Breaking out
A/N this is going to start out on a weird pace. Like always, prepare your feels and the winners will be introduced later on in the story. Wait, Phil. why are you in my house?
"I was hungry"
And you came here why?
*Shrugs* "You have better food than what's at my house"
Um, ok. So *Glances over at Phil* Lets, lets just get in with the story *Looks at Phil* Ok, you're kinda creeping me out now.
"I know"
Israphel paced back and fourth in his throne room. Something bothered him but he didn't know what.
"Brandon!" He called. Seconds later the doors opened and he rushed in. Brandon knelt in front of him and looked down.
"Yes sir?" He asked. Israphel walked up and kicked him across the room. He hit a wall and slid down it.
"That was for not coming fast enough" Israphel said walking back over. "I am troubled Brandon"
Brandon carefully stood up and leaned against the wall.
"About what sir?" He asked knowing if he didn't he would only be beaten more.
"The prisoners" Israphel said "I am starting to doubt letting the girl go alive. When are we supposed to let the next go again?"
"Tomorrow sir" Brandon answered. Israphel nodded.
"And they are not being fed correct?" He asked. Brandon paused before answering. Israphel turned to him
"Correct?" he asked again.
"Yes sir" Brandon answered quicker this time. He stood sill as Israphel walked towards him.
"Do you dare lie to me?" Israphel asked stalking closer.
"No sir" Brandon said quickly. Israphel narrowed his eyes.
"I think you do" he said before grabbing him and throwing him into a wall. "Now get out of my sight"
Brandon stood up and bowed before walking as fast as he could out of the throne room. He walked past the kitchen and to his room behind it. His door was open slightly and when he pushed it open to find a girl sitting on his bed.
"It happened again, didn't it?" She asked. Brandon nodded and sat down next to her. She ran her hand through his hair.
"You shouldn't have to put up with this" She said. Brandon looked at her with anger in his eyes.
"And what can I do? If I disobey him he will kill me just like he did you" He said shaking his head. "I can't even run away. No one would take me once they found out who I was and I wouldn't last long on my own out in nature. The creepers would come after me. No, its better if I stay here and suffer through this" She girl sighed and glided off the bed and over to the wall.
"This is your choice and I know you couldn't do anything to save me, but you can do something for the two you have here" She said before gliding through the wall, leaving him alone in his windowless room.
"Ok Creed, remember the plan?" Mineral asked. It was almost time for the guards to come and take them out for the torture. Creed looked up at her and nodded.
"Good, now get in place" Mineral said as she lay back down on the bed. Creed turned into a kitten and scurried over into the shadows next to the door. Minutes later the door opened and the usual four guards walked in.
"Well lookie who we have here" The first one said. She had started calling him grin because it seemed to be the only thing he did while torturing her. He bent down until his face was right in hers "Its the useless little leader and her psychotic little brother. Speaking of which, where is the little brat?" Grin said looking around. It was Mineral's turn to smile.
"Oh him? One of the other guards already came and took him" She said "They've probably killed him already"
Grin stood up scowling. In one swift motion he brought his hand back and slapped her across the face.
"Where is he?" He asked. The other three started looking around the room. Shining torches in the corners and shadows, even flipping the bed up. They didn't find him. He had already slipped out the door.
"You'll never find him" Mineral said standing up "I wont let you"
Before any of them could react she launched herself at the nearest one and punched him in the face, nocking him out for the count. She ran for the door but one of the others grabbed her arm. She used the momentum of him pulling her back to kick him in the tenders. He went down holding his crotch in pain. She ran out with the remaining two close behind. She saw a small brown tail disappear around one corner and quickly ran the other way.
"Stop her!" grin shouted down the hall.
The sound of pursuit came from behind her and she could only hope Creed was able to stay hidden. She rounded a corner to find herself face to face with ten more guards. They stopped and stared at her as she did the same. She didn't give them a chance to react before running down the hall she had just come from. The two that had been chasing her stopped in astonishment as she ran back at them. They snapped out of it though when she pushed grin to the ground and stepped on him. Mineral ran down the hall knowing it was the same way Creed had run. She hoped again he had already made his way out.
She ran to the other corner and her eyes went wide. At the end of the other hall she saw three dogs surrounding a small brown kitten. The kitten hissed at them with hair standing on end but the dogs only got more riled up. Not even thinking Mineral ran towards them and scooped the kitten up on the way by. The dogs stared stunned as she ran away with their prey but snapped out of it quickly when they heard an order.
"Attack!" Grin shouted when he saw the dogs. They jumped up and ran after her, barking there heads off.
