A dogs best friend
A/N Hey Foxes! I'm going to try something different for this chapter. When you see certain cues like (_) that, there will be a letter in there, it means to turn on a certain song. Easiest way would be to go to YouTube and look it up. There will be several songs and I'll list them out here first.
(A) Welcome to the black parade- by my chemical Romance
(B) Bang Bang- Jessie J, Ariana Grande &Nicki Minaj
(C) It's time- Imagine Dragons
(D) Hall of Fame- The Script
and if you have any yourself feel free to put them in the comments ^^
OH, you don't have to listen to the whole song either, just while your'e reading,
"I'm putting one in here!"
No you don't Phil!
"C'mon! They'll love it!"
*snickers* "You'll see it! It's not bad!" *disappears*
Endra growled, pacing back and forth in the hall. her tail swishes irritably. Kye sat thinking and occasionally watching Endra.
"How'd she get away? We had everything set up to get her!" Endra exclaimed snorting a small jet of fire. it accidentally light one of the tapestries but quickly died out again leaving only burnt edges.
"She's skillful. how else was she able to fool the others into believing she was Crystal? she's an impostor it was her job" Kye said bringing her hand back down. her tone was thoughtful also wondering "one part gets me though. in the report"
Endra stopped and say down with a huff. "what would that have been? that she actually does have powers?" her voice conveying her anger. Kye shook her head.
"No, the guards said her eyes light up white. how do you fake that sort of thing without contacts?" Kye asked.
Walking through the old village was like walking through the past. On old, weed covered street corners she could see friends gathering and chatting. to her, the sound of laughter and life was everywhere but to her eyes there was nothing but rot and decay.
The houses, where most of the roofs had collapsed from neglect and storms, loomed on either side of the empty street as if watching her. she walked on with her hands in her pockets.
The center of town was in a slightly better condition but not by much. The store windows had long since been blown out evidence of a griefer was obvious since it looked like several buildings had been blown out and set on fire. the garden in the middle of the square surrounded the dried out fountain. even if the sky was clear and the sun shining the place get cold.
Her pace quickened and she hurried out of there. It was too much. the first town in the kingdoms abandoned and neglected. But to her, it had been her home for three of the four years since se ran away. She wandered down another road and took a left at a dented and rusty sign post, following the path down into the forest.
Her pace quickened more until she was sprinting. then she stopped. ahead of her a small, two story cottage stood in front of her. Compared to the other houses in town this one had faired better. Many of the shingles had come off, looking through the windows everything was covered in dust and the door hung off it's hinges. But other than that it still looked more hospitable than the others.
Mineral walked forward and took hold of the door handle. She pulled but instead of opening it fell off to the side. She cringed slightly. Just another thing she'd need to fix.
She stepped inside ad a plume of dust rose off the carpet making her cough as se waved her hand in front of her face to clear it. Some cleaning needed to be done too.
Everything seemed to be in the same place it had when they left. Mineral wondered.....
Quickly she ran upstairs and into the room that had once been hers. she grinned widely when she saw that, in fact, her radio was still there. it was a just an old fm radio, nothing too special but she was still happy to see it hasn't been raided. She unplugged it carefully and carried it downstairs.
"Le'ts see if this works" she muttered to herself. Setting the radio on the table she turned it on. A smile spread on her face as the music spilled out.
"Yea! I knew it!" She jumped up happy. Quickly, she ran over to the supply closet and took out cleaning supplies. The sun was still rising in the sky as she swept, scrubbed, dusted and beat the dust and grime out of everything. It only took until late into the after noon.
Once she was sure everything was as good as she could get it she sat and relaxed on the less dusty couch. the faint smell of lemon was in the air from the cleaning products but it was accompanied by the older smell of the musty house.
For the first time since seeing the house again Mineral realized how tired she was and sitting on the couch only added to it. It was no where near dark yet but her eyes started closing all the same. it wasn't long before she was asleep on the couch without a care in the world.
The two walked through the forest. Israphel had given them a map of the most likely places she would be. it was too risky going after the twins again. They'd have to wait but one wandering off on her own? easy target and by blowing up his old base, he had a personal score to settle with her. Hence, he sent his best pair.
Xavier was worried though as he followed Lora. This wasn't how she acted at all. she was more of a mindless robot then the girl he knew. She hadn't even changed clothes in the three days they had been traveling. Something was wrong but he wasn't too sure it would be a good idea to ask her about it.
She walked almost robitically to the edge of a town. To him it was almost impossible to not stop and look at the turmoil set in the town. It was beautiful. The burnt out corpses of the homes and stores, the holes in the street and the overspreading of weeds in every spare space of dirt or clinging to the sides of houses and store fronts. The vines working their way up the side of buildings and into broken windows. He wished he had brought a camera.
But Lora didn't stop to look at any of it. She marched on as if none of it excisted. Soon they were out of sight of the town and on a narrow, mossy, brick road. He sighed and followed. A house loomed into sight ahead, it looked just as run down as the others in town but there was something off about it. His hand instinctively went to his belt where he kept his knife.
He ducked next to Lora who was crouched behind a bush.
