Double trouble
A/N wow, I was going to say something but I forgot.
Wait! I remembered. I know I have had a chapter with a similar name but bear with me on this, it'll make sense later on.
The thing crept out from behind the throne and Mineral could tell right away it wasn't a normal creeper. It had to be a mutant. She had only read about them in books but it was easy to figure out. Long legs, deformed body, way taller than any normal creeper. Defiantly a mutant.
Israphel must have seen her eyes widen in shock because he let out a maleficent chuckle. He walked closer and brushed a small lock of hair away that had fallen into her face. She stared in shock at his sudden kindness.
"So you remember him, do you?" He asked. Mineral looked at him confused.
"What are you talking about?" She asked. He looked down at her, his anger returned and turned away.
"Of course you don't." He growled. "You wouldn't care either I presume?"
Mineral looked at him confused even more. His eyes lit with hatred and he struck her.
"Lets just get started then" Israphel said. Mineral stared at the ground as an idea formed in her head.
"What do you plan on doing with me?" Mineral asked in a pleasant tone. Surprised, Israphel stopped and looked back at her.
"What do I plan to do?" He repeated "What do I plan to do? Well, answer me this. What does your father do?"
Mineral stared at him.
"I don't know what he's been up to presently" She answered. Israphel slapped her again.
"Then what did he do?" He hissed. Mineral's mouth hung open in shock from the hit. Not because of the hit itself, but the ferocity behind it.
"H- he killed" She said quietly. Israphel smiled a bit and looked down at her
"And why did he kill?" He asked. Mineral had to swallow the bile rising in her throat.
"For many different reasons" She said "because he was board or felt like it. Some times as sa-" It hit her and she stared intensely at the ground.
"Go on" Israphel prodded with a smile. He knew she found out but wanted her to spell it out.
"Sacrifices" She said in a hard, hate filled voice. She looked up into his eyes, a hateful expression showing on it. Israphel only laughed.
"That makes you look so much like him" He said "Now, lets get started" He nodded to someone behind Mineral and she felt something pierce her arm before her eyes got blurry.
The last thing she saw before she blacked out completely was the surprised look on Israphel's face as fighting broke out.
Seto, Sky, Jerome, Bajan and Steve had volunteered to go with Brandon to rescue Crystal and Mineral. What the others weren't expecting was only Mineral being brought out with no sign of Crystal, that they knew about.
"Where's Crystal?" Sky asked standing next to Seto. Seto shrugged.
"I don't know" He lied. He knew Mineral wouldn't like it if he told them her secret and didn't want to risk her running off again incase things didn't go as planned.
"I thought they said they had Crystal too" Jerome said from Seto's other side. Seto turned to him.
"They must have lied" Seto responded. He was going to say more but the people in front of them shushed him.
"Something's happening" One said and turned back around to watch.
One of the guards near Mineral stepped forward. Seto could tell he was mocking her just by the way he acted. Some of the other people around them snickered at the sight but stopped when the figure on the throne stood up. The guard bowed as the figure aproached. Some words were obviously exchanged between the two but whatever was said never reached Seto's ears. The guard seemed to relax before the figure whipped his sword out and cut his head off. The head bounced on the floor before rolling down the path and coming to a stop near the edge of teh crowd. A silence enveloped the room as the figure walked back and removed his hood. Seto's eyes widened in surprise.
"It can't be" Seto mumbled.
"What's wrong Seto?" Sky asked looking at the astonished sorcerer. Seto continued to stare at the figure
"Him" Seto said, finally snapping out of his trance.
"what about him?" Jerome asked. Seto continued to stare at the man.
"It's Israphel" Seto said "One of Herobrine's allies and friends" Sky and Jerome stared at him. Seto quickly looked at who he thought was Steve and saw him stiffen from the sight.
"Seriously?!" Sky whispered. Just then a hissing sound filled the room. All three looked up to see a gigantic, mutant creeper crawl out from behind the throne. It walked slowly towards the front and stopped right in front of Mineral and Israphel.
"What" Jerome asked, staring wide eyed, "is that?" Seto gulped
"His pet" Seto said. Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He looked over to see Brandon unhooking one of the torches behind the throne. Seto's eyes widened. That was the sign!