Mineral rounded another corner and saw a door. She ran threw it to find her self in what looked like the kitchen She set the kitten down on the floor and pushed a table in front of the door. There was another door towards the back and she picked the kitten back up and ran out just as the guards started opening the door. She didn't notice her surrounding at first, It was only when she almost fell off the cliff that she realized she had run into a cave system. She couldn't hear anything behind her and slowed her pace a bit. The kitten squirmed in her grasp and she set it down.
"You ok Creed?" Mineral asked. Seconds later Creed sat where the kitten used to be.
"Fine" He said shaking a bit.
Mineral helped him back up. Even though it was pitch black in the cave they could see fine. They had lived in it for almost two whole weeks. Creed stopped and looked back the way they had just come. His eyes grew wide and soon Mineral could here the sound of dogs barking followed by faint torch lights coming towards them. She grabbed Creed and turned him towards her. There was fear in his eyes.
"Creed, remember. Don't stop running. I'll be right be hind you" Mineral said. Creed nodded.
"Good, now go!" Mineral said pushing him away from the growing lights.
Creed raced down the passage and soon disappeared. The lights grew and she waited until the light landed just far enough away to make her look like a shadow before running down one of the other paths.
"There!" Some one shouted behind her.
The chase began again as she jumped over block and skidded around corners. The dogs were gaining on her as she jumped over a fall in the ground They stopped and Mineral smiled until she looked around the next corner. Her face fell. She hit a dead end.
"Well, well" A voice said from behind her. She turned wide eyes and saw grin and several others standing behind her, blocking any chance of escape "What do we have here? Are you cornered?" a laugh rippled through the group.
"You know what they say about a cornered animal, don't you?" Mineral asked. Might as well go down fighting. They stared at her in confusion, she smiled.
"They're even more dangerous" She said kicking off the wall. She ended up nocking several out and almost mangling one other before they were able to stop her. They tackled her and tied her hands together before doing the same with her feet. As they carried her back through the cave she felt utterly defeated and as they turned back into the main cav she looked down the path Creed had run and smiled sadly.
"Run, my brother." Mineral said sadly as they dragged her back to the fortress and out of the cave "Run and experience your freedom. Make sure you tell me of your adventures, for you are the only one to break out of their grasp. Where you have gone, I'm afraid I can not follow" They dragged her back to the cell, she didn't fight it. Once there they brought in chains and put them on the walls before putting shackles on her wrists and ankles. She was unable to lie down nor was she able to put her hands down. The only position she could be in that was slightly comfortable was on her knees and arms reaching out behind her.
"Where did the little brat go?" Grin asked. Her only response was a low chuckle. He smacked her.
"WHERE IS HE?" Grin screamed. Mineral looked up at him with hatred in her eyes.
"I will never tell you. I would rather DIE!" Mineral shouted. The guard struck her again.
"We could arrange that" He hissed "But the boss needs you alive still" Mineral laughed.
"Don't worry, I'll find a way. Since you hate me so much but can't seem to do anything about it, I'll find a way" She said looking down. A single tear fell from her eyes onto the stone ground.
Creed ran down the cave as fast as he could. He didn't want them to find him. He knew they would hurt him again and Mineral had told him to keep running. There was no way he was going to disobey her. He rounded a corner and ran into a huge ravine. He stopped in his tracks, looking around in awe at the sight. Spotting something near the end and he walked towards it. Soon, he was at the edge of an abandoned mineshaft. He was drawn to it for some reason. As if it were an instinct he walked in. He hadn't gotten very far before he heard the sound of pick on stone. Scared, Creed ran and hid in a one block high hole made of stone in wall of the hall. It wasn't long before he heard voices too.
"Come on Louise!" a girl called "I thought I saw something glinting down here!"
"I'll be right there Holly!" A male voice answered "Just let me get the last of this Iron and then I'll catch up"
A light shone into the path Creed was and he shrank back.
"Hey guys!" The girl called again "I think there's something here" The pick stopped, replaced by the sound of rushed footsteps.
"What do you mean?" Another girl's voice asked.
"I mean, there's something over there" The first one said
"I'll check it out" The guy said. The torch light moved its way down towards Creed. He tried to sink back farther into the small whole in the wall as it came closer. The light stopped right above the hole and Creed could see a pair of black boots.
"Right here?" The voice came again. Creed tried to make himself as small as possible and managed to turn into a kitten. The guy bent down and looked in the hole, staring at Creed through black shades. He had dark brown hair with fire like headphones and was wearing a black tank that showed off his arms. He laughed and stuck his hand in, trying to pull Creed out. Creed hissed at him and scratched his hand.
