I see the gates!
A/N i have nothing to say right now.
"Faster! faster!" Creed sang as they rode along. Herobrine spurred the horse faster and Creed giggled as the wind went through his hair. The boy tightened his grip on Herobrine's shirt as he tried not to fall off. Herobrine smiled and urged the horse faster.
"Hero! Slow down or you'lll get someone killed!" Briar called as she and Angle rode behind them. Herobrine slowed the horse to a fast trot. Creed looked out from behnd Herobrine at the senery around them.
"What's that?" He asked pointing to something moving in the woods to there right.
"What's what?" Herobrine asked looking in. He didnt see anything.
"That" Creed said. He stood up on the saddle and Herobrine slowed the horse even more.
"Creed, sit down" Herobrine said but instead Creed jumped down and ran into the forest.
"Creed!" Herobrine stopped the horse and jumped off running after him. Herobrine looked around and saw the back of Creed's shirt start to disappear behind a tree. He ran up to it and saw Creed holding something. He turned around and Herobrine saw he was holding a wolf pup.
"Can we keep him?" Creed asked looking up at Herobrine. The pup was happily wagging its tail and looking at Herobrine with bright blue eyes. Herobrine shifted slightly and sighed as Creed looked at him with puppy dog eyes.
"Sure" Herobrine said and picked them both up "But we have to get back now" He started running back to the trail and came out to Steve running out.
"I couldn't find him" Steve said panting.
"No need, I have him" Herobrine said as he set Creed down. Creed in turn set the pup down and it started to run around in the clearing, yapping excitedly. Steve stared at it confused.
"Where did that come from?" He asked pointing at the pup. It stopped running and stared at the forest where they had just come from and started growling. Herobrine pulled out his sword at the same time Notch and Steve did and faced the forest. There was a rustle but nothing came out and after several minutes of waiting Herobrine put his sword away. He picked up creed and the wolf pup, who had calmed down, and put them on the back of the horse before mounting himself.
"Lets get out of here before whatever that was comes back" Herobrine said and they started to ride off again.
It didn't take long before they reached the edge of the Fox kingdom.
"I see the gates!" Angle said and pointed in front of them. Sure enough a huge wall was built around a castle with one central gate were everyone was going in and out.
"Lets head in then" Herobrine said and spurred his horse forward. The wolf pup yapped and wagged its tail faster at the sight of the castle. Creed reached back and pet it.
"I think he knows where we are" Creed said. "I wonder if he's from here" Creed looked at the walls.
"He might be but I doubt it" Herobrine said looking back at Creed. he was staring at the walls in awe.
"There huge" Angel said as she passed underneath them. They were stopped before they could enter.
"State your name and business" One of the guards said. Herobrine took out the invitation.
"We were invited by Kye" Herobrine said. The guard nodded and waved them through. They rode to the gates of the castle and were waved through again by more guards. Once inside four more guards came and too the horses to the stables as others lead the group inside.
"I'm going to guess your hear to see Miss Kye?" One asked looking at them. Notch nodded and the guard rushed off.
"Please follow me to the throne room" The guard said when he saw them still standing there. They did and walked through a pair of doors and saw a group of people already there.
"Dad!" Kye shouted and ran up to Notch giving him a hug. She looked at the others and saw Creed and Angle hiding behind Briar and Herobrine.
"Hello Uncle, aunty. Who are these two?" She asked as she knelt down and looked at the two. They hid farther behind them.
"They're usually not this shy" Herobrine said pushing Creed towards Kye "This is Creed and that" He said pointing at Angle "Is Angle"
Kye smiled at them and held her hand out to Creed.
"Hi Creed, I'm your cousin Kye" She said. He gingerly took her hand and shook it.
"Hi" he said quietly before retreating behind Herobrine again. Angle had found her courage and walked up to Kye and held her hand out first.
"I'm Angle" She said proudly. Kye smiled and shook her hand
"It's nice to meet you Angle" Kye said. She stood back up and looked at Briar.
"You didn't happen to run into a girl with red hair and green eyes on your way in here did you?" Kye asked embarrassed.
"No, why?" Steve asked. Kye looked at him
"Well, Mineral, the leader here, kinda ran off and hasn't come back yet" Kye said.
"I thought you were the leader" Notch said making Kye laugh.