"Lets go!" Sky said. He had seen it too and started charging through the crowd. Seto and Jerome pushed through after him and came out at the edge of the crowd just in time to see Israphel stab a needle into Mineral's exposed arm.
"No!" Brandon yelled and jumped at Israphel from behind. Israphel went down in surprise. The crowd stood in shock and watched.
"Brandon! You traitor!" Israphel roared, finally coming back to his senses "What d you think you're doing?" He struggled to get free from underneath but Brandon was putting up quite a fight. All chaos broke out.
Steve, Sky, and Jerome threw there hoods down and began to battle their way through the guards gathered in front of them while Seto rushed over to Mineral who was still lying on the ground unconscious. He quickly picked her up and threw her over his shoulder before running down the path Steve and the others were making.
Israphel saw and, in his rage, managed to kick Brandon off and fling him against the wall. He hit the wall and slid down to the ground. Israphel got up and quickly started making his way towards the creeper.
"get them!" He yelled at the remaining crowd as he mounted the beast. The guards snapped into action immediately and tried to stop there escape but it was already too late. The four were already making there way down the hall and had almost made it out.
"Come on!" Steve shouted as they rushed down the tight path. He had taken Mineral and was now carrying her over his shoulder. They rounded the corner only to see their path blocked. Looking behind them they could see their pursuers bock them in. They were surrounded.
Brandon leaned against the wall on the verge of conciousness. He wasnt afraid, he knew death was near for him and was happy. Finally, his horrible life would be over and he would be free. A cold hand pressed itself against his face and he opened his eyes to see a girl. He smiled to himself.
"Now what do you think you're doing?" She asked gently. Brandon let out a small laugh but cringed as a new burst of pain went through him.
"Just dying is all" He said "Soon we can be together" he smiled sadly. The girl shook her head
"No, it's not your time yet. You still have some things to do yet" She said "Like keeping your promise?"
Brandon groaned. His promise. The one he made to her to let Mineral and Creed go as soon as he could find a way. It had come sooner than he thought when he had been found out. In a way though, he was happy they found out. The guilt had been killing him slowly from the inside out.
"Aren't you going to keep it?" the girl asked bringing him back to the present. Something tingled in his arm and he looked down to see his wounds starting to heal. He stared in astonishment as all his wounds closed right before his eyes.
"Why would you-?" He started but the girl put a finger on his lips, stopping any more words from getting out.
"Because you cant break this promise" She said smiling "I wont let you." She looked over her shoulder before looking back with a worried expression "Hurry, he's already lit the dynamite" With that, she disappeared.
Brandon gingerly got up, expecting pain to wash over him but surprisingly he was fine. All his injury's must have healed. Not wasting any time he slipped through the thinned crowed and into the hall where he slipped into the secret tunnels. He made his way through the uncrowded tunnels and came out right in the middle of two groups. Steve, Sky, Jerome, and Seto stood back to back, swords drawn, waiting for the first one to strike. Mineral was slumped over Steve's shoulder, still unconscious. Brandon ran out into the hall.
"Wait!" he yelled. Everyone stopped and stared at him.
"Why should we, traitor?" one of the guards at the end of the hall stepped forward. He had a scar going over one eye and short, close cut hair. His eyes stared at him coldly.
"Because" Brandon started but his tongue caught. He didn't know what to say. Then he remembered what the girl had told him.
"Because Israphel is going to blow this place up" Brandon said "You've got to get out now or you're all going to die"
There was a stunned silence as everyone stared at him.
"Why are we listening to him?" Someone said behind Brandon. He turned to see a younger boy stepping from the opposite crowd. He had longer, shaggy hair and several tattoos on his neck and bare arms.
"Take your chances then" Brandon shrugged. "but he's not going to take any chances in them escaping. The whole place is going to go up in flames with you in it or not"
"Like he would really get rid of his own army" Someone else said from in the crowd. A murmur of agreement went up and Brandon's stomach did a flip. He had to convince them somehow. He got help from an unlikely source.
"You do know who we're talking about, don't you?" Steve asked. Again, everyone stopped and looked at him.
