. Around her head was a crown that was silver and had bits of moon silver in it.
"Hello my child." She spoke in a soft tone.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Why young one I am the moon goddess or your true mother." She explained.
I was in shock.
"Is this real or in my head?" I asked.
" It is real but I'm visiting you in a dream and that will be my contact to you young one." She said.
I nodded.
"Now you have a lot to learn but, you must learn on your own stay low till you learn, but you must also trust your mate. Your mate is your connection your other half I knew he would do you well trust in him my child." She said.
I smiled and nodded I could feel myself waking up.
"Learn and trust my child." She said and disappeared.
I woke up in Brendon's arms I inhaled his scent and relaxed the dream still on my mind. I looked at the clock and it read 3:15am. I went to get up but Brendon's grip tightened all of a sudden. I laughed and went to get up again, but he just pulled me closer.
Then I heard him mumble.
"Move again and I swear I'm gonna tickle you." He threatened.
I don't take threats seriously, so I went to roll and all of sudden he got up quicker than ever and started tickling me. I started laughing and fighting. He finally stopped and I started to catch my breathe.
"Seriously was that necessary?" I sorta shouted.
He was laughing hysterically, and I rolled my eyes and got up to get something eat.
I heard Brendon get up and follow me to the kitchen.
"Seriously it's 3 o'clock in the morning." He said
"Thank you for the time but I'm hungry and have barely eaten all day." I said.
He laughed and went outside once I was done with the sandwich I made I went out after him. He was in wolf form and asked me to go on a run.
I turned into my wolf, and at first we just sorta walked through the forest looking at the stars. Then my wolf took over she nipped at his ear and took off running.
He started to chase me and my wolf was jumping around and running away from him. He finally caught me and we started play fighting.
My wolf was having the time of her life. I noticed it was late and the sun was about to rise so I mind-linked him telling him it's time to go home.
"Race ya" he said
"You're on" I challenged.
We both took off running. Of course when I started running I gained speed quick. Like all of a sudden I was back at the pack house. I waited ten minutes when Brendon had finally come running out of the woods. He frantically looked for me when he saw me I could see his body relax. I turned human and was back in the dress.
He turned human as he was walking and came up to me and hugged me.
"I don't something had got you, but when I closed my eyes to search for you I realized something. You have super speed." He explained.
"Duh all wolves have super speed." I said.
"No like faster than any known werewolf." He explained.
I nodded and tried it out in my human form i took off running and I was back in the deep forest. I ran back and in a second I was by Brendon.
"Okay that was awesome." I said.
He laughed and we went back inside. Since I had been asleep since like 6pm I was wide awake.
So I told Brendon I was going to gym to train. He went back to the room to go back to sleep.
I headed to the gym and just enjoyed the dawn. I walked into the gym hearing the jingling of the bell I smiled at the sound.
I went to the weights and began to bench press. Then I remember.
"Shot shot my paperwork for the Alpha I gotta finish that today." I said to myself.
I ran to my office and went to the finish my paperwork I was almost done when I heard the bell jingle. I didn't look up but I took a sniff and realized it was Brendon.
I smiled, and continued I was wearing my reading glasses. My hair is neck length and was naturally black going into a red.
He came up next to me and kissed my forehead.
"Paperwork huh?" He asked.
I nodded my head. He left to go get his warmup in and by the time he was done I had just finished.
I looked up at him.
"Why do I procrastinate so much?" I asked rubbing my temples.
I grabbed the paper work, and took off with my super speed towards the Alpha office I burst through the door almost falling over.
I handed him the paper work and took off back to the gym to start training.
I ran in, and of course lost balance stopping and actually fell over. Brendon caught me, and we started laughing I got up and shouted.
"Alright let's get this going!" I shouted.
Everyone started training and I began training the girls Brendon the guys we looked at each other and smiled.
But I knew in my heart things are gonna be different.
Hey peeps sry for the long wait things have been really hectic in my life but here it is hope you enjoy see you in the next chapter lobe y'all bye.
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