Ita over?
A/N so I've gotten several song ideas that I'll try to thread in here and like last time you don't have to listen to them too but I'd love to hear your songs ideas.
"I still have more suggestions! They are all awesome!"
Fine Phil. You may put ONE! In. Got it?
"Alright, two it is"
No. One. O- N- E.
*sighs* let's get started. The songs will be
(A) Little talks- Of monsters and Men
(B) Young forever- The Ready Set
(C) Moves like jagger- Maroon 5
(D) Really don't care- Demi Lavato
I will also post a link to a playlist of these songs and maybe more in the comments so you can check there instead of looking it up individually.
Now one with the story!!
"Yea music! Like before tell us your favorite songs!"
For once you've got a good idea Phil
"Thank you! You recognize my brilliance!"
Haha, that might not be it
Jonas- we still have to talk about earlier!
And now the story!
Jonas- Hey!
(A) Mineral yawned and stretched. For once she felt rested and didn't have a kink in her neck. Looking around her room she smiled. It seemed like she'd been gone from it forever.
she took a deep breath through her nose and sighed happily. The sun shone through her windowed doors and she got up feeling jittery. It took all her will not to giggle which stuck in the back of her throat for some odd reason. She quickly walked over to the doors and pulled them open. A brisk morning breeze hit her face and she walked out onto the balcony. Something was nagging at the back of her mind but she pushed it aside as she took in the view. Again, for some reason it was more beautiful than it had been. She smiled and leaned against the railing. The marble was cold against her bare arms. She had forgotten she slept in a tank top last night. Another Autumn breeze whisked by and she retreated back into her room for a sweat shirt. she didn't notice the black cloak hanging on a peg next to her bed.
She pulled one out of her closet and smiled. It was a surprisingly quiet morning. With a yawn she opened the door and almost fell over top of Rancune sleeping in the doorway.
"what're you doing?" she laughed. Rancune poked her head up interested and her tail started wagging excitedly.
"C'mon, let's go get something to eat" Mineral smirked and took off down the hall. Rancune jumped up and ran after, giving a happy yip.
"I had the weirdest dream you know?" She said walking down the hall. Rancune tilted her head trotting beside. "my father came and didn't realize who I was. Then everyone else from my past started coming in too" she laughed slightly "I had a brother and sister too. Then sooo much more happened. It got really dark. We were kidnapped, tortured and when we finally did escape I was killed" she shook her head. "I'm glad I woke up after that" she let out another small laugh and sighed happily. Rancune lowered her head and followed.
The two walked on in the silence. It was surprising to Mineral. Almost as if the whole place was morning or something. She wondered who died.
Getting closer to the main hall she finally heard some voices. She smiled until she got close enough to recognize them. Her smile fell and she slowly backed into the shadows.
"Are you sure she's back?" Seto's voice floated toward them "What about the body?"
"Gone, Brandon and the guards went to check after she fell asleep last night. There's no sign of it ever being there in the first place" Kye answered "and unless it was taken it's actually her"
"Then why did you call me here?" Seto asked. "It couldn't be to just tell me this 'happy' news could it?" His sarcasm cut through her like a knife. She took a step farther back into the shadows.
It wasn't a dream the thought hit her full on. but- it couldn't be true! none of it could be true!
Rancune ran out from the shadows and into the hall. Seto and Kye stopped talking for a moment, startled by the sudden appearance.
"Rancune? weren't you supposed to be watching the room?" Kye knelt down to pet the wilds ears. Rancune walked up happily then barked and looked back towards she shadows, her tail going like a fan.
Seto smirked as walked over "up already are you?" He said lighting up the dark spot. Nothing was there though. a look of confusion crossed his face and only grew as he was thrown back by an invisible force.
"Seto!" Kye yelled, her eyes wide.
A chuckle wrapped its way around the hall and Israphel stepped out from the other side of the room.
"Trying to call for some help against your own cousin? that's almost as harsh as killing your own sibling" he grinned. Seto struggled in the air, trying to break free from the grip.
"Kye! Run!" he yelled. he was floating three feet of the ground by now and clutching at his throat. Israphel glares and made a fist out of one hand. Seto screamed out in pain.
"Run and I kill him right here" Israphel growled "call for anyone and you both die. no guards are coming and no one knows. there will be no help"
Kye, who had been standing frozen in shock, broke free from it and pulled her sword out. Israphel chuckled at the sight.
