Back at the castle
A/N Hello! So I can say one of you got it, but I'm sorry you're right it doesn't count. I had told you who it was SO THE CONTEST IS STILL ON! Don't worry though, you'll still get credit for some of it, just not the prize. I'm sorry. Anyways, would you like a clue? I bet you would.
She is one of my own characters. Not one already made or a character from a contest I had.
Now lets start the story!!
After her small break with Phil, both started back for the castle. It wasn't long before it came into view. Along with the mob standing outside. Mineral pushed her way through the crowd until she saw the stage set up. Up on it was one man with sandy brown hair and crazed brown eyes. He was saying something but Mineral couldn't hear it over the sound of the roaring crowd so she crept closer.
"They have lied to you. To us!" she could hear him say once she got close enough. The crowd roared in agreement. Mineral recognized him from somewhere but couldn't place it. She moved closer still.
"There have been murders and what has she done?" The announcer continued "She covered them up! Is that what a leader does?" He asked the crowed. Mineral realized what was going on and became very nervous very fast. especially when the crowd answered back.
"No!" the cheer ran through the crowd. Mineral was just getting to turn around when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"C'mon, you've got to get out of here" A voice said from behind her. She turned to see a man with slick black hair, and was slightly taller than her. He was wearing a black leather jacket and black leather pants. He started to drag Mineral back through the crowd and away from it. For some reason she couldn't fight him. The one thing that intrigued her the most were his vivid green eyes.
Once they were far enough away Mineral finally came back to her senses.
"Get your hands off me!" she said as she broke away from his grip. The man only raised an eyebrow at her.
"Really? Don't recognize me?" He asked with a slight hint of amusement in his voice. the thing was though, she did recognize him. She just couldn't place from where.
"Well-" She started but he cut her off with a laugh.
"Knew it was a good idea to use this" He said taking out a small pendant. It looked like a purple eye of ender but smaller and on a chain. Mineral leaned closer to get a better look.
"It's fine. It's not going to hurt you Diamond" The man said. Mineral froze before backing up.
"H- how do y-" She was cut off again by the man laughing.
"Really? I thought you'd get it with the 'eye of ender'. It's me" He said grinning "Phil?"
MIneral stared at him before shaking her head.
"No, the Phil I know is an enderman. You cant be him" She said staring at him. He only laughed.
"Yes I can. Your father helped me with that one" Phil said holding the pendant once again "This helps with it. I can transform into a human if I want but it takes a lot of energy. This helps drain less energy"
Mineral nodded even though it didn't make much sense to her. Phil lead her down several ally ways before the castle came into sight again, this time without a mob in front. There was a guard door in the side.
"Thanks Phil" Mineral said. Phil smiled at her.
"It's no problem. I wouldn't let anything happen to you if I could help it" He said. Mineral smiled and walked towards the door.
"Thanks Phil" She said without turning back "I'll meet you back inside"
She heard him teleport and was just opening the door when someone grabbed her from behind. It wasn't friendly either, she could tell right away.
"Lookie who we found" The person whispered in her ear "You see our little demonstration out front?"
Mineral made a soft growling noise as she started to struggle.
"Let me go" She said trying to break his grasp. He was stronger than she thought and his grip didn't even shift.
"Oh, but your fans want to see you" He said. They put a gag over her mouth before she could scream and dragged her back towards the front gates.
After Mineral stormed out Kye and Endra had gone searching. Four hours later, with no sign of her, they met back up in the center of town.
"Find her?" Kye asked when Endra touched down. She only shook her head.
"None, I was hoping you found her" Endra said. Kye sighed
"I guess we start heading back?" Kye asked. Endra nodded
"She's sure to come home eventually" Endra said with some hope. Kye couldn't share her hope, she knew how Mineral could be.
They were both just about to turn the corner to the front gates when they heard the jeering of the crowd. Both of them looked at each other before pulling there hoods up. Whatever could happen outside their gates couldn't be good. Carefully, both of them went around the corner and were met by a shocking scene.
Up on a stage a man was cheering on the crowd but what surprised them most was that Mineral was up there next to him. Held between two men.
"She's lied to us!' he was saying "She wont even share her past! Not even her family!"
the crowd cheered him on and he seemed to love it.
"I mean, come ON!" he continued "The only one we know ANYTHING about is a DRAGON for notches sake. And we expect them to protect us? I don't think so!"