"Something's off" He whispered in another failed attempt to get a word out of her. The whole way there she hadn't said a word. It was worring him but he'd never admit that.
"What do you th-" He started again but was stopped by a hand smacked over his mouth. A little hard too. He shut up and rubbed his jaw confused. Lora was looking at him with her unsettling gaze. With one hand she pointed at the spotless windows.
He took a closer look and face palmed. How could he have missed something so obvious? They windows were cleaned and inside everything else was cleaner than it should have been for being abandoned. He was still thinking when Lora stood up and made her way through the overgrown grass to the front door. He quickly followed.
One kick was all it took for her to bust the newly put up door down before walking into the house. He followed her through the door before breaking off and checking the rest of the house but didn't find anything.
"Nothing upstairs, in the kitchen or bathroom. It looks like she's not here anymore" He said walking into the living room. He stopped when he noticed Lora standing over the couch.
"You're right" She answered. Her voice was monition in a very, very creepy way. Goosebumps popped up on his arms at the sound of her voice. It didn't sound natural.
"She was here" She continued. "We just missed her" Her gaze didn't waver from the meptry couch.
The nether really was beautiful this time of year. The ghasts were flying above, pigmen lazed around the lava pools.
And two small kids running around with a light pink stripped ghast watching over them closely.
Herobrine watched out the window of the nether castle worried. They were safe in Magenta's care but still he worried. He had lost them once.
"They're alright" Briar said in a hushed voice. She stood next to him looking out the window. There was a sad smile on her face as she watched them play. "Magenta wouldn't let anything happen to them"
He gave a short nod "I know, but still. It's hard not to" she smiled sadly and put a hand on his shoulder.
"We'll find her eventually. Notch can't keep her hidden forever" Briar smirked "And she's resorceful. Way too much like you if I do say so myself" Herobrine smirked.
"She might be, but she should have been sent down here sooner if that was the case" He said shaking his head "no one related to me is allowed up there after they die. Something about demon's blood" he smirked at the thought. It always felt nice, being called a demon. The fear it put into people at the mention of the name.
Briar shook her head. She had noticed his change starting since the twin had been born. It was subtle at first but quickly grew. She was beginning to worry for him.
"Maybe he's keeping her up there" she suggested "after all, Steve raises her. Maybe he considers her less of a demon than if she stayed here" instantly it was clear that wasn't the right thing to say. Herobrine's face darkened and he turned away from the window.
"Are you saying that her being taken was a good thing?" he questioned. His voice was calm and even but sent a chill through Briar. She had heard him talk this way before but not to her. It was the time he used with prisoners or his victims.
"No, not at all" she said shaking her head. she stood straighter defiantly "but whatever is keeping her away it most likely isn't him" the thought came quickly and she understood. A scowl grew on her face as she stared Herobrine down.
"Most likely it's what drive her away in the first place" she finished and crossed her arms. Herobrine raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"And what, exactly, would that be?" he said taking a step to the side.
"You" Briar responded. "The feud, the psychotic tendency of this family ad the blood bath that would ensue from her return. She is peaceful, unlike you"
"None of my children are peaceful. They never were and never will be" his response took her by surprise. It was almost a growl but much much more demonic. The area surrounding them seemed to darken until the only clear thing in front of her was him. Him and his glowing white eyes glaring at her through the darkness.
"Then maybe she wasn't your daughter!" Briar yelled as the anger swept over her "if you don't believe your own children could do any good maybe she isn't yours" a white light surrounded her and the darkness disappeared. She was left with a glowing aura protecting her. Herobrine was the surprised one now.
"Wh-" he started but she didn't give him a chance.
"You're mind hasn't changed, after all these years you've been around your thoughts have only changed once an that was when you believed your brothers murdered you. It brought you back changed for the worse. If you believe that no good can come from anyone in your family then I can't stay. After everything I've seen our daughter do there is no way I could say she's evil in any way or sense of the word" she shook her head hiding tears and turned towards the doors. "goodbye hero" she walked out leaving him standing there in shock.
Mineral woke up again several hours later in a dingy room with stone walls. Moss crept up in the corners and along he right wall. She sat up confused and it was only after a while that she realized she felt stable. Not in the sense that she wasn't crazy, who isn't in a world like that, but the sense that she wasn't going to disappear at any moment like she had been feeling when she fell asleep back at the house.
The house. (C)
She suddenly realized where she was. It surprised we though. She didn't expect Kye to do something like this. How she had figured it out was beyond her. There was a pounding in her head just like all the other times she had been summoned.
"Hey! you awake yet?" a guards voice called down the hall. Mineral jumped in surprise. She wasn't sure if she should respond but after a while she made up her mind.
"Why am I in a cell?" she asked and stood up. The guard chuckled. She looked brought the bars as saw him leaning back in a chair facing away from her.
"Miss Kye said it'd be easier to hold you there instead of your room. Don't want you trying to escape or run off again after all" he looked back backwards. She recognized him from somewhere but only placed it after the white snake crawled out of his shirt.
"Louise! c'mon! let me out!" he shouted down the hall. he laughed and shook his head.
