Something's happened
A/N Hi. I have not abandoned you, dont worry. I've just been super busy with a lot of different things. First I want to say thank you for over 600 followers. That's awesome. Second, there is now a dare book out where you can dare me, Phil or any of the other characters from any of my books anything you want. Next, I'm sorry for not updating again, Like I said I've been really busy. School is almost out and finals are coming up soon so I wont be on long at all to work. Anyways, you're probably waiting for the story. Here you go ^^
"Your deadline is almost up" he said staring at her "and they're getting closer to finding me"
"Don't worry" she said sitting on her bed "I've got until tomorrow yet don't I? It'll be done by then"
"It better be. Otherwise it's more than your profit you'll loose"
"How much more?" She asked, eyes narrowing
"What do you hold most dear to yourself?" He asked smirking, red eyes glowing brighter in amusement. Fear washed over her as she looked into them.
"You wouldn't, I'm one of your best!" She argued. The darkness surrounding them thickened.
"There are others" he shrugged. "And they can be persuaded easier than you could Lora. Remember that"
"So you want it done sooner? I can get it done sooner" she said, almost pleading now but she would never stoop that far.
"Get it done tomorrow or else" he said "if you have troubles maybe you could ask your mother" a smirk crawled onto his face.
"Never. She's the one who married the monster and abandoned me. I will never ask her for help" her eyes glint with ins head tears but anger lit them from behind. Israphel only chuckled.
"I realize you and her dot get along but she is the best with potions. She could be a valuable reserve to you" he said with a smirk. She snorted.
"More like I was. She used me then dumped me, I will never forgive her" she said "I won't even say her name it disgusts me so much" she spat out. Another chuckle came from Israphel.
"You hate her that much?" He said
"Yes! Have I not made that clear enough?!" Her anger was starting to get ahold of her and she couldn't stop. Lights flickered in the darkness as memories started to play out in them. Israphel watched them with a smirk.
"Yes, it seems like you really hate her" he said staring at one.
It showed Lora and a dark haired woman with a similar face walking together in a field. She was about seven and the woman looked no older than thirty. They were laughing and playing together in the flowers. She picked several and handed them to her mother. Lora banished the thought in an instant.
"I do, and I will never forgive her" she said looking away.
"Then our business here tonight is finished" Israphel said clapping his hands. Every light that had appeared was gone.
The morning light shone in through the window illuminating the room. The day was bright, birds were singing outside and it was neither too hot or too cold. It seemed like a perfect day, except for what was to happen that day.
With a sigh Lora got out of bed and went through the daily act. Get dressed, bathroom, and get ready to act like the daughter of a murderer.
"Why'd I sign up for this again?" She asked herself staring in the mirror. Her natural red roots were starting to grow through again and it was obvious the potion was wearing off. Her face was going back to its original shape, her skin loosing some of the freckles and her eyes were turning froom the light blue back to the steely grey they once were. It was only a matter of time before she would look like she used to. younger by a couple years and nothing at all like that monster's daughter.
That's the reason she thought that's why I have to go through with this. She doesn't have any right to keep living on this earth.
But then, why am I doubting myself?
It's just one more life. how many ave I already been responsible for? Too many to count that I know, and each one deserved to die.
Or was it just for the pay? its not only her I've got to get rid of, what about those two? what did they do?
They are his also, they do not deserve the pains that will accompany them as they grow. No one will like them because of him. Its better to put them out of their misery now before it has even started than letting them do it themselves when they're older.
Enough, it has to be done.
She sighed agreeing with herself "it has to be done" and she walked out of the room, a smile plastered on her face.
A small voice talking woke her. Even if the room was still dark Mineral could tell from the faint light leaking through the blinds it was way past breakfast. Looking to her right she could see Tomy and Morgan asleep, slumped against each other breathing rhythmically.
She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked over at the bed. instantly she was awake.
"Tomy, Morgan. wake up" she said in a hurried tone. both jerked awake at the sounds of their names.
"What's wrong?" Morgan asked stifling a yawn. She walked over.
"He's gone. disappeared" she said looking at the empty bed.