"Ouch" The guy pulled his hand back and looked at the scratches. The headphones turned black as he stood up.
"What is it?" one of the girl voices asked, closer this time.
"A stupid cat" The guy grumbled. He moved out of the way and another person appeared wearing regular jeans and a green shirt. She looked at him with her light blond hair over greyish blue blue eyes. She brushed the hair away and smiled gently at him. He backed up as she slowly reached in to him.
"Hey, it's ok" She said in a gentle voice "I'm not going to hurt you" She smiled again.
"Yea, but he might hurt you" The guy muttered.
"Oh will you stop complaining?" The girl said "he's obviously scared and hungry"
"Here" the other girl voice said. She handed something to the girl looking in at Creed.
"That's perfect!" The girl said and took it. When she put her hand back in she was holding a cooked fish. Creed didn't even hesitate and turned into a person before taking the fish and eating it greedily.
"Holy Notch!" the girl screamed as she jumped back.
"What? did it bite you?" the guy asked. The girl shook her head.
"N-no" She stuttered and pointed into the hole, loss for words. The other two looked in.
"I thought you said it was a cat?" The other girl said looking at the boy. She had light blond hair too but with deep blue eyes and paler skin than the others. She wore a black hoodie and dark blue skinny jeans with black knee length boots and a pink and purple plaid shirt peaking out. What interested Creed the most though were her black and purple wings poking out from under her hoodie and the small purple bow in her hair. She also had headphones but they glowed purple.
"It -He. he was" The guy said. He looked just as confused as the other girl. The one Creed had scared was still staring at him in shock.
"Where do you think he came from? It's not like he just wandered in here. We're diamond deep!" the other girl said.
"I don't know Holly" The guy said. He looked back at Creed who was huddling against the far wall, knees up to his chest.
"Well don't just sit there, do something Louise" Holly said. Louise shrugged
"What can I do? He scratched me already" In emphasize he held up his hand to show a thin trickle of purple blood. Creed looked at his hand confused.
"Why's it purple?" Creed asked. All three stopped and stared at him.
"What?" Louise asked. Creed pointed at his hand.
"Your hand, why's the blood purple?" Creed asked again starting to crawl out. Louise watched him carefully.
"Because, I'm part ender" Louise said carefully. "Ender dragon to be exact" Creed crawled all the way out.
"Do you have a name?" The girl he scared asked. She was still on the ground against the other wall.
"Of course he has a name!" Holly said looking at her. She looked back at Creed "Right?" He giggled
"Yea, my name's Creed" He said holding his hand out to the girl. She smiled and shook it.
"Nice to meet you Creed. This is Louise, Holly and I'm Katie" Katie said before standing up "Why are you down here? It's not really a place for a kid your age to be"
Creed didn't look at them but instead looked down the hall, looking for something. The other three looked down the same way.
"What are you looking for Creed?" Katie asked gently. Creed answered without looking back.
"My sister, she said she would be right behind me" He said quietly. The three stared down at him with pity in there eyes. They didn't know exactly what had happened but could guess it wasnt good.
"Hey, why don't you come back with us?" Holly asked. Creed looked back at her sadly.
"But what if she comes this way? How will she find me?" Creed asked tears starting to form in his eyes.
"We'll leave a note" Katie suggested. Creed looked up at her and smiled. Holly took out a sheet of paper and pen, handing both to Katie. She leaned against the wall.
"So, what should we write?" She asked. Creed thought for a moment.
"How about 'Meet at the castle'?" he said. The three looked at him confused.
"She'll know what it means" He said reassuringly. Katie nodded and wrote it down before tacking it to the wall.
"Done" She said smiling. Creed stood up and looked at them.
The three lead him up and out of the mine. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. When Creed saw it he had to squint his eyes and hold his hand in front of his face, staying back in the shadows. Katie noticed and gently guided him out into the sun. It took a while for Creed to get used to the bright light but by the time he did they were already outside a fairly nice sized house.
"Sydney and Safari will love him!" Holly said jumping up and down as she ran inside.
Creed followed the others in skeptically. Once inside his jaw dropped as he looked around. Something jumped on him from behind and he felt a familiar sensation of something wet and slimy on his cheek. He giggled and turned onto his back to see a dog looking down at him, tongue hanging out. The dog licked him again on the face and Creed smiled even more.
"Rocco! Stop that!" Holly called as she walked over. The dog got off and sat next to Creed as he sat up.
"What was that?" A voice called from the kitchen.