"That won't help either" he commented.
"Why are you here?" she glared. "what could you possibly want here?"
Israphel grinned and walked cockily forward. "you have something I need at the moment. I was seeing about getting it back" he smirked "its about 5 feet long, has brown hair colored orange and is as limp as a rag doll?" Kye stared at him in mute horror.
"No, that's something you can't get at. Why would you even want her?!" She yelled.
"I've got my reasons" Israphel smirked "now, about the body-" he was cut off by a dagger stabbing his side. he yelped in a mixture it surprise and pain, breaking the spell on Seto.
Seto dropped as the spell broke. The first thing he did, he put up a shield. Second, he froze Israphel. Immobilized, the pasty figure could only watch in surprise as they walked forward.
"How'd that feel?" Seto asked. He stood crossed armed and glared at Israphel. Israphel only managed a glare back, unable to speak from the spell.
A door opened ath the end of the hall and Lewis, SImon and Duncan walked out. Seto looked over at them still cross armed.
"You are all so lucky that worked" He remarked. Lewis laughed and gave him a hefty pat on the back.
"We told you it would didn't we?" He chuckled "besides, whoever threw that dagger made the success" He smirked and pulled the green blade out of Israphel's side. If he could, Israphel most likely would have yelped again but he could only manage a muted groan.
"Who did throw it anyways?" Simon asked walking forward. He took the dagger from Simon and looked it over. His eyes widened at the sighed. "A beautiful blade like this"
The glint of green caught Kye's eyes and she walked forward curious "I think I know. This belongs to m-" She reached for it as she spoke but was cut off half way threw as it was ripped from the dwarves hands. Everyone jumped back surprised.
The dagger flew through the air until it came to a stop, hovering several feet in the air. Everyone stared as Mineral started to slowly appear. She lowered her dagger and slid it back into it's sheath blood still on the edges. Her face was dark but surprisingly she turned and walked smoothly and calmly out the doors. The others watched confused but Kye had gone pale.
"Who was that?" Simon asked looking over at her. Kye shook her head and hurried after.
"Crystal! wait!" Kye called trying to get her to stop.
Instead, she ran with a panicked glance back over her shoulder. Kye scowled and ran after her. She caught up with her easy and pushed Crystal against the wall.
"Leave me alone!" Crystal fought to get away but in her weakened state she could barely push back. Kye held her firm and narrowed her eyes. Quickly she opened the nearest door to them, a supply closet and dragged Crystal in.
"How do we know?" she asked. Crystal stopped thrashing and stares.
"Know what?" She asked shrinking back. Kye was planning something, she could see it in her eyes.
"Who you are" Kye answered "prove it or else" her time was cool and even. It sent a chill down Crystals spine.
"I can't prove it" she replied, a lump rose in her throat from fear. Kye smirked and let her go. Crystal dropped the floor nervously and looked up at the older girl. Kye smiles down at her.
"You just did" she said softly and held out a hand to help her up. Crystal took it cautiously and stood up.
"How?" Crystal asked before Kye opened the door. Her hand paused on the handle.
"You'll probably need these for a bit" Kye said quietly. She pulled out a pair of sunglasses and handed them to Crystal.
Crystal took them confused at first but her eyes widened and quickly put them on. "thank you" she mumbled and put her head down. She quickly pulled her hood up and hung her head. Kye nodded and opened the door.
"Dad!" Creed yelled as he ran into the room, an iron helmet two sizes too big almost falling off his head. He had a big, goofball of a grin on his face. "look what we found!" he said proudly pointing to the helmet and a sword he had dropped.
Herobrine turned around and chuckled "now where did you find that?" He asked picking Creed up.
"Down the hall. There's a lot more stuff in there too" Creed said pushing the helmet out of his eyes again.
"Is there? Well let's not let this chance go to waste then" he set the boy down again and walked towards the door quickly.
"Wait! Wait up!" Creed called. he broke into a run to even keep up. Herobrine looked back and smirked before starting to run too, easily outrunning Creed.
"Dad!" Creed yelled "please wait!" Herobrine chuckled, sounding darker than usual, and ducked into one of the rooms as soon as he turned the corner.
Creed ran by quickly, a look of panic on his face. "dad?!" he stopped and looked around before disappearing. Herobrine stepped out of the room surprised.