"Like I said I can't" he turned back around and looked to his right. "Hey Syd! Take holly and go get Kye. Katie stay here while Sarah and I go get Endera. They'll want to know she's up"
"you got it" Katie responded sitting down. Louise ran up the steps with Sarah close behind. Sydney and Holly weren't far behind. Mineral groaned.
She sat back in the cell and put her chin in her hands thinking. How was she going to geto ut of this one? What if Kye had told everyone about her already? She had asked her to if something happened after all. But it was too late to worry about that now. She'd have to face whatever was coming at her head on.
"You alright in there?" Katie asked. she stood outside the bars looking in at her. Mineral nodded.
"Yea, I'm fine. rather not be locked up but can't help that" she shrugged. a strand of hair fell over she shoulder and she picked at it. "do you have a pair of scissors with you at all?" she asked suddenly. Katie started at her like she was crazy.
"No, why would I have scissors?"
Mineral sighed "never mind" she shook her head. Katie had moved the chair to right outside the bars. Her tail swayed slightly as she thought.
"Why'd you run away?" She asked. The question took Mineral off guard. She shrugged though like it wasn't important.
"I don't know, didn't want to be in the middle of fighting I guess" she hasn't thought of it before. All those years and she never once asked herself why.
Katie's laugh brought her back from the thoughts. Min looked over curious.
"What's so funny about that?" she asked. Katie smiled and shook her head.
"Just some of the stories I've heard from the others guards. It seemed like you and the others never really got along and were always fighting" she said "like all the pranks and things"
Mineral laughed "yea, to someone else it probably does seem like that but to be honest, I never would've made it without Kye or Endra" she lied down on the bed in the corner with a. Thoughtful smile. "They're my family in a way" she wouldn't go into details. Didn't need to say more than she needed. (D)
"But then what made you run away that last time?" Katie asked "after that girl jumped you, you ran"
Mineral shook her head again "no, she teleported us to the forest. I wasn't smart enough to teleport back though" one white lie wouldn't hurt right?
"Oh" Katie nodded "that makes sense then. one more question, how are you here if your body is in the catacombs?"
"I don't know. I guess I-" mineral stopped for a moment. something was nagging at the back of her mind "where'd you say my body is?" she asked.
"Down the stairs in the catacombs" Katie pointed "Kye had it taken there after Steve brought it back" Mineral nodded.
"Think you could take me to it?" her hopes rose for a moment. Katie shook her head.
"Sorry, no one's allowed down there. Kye says it's safety reasons" she shrugged. Mineral nodded and leaned back again. She couldn't stay still it seemed.
The clang of a door brought the conversation to an end. Moments later Kye and Endra walked in with Louise, Holly and Sarah close behind Sydney had disappeared somewhere. The four quickly disappeared with a wave from Kye's hand. It was just the three of them again.
They stood in silence staring through the bars at Mineral. Mineral on the other hand was sitting on the bed staring out at them. Very different. Endra was the one who eventually broke the silence.
"Min?" her voice wasn't as loud as it usually was as her years showed. For being a commander of an army she really did seem young.
Mineral smiled back "hey Endry" she joked. Endra broke into a fanged smile. She reached for her set of keys but Kye stopped her.
"How do we know it's actually you?" She asked.
"Oh c'mon Kye. don't you trust me?" Mineral smirked. She knew something like this would come from Kye. She was always the more suspicious of the two.
"No, I don't" she responded. Mineral's face fell and she looked away.
"How'd I know you were going to say that" she muttered then looked back with a determined gleam in her eyes "how do you want me to prove it?" she asked.
The sound of paws running down the hall made everyone stop and look. Rancune was running full speed towards the cell and just barely managed to skid to a stop right outside. her tail was wagging so fast it was a blur and she had a puppy like grin on her face. she barked several times and jumped around outside.
"Looks like someone remembers!" mineral laughed. Its always fun to see a full grown dog acting like a puppy. Especially when it looked like a wolf.
Kye stared astonished "she hasn't left the tomb though" she muttered. Endra took the opportunity and unlocked the cell smiling.
"You've missed a lot" she said beaming. Mineral stood up and walked out.
"I bet I have" she grinned.
"Quick! Search Freeze frame by J. Geils band!"
Phil! don't get songs stuck in their head!
"But it's catchy! why can't we use it?"
I don't think theirs a part in there that goes along with it.
"Like half the songs in there went with the scenes you out them with" *rolls eyes*
Hey now! Don't get sassy!
"I is da sass"
*face palm* why do I let you hang around
"Because you'd have no friends if you didn't" *smirks*
Budder- oh that's cold
How'd you get here?!
Budder- Seto gave me a healing potion and Jonas invited me over.
"I didn't do it! Jonas did remember!"
Jonas- *from other room* way to blame your own kid!
"I can't blame your brother!"
Budder- wait, brother?!
Jonas- who's my brother?!
"Um...... adopted" *disappears*
*sighs* someone help me in this mad house *mutters* WELL! that's all for this time I hope
Fluffy- BANANAS!
SEE YA Foxes!!!
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