"He's in no condition to be walking or even moving" Morgan replied as she started to look. "and he couldn't have gone far, not with that extent of injuries. surprised he could even get up and walk"
"Um, he didn't" Tomy said watching. Mineral and Morgan stopped and looks at him.
"What do you mean?" Mineral asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice "he couldn't have just disappeared or teleported out"
Tomy smirked at her comment "want to check again? What's been living here for a while and can teleport. Not to mention stuck to you recently and never leaves you alone for too long?"
It didn't even take a second before Mineral tore out of the room and down the hall.
"Min calm down!" Morgan called racing after her "you'll scare everyone!"
Mineral ignored her and rushed into the room she was looking for. She stopped in surprise and shock in the doorway.
The squid boy was laying peacefully on the bed asleep as the dark form next to him yawned and pushed himself up.
"Phil" Mineral said staring at the enderman. "what are you doing?"
"Just woke up from a nap" Phil replied "why do you ask?" He asked standing up.
"No, I mean with him" she said pointing to the boy
"Oh, him" Phil said with a slight smile "found him" he shrugged
"Around, why's it important?"
"Because I want to know why you have a little kid in bed with you" Mineral said
"He was tired and I didn't have another bed in here. Besides, I wasn't going to leave him in a different room by himself"
"So you shared your bed?"
"Yea, I wasn't going to sleep on the floor. He's small enough it worked out"
"Um guys" Tomy said from the door "he's waking up"
She turned to look at the bed and sure enough, he was sitting up watching them with big black eyes. They stared back.
"Anyone going to talk to him? Or at least try?" Morgan said finally, breakign the silence in the room. the squid boy flinched.
"Um, ok" Mineral said and walked to the edge of the bed. "hey, you ok?" She smiled a bit but he shrank back obviously afraid.
"You haven't had any experience with kids have you?" Phil asked watching her with a smirk.
"Well not really" Mineral admitted "Only Angel and Creed. Some others but that was a long time ago"
Phil laughed as his form shifted to look more human. Tomy and Morgan stared in awe.
"First off, he's terrified. Woke up in a strange place with strange people? Who wouldn't be?" He said walking towards the bed. The boy backed away but Phil just bent down and kneeled by the side looking at him.
"os awtsh uroy enam?" Phil said suddenly. The boy looked shocked back at him and answered in the same odd language.
"I ndot veah neo" He said
"hwy si htat?" Phil asked.
"what language are you speaking?" Morgan asked breaking their concentration.
"squid, isnt it obvios?" Phil said "He doesnt know english, probably too young to undestand"
"I know" a small voice said. They turned back to look at the boy.
"Not much. very little" He said again.
"So you do know some" Phil said "So why dont you have a name?"
"Just dont" the boy shrugged "tno ldo hougne" he had switched back to his native language. Phil gave him a confuzed look.
"Htaw uoy enam?" He asked. The boy shrugged.
"what he say?" Tomy asked.
"He siad he wasn't old enough to have a name" Phil responded.
"That's- How is that possible?" Morgan asked. Phil shook his head and looked back at them.
"Young squids tend not to make it that often" Phil said in a low voice. Morgan went silent.
"Why?" Tomy asked.
"Many reasons. Most of which I wish I didnt know. The main one now is because of your friend's dad" Phil responded in the same voice "Raids made on squid villages tend to end with the town in rubble, usually burned down" another silence enveloped the room. This time though it was broken by a knock at the door.
"Ill get it" Phil said. He stood up and walked to the door. He came back soon after. "Mineral, it's for you" she sighed
"Who is it?" She asked. Phil shrugged.
"One of your guards asking if I'd seen you" He answered "I said yea and told them to wait"
"alright, I'll be back later then" she said and stood up.
A guard was in fact waiting for her at the door, but she seemed nervous.
"Yes? Whats wrong now?" Mineral asked. The girl shrank back a bit as if scared.
"Lady Kye has called a meeting with everyone here in the castle. She said to get you last and meet her in the planning room" she responded.
"Any more information about that?" Mineral asked. The guard shook her head
"Very well then. Tell her I'll be right there" Mineral said, the guard rushed off right away.
"What was that about?" Phil asked coming to the door. Morgan, Tomy and Colin were close behind.