"Did he just teleport?" Herobrine muttered to himself as he walked down the hall "since when could he do that?!" he sighed and walked towards the store room.
"Creed! Angel!" He called in. The door had been slightly ajar and he pushed it forward. And groaned.
The hole place was a mess. It looked like a tornado had gone through, tearing everything out of chests and throwing them on the floor or over the blanketed furniture stored there. He sighed and, with a flick of his hand, everything started flying back up to where it was supposed to be again.
"Alright! both of you out here now!" Herobrine commanded. But once again, neither of the two came forward. A silence filled the room as he stood waiting.
"Sir-" a pigman came to the door and looked in. Te rotting creature took a step back when Herobrine appeared right in front of him.
"Yes?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Your, um, wife left a note" The pig did handing over a note. He quickly hurried off again.
"First the twins now this?" Herobrine muttered and sliced the top of the envelope open, taking out the note.
By now you've probably realized the twins are gone. I've taken them back to the over world to give them a life try deserve instead of living down there for the rest of eternity.
Once you realize what they are capable of and get a grip
On yourself you can visit. until then, they stay up her with me and your sister. Your brothers have been warned and-
Herobrine glared at the letter and it burst into flames.
"How dare she" he growled "she has no right to do that!" the shout echoed around the halls and ever mob around disappeared in fear of the rage to follow.
As quick as he could. Herobrine walked towards the nether portal only to find it wasn't lit.
"No good god d-" he muttered to himself as a fire played in his hand. he threw it at the portal, it lot for a moment and then went out once again.
"NOTCH!" he shouted glaring at the ceiling "You can't keep me here forever!"
A letter appear in front of his face and unrolled. he grabbed it from the air and quickly read the sentence.
Yes I can
"No!" Herobrine shouted again "you can't! They're my kids!"
Another note appeared.
Yea, but you've gone mad again. Once you calm down and cool off I'll light the portal again. until then, enjoy your stay
Herobrine growled and walked back down the hall. "Two timing son of a- why can't he mind his own business- when I get out-" he kept muttering under his breath as he went, any mob he encountered as killed the instant he saw it and it continued all the way back.
"No, Kye, c'mon! Don't make me!" Crystal said backing up into a wall "we can talk about this!"
"No! now stop moving!" Kye said lunging at her. Crystal's eyes widened and she dodged to the left, right into Endra who tackled her to the floor.
"No! get off me!" Crystal tried to claw her way out but being tackles by a dragon is about the equivalent of being trapped in a locked steel box. You can't escape without a key.
"Hold still!" Kye commanded and opened the eyeliner "You've got to look nice ccat least for tonight!"
"Why do I have to though?! I'm not going anywhere tonight, everyone still thinks I'm dead!" Crystal said grimacing at the makeup being out on her. Endra laughed and shifted into her human form. She at least was already wearing her dress. a Short but not too short black dress with lace along the back and openings for her wings if she needed them. Her tail snaked out the bottom of the dress and swishes excited.
"C'mon min! it'll be great!" she said applying some mascara to her eyes. Crystal tried to pull away from the stuff.
"Why are you two so sure about this?" She asked as she finally relented.
"Because" Kye said concentrated "Its a surprise" she smiled finished with her work "and you'll want to look your best" Endra let her up and giggles from excitement.
"Besides, it's so much FUN to dress up every now an then!" She jumped up, emphasizing 'fun' as much as she possibly could.
Crystal sighed "I guess I see your point" she asked "But why tonight?"
"Why nott?" Kye raised an eyebrow "I think that we deserv a bit of celebration"
"Celebration? What kind of celebration" Crystal asked "Because Israphel was finially gotten rid of?"
Endra shrugged "KInda since those yoggy- -what's-their- names said so" Endra replied "plus they took his powers, he can't get out of that new prison they've got for him"
"You mean the yogscast?" Kye said looking at Endra now "and she's right. he's got no way to escape. now stop worrying and go put this on!" she said and shoved a bag into Crystal's arms. Before she could object she was pushed into the bathroom and the door closed behind her.
"You know where we'll be, don't take forever!" Kye called from outside and hurried off. Crystal could hear Endra giggling as she followed.
Really? She thought. why me?
Because they care for you
Now stop complaining! I want to see that dress!
