There will be murder
A/N Hold your feels, things are about to get more intense than they were. Just a warning.
Angel woke up in a cold sweat. It had been several days after she was rescued and she was still in the hospital wing because of her arm. She sat p in her bed and looked around. It was the middle of the night and the whole place was dark. She couldn't see anyone around besides several other patience sleeping peacefully in there own beds. Suddenly she heard a rustling sound coming from under her bed. Angel froze and listened, not believing it was real. When it came again she pulled the cover over her head and curled up underneath terrified. She heard whatever it was crawl out and then felt it jump onto the bed. It moved unsteadily up towards her making her heart beat even faster than it already was. Angel squeezed her eyes closed in terror. The thing moved past her and up to the top of the covers.
Angel stared up at the top of the covers as they started to quiver. She watched as a small nose poked through, followed by a head and then body.
"it's you!" Angel said smiling as the pup crawled to her and laid down next to her. Angel pulled the covers back down from over there heads and hugged the little wolf pup tightly. He didn't seem to mind and only cuddled closer to her. Her eyes started to close again and she didn't notice the larger wolf walk in and over to the bed. It lied down next to the bed and kept watch as the two in it drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
Mineral woke next to the bed in the cell. Something had awaken her but she didn't know what. Looking around a sudden thought hit her. She looked at the bed and found Creed gone.
"Creed" She called quietly "Where are you?" She waited for an answer but when none came after three minutes she jumped up and started looking around the cell.
"Creed" Mineral called again, starting to panic even more. There was a moan from the other side and she rushed towards it. She found him curled up in a ball holding his stomach in pain.
"Oh Creed" She said and gently picked him up before sitting down right where he had just been. She carefully set him on her lap, cradling him as he clutched his stomach.
The guards had refused to feed them but the day Angel was taken one of the guards had come and given them two loafs of bread. That was all gone now. It had been for three days now. The guards only came in once a day to take them for torture and then brought them back here right after. They both had plenty of scars now and new ones appeared every day.
"It's ok Creed, we'll get out of here soon" She said.
A noise came from outside the door and she looked up in fear. Quickly, she carried Creed over to the bed and put him under it to try and hide him. The door opened just as she sat back against the wall. One hooded guard, who she had now come to know as one of the bosses it seems, walked un, closing the door until only a sliver of light came in. Mineral stared at him as he slowly made his way over to them.
"What do you want?" Mineral spat at him. He stopped making Mineral smile.
"What? Forget I'm a person to?" She asked standing up. The guard took a step back while grabbing something from under his cloak.
"Don't even think about it" Mineral growled taking a defensive stance.
"I'm not going to hurt you" The guy said pulling the thing out "You are hungry, right?" he asked. Mineral looked closer and saw he was holding a small basket with two loafs of bread and some cooked meat. She shook her head trying to clear it.
"Why should I trust you?" She asked, still staring at the food. She could have sworn she saw a small glint of a smile as he set the basket down and pushed it towards her with his foot.
"You cant really" He said "After all, I cant let you go" He shrugged "But I don't want to see you starve"
Mineral carefully stepped forward and eyed him before bending down and picking the basket up. She looked through the food, occasionally looking up to make sure the guy didn't leave or try anything. Once satisfied nothing had been done to it that she could see she set the basket down on the bed and walked towards him. He took one involuntary step back before gaining enough courage to stand his ground. Mineral smiled.
"What? Scared I'm going to kill you?" She asked putting her hands out to her side. The guy looked at her.
"No, I don't fear death" He said. Mineral laughed and walked closer.
"Everyone fears death" She said "I'm not going to kill you either. Not yet at least" She reached for his hood "I just want to see your face"
The guy stepped back and bumped into the wall. He pulled his hood down.
"I would rather you not" He said and started edging towards the door.
Mineral smiled and walked even closer. The guy tried to run but she was able to grab the back of his hood as he pulled the door open. Mineral gasped and stepped backwards. She had a look of shock on her face as she backed up.
"Brandon? W-why?" She asked "How could you betray me? I trusted you!" He looked back at her with tears.
"I'm sorry" Brandon said shutting the door. "I was forced"
He closed the door and Mineral just stood there in shock, staring at it. She turned around to see Creed sitting on the bed eating a piece of meat from the basket happily. He looked up at her and smiled as she walked back over.
"How is it?" Mineral asked sitting next to him. He took another huge bite and closed is eyes as he savored the taste. She laughed and took a piece herself.