"Apparently Kye called a meeting in the planning room. She asked for everyone to be there" Mineral shrugged "Let's go" and she started to walk out.
"What about the kid?" Phil asked.
"His name's colin and bring him with, she did say everyone after all" Mineral said with a grin.
"Um, you're forgetting" Morgan said "even if Sky as Budder left our parents side with them on the squid debate. they'll kill him"
"No one's killed any of the guards who are part squid yet" Mineral pointed out.
"Yea, because Kye had them reassigned to the battlements while we're here. only a couple are still in the castle itself" Tomy countered.
Colin watched fascinated then seemed to focus on Phil. They were too busy arguing to notice his skin change to a light, almost ghostly, white and hair go straight black. his eyes though we're still the same black they had been before. Phil was the first to notice.
"Um, guys?" he said staring "don't think we have to worry about the disguise any more"
"What do you mean di-" Mineral started but stopped when she saw him. Colin just smiled.
"Good?" he asked still smiling.
"Yea, wow. Very good" Tomy said nodding "that could work really well. just don't turn back until we get back here" Colin nodded.
"So why are we just standing around?" Phil asked. "I thought there was an important meeting we had to go to"
"Yea, alright" Mineral said "let's go" and try started down the hall.
It didn't really take long to get there, it was in the middle of the castle after all, but for some reason the whole way seemed to drag on into eternity for Mineral. she didn't know why but something had happened.
There were several guards posted outside the door, all stood to attention as they walked by and in. Kye hadn't been kidding when she said everyone.
At the head of the table Kye say next to Endra. Endra was next to Herobrine. Herobrine next to Notch. notch next to Briar and so on. the only ones who didn't seem to be there were Angel and Creed and everyone who had already left.
"Great, you made it" Kye said with an unusually cold voice.
"Yes, I got here as fast as I could. Why did you call a meeting?" Mineral asked taking a seat across from her. Kye exchanged a look with Endra.
"It's about you" Kye said. Mineral's heart rate increased.
"And about what happened to you down in Israphel's dungeons" Endra finished. Mineral fought not to let out a relived sigh.
"Alright, that's easy enough" she said "basically they tortured us. One at a time sometimes, all most of the time. They had a designated room just for us too" she added as much sarcasm in her voice as she could "it was so much fun"
"Yea, we got the torturing part" Notch said with a roll of his eyes as if suggesting she was crazy. In a way she was.
"What about his plans? Did you ever hear what he had planned?" Herobrine asked. He hid the pain in his voice very well Mineral noted with a nod.
"I did" she said. The group seemed relieved for a moment, just a moment.
"I'm not going to say what though" She added after that moment.
"What?!" Herobrine said standing up quickly, his hands planted on the table "why not?" his voice had become dangerously cold.
"You would not like them" Mineral responded with the same cold tone in her voice.
"I've done most of what's probably happened to you" Herobrine said, his eyes unwavering "it won't affect me"
"Oh" Mineral said sitting up "but it will, I know how a parent will react to hearing what happened to their kid. especially if it's about their tortures. you'll get mad, go out to kill and murder half our population. I'm not risking that. I'm happy to tell but not with you here"
"I'm not leaving" he said glaring
"Then I'm not telling" Mineral said with a shrug "simple as that"
"Min" Kye said with a tired tone "just tell us" Mineral rolled we eyes.
"Alright, you really want to know?" she said leaning her elbows on the table "every day, around the same time they'd come for us. They took us to a room and each day it was different. One day it was a water torture where yet tied us up and locked us in a room as it slowly filled with water. no questions, nothing. It was pure, unhinged torture with no goal but to bring pain and suffering to us"
"How'd they get the scars?" Notch cut in for a moment. Mineral pauses to look at him, a smirk playing on her face.
"Since the only scars they really had were either from whips or the branding I think you'll want to be more specific" she said
"The 'z' marks?" he asked
"Branded" she responded with a shrug like it was nothing. hers suddenly became more noticeable even if it was hidden by her shirt. It felt like it burned all over again but she ignored it.
"Ok, again, we get that. why?" Notch asked snapping her out of it.
"He said so anyone could tell who we belonged to" she said, all humor in her voice replaced with regret. "that it would be know soon to those who cared or were on his side who w- they are"
"You mean to say that because they were branded they belong to him?" Herobrine said obviously angry "like live stock?!"