That sounded really perverted.
Maybe it was supposed to?
"Oh both of you stop" Crystal said back to them. She had started to get the hang of talking to them "can you let me get ready in peace please?"
Yes! go right ahead. I'll take care of him.
Whoa, wait a m-
The voices disappeared and she let out a sigh of relief. Opening the bag she found a slim, red dress. Lace along the back showed through to her skin and went down just above her knees. At the bottom of the bag was a pair of black, sandal like, short heels. She rolled her eyes and put them on. Te heel wasn't too high luckily and she could easily manage them. Next to the heels had been a bag and on closer examination she found it was jewelry.
A red jeweled necklace, red earring and black bracelets. Crystal shook her head an set them aside. They didn't feel right to wear with the dress.
Opening the bathroom door she snuck back into her room and over to the small chest resting on the night stand. Inside was all her jewelry she'd had since running away. Taking out a pair of studded, diamond earrings she put them in and dug through again, stopping as she came to one necklace. A nether star on a golden chain. She smiled and took it out. The note that came with it lay at the bottom of the chest right where the pendant had been. She took it out, reread it, and slipped it into her pocket with a feeling of sad happiness. you know the type, a memory you love but it reminds you of something know will never happen again no matter how much you want it to? sad- happiness.
She looked in the mirror and smiled. Wondering what the other two were doing at the moment, Crystal walked out the door to her room and down the halls. Walking slowly she made her way down to the library and towards the back. When the castle was first under construction two years ago Kye and MIneral had made sure they had several hidden places in the castle. More so for just getting away from each other or the awkward fan who somehow broke in rather than for an actual escape rout or hiding place from an actual attack on the castle. They'd come in handy a lot too when Mineral got too angry or Endra wasnt able to control her self or even when Kye wanted to get away from the constant arguing.
The back bookshelf was one of the only rooms all three knew of and visited together. It was also the only room where they had ever actually been normal together. Well, their type of normal. Not running a kingdom normal.
She pulled a book from the case and instantly it swung back. Almost instantly she heard the booming of a beat coming from down the steps. Lasers danced around at the bottom of the steps blasting the walls with multicolored lights or green, red, blue, yellow and all the others in-between. Crystal carefully walked down the steps towards the noise. As she got closer she could hear voices. voices that sounded all too familiar.
"Over there! over there!" Fluffy's voice could be heard shouting, the word slurring slightly as other laughed from near by "watch out for the rabbit!"
Crystal looked into the room, which they had built rather big to be honest, then again they did have a dragon so it had to be big. Sorry, getting off topic.
She peaked into the room to see the everyone, pretty much everyone anyways, dancing and drinking and basically having fun. On the wide screen on one wall Holly, Sarah, Fluffy and Quartz were playing what looked like a horror game, jumping every time they checked the cameras. Kelly, Connor and Frog were standing by a table with what looked like a lot of drinks on it, she could only guess what they were. Note the sarcasm.
Looking up she could see Tomy hanging almost passed out from the chandelier laughing at what was going on below, his face turned red from being upside down and probably whatever else he was drinking. Morgan, Sydney, Kye and Endra were talking near the table of food and laughing to themselves every now and then. Heck, even Stike and Rancune were wearing bow-ties. Crystal smiled and started to walk over since they seemed the closets. She stopped though as a laugh broke out through the room. Several other laughs followed but not as loud as the first.
They had come from a cluster of chairs and couches that had been pulled into a not so circular circle that had been hidden at first by the doorway. Nova, Jonas, Louise, And Budder sat together laughing their heads off. One of them must've cracked a joke or were very- well you get the idea. But she looked over stunned anyways. (D)
Budder kept laughing, unaware. You could barely tell he had fallen out a window, let alone almost died. The only thing showing he had even gotten hurt recently was the cast covering his arm, and even that was hidden under the sleeve of his shirt.
"Min!" Crystal was snapped from her thoughts by the barely audible voice. She looked over and saw Endra waving her over. She put on a smile and ran over.
"What's all this?" She asked looking at the excited dragon.
"A surprise!" Endra exclaimed with a. Beaming smile.
"We thought we'd throw a party to celebrate" Kye said "after all, it isn't everyday your friend's brought back to life and the killer is caught" she smiled
"Especially on the same day" Endra jumped in. "plus they were already here for a funeral that now's not going to happen and what else were we to do besides throw a party?!" Apparently she had gotten into the punch too.