"This is Israphel" Steve continued "I wouldn't hold it against him to kill you all just for fun"
Another murmur went through the crowd but this time the tone was different. Brandon could see some of their opinions changing as they ran off down the hall. It was only a couple people at first but soon a whole flow of people were running towards the exit. Soon, the only people left in the hall was Brandon, Sky, Jerome, Steve and Seto.
"Lets get out of here" Steve said, readjusting Mineral on his shoulder. They started running down the hall but soon were stopped once more by another group. The guard with the scar and several others Were standing shoulder to shoulder in the middle of the hall, right in front of the exit.
"What are you doing?!" Brandon yelled in panic. He could hear the distant sound of hissing.
"We thought" The man with the scar "That since he doesn't want you leaving alive that if we killed you, he would spare us" The man smiled and readied his sword. The others behind him drew back their bows and readied their own weapons.
"You idiot!" Brandon screamed "He's not going to let any of us live! If we don't go now, none of us are going to survive. We are all going to DIE!"
"Not if we please the master" The man smiled. before Brandon could react he ran forward and slashed at him. The sword coming within one inch of his neck. Brandon unsheathed his sword and swung it at his opponent.
"Die you traitor!" The man screamed as he plunged his sword towards Brandon. Brandon dodged and slammed his sword into the soft area his armor didn't protect. The man looked at him in surprise before falling to the ground couching up blood. Brandon pulled his sword out and let the body slump to the side. He looked and saw the others who had been with the man staring at him.
"Do you want to join him?" Brandon asked. They shook their heads and ran off. He watched them as they rounded a corner and disappeared before turning to see the shocked faces behind him.
"What?" He asked "I wasn't his right-hand man for nothing" Brandon shrugged. The first explosion hit just then.
"Run!" Brandon said as a look of horror crossed his face. The five of them sprinted down the hall as fast as they could, barely making it out before the explosions hit them. They didn't stop running until they were out in the slowly growing light.
"That was close" Steve said once they made it out and finally stopped running. They walked in silence for a while as the sun slowly started to come over the horizon.
"So Brandon" Jerome said breaking the silence. "What made you kill your own guards?" Brandon looked at him with an eyebrow raised?
"Which one? The one just now or are you trying to blame me for the earlier ones?" He asked. Jerome shook his head.
"I meant the one just now" He said "But the earlier ones too" Brandon sighed
"It was the only way we were going to get out" Brandon said "And honestly, I never liked any of those people. All idiots for following him" Silence followed this and he looked over just to see the other four looking away.
"What?" Brandon questioned.
"Nothing" Seto said. He was obviously avoiding him.
"Seriously, what?" Brandon asked. He knew something was up.
"It's just" Sky said "You were following him too" Brandon almost laughed.
"No, I was working for him" Brandon said "And before you judge, I was forced into it. He threatened something I loved"
"What was that?" Jerome asked, dreading the answer
"The kingdom I protected" Brandon replied quietly.
Israphel and his beast moved quickly through the forest under the cover of the retreating night. The sun rose behind them as they hurried towards their destination. A small cottage in the middle of the swamp biome. Once they reached it Israphel hopped off the creeper and entered the house, pausing only to open the door.
"Hello Israphel" A girl greeted. She sat in a chair opposite the door, as if she had been expecting him. Her red hair was braded back down her back stood out brightly against her black shirt and brown leather jacket. "Who do you need me to kill this time?" She smiled and played with the string of her bow as she said this.
"The leader of the 'Fox' Kingdom" Israphel said "Her and possibly her father if not her uncles" The girl looked at him with a smile
"And who would they be?" She asked. It was Israphel's turn to smile.
"Her father is Herobrine, uncles Notch and Steve" He said. The girl stopped toying with the bow and arrows and sat up straight, planting her combat boots firmly on the ground.
"You want me to take out Herobrine, his brothers and his daughter?" She asked stunned. "What's the pay?" Israphel pulled out a small bag full of diamonds. She took it from his hand, weighing it, before shaking her head and setting it on the coffee table.
"That's not enough" She said "What else do you have?" Israphel chuckled and pulled another bag from his coat. She took it and opened it, smiling instantly. Reaching in, she pulled out a new, iron arrow- head tinted green.