"Don't eat it too fast or you'll get a stomach ache" She said taking out a pork chop for herself. She bit into it and flavor bloomed in her mouth. It was almost the best thing she had ever had.
Herobrine walked into the medical wing the next morning to find Angel curled up with Rancune and the pup next to her. Rancune was still awake and watched him as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He had just come back from questioning Mandy. Oh, how he could stop himself from killing her he had no idea. It enraged him to think about what they had done and were probably still doing to Creed and maybe Crystal.
He brushed a stray piece of hair out of Angel's face as she slept peacefully. At least he had one back. Now all he needed to do was get her brother and sister out.
"How is she?" Brandon asked coming up behind him. Herobrine jumped a bit but relaxed when he saw who it was.
"Hello Brandon" he said sadly "She's fine, protected by the looks of it" He smiled as the pup let out a small yawn and snuggled up to him.
"Why the long face then?" Brandon asked sitting down in one of the chairs next to the bed. Herobrine stood up and shook his head.
"The others, they're still trapped. Where ever that is" He said "And the only one who knows that we have is that stubborn girl who wont tell us anything"
Hero growled and Rancune stood up to stand protectively in front of Angel. Her hair was standing on edge as she watched Herobrine pace. Brandon also watched, a bead of sweat forming on his neck. It didn't last long though. Angel's eyes fluttered open and she stretched her arms out before sitting up in the bed. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. Her face lit up when she saw Herobrine.
"Daddy!" She said. She jumped out of bed and ran up to hug his legs. Herobrine bent down and picked her up, carrying her back to the bed.
"Hey Angel" He said hugging her tight. She cried into his shoulder as he set her down.
"I missed you so much!" She said as he sat on the bed next to her. Tears were forming in his eyes.
"I did too sweet heart" Herobrine said. Brandon cleared his throat to get there attention.
"Would it be ok if I ask you a couple questions Angel?" Brandon asked. She looked at him with a confused look but nodded. He smiled and stood up.
"What exactly happened while you were in there?" He asked looking at her. She started getting uncomfortable. Herobrine noticed and put a hand on her back.
"It's ok, you can trust him" Herobrine said. Angel took a deep breath.
"Well, when we first woke up we were all in a dark room and it was really scary. I found Creed and then we heard something and then Mineral woke up. She came over to us and comforted us. Then the door opened and several people came in. They were really scary looking" Angel said starting to shake.
"Shh, it's ok sweetie, they cant hurt you anymore" Herobrine said comforting her. She took a shaky breath.
"What did these scary people look like?" Brandon asked gently. Angel looked at him with a scared expression as she remembered the horrible experience.
"I- I don't know. They wore hoods and we couldn't see there faces" She said. Brandon let out a small sigh.
"What happened next?" He asked sitting at the end of the bed. Angel started to shake again.
"W-well, Mineral stood up in front of us, trying to protect us but then the main guy did something to her and she couldn't move. two more of the people came over and grabbed me and Creed. The man said something to mineral then another one came in with a glowing metal stick" Angel gulped before continuing "Th-the main man took the stick, said something to Mineral then stabbed her with it. She screamed really loudly and it scared me and Creed. When the guy was done with her she fell to the ground and he came over to us" a tear escaped her eye. Herobrine gently brushed it away.
"It's ok, you're safe now" He said. Angel curled up to him and continued.
"She tried to stop him but one of the ones holding her pushed her down. The man put the thing to me then Creed. It hurt really bad" She rubbed her shoulder "They dropped us when he was done and left. Mineral crawled over to us and picked us up gently. We were both crying because it hurt a lot and we were scared. The door opened again and the guy who brought the stick in came back in. Mineral trurned he back to him and tried to hide us with her. She said something making the guy stop but then he came closer and pressed something against her back. She let the man get close to us then he pressed something to our marks and made them feel better. He left, after that we sat in the cell for many days. I don't know how many. They didn't feed us at all though and they never came in until they came and took me out. Mineral tried to fight them off but there were too many. They ended up kicking her into a wall. She tried to get up but they grabbed me and carried me away before she could stop them" Angel was crying now, full on tears. Herobrine hugged her tightly, trying to calm her.
"What's going on?" Briar asked as she walked through the doors. She rushed over and gently smoothed Angel's hair down.
"Angel, honey. What's wrong?" She asked sitting on the other side. Angel hugged her, burring her face in Briar's purple shirt. Angel kept sobbing as some of the others started coming in. Briar looked up at Herobrine with anger lighting up her green eyes.