Crystal laughed and shook her head "So that's why they're all dressed up? They came for my funeral?" Although the thought was horrible, that she had actually died and come back, she actually felt honored that her friends who she hadn't seen for years and had pushed away were actually willing to come to her funeral.... Even if she wasn't dead anymore.
"Yea" Kye said shrugging "but, now that you're alive, we've got a chance to actually catch up with them!" She laughed as a smirk came up her face "unless you're going to run again" she asked in a more- knowing type of tone you could say.
Crystal shook her head "I'm done running" She smiled "I'm not going to again"
Briar stood over the bed looking at her suitcase, which was still packed, and shook her head. Her heart was heavy but she knew it was the best choice at the time. Until he calmed down she wasn't going to go back.
"mom!" Angle ran into the room and jumped up onto the bed next to the suitcase "Where you going?" She asked with a tilt of her head, whatever question or thing she was going to say gone and replaced with curiosity.
Briar smiled down at her "No where, just thinking" She unlocked the buckles on the case and started unpacking. "I will be heading out later tonight though, there's something I need to go to"
"What is it?" Angel asked even more curious. Briar shook her head again.
"nothing you need to know about yet. I'm just going for a visit" She replied and smiled "You're going to have a babysitter for the night though"
"But we're old enough to stay by ourselves!" Creed said standing from the doorway "And I don't want Jonas to come. He's no fun" the little boy crossed his arms crossly.
"Stop pouting" Briar said in a stern tone, looking back at him "Jonas isn't the one babysitting you tonight and I dont want to hear you talking bad about him again got it?" Creed nodded looking down.
"Is daddy coming home?" Angel asked in an almost excited tone. Briar shook her head again.
"No, it's a local girl, someone new for you two to meet" she said "I've talked to some of the others in town and heard she's very nice"
"Who is it?" Creed asked starting to get excited again, the scolding already gone from his mind.
"Her name is Lexi and she's very nice" Briar nodded "She'll be here-" just then there was a knock at the door.
"I've got it!" Angel and Creed shouted at the same time, both bolting down the stairs towards the front door. Briar was only steps behind them both.
Creed reached the door first and jumped to reach the doornob. Chuckling, Briar gently pushed him out of the way as the door swung open.
"Hello Mrs. Briar" Lora said smiling as she stood in the doorway. She had changed her hair to a bright blond and had put in brown contacts to cover up her own grey eyes. "I'm here right on time" she said in a peppy, almost annoying way to keep up with the act. Briar smiled and ushered her in.
A/N HAHAHAHA! No, this is not the end of the story. Almost, but not quite. Orriginally, i was going to go longer but- it's pretty long already being 4294 words right here. That's a lot honestly.
Anyways! Hope you liked the song selection, hope you also listened to some of your own songs and not just those listed above because I've got the feeling those didn't quite get through the whole chapter. :/
"Can I share a song now?"
"Great! The two so-"
Wait! No. I just said one.
"But- I've got two"
Pick your favorite *shrugs*
"-_- fine. If any of you foxes want go check out the song Goody Two Shoes by Adam Ant. It's got a great kick to it"
There are some awesome old fashoned songs out there!
"Yea, you should know that"
Fluffy- hey! Wasspu?! *jumps in* *falls over*
"Go home fluf ball, you're drunk"
Fluffy- am not
Jonas- fluffy? Where are you? *wandering around*
oh god, it's happened to them all!!
"We've got to run!"
Budder- I found a rocket!
Nova- let's launch it!!
"No! Bad! Bad idea!"
Phil! We need back up!
"I'll go get Hero!" *Disappears*
DONT LEAVE ME HERE TO DEAL WITH TH- *Cut off by explosion*
oh. My. God. What have we done?
Colin- what have we done?! *looks up at sky* *laughs*
not you too!
Colin- *shakes head* oenp. tno me oto.
Oh, thank Notch then
Colin- nkath uyo Notch
I didn't mean that literally
Colin- *Shrugs*
Budder- hey! hey! I've got a song!
Oh god, what?
Budder- young forever- The Ready Set!
That's already been played Budder
Budder- play it again!!!! *runs off*
Well, I've got to go round them up... help
SEE YA Foxes!!
"I'm back!"
too late Phil
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