"Oh yea, this will work just fine" She muttered. She looked up at Israphel and smiled "You've got yourself a deal" She held out her hand to shake on it but instead had a potion thrusted into it. She stared at it in confusion.
"What's this?" She asked. Israphel smiled again.
"Your disguise" He said "You are going to turn into her, get close and then bring his daughter to me"
The girl held her hand up.
"No, I don't kidnap, I kill. You want someone dead, I'll do it but I'm not going to kidnap anyone. And I'm defiantly not going to drink this" She said. Israphel sighed and turned away to hide his smile.
"I guess I'll just take everything back and find someone else with more skill" He shrugged and started picking up the bag of diamonds and poisoned arrowhead. The girl stopped him.
"Ok! Ok, I'll do it" She said "But I expect ten more diamonds and three new arrowheads for it"
"After you complete the job" He said "Here's the meeting place and I take this" He handed her a map and splash potion. "To reveal her true identity once you can" The girl grabbed them and stuffed them into her bag.
"Anything else?" She asked. Israphel nodded.
"Take the potion" He said. Without a second thought the girl tipped her head back and drank it all in one go. She licked her lips afterwards, a bad taste left in her mouth.
"Uh, What is that taste?" She asked staring at the bottle. Suddenly she dropped it and clutched her stomach, feeling queasy and sick.
"What- did you- do -to me?" She asked in shaky breaths. The man smiled down at her.
"Only what was necessary" He replied "Don't worry, it'll pass in a moment"
He was right. Moments later she crawled back to her feet and looked in the mirror. Instead of seeing herself, a girl with long, brown hair and light grey eyes stared back. She smiled at the mirror and the brown haired girl did the same.
"So" The girl said "This is what she looks like?"
"Looked like" Israphel said "She change the color of her hair to a dark orange and wears contacts" Israphel said "The potion will wear off in one week. You have until then to bring me the girl"
The girl smiled
"That's all I need" She said and headed out the door to start the job.
She was running through the forest at full speed trying to lose whatever was behind her. He was getting closer, she could tell and she knew was she needed to get away. She was dodging through the trees and around rocks trying desperately not to trip. She could still sense him gaining on her and picked up the speed even more. She had just run out of the forest when she all most fell over the edge of a cliff. At the bottom the surf pummeled the cliff face with wave after wave of salt water. She turned around trying to see him through the trees but could only see darkness. She thought she could see a shadow moving in the tree line but couldn't make out exactly who it was. Three more joined the first but were farther apart and seemed to not notice the others. She backed up and almost fell off the cliff. Looking back to the tree line more figures had appeared and all of them were looking at her even though she couldn't see there eyes she knew. She looked over the cliff one more time trying to work up the courage to jump over when she heard her voice being called. She looked back at the tree line and saw the figures were moving closer to the edge. This time with an added one.
"Crystal" She heard some one say but couldn't find out the speaker
"Crystal" This time the voice came from her left she turned but again couldn't fine who spoke
the voices were screaming her name now. She fell to her knees and covered her ears trying to drowned out the voices. Soon she was screaming with them in terror and pain as a something flew at her from the forest and nocked her over the cliff. She looked up and saw a lone figure standing at the top. It was him.
The dream changed and instead of hurtling over a cliff she was standing in the middle of a clearing, two small, bloody bodies laying in front of her. She could sense who they were. or used to be
"no" She said backing up "No. Not after all we've been through. Not them!"
She fell to the ground sobbing.
"Its your fault" a voice said from behind her. She turned to see the one she feared the most. Her own father.
He had his sword drawn and pointed towards her.
"Its all your fault" He said "they are dead because of you"
"N- no" She pleaded "I didn't kill them. I would never-"
He cut her off
"Save it" He said walking closer "Maybe I'll show more mercy when torturing your soul in the nether" He said and stabbed the sword into her chest. T
he world faded to black.
Mineral woke with a start, panting as she tried to catch her breath.
"It was only a dream" She said as she sat up. Wait, sat up? She looked down to see she had been lying in a bed. not just any bed Her bed. Looking around she realized she was in her room back at the castle. She looked down again and saw she was even wearing different, not blood covered clothes.
