A/N Explaining the title. I didn't know what to call it and then this song came on called 'heart beat' so yea. ON WITH THE STORY!!!
"Oh just shut up!"
Never Phil. never. *Smiles deviously*
"Oh notch, that's not good"
There goes an arm
That would have left a bruise
Mineral swung again at the trainging dummy again and again, trying to get her anger out even though it was the middle of the night. It had been three days since 'Crystal' had shown up and already Mineral was ready to cut her head off. Not just for being an imposter but also for how ANNOYING she was. Not only was she stuck up but on top of that she acted like she went out of her way try and irritate Mineral in every way she could. It was obvious to Mineral she knew who she was besides the leader of an army.
And then there was Budder. When he found out 'Crystal' was back he was ecstatic to see her again. They've been pretty much inseparable since. At dinner, going out around the town. It just made her blood boil.
The reason she was training in the middle of the night though was because of the dreams.
They were the same ones that woke her up when she was back and they seemed to be getting worse. Once apon a time she would have gone to Steve or some one else for comfort but doing that now would not only reveal her secret but also make her look crazy. Neither of which she wanted.
With one last swing of her sword the head of the dummy tumbled off and rolled across the floor. Mineral was panting hard by now. That one was the fifth one she killed. She walked over to the bench and sat down. Taking several shaky breaths, Mineral managed to get back up and walk out the door. Leaving her sword lying on the bench as she left.
Mineral walked back to her room and closed the door. Flopping onto the bed she realized right away she wasn't going to get back to sleep so she did the next best thing. She got up, walked to the door and stealthily crept towards the door down the hall. She opened the door just enough to step in before closing it behind her and walking to the bed where a sleeping form lay still.
"Endra" Mineral called quietly. The form shifted under the covers but didn't respond.
"Endra" Mineral said a bit louder. The form moved again, this time to face her.
"Mineral? What are you doing in my room?" A sleepy sounding Endra asked. Mineral smiled.
"Night hunt, you in?" Mineral asked, excitement flashing in her eyes. Endra was instantly awake and hopped out of bed.
"Of corse I am!" She exclaimed in a quiet voice. Mineral laughed slightly as she watched Endra run around the room, picking out stuff she might need forgone hunt.
A night hunt was a hunt Mineral and Endra went on at least once a month and, ax the name suggests, it was in the middle of the night. They usually went on one whenever either of them needed to get away and tonight it was Mineral. The part they both liked best, Kye didn't like it when they snuck out.
"I'll wait in the usual spot" Mineral said before she walked out the door.
The usual spot was a large, old oak standing proudly at the edge of the forest. Mineral favored it for its strength. It had stood there off thousands of years and braved through even the worst of storms to keep standing there. It was one of the only things she hoped for still. Strength. The one thing she knew she needed.
Mineral didn't have to wait long before Endra and two other figures showed up. She shot a confused look at Endra before nodding to the two people.
"Who are they?" Mineral asked. Endra looked behind her as if only just realizing the two were following her.
"Oh, this is Katie and Louise. They are two of the five who found Creed" Endra introduced. Mineral softened and smiled at the two.
"Pleasure to meet you" she said sticking her hand "you're joining us on the hunt?" She asked. Katie nodded as Louise took her hand.
"With your permission" he said stooping to one knee. Mineral smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Please, don't do that" she said looking at Endra. Another smile played on her lips.
"You should save it for Endra over here" Mineral continued. Endra turned a deep shade of violet as she looked at Mineral with a loathing look. Mineral only laughed and ran into the forest.
"Let's get hunting!" Mineral called as she disappeared deeper into the woods. Endra, Katie and Louise weren't far behind.
"What are we doing?" Louise asked. Mineral looked back and noticed her had a snake skin belt on. Only when it moved did she realize it was an actual snake.
"Hunting" Endra answered for her. "It's going to be great" Her smile was almost bursting off her face she looked so happy to be out.
Several hours later all four of them sat around a campfire in the middle of the forest eating some of the meat they collected. Mineral almost felt better. The full moon cast an eerie shadow on ever thing around them. It all made Mineral feel right at home.
"So" Louise said breaking the silence besides the crackle of the fire "I've heard rumors of Herobrine having children. Do you think they're true?"
Mineral had been staring at the sky but looked at him when he said this. It surprised her to hear that there were rumors about her, Angel and Creed. Interested, she leaned forward.
"Probably" Katie answered first "Why not?"
Mineral smiled and looked over at Endra who seemed to be trying not to laugh. Mineral was the same way.
"They're real" Mineral said suddenly. Louise and Katie looked at her in surprise.
"How do you know?" Katie asked. Mineral smiled at her
"Because, I've met them" She said "They are sweet, nice and you'd think they were perfectly normal on the first glance. As you have" Louise gave her a questioning look.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked. Mineral couldn't hold it in anymore. He and Katie looked at her like she was crazy as she laughed.
Once she regained her breath she smiled at them.
"Because, you've met them" She said. A look of confusion crossed both their faces.
"What do you mean we've met them?" Louise asked "I'm pretty sure I'd know a Bine if I met one" Mineral laughed again. This time, instead of being confused he seemed angry.
