an invitation?
The next morning Holly was the second one up. Walking downstairs, she went into the kitchen and found Safari already up. She was standing in front of the stove and had apparently not heard Holly walk in because she had her hood down, showing her black and white tiger ears and hair. She was also quietly humming to herself as her tail lazily swayed back and fourth.
"Morning sunshine" Louise said as he came down the steps, rubbing sleep from his eyes "What ya cooking?"
Safari quickly pulled her hood up and turned to face him as she hid her tail under her coat.
"Just some breakfast" Safari said quietly. She quickly stepped out of the way and grabbed a plate with food on it already before walking to the back door and out into the back yard.
"Why is she always like that?" Louise asked still sleepy. He brushed it off and grabbed some scrambled eggs before sitting down at the table.
Everyone else started coming down soon after until the whole kitchen was alive with the silence of the morning. The last down was Creed and he looked even more tired than when he had gone to sleep.
"Sleep well?" Louise asked when he saw Creed walk up. Creed yawned and rubbed his eyes.
"No, the storm kept me up last night" He said sitting down at the table.
"What thunder storm?" Louise asked "I didn't hear anything" Creed shrugged.
"Guess you're a heavier sleeper than me" He said as he grabbed a plate. He walked over to the stove and struggled to reach the pan.
"Here, let me help you" Holly said. She took his plate and scooped him some eggs and handed it back to him. He took it happily and sat back down.
"Thanks" He said as he started eating.
"So what's the plan for today?" Katie asked. Sydney finished and set her plate in the sink.
"I was planning on going into town. We're low on food and healing potions" Sydney said "Plus some of our clothes could do with a patch or two"
"I heard there's a fair going on right now too" Holly added. "Maybe we could have some fun and sell some of our extra supplies to get more money"
"Good idea" Louise said "We'll leave once everyone's ready" Everyone agreed.
Creed watched as Louise and Katie pulled their hoodies over their wings and Sydney pulled her hood up, hiding her ears. They were careful to tuck there tails in and make sure everything was hidden before heading out to the barn where the horses were. Rocco and Stike following close behind.
"I'll take Creed" Louise said as Stike wrapped around his leg.
Creed gingerly followed him into the bar and let Louise set him on his horse before walking out. Stike was now up and hanging loosely around Louse's neck. He lifted himself on and the group started off.
"Why are you guys all wearing hoods?" Creed asked ten minutes into the ride.
"Because, we don't want people to know we're hybrids" Louise said.
"But why? I think you're cool" Creed said. Holly looked at him and smiled.
"Not everyone would think that. It can be dangerous for a hybrid and not everyone accepts us" Katie said "Where we're going is a hybrid safe place but people can still be stereotypical. It's especially dangerous for me and Louise. No one likes ender dragon hybrids after Enderlox."
"Not that they liked us in the first place" Louise muttered. They carried on in silence the rest of the way.
"Come on Seto!" Angel said as they walked down the streets "I want to get there soon!"
Seto laughed and picked up his pace as she started running down the street, Rancune and the pup close behind her. They had been very protective of her since she was let out of the hospital. Her arm was still healing but once the doctors had figured there was no infection they thought it was safe to let her out. Everyone seemed to become more protective now that he though about it.
Seto had agreed to take Angel out with him when he decided to go to the town library to try and find out more about the kingdoms history. Angel had begged him to take her with when she found out. He had gone straight to Herobrine and asked. Although he was reluctant to let her go off with him, he agreed when Jonas and Phil agreed to tag along. Briar was also out with them but planning on meeting someone. She wouldn't tell who though.
"So why are we going to the library again?" Jonas asked
"Because, I have some research I want to do" Seto said "And Angel could use some fresh air. She hasn't been outside in a while. Phil, where is she?" Seto asked looking up at the enderman.
"Don't worry, I see her. Just reached the doors with the dogs close behind. I'll follow her in" Phil said before teleporting to the building.
It took a while for Seto and Jonas to push through the crowd but when they finally made it into the library it was a relief. Much quieter than outside on the busy streets.
"I'm going to be over here" Jonas said and pointed towards the anime section before walking away.
He was just passing the adult section when something caught his eye. backpedaling he looked in and saw Phil sitting in one of the chairs with Angel sitting on his lap as they read a book. Jonas quickly walked in and looked at the book.
"You're reading 50 shades of black?" Jonas asked shaking his head. Phil shrugged.
"I just started reading it and she climbed up. It's not like I've been reading it to her" Phil said. Jonas sighed and looked at Angel.
"Why don't we go find something better for you to read?" Jonas asked.
"Ok" Angel smiled and jumped off Phil's lap. Jonas gently guided her out of the adult section and back towards his original destination. The library wasn't crowded and they were basically the only people there.
"Here, you can go look through this isle and I'll be in the one right next to it, ok?" Jonas asked, pointing down an isle that was full of picture and kid books. Ones that weren't too hard to read and actually meant for kids her age. Angel nodded and ran down the isle and started browsing.