Mineral shook her head "no, by who their parents are" she looked up at him "at least, one of them anyways" his face contorted into something of confusion for a moment then wet back to the angry scowl.
"So he did that to mark them as mine?" Herobrine responded. he shook his head "I still don't believe he would have done something like this"
"Of course he would! You've done things like this many times before!' Notch said standing up and glaring at his brother
"But we've been allies for as long as his kingdom has been around. he wouldn't break that' Herobrine said
"Are you sure about that?" a new voice asked from the doorway. They all turned to see three men walk through.
"Sorry if we're interrupting but we had been told by a group we met in the forest you were having troubles with a man named Israphel?" A man in a red shirt asked.
"we might" Mineral replied eyeing them "who are you?"
"Oh, forgive our manners" the man continued "I'm Lewis or Xephos. This is Simon or Honeydew and our scientific friend Duncan. We know about Israphel and have been looking for him for a while. We've seen what he's capable of"
"Too many times actually" Honeydew said in a haunting tone.
"What could be so bad about him?" A voice asked from teh corner. Minral turned to see 'Crystal' sitting there. She hadn't noticed her before.
"What could be so bad?" Lewis asked stunned. "How about murdering whole towns for the sake of murdering? Or maybe kidnapping? We've seen whole cities gone as if they've vanished from the world"
"Sounds like things herobrine's done" She shrugged. The room sudddenly became stiff, as if everyone was waiting for something horrible to happen next.
"What was that?" Herobrien asked in a low voie. "I dont tihnk I heard that correctly Diamond. Mind repeating?" she shrugged
"Sure, I said it sounds a lot like something you'd do" She said with another noncaring posture. You could tell Herobrine was blistering with anger.
"Room. Now. You are excused from this meeting" He said, voice shaking with anger.
"No" She responded and stretched out in the chair "You didnt call this meeting, Kye did so you can't be the one to kick me from it"
"Diamond. I will count to ten" He said, an obvios warning in his voice.
"Then what? You'll put me in a time out?" Mock fear was eminent in her voice. Herobrine was getting angrier and angrier with her.
"No, something worse. Now leave" He said, an invisible wind kicked up around them.
"No" She said again "I'm not afraid of you"
"Even if I'm your fathre you sh-" He started but she held up a hand.
"First off, you're not my father. Never were. Two, I will not accept you as my father and Three" she said sitting up "I will never do what you say"
"That's it" MInreal said standing up "He's not the only one who wants you out. I do. Now get out of my meeting room" The fake smirked at her
"Oh, but it wont be that easy to get rid of me now would it?" She asked "After all, didn't you fake it all and work with Israphel in the kidnapping?"
"what are you talking about?" Mineral seethed "Why would i do that?"
"Beause you dont like them" The fake said, ignoring the stare from Herobrine.
"What is she talking about?" Herobrine asked glaring at MIneral. She too ignored him.
"No, I would never" Mineral said
"Why wouldnt you though?" The fake asked "It'd be easy and get rid of a threat"
"Because it would be cruel!" Minerla countered.
"Since when did you care about that?"
"Sine I knew the difference between right and wrong"
"OH really now! Then why didnt you stop their tortures? Why didn't you convine them to let them go?"
"Because I couldn't! They would never listen to my pleas, only laugh at my pity!" MInrela said becoming more and more emotional. The fake laughed.
"What's so funny?" Mineral asked suspiciously.
"Why would you care? They arent anything to you" THe fake said "Hell, they're barely anything to me" a smirk was crawling its way onto her face. That was the last straw
"because they're family" Mineral said evenly
A/N WHY!? WHY DOES IT TAKE SO LONG!? That's a question I've gotten a lot recently. The answer, Finals. I just finished with them and it is now officially summer for me. I havent updated because, being the end of the school year, the teacher's thought it would be a good idea to assign projects due right before.
Updates may be coming in faster now becaus I've got more free time but I can't make any promises just yet. I'm still busy with other things too.
Anyways, hope a longer update is good for you to make up for the time I've spent not able to. anyways
SEE YA Foxes!!
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