Gingerly, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and placed her feet on the cold, wood floor, not believing where she was. She couldn't be back, Israphel had killed her. Hadn't he? To test the theory she put her hand on her opposite wrist to check for a pulse. It took a moment but she found one. So she wasn't dead after all. That meant she was actually back at the castle!
Quickly, she ran over to her closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and black shirt and hoodie. Mineral changed as fast as she could and ran out of her room and to the dining hall as fast as her weakened body could take her. Her energy levels were through the roof despite not moving for five consecutive days.
She burst through the doors to be greeted a shocked silence. Kye ran down with Endra close behind.
"Mineral!" Endra jumped at Mineral, nocking her over.
"Are you trying to hurt me more than I already am?" Mineral laughed as she picked her self back up. She looked at Endra and could see her fighting to stay under control. Her smile was from ear to ear.
"How you feeling?" Kye asked. Mineral shrugged.
"I've been better" She replied. Tears were starting to form in her eyes as she walked back to the front table and sat down in her spot. Endra watched her intently the whole time.
"Glad to see you back" A voice said from behind her. Her eyes narrowed as she turned to look at the one behind her.
"Brandon" She said simply but with unmasked anger "I'll give you to the count of ten" He looked at her confused.
"For what?" He asked backing up. Hate radiated off her in waves.
"For a head start" She said "you now have five seconds" She pulled out a knife she found in her pocket. Brandon saw this and ran.
"Mineral" Kye said from behind her "What are you planning?"
Mineral smiled and watched as Brandon ran through the doors
"Just a little revenge" She replied and set off after him. It didn't take a minute for her to catch him. In one swift move she leapt and tackled him. They tumbled across the floor of the hallway and ended with Mineral on top, pinning his arms and legs down with the knife to his throat.
"Give me one reason not to slit your throat right now" She spat, their faces only inches apart. She could see the fear in his eyes as he looked up at her.
"Well, um" He stuttered. He tried shifting his weight in an attempt of escape. It didn't work.
"Don't have any?" Mineral asked. "That's too bad then. I guess I'll have to terminate you"
She heard the sound of running footsteps behind her as she brought the knife back.
"Mineral!" A sharp, clear voice said. She stopped and put the knife down as she looked back. behind her was the whole group with Steve, Notch, Kye and Endra in front.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked. Mineral shrugged.
"Just taking care of a traitor" she said looking back at Brandon. "Any last words?" She asked. Brandon was too terrified to answer.
"Ok then" she smiled "it just makes it easier" she drew the knife back again when she felt two pairs of hands grab her and pull her off him. The first thing Brandon did once she was off was backpedal until he was a 'safe' distance away and stare at her in fear.
"That's enough of that" she heard Steve say from her right as he and Kye pulled her away.
"Oh come on!" Mineral pleaded "just a little? He did kidnap me after all"
Steve shook his head.
"He might have been but he's also the one who got you out" Steve said. Mineral stopped struggling and looked at Brandon with curiosity.
"Oh really?" She questioned. She looked at Kye who only nodded in response. The two let her go once she was a fair distance away.
"Yep" Steve said "he's even helping us track you captor down"
Mineral was about to make a quick remark when Herobrine burst in with a big grin on his face.
"Guess who showed up in town. " he said smiling. Mineral could see someone standing behind him but couldn't make out who exactly it was. That is, until he moved away.
Mineral felt like her past had come back and slapped her across the face harder than grin had. Standing right in front of her was a girl with light grey eyes, long, brown hair wearing skinny jeans, a leather jacket and black t- shirt. She stepped forward and held her hand out.
"Hello" she said in a pleasant voice "my name's Crystal"
A/N I bet you didn't see that coming. Sorry about typos, parts that didn't make sense and parts that were poorly written. I did most of this while sleep deprived and then some on my iPad. Also, sorry for not updating in a while. School's been hard and I got stuck at a couple places, not knowing what to do and all that. So yea
"Mineral, go to bed"
But I'm not tired, not to mention I have so many thing I still have to do and-
"Mineral. It's 12:30 at night, go to bed"
Fine *stifles yawn"
See ya foxes! *already falling asleep*
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