The group rod into town and went straight for the market place. Once they found an empty spot Louise, Holly and Safari started setting up. Sydney grabbed one of her saddle bags and slung it over her shoulder.
"I have to go to the library and drop off some books, anyone want to come?" Sydney asked.
"Take Creed with you" Louise said "He's seemed pretty bored over the past few days"
"Ok. C'mon Creed" Sydney called as she headed off, Creed trailing close behind. It didn't take long to get to their destination. When They walked in Sydney walked up to the counter and started sliding books back into the return slot. She noticed Creed still standing close to her.
"Why don't you go and see if you can find any books you'd want to read?" Sydney suggested. Creed nodded and walked off toward the kid section.
He walked in and stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the person opposite him in shock.
"A-Angel?" He asked timidly. She was staring at him with a mirror image of shock.
"Creed?" She asked quietly. He smiled and ran towards her. She meet him half way and embraced him in a hug.
"How'd you get out?" Angel asked after a moment.
"Me and Mineral came up with a plan to escape and I got out" Creed said smiling. Neither of them noticed the others come running in after they heard the excited chatter from the two. They stopped in astonishment at the two.
"Creed?" Jonas asked. Creed turned and smiled at him.
"Jonas!" Creed stood up and ran towards him. He ran up and hugged his legs.
"I missed you!" Creed said as Jonas knelt down to his height. Jonas looked him in the eyes before pulling him close.
"Same here bud" Jonas said close to tears. Creed pulled away first only to be pulled into another hug, this time from Phil.
"Where have you been?" Phil asked picking him up. Creed laughed as Phil flipped him upside down, holding his ankle.
"Hey Phil" Creed said looking at him upside down "I've been everywhere" He giggled again but this time because of the blood rushing to his head. Phil flipped him back over and held him close.
"Do you realize how worried your father has been?" Phil asked looking down at him. Creed looked up at him.
"No" He said quietly "I didn't mean to worry him" he looked down the hall and his face lit up again. He jumped out of Phil's arms and ran towards Sydney who had been standing at the end of the hall.
"Come on! There's someone I want you to meet!" Creed said as he dragged her back down the hall. Once he reached the others his smile was almost bursting off his face.
"This is Sydney" Creed said smiling "Sydney, this is my sister angel, Phil and Jonas" He introduced. Sydney was blushing.
"Hi" She said looking at them "I'm glad he finally found you. We've been searching for his family ever since we found him" She was careful to not look Phil in the eyes.
"We?" Phil asked "Who is we?" He had a guarded pose and eyes her warily. Sydney noticed and took a step back.
"A couple days ago some of my friends were mining in a cave near our house and when they came back they said they had found him. We've been taking care of him since then and just came to town today for the market" Sydney explained quickly "since you're his family I guess I'll just leave him with you" She blushed even more as she started walking off. Jonas stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.
"Wait, I think his dad will want to meet you" Jonas said. Sydney's blush depend as she looked down at his hand, which was still on her shoulder.
"oh" He said blushing himself. He dropped his hand to his side awkwardly "Why don't we meet at the castle?" Sydney stared at him stunned.
"Th- the castle? Really?" She asked getting excited. Jonas laughed and nodded.
"Yea" He said then looked over his shoulder "We'd better get going. Creed's dad will want to see him again. He has been missing for almost three weeks" he started to walk away but stopped and turned back towards her.
"There wasn't another person or two with him when you found him, was there?" Jonas asked. Sydney shook her head, a confused look on her face. A look of realization came over her and she looked at him sadly.
"No, we didn't find anyone with him" Sydney said "But he did talk about his sister who had been with him. He said they were running from something but didn't say what and she had told him to run ahead and that she would be close behind" Jonas nodded sadly.
"We'll see you back at the castle, right? We need some questions answered. Like what cave you found him in and how long you've had him" Jonas said.
"Sure, sure. We'll be there as soon as we can" Sydney said. With that she turned and quickly walked out of the library and back to the cart where the others were.
"Took you long enough" Holly said when she saw Sydney "Where's Creed?"
"I found his family" Sydney said excitedly "But that's not the only thing. We've been invited to the castle!" The others stopped what they were doing and stared at her.
"You're joking, right? Why would they invite us there?" Katie asked. Sydney's smile barely fit on her face.
"I don't know but they said something about asking some questions" Sydney stated. Louise immediately stood up.
"We're leaving" He said and started packing
"What's gotten into you Louise?" Holly asked as he rushed around. He stopped and looked at her.
"They want to ask questions. Remember what happened last time someone wanted to ask us questions?" He asked. No one said anything, they all remembered.
"But these people didn't seem that bad.." Sydney said trailing off "And Creed knew them. He seemed really excited to see them" Louise paused and looked at her.
"So? How do we know what they are really like? The last time-" he was interrupted by Katie.
"We know what happened last time! you don't have to go on a rant about it!" She practically shouted. Again, everyone stopped and looked at them.