"Wanna stop this?" Endra asked with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Yep" Kye nodded. Both started making there way unnoticed through the crowd until they were in front of the stage. From there they jumped up and onto it which seemed to startle the man
"What are you two doing?" He asked. Kye looked over at Endra and smirked before taking her hood down. Instead of looking mad, the man now wore a mask of fear
"We heard you were wondering about our pasts" Kye said
"And that you didn't think we were trust worth?" Endra said taking her hood down. The man managed to contain his panic.
"Yes, we were" He said "And why don't you share them with everyone?" He said smiling again, this time more menacingly "they are waiting"
Kye shrugged and looked at Endra
"Should we? I don't really have anything to hide" She said with a smile starting to form on her lips. Endra smirked back.
"I think we should. I don't have anything either" She said. The man stepped up to the mic again.
"Looks like our questions are going to be answered!" He said excitedly. The crowd got over its initial shock and cheered even louder. He looked back at the two leaders and smiled.
"Now" he said "Care telling us about your families?" Endra snorted and walked forward, taking the mic.
"Well" she started with over exageraqted hand gestures "As most of you probably know, I'm the next in line for the Ender Dragon 'role'. My family life is pretty good. Talk to my mom a lot, my 30 siblings are annoying and my dad is still alive which is always great" the crowd laughed at this and Endra smiled before continuing "But when I came here not a lot of you seemed to like me. Mostly because I am a dragon. I didn't like that either but I have to say, I'm glad we all are able to get along. I really do not like burning houses down. takes too much time" she waved her hand dismissively with a I- Don't- care look on her face. Another bubble of laughter came from the crowd and the man looked more annoyed than before.
"Ok" He said taking the mic from Endra "How about we hear from Kyleline then?" He handed the mic to her and she took her turn at the front of the stage.
"Well" She started nervously "To start off, I haven't talked to my family in a couple years but recently my father did pay a visit to our kingdom" She said becoming more comfortable talking "My mom died when I was younger in a house fire that I was barely able to escape and then I was taken in by on of king Sky's head guards and raised basically by the army" She shrugged "I guess that's where I get my skills from" The crowd laughed again becoming less hostile towards them. The man took the mic again
"And who exactly is your dad?" He asked before handing the mic back. Kye took it a smirked at him
"Oh, I bet most of you wont believe me if I told you" She said pacing the stage. A collective cheering came from the crowd urging her on. She stopped and looked at them smiling.
"Well, if you insist" She said loosely. In a matter of seconds her whole demeanor changed to one that made her look serious
"My father is Notch" She said in the same tone of voice only with much more seriousness in it. The crowd was silent.
"How do we know that's true?" Someone called from the crowd. A collective murmuring rose up but was wiped out just as quickly as it started by a strong voice.
"Because it is" Notch said walking forward "Kyleline is my daughter and I'm proud to say it" he said smiling. Kye smiled back and the crowd was in a stunned silence. One by one they all looked back up at the stage and the man took the mic from Kye again.
"Now there's only one left" He said moving over to Mineral who had been listening the whole time.
"What's your story?" He asked. Mineral did the last thing everyone was expecting. She snorted.
"Mine? Well sorry to say but it's not as cheery as theirs" She said "My family isn't as cheery. My uncles are liars, I never knew my mom and I'm terrified of my dad. I've been running from there for several years now and had wished to stay anonymous but it seems to have backfired. I am now only hoping they don't figure out it's me because if they do, well, lets put it this way. You wont have me as a leader anymore"
The crowd was silent as it took this all in and the smug grin on the mans face had returned.
"If your family is made up of liars, wouldn't that make you one too?" He asked. Mineral stared at him.
"Really? I ran to get away from them so I wouldn't become like them" She said "And I highly doubt any of you always tell the truth"
Several heads nodded in agreement from the crowd and before long it started to disperse. Soon the only people around were the man, Kye, Endra, Mineral and Notch all standing and staring at each other. The two men holding Mineral let go and walked away, nodding in recognition as they passed.
"Well that was cheery" Mineral said after several minutes of uncomfortable silence. She hopped off the stage and started walking back to the castle. "I'm going to get back to work now"
"Wait" Notch said making her stop in her tracks. She groaned and turned around to face him as he walked closer.
"Yes?" she asked. He stopped several feet away from her and seemed to study her appearance for a while before speaking.
"Was what you said true?" He asked "About your family?" Mineral nodded
"It is. It's sad but true and they wanted to know, I wasn't about to lie to my own people" she said. He only nodded before walking away, thinking.
Mineral stood and watched as Endra and Kye
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