"Just our guest!" Katie called from the door. Moments later two girls appeared in the doorway. One had a black jacket with the hood pulled over her head, hiding her hair and face. She wore black pants and boots and looked about 15, around the same age as the others. there was a small bulge in the back of her pants but the others didn't seem to notice. The other girl had long red hair, red eyes and.... Fox ears? She was wearing an off shoulder neon blue shirt with jeans and dark black sneakers. She looked about 19 and seemed to be the oldest of the group.
"Who's this?" The fox girl asked pointing to Creed.
"This, is Creed. We found him in the caves" Louise said. Creed stood up and smiled. The girl smiled back.
"Well, its nice to meet you Creed, why were you in the caves?" She asked.
"Sydney, I don't think that's a good question to ask" Katie said. Creed looked out the door before looking back.
"Why not?" Sydney asked. Holly went over and whispered something in her ear. Her face fell as she looked at Holly.
"Really?" She asked. Holly nodded gravely. Sydney looked back at Creed with sad, sympathetic eyes. She slowly walked over to Creed and knelt in front of him. She looked him in the eyes, hers rimmed with tears.
"You can stay with us until we find your parents, ok?" She said. Creed nodded, confused at her sadness.
"Good, you can bunk with Louise" She said standing up "Dinner will be ready in a few"
"Wait, why's he bunking with me?" Louise asked. All the girls turned to stare at him.
"First off, you're the only guy here" Holly said.
"Second, we are already bunked with each other" Katie said
"Third, he seems to like you" Sydney said "Although, Rocco seems to like him better than all of us" As if to prove a point, Rocco leaned over and licked Creed again making him smile and wipe his face. Louise sighed.
"Fine, but I have no idea how Stike will react" Louise muttered. He turned and looked down at Creed.
"Come on, I'll show you where you can sleep" He said, leading him up to his room. He opened the door and walked in, Creed following close behind. Louise closed the door and immediately after there was a hissing sound coming from under the bed. Creed froze as a white head poked out and looked at him.
"Stike! He's our guest, not your dinner" Louise said walking over and sitting on the bed. Creed stood next to the door not knowing what to do. The snake worked its way out from under the bed and slowly slithered closer to Creed, tongue flickering in and out as it grew closer.
"No, I didn't notice anything weird about him" Louise said picking up a comic sitting on the bed side table. He looked up to see Creed still standing by the door nervously as the snake wrapped around his feet in a loose square.
"Stike! What did I just say! You can't have him" Louise said "And how in the name of Notch do you think he's a Brine? Don't you think I could recognize one when I saw one?" Creed froze. The Snake made a hissing sound and unraveled itself from around Creed before slithering over to the bed where it hissed again and crawled out the window.
"Don't mind Stike,we both have a grudge against Herobrine. Hate his guts. And every new person he meets he thinks is related to him in some way." Louise laughed "But I can tell you're a good kid. Here, there's a spare bed in the chest over there if you want to get it and set it up" He said pointing over to a chest in the corner. Creed walked over and opened it, searching for the bed. It was surprisingly hard to find considering it was a bed. Finally he found it and pulled it out.
"Where can I set it?" Creed asked looking at Louise. He shrugged.
"Where ever you want. But I suggest not by the window, Stike likes to come and go from there" Louise said. Creed nodded and looked around the room. He finally choose a spot in the opposite corner from Louise and placed the bed before crawling in exhausted. He heard Louise laugh and looked over to see the guy looking at him with a smile.
"You act like you haven't slept in a bed for years" Louise commented. Creed smiled and closed his eyes.
"It feels like it" Creed responded "me and my sisters had been trapped down there for a long time" He heard Louise sit up in bed and looked over again to see astonishment and confusion on his face.
"What do you mean trapped? And sisters? As in plural?" Louise asked. Creed shrugged.
"We were kidnapped a couple weeks ago and were thrown into a cell. They took my sister, Angel, acouple days ago and my older sister, Mineral, and I were able to break out today. Thats why I was down in the mine" Creed stood up and walked over to the window "I hope she was able to get out too" Louise got up and looked at him with pity.
The poor kid doesnt know He thought. Creed stared out the window at the setting sun. They sat in silence for a while until a call came from down stairs.
"Dinner's ready!" sydney shouted up. Louise smiled and ran to hte door.
"Come on Creed, lets go eat" he said. Creed looked back at him and smiled.
"Ok" Creed replied and followedhim downstairs.
A/N And welcome the new characters! Sorry if I didn't pick you but it was SO hard to choose! That's also why I choose five. Seriously, they were all good. but anyways, the winners are
@Mehtiger with Safari
@SmokeyPlaysMinecraft with Katie
@Kitcat021 with Holly
@FoxInaBox with Sydney
and finally
@LouiseVillarias with Louise
Until next chapter
SEE YA Foxes!
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