"Why don't we give it a shot?" Holly asked "I mean, Creed trusted them so they cant be bad, right?"
:They can be plenty bad! We're not going" Louise said, putting his foot down. The girls looked at him with unimpressed faces.
"I say we go. It couldn't hurt" Holly said.
"But that's the thing! It could hurt a lot!" Louise said. The girls ignored him.
"Yea, lets go. It isn't everyday you are invited to a castle" Katie said. She looked over at Safari who was drawing with her feet.
"Sure, I guess" She said not looking up. Sydney smiled again.
"Great! Lets go then!" She said jumping up and down before running off towards the castle looming in the near distance.
The others packed the rest of the stuff onto the horses and rod towards the castle. On the way there Louise noticed there wasn't as much people as he expected walking the streets and those who were out had grim looks on there faces, like someone had died. They got there just in time to see Sydney with another boy standing next to her talking. To Louise it seemed like they were flirting with each other. The boy looked up when he heard the horses coming and smiled. He walked up to them as they slowed to a stop.
"You all must be Sydney's friends" He said "My name is Jonas" He held out his hand to Louise for a handshake. Louise eyed it carefully before slipping his hand in.
"Louise" He said. Stike chose that moment to come out of his saddle bag and slither down and around Louise's leg. Jonas looked down at him in a mix of astonishment and fear. Louise laughed.
"Don't worry, he doesn't bit" he said "Unless he doesn't like you and the only person he doesn't like it Herobrine" Louise joked. Jonas' eyes seemed to widen in horror before he stressed a smile. He let out a nervous laugh.
"Yea. So you're one of the ones who found Creed?" Jonas asked changing the subject quickly.
"Yea, that would be me, Louise and Katie" Holly said stepping forward "I'm Holly by the way" She held her hand out and Jonas gladly shook it.
"If you could follow me that would be great" He said. They started walking towards the doors but stopped when they heard barking coming from behind them. Looking back Rocco seemed to be playing with two other dogs. One puppy and another around the same age as Rocco. Jonas chuckled and shook his head.
"Rancune!" He called. the other dog stopped and looked up at him before running over. The puppy followed close behind and Rocco coming last.
"Sorry, Rancune gets excited around other dogs" Jonas said, petting Rancune as she sat next to him.
"She yours?" Sydney asked. Jonas stopped and sighed sadly.
"No, not mine" He said quietly but immediately perked up "The others are waiting inside and we probably shouldn't keep them waiting any longer" He said before walking in quickly. The others shared a look before following him in.
They walked down, through the main hall and into the throne room where a group of people were talking. There were five in total, one that stood out to Louise the most was the girl standing next to one of the two thrones. She had black hair, and bright purple eyes but what he saw first was her tail and wings sticking out from her black jacket and pants. The whole group stopped talking when they walked in and turned towards them.
"Jonas, are these the people?" One of the other girls asked. She had long black hair tipped blond and was wearing a blue shirt, black skirt and had black knee length boots.
"Yep, these are them" Jonas said walking up. The doors closed behind them. The girl walked forward smiling and stuck her hand out.
"Welcome to the Fox Kingdom. I'm Kye, Co- leader here" The girl said. Katie cut her off.
"Co- leader? Where's the leader then?" She asked. All talking in the room died instantly as everyone looked at them. Katie backed back into the group, realizing she had said something wrong.
"She's" The other girl "Gone missing" She cringed at the last part.
"What do you mean she's gone missing?" Louise asked "She's your leader for Notches sake! How could you lose her?"
The girl looked at him with anger in her eyes. In an instant she was right in front of him with a dagger pressed against his throat and sword behind his head, making sure he couldn't back away.
"Do you think we would TRY and let her be kidnapped?" She hissed.
"N-no. It's just, she's your leader. How could you loose her?" Louise said. The anger intensified in the girls eyes.
"Endra! Don't. He's not worth it" Kye called. The girl, Endra, backed down and walked back over. Louise and the others watched her, stunned.
"Sorry" Kye said "She's taking it much worse than everyone else is. They were best friends" An awkward silence followed.
"So, how do you know Creed?" Holly asked, breaking the tense feeling in the air. Kye smiled, happy to change topics.
"He's my little cousin" Kye said almost proudly.
It looked like she was going to say more but just then the doors behind them opened. Louise immediately tensed when Stike hissed at whoever had just walked in. He already knew who it was without having to turn around. He didn't turn around at first.
"What have I missed?" The person behind him asked. A scowl formed on his face as he turned around.
"You" Louise said. He turned around to see the one person in all of Minecraft that he hated. The one who had killed his family. The one he had been searching for to get his revenge. The one and only
A/N And I said I would get it up tonight and here it is! That is the reason I cut it in half so yea, until later
"You forgot something"
What? Oh, you mean about someone? I know. Next chapter we'll start with her
"But everyone's wondering"
I know, I know. and I'm sorry. I wasn't able to fit her in. She'll be in most of the next one anyways.
Ok, so until next time
SEE YA Foxes!
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