"Why do you keep laughing?" Louise asked. Mineral smiled bigger at him.
"Because, you obviously aren't good at spotting Brine's then" She said "Considering one lived with you for a while"
Louise almost fell off the stump her was sitting on. "What are you talking about?" He asked
"Well" Mineral said leaning forward "For one, you had one of his kids live with you" He stared at her before letting out a snort of amusement.
"Now I know you're kidding" He said "I would never live with a Brine. Not after what he did to my family. If I ever get the chance, they're dead"
The smile on Mineral's face vanished and was replaced with a serious look.
"What happened to make you hate him and his family so much?" She asked. Her voice sounded cold and desolate of any emotions. It really made Louise feel uncomfortable.
"Herobrine killed my family and whole village for revenge" Louise said looking into the forest "Any kids of his have to be evil. It's in their nature"
"Nothing is in anyone's nature. People are not destined to be what there parents are. They choose there own path" Mineral said in a threatning voice. She had started to glare at Louise and he seeemed glad to return it.
Endra and Katie had been watching the two go back and forth. To them, it seemed like they were ready to rip each other's heads off or worse.
"Hey" Endra said, stepping between them "Why don't we head back? The sun should be coming up soon"
"Fine" Mineral said after a tense silence. She got up, picked her sword and other supplies off the ground and started back for the castle without looking back.
The other three followed in silence, not wanting to test her patience by talking but after an hour or so something seemed to have changed. For good or bad none of them could tell but Mineral seemed to have calmed down. She had a light step to her walking and Endra could see the barest of smiles working its way onto her face.
"Mineral" Katie said breaking the silence. Mineral stopped and turned to look at her.
"Yes?" She asked. Endra smiled. Mineral had defiantly cone out of her mood.
"I was just wondering" Katie said avoiding her eyes "you said one of us was Herobrine's kid. Who is it,"
Mineral smiled and kept walking.
"Can't you guess?" She asked. The others followed close behind.
"Um,I'm not sure we can" Louise said butting in. Mineral's smile grew just. A bit bigger.
"Really? You can't even make a small guess?" She emphasized. Louise thought about iras they walked but it was Katie who got it first.
"You mean Creed?" Katie asked. Miners looked back at get and nodded.
"Bingo" Mineral said. They were closer to the castle now and just about to walk through when Endra stopped them.
"Wait" she said. Her ears strained and the tip of her tail twitched with uncertainty. "Something's not right" without another word ender launched Gigi the air and flew through the skylight. Mineral and the other two ran through the doors after her, meeting back I. The throne room where a very worried looking Kye, Notch and Brandon stood waiting with the dragon shuffling behind them.
"Where have you been?!" Kye exclaimed when Mineral walked in. Mineral nearly shrugged.
"Just went on a night hunt with Endra and these two" Mineral said "by the way, I want them trained. They are skilled with weapons and would be great additions to our armada"
Kye didn't seem to hear but started to pace. Mineral could instantly tell something wasn't right.
"What happened?" Mineral asked in a serious tone. Kye stopped and stared at her.
"Another note arrived" Kye said "same manner as the other ones but this time saying we gave to find the body"
Mineral felt all the happiness she had before drain out of her body. She looked at Brandon with a loathsome look.
"It wasn't him" Kye said before she could even speak "it never was. Apparently, whoever it's wasn't working with his 'boss'. More like working against"
"Them who was it?" Mineral asked. Kye just shook her head
"We don't know" was all she said. Mineral soho her head and walked forward.
"Where's the note?" She asked, dreading the answer. Kye reached into her pocket and pulled out a blood stained piece of paper. She barely looked at it as she handed it to Mineral. Mineral wasted no time in opening and reading it.
I bet you thought these were over, didn't you Mineral? Well here's a news flash for you, they're not.
Remember how I said I would start working my way through your loved ones? I just started. Let's see who's the first victim shall we? He was your caretaker when you were younger, the one you looked up to as an inspiration. He's also one of the people you now hate, for nanny reasons.
Wondering who it is? I bet you already know, but the others don't. Not yet at least. You gave three days to tell them who you are before I claim my next victim. Don't keep me waiting.
~ The Note keeper
The note dropped to the floor and lay limply as Mineral slowly brought her arms to her side.
"Excuse me a moment" she said in a barely audible voice. Before any of the others could stop her Mineral had run out of the throne room and made her way to her bedroom where she locked the door and leaned against one of the walls, crying until her tears dried up and nothing was left besides a hollow, empty feeling.
A/N again with leaving off on the cliff hangers!! Sorry guys but I know I haven't updated in a while but that's mostly because I haven't had time to write. School's being a butt I've been busy with chores and just plain out distracted.
So, any guesses what happened? Feel free to PM me your answers and/ or remarks or just post them in the comments. I should also probably naked a schedule for updates but I don't really stick to those things.
And now I'm just rambling
"Just end it already"
Fine, five Phil.
-_- why do you think you're the boss?
"Because I'm an enderman and endermen are cool"
*sigh* whatever you want to think Phil, just keep telling yourself that
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
SEE YA Foxes!!!
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