"No, co-leader second in command." Kye said "We rule together with our commander Endra. Speaking of which, here she comes" Kye said looking up at the ceiling, through the tinted glass. A shadow passed over head and moments later a black blur flew threw one of the open windows. It landed in front of Kye.
"We have a problem" Endra said gasping. She didn't notice the others at first but suddenly looked up and around the room. Everyone was staring at her as she folded her wings up. "But it looks like your busy" She started to take off again but Kye grabbed her and pulled her back down.
"What do you mean problem?" Kye asked. Endra looked around and fiddled nervously with her shirt.
"The guards have spotted Mineral walking in the ally behind Freddy's and when they went to investingat they found on man nocked out on the ground with a trail of blood leading out the other end" Endra said quickly. Kye sighed
"That was from earlier. Some thugs tried to rob her but luckily some of our guests showed up and helped her out." Kye said gesturing to the crowd. Endra calmed down a bit.
"Well, in that case I'll be going then" Endra started to lift off again but, again, Kye pulled her down.
"No, I need you to go out and find her again. She ran off just a while ago and we need her back" Kye said. A grin formed on Endra's face
"Any means necessary?" she asked. Kye nodded
"Nothing too extreme though. Remember, she is the leader still" Kye said. Endra nodded and took off.
"Who was that?" Notch asked. Kye turned to him and smiled.
"That, was Endra" Kye said "If your wondering about the wings its because she's the ender dragon, or the next one anyways. Don't worry, she's good. We made peace with her and she agreed to stay up here to help us" Kye explained when she saw there horrified faces.
"So we will be staying with a dragon. Not only just that but the ender dragon?" Sky asked
"Oh not only that. You haven't met Mineral yet" Kye said smiling. "You have no idea what she can be like"
Mineral walked down the street staring at the ground. She was in one of the less busy parts of town so there wasn't as many people around her as she walked.
"How could she not tell me? We run this place together" Mineral muttered to herself as she walked. She kicked a stone down the path. The sky started to turn grey and the sound of thunder wasn't far off.
"I mean, this was the whole reason I ran away!" Mineral said looking up at the sky. It chose that moment to start raining.
"Great" Mineral muttered.
She wasn't ready to head back but she needed to now. She started walking back even though she could teleport she wanted to take as long as possible getting back. She walked along in the rain just as she heard a growl from beside her. She stopped and looked towards where the growl was coming from. The sound came from down an ally and soon after the sounds of a fight came from the same way. Mineral hurried down and found two dogs fighting. She jumped in and grabbed each by the scruff of there necks and pulled them apart. The smaller one was bleeding pretty badly and the larger one was still trying to get at the smaller one. Mineral shook the larger one.
"Stop that!" She said and it immediately stopped. She set it down and it scurried away.
The smaller one was whimpering and blood was starting to pool underneath it. Mineral carefully set it down and ripped a part of her shirt off the bottom to bind the wound. The wolf whimpered when the rain hit the wounds on its neck and Mineral carefully tied the knot tight on it and picked the wolf back up. She started to run out of the ally and back to the castle as fast as she could. The wolf whimpered slightly with every jog and bump Mineral stumbled on. She picked up the pace when it's whimpers started to get softer and stopped altogether.
"Mineral!" A voice called from above. Mineral ignored it and kept running.
"Why are you running?" The voice came from beside her now. Mineral looked over and saw Endra flying right next to her. She looked like she was in pain from the rain but was fighting it as she tried to keep up.
"Here" Mineral said shoving the wolf at her "Take this to the med bay and have them patch it up" Mineral said still running. Endra looked at the wolf now in her arms then back at Mineral. Her face contorted in confusion and pain.
"Why would you care about it?" She asked. Mineral shrugged.
"Its my new pet" She said simply "I'll meet you back at the castle" Endra nodded and flew up into the sky and back to the castle as fast as she could.
Endra burst through the doors soaking wet and collapsed on the ground with steam coming off her. Kye had been waiting and looked at Endra confused before rushing over.
"Where's Mineral?" She asked then saw the small wolf and looked at it in terror.
"No, this isn't her" Endra growled "This is just her new pet. She'll be here soon" And Endra walked off down the hall to the medics. Minutes later Mineral burst through the door soaked through.