"Hero, what did you do?" She stared at him. Herobrine looked away from her intense gaze. Never mess with a mother, especially a sorceress.
"We were just asking her about what happened" Brandon spoke up. Briar turned her head and looked at him, eyes glowing brighter.
"You what!?" She asked "It's too soon to ask about a traumatic experience! She just woke up!" Briar hugged Angel tighter to her and rocking her gently. Angel started to calm and soon stopped crying with only a few hiccups in between breaths.
"I can continue" Angel said looking up at Briar "I was almost done anyways"
"Oh sweetie, you don't have to" Briar said "You've already done enough" Angel shook her head
"No, I want to" She said and pulled out of her hug. Angel turned to look at the group of people who had accumulated in her room.
"Are you sure?" Brandon asked looking at her, still sitting at the end of her bed. She nodded.
"Th-they carried me down a hall and into a big room. Only one of the people came in with me and it was really dark and the only light seemed to come from some red stone torches behind a throne. There was a man sitting on it. When he saw us he got up and walked over. He told the man holding me to put me down. He did and the other one hit him, sending him into one of the columns behind him" Angel said. Brandon held his hand up stopping her.
"What did the man look like? The one who hit the other one" He asked. Angel looked at him and began to shake again. She shook her head.
"Did you hear what his name was at all?" Herobrine asked. Angel shook her head. She calmed down a bit and continued.
"No, but after he hit the other man he picked me up. I tried to get away but he was too fast. He said the other man had been to gentle to us, that we were Brines and should-" She stopped and looked at Herobrine. Everyone waited for her to continue but she just sank back against Briar. She started shaking.
"Angel, what did he say?" Herobrine asked looking at her. She looked away.
"He said we should be gotten rid of" She said quietly "at the source and then threw me on the ground."
A silence enveloped the room as everyone looked at Herobrine, waiting for his reaction. Herobrine stood up and walked towards the door. He left just as a guard came in and ran over to Brandon.
"The new note" He said panting "Has arrived" He handed the blood stained piece of paper to Brandon who opened and read it out loud.
I see you have successfully gotten the girl back. Not the one you were expecting? Maybe the older one? Well, maybe you can get her back this time. The new request might sound odd but I hope you haven't killed our spy, If you have then there is no chance of you getting either of them back. At all.
Let the spy you have free. She will leave the kingdom and head back here. Do not follow her or we will kill them. You have three days to make up your minds.
-the note master
Brandon finished and looked up. Herobrine had disappeared and everyone else was looking back at him.
"What does that mean you have a spy in custody Brandon?" Kye asked looking angry. Brandon rubbed his neck awkwardly.
"When we started the search for them Rancune went straight for one of our guards. Thinking she might have been onto something we put the guard in a cell for her own protection and sent other dogs to sniff around the room. All went straight for her. I've been questioning her since then but she hasn't told me anything. Herobrine took a shot at it but the only thing we've learned was that there is at least one other spy on the premise. We couldn't get anything else out of her" Bandon explained. Endra had a mad look in her eyes as she walked straight up to Bandon.
"And why exactly didn't you tell me? Your boss" She asked. Brandon took a step back. It's never a good thing to anger a dragon, especially the ender dragon.
"I- I" He stuttered then cleared his throat "I Thought I told one of the others to tell you" He said "Sorry'
Endra glared at him but nodded before walking towards one of the windows. It was already open and she jumped out, spreading her wings as she fell. In no time she was out and flying away over the forest.
A/N and I have to leave it there. I tried writing a next part to this but it just sounded horrible, sorry. Any ways, I'll have the next chapter up in the next few days. I don't know when though because I have testing going on. Finals to be exact.
"Your forgetting something"
Hey Phil, nice to see you too. What would I be forgetting? I think I covered everything..
"Oh sure. What about all the people you just left hanging?"
I said sorry for that! I couldn't think of anything to come next!
"Not that you idiot"
Hey. that hurt :,(
"I meant the contest"
Oh, OH yea! Thanks for reminding me
"No problem"
So, I have picked the winners
But you'll have to find out next chapter who they are. ^+^
"And there you go again"
Shut it Phil! Anyways, some of you already know but that's only, like, tow of you. It was SO hard to choose guys! They all sounded really good. I'm sorry if you feel left out because I didn't choose you but I already went over just a bit. So, until the next chapter (Where things will pick up a bit)
SEE YA Foxes!
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