"Mineral! Why did you run out?" Kye asked as Mineral started to shiver.
"I don't know" Mineral snapped "I just didn't want to see them just yet" She started walking to her room with Kye following. She could now see the blood stains on her shirt.
"Are those yours or the wolfs?" Kye asked
"The wolfs" Mineral answered. She opened the door to her room and walked in with Kye following.
"You know they're waiting for you" Kye said leaning against the wall as Mineral picked out some clothes from her closet.
"Who?" Mineral asked "The group you brought in? They can wait" she said walking into the bathroom.
"But some one really important is here to see you" Kye said through the door.
"They can wait!" Mineral said as she started the shower. She peeled off her soaking wet clothes and threw them in the shoot in the corner.
She stepped in and let the water warm her. She got out just a little while later and dried off and styled her hair. She could still be presentable. She quickly changed into her new clothes, dark orange shirt, black skirt and black flats, before stepping out of her room. She stepped into the hallway and started walking towards the dining hall. She stopped right outside and gathered herself before pushing the doors open and walking in. The hall was bustling and no one seemed to notice except for the ones near the doors and the people sitting at the head table which she walked right up to.
"Hello Mineral" Kye called when she saw her. She stressed a smile as Mineral sat down and Mineral noticed she was sitting next to Notch.
"Hello Kye" Mineral said "Hello Notch" she nodded.
"Hello Mineral" Notch said standing up. He stuck out his hand and Mineral shook it "I do not believe we have met" he said. Mineral smiled
"Your right, I don't think we have" Mineral said sitting down "I am Mineral, leader of the Fox kingdom and armada. Kye is second in command and Endra is the third in command and commander of the armada" She looked around "But I do not see her here yet. She should be here shortly" Mineral said leaning back. The doors opened again and Endra walked in wearing a pink shirt with a white hoodie over it. She was trying to hide it but she was completely embarrassed. Mineral smiled and looked at Kye.
"You didn't" Mineral said. Kye smiled and held up pink dye and bleach.
"I did" She said. and slid the dye back in her bag.
"Nice" Mineral said and looked back at Endra who was trying to make her way to them unnoticed. It wasn't working. She finally made her way to the table and sat down next to Kye and Mineral.
"I like the new wardrobe" Mineral said nodding at her pink shirt. Endra gave her the death glare and Mineral tried not to laugh and had to look away to stop herself. She looked back a bit later smirking.
"So, some one is missing" Mineral said scanning the table again. She looked at Kye "Who?" Kye looked down.
"Can I, um, talk to you in private?" Kye asked. Mineral nodded and got up. Kye walked to one of the back rooms and Mineral followed her in.
"It's Herobrine and Briar, isn't it?" Mineral said softly. "They couldn't make it" She sounded disappointed and looked down at the ground.
"No, they made it" Kye said "But they brought two more with them"
"Two more?" Mineral asked. There was a knock on the door.
"What are you two doing in there?" Endra's voice asked from the other side.
"Nothing! We'll be out in a minute" Kye replied and turned back to Mineral. "We'll talk about this later"
They walked out and the table was looking at them. Mineral stood at the head of the table and smiled at them.
"I would just like to welcome you to the Fox kingdom even though my partner here" She shot a look at Kye "Hadn't told me any of you were coming. We are still glad to have you and hope you enjoy the concert tomorrow night" She sat down and the chefs came out a moment later with the food.
"So Mineral, how long have you been leader?" Notch asked. Mineral paused and looked up at him.
"About three- four years" Mineral answered "I met Kye almost immediately after. I could tell she would be a great leader to work with" Kye started to blush ;)
"Oh really? Did you know about her being my daughter too?" Notch asked. Mineral made a surprised face.
"No, at the time I didn't know" She responded "She only just recently mentioned it" Notch nodded.
"How about anyone traveling with her, another girl maybe?" Notch asked. Mineral shook her head.
"I found her alone. I'm sorry if you were looking for someone but I didn't see anyone else with her" Mineral said. Notch looked down disappointed but then back up at Mineral.
"Did she ever tell you she ran away?" Notch asked. Mineral paused and leaned on her elbows.
"No, she never did tell me that. She likes to keep her past a secret from me and so do I" Mineral said in a voice that was both calm and threatening. Notch didnt seem to notice.
"You seem very succesful for only just starting out" Notch siad looking at a peice of his food "How did you get so many so fast?"
"It was pretty easy actually, we started out as just a small town and everyone would just come to us since we were the first to set up. Eventually others came and it grew, when it came time to choose a leader they immediately asked me. I accepted and have been here ever since" Mineral said taking a bite of her own steak "Several moths after that we met Endra and were able to make piece with her. No one has been attacked by an enderman since then and the town has grown larger since we started letting others in" Mineral looked over at Endra and Kye only to see them looking at her with sly smiles.
"Others? Like who?" Sky asked. Just then one of the guards walked in and up to the table. Sky stared at it in shock. The guard in turn watched him carefully.
"Miss Mineral, there is a problem in town. The head guard would like to talk to you and Miss Endra privately" she said before walking away. Sky watched in horror before looking back at Mineral.
"Yes, we have been letting squid hybrids in. They have no other place to go" Mineral said "The squids wont take them since they are part human and the people wont take them because they are part squid and every place they go people try to kill them"
"But squids?! Really? They're evil!" Sky shouted and stood up. Mineral stood up and glared at him.
"I come to know you have two in your party that are part squid and your own sister lived with them for a while, am I correct?" Mineral asked. Sky's face turned confused for a moment before falling.
"They're different. They turned good" He said
"And why cant others turn good? Have you ever given others the chance you gave them?" Mineral asked still staring him down. Sky relented and sat back down and wouldn't look up at her. The whole table was silent as Mineral turned to Endra.
"We should probably go see what he wants" She said and walked off to the door. Endra quickly following. They walked out the door. Everyone watched until the door closed before turning back to Kye. She was sitting calmly, eating her steak.
"I did tell you, you hadn't meet her fully yet" Kye said "She sticks up for what she believes in and its a really bad idea to cross her" Sky looked up scared. Kye continued "But don't worry, since your guests here she wont kill you. She does believe in second chances and isn't as bad as you would think"
Mineral walked towards the guard station and threw the doors open.
"What is it Brandon?" She asked walking in. A man about 21 with blond hair, dark blue eyes and an iron breast plat was standing looking out the window. He turned and looked at her with pain in his eyes.
"One of the guards just came back from a patrol beaten and bruised" He said "There were five to start out with"
"Where are the other four then?" Mineral asked getting worried. Brandon wouldn't look up at her.
"He said someone ambushed them and he had been nocked out. When he woke the others were dead, all with a knife wounds. One had a note in there hand addressed to you" Brandon said and handed her a piece of paper. Mineral never knew one piece of paper could scare her so bad.
I know who you are. These are only the first few, the rest might or might not be part of your guard but expect more because you and I are going to play a little game. I'll give hints to who you are and you have to catch me before I reveal everything. If you cant, I'll start going after your friends, starting with the ones closest to you. The first hint will be found at the edge of the town tonight near where this one happened. Good luck.
Mineral crumpled up the piece of paper and stuffed it into her pocket.
"You read it right?" She asked looking at Brandon seriously. He shook his head.
"Yes, it worries me" He said
"Good, " Mineral said "Where did this happen?"
"Down by the edge of town. They were just coming back from a boarder patrol when they were ambushed" Brandon reported
"Did anyone see who did it?" Endra asked
"No, the survivor was nocked out before he saw any faces but he did say it had to be a gang of people to do that so quickly" Brandon said looking serious "On further examination though all the knife wounds were from the same exact knife. It had to be only one person"
Mineral shook her head "Double the town patrols and set the curfew. Anyone out after ten should be questioned before being followed back home. No more that ten to a patrol but no fewer than six. We have to keep the people safe" She said looking at them "I'll leave the rest to Endra, I have to go do something"
And with that Mineral walked out of the guard house and back to her room where she changed into black pants and a black hoodie while putting on tennis shoes before walking back out and to the front gate. She looked around before heading out and hurrying down the street. What she failed to notice were the two small shapes following her.
A/N Cliffhanger! YAY! First one of the book! Maybe, I'm really tired right now so have no idea :D. Yep, I bet your wondering who the figures were, probably not and you probably already know but don't ruin it for those who don't please. Anyways I will be starting the shout outs again soon, maybe next chapter but I don't really know, until then though
SEE YA Foxes!
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