Adelena Zenore
"What do you think?"
Walking faster than the other girl, excitement was clear in every movement of Elizabeth's body. She stopped and turned when she was too far ahead, waiting for the other girl to catch up. Once they were shoulder to shoulder, she asked again, "Adalena, what do you think?"
Adelena shrugged in response, making sure her posture was straight and head high. Under the watchful gaze of the professors, she was always prim and proper. They'd give her a sharp rapping on the knuckles if she disobeyed. Elizabeth was a natural lady, with shining blond hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her features were strong and sharp, and her personality was dazzling. Adelena was the one who was usually overlooked. But she wanted to change that. She was 17 now, it was her last year. She wanted to do something...memoriable.
"Maybe it'll be something important, or perhaps they'll reward a special award!" Gushing, Elizabeth kept on a rapid flow of words as Adelena silently kept her company. The click clack of their heels could be heard as Adelena painfully walked. The pain would dull eventually, she knew. She'd gone to Beaubaxtons for 6 years, and still wasn't used to it.
They walked pass portraits hanging on the white marble columns that stood on either side of them. Countless times, Adelena had stared at them. Wondering if she'd ever get the chance to hand on those walls. Everyone did it, at one point in their lives. But for some reason, Adelena couldn't shake off her dream.
Together, they walked into the dining room. It was large, and spacious. The ceiling was made of crystal glass, and the giant chandelier that hung above them was made of gold. Along with all the other students of Beaubaxtons, they filed themselves into their places like a deck of cards.
The seating chart was by alphabetical order of the last name, so Adelena last. Her last name, "Zenore" was unique, but it did have its downs. Behind her, there was a stage with chairs lined around it. During dinner, an orchestra usually sat, serenating them as the students ate. Sitting last, the music was a little too loud, and she had to deal with the occasional spittle that flied her way. To her right and left, were the different house tables. To the front, a pedestal stood, where the headmistress would give the announcement. Adelena sat at her house, "Cossu". Hanging above was a blue and white banner, the house's symbol.
They couldn't be called for no reason. People all around her chatted as the school waited for Headmistress Ebella Seracoth to arrive. Adelena couldn't spot Elizabeth in the sea of mandatory blue robes. Silently she lifted up a silver spoon that lied on top of a lacy cloth. There was no one else for her to talk to.
Her reflection stared back from a different angle as she looked at the spoon. She'd had never really understood why Elizabeth had called her "intriguing". Her brown hair was messily placed into a ponytail, and her storm-blue eyes stare back at her.
Suddenly, she noticed the upsurge of blue coats rising. Hastily she followed their example as she noticed the Headmistress come in. The Headmistress was a swan. Proud, elegant, and beautiful. And through it all, she made it look effortless. Every time she looked at Adelena, she felt like a frog about to be dissected.
She walked slowly to the podium. Once there, she waved a hand; the students took their seat.
"Now, you must all be wondering why I have called you. I have an important announcement to make." She unrolled a piece of parchment and waved her wand. The parchment floated toward the center of the long table and expanded until they could all see it. The sparkling around the edges were the only sign of magic that showed. It was bright brown, with tiny neat handwriting, and a red signature with a seal at the bottom.
"This is an invitation from England's government. They have invited us to participate in this years Triwizard tournament."
A wave of muttering rolled throughout the room. Shock flashed through her, and she wasn't the only one. Many people gasped out loud. Everyone had heard of the Triwizard's tournament. A fluttering excitement landed in Adelena's chest after the shock had left. Maybe, just maybe, this could be her chance. Herchance to do something. Something memorable.
"We are accepting this invitation." Her voice rang throughout the room, immediately silencing the last smoke trails of her last announcement. It was so silent Adelena could've hear a feather land.
"However, I must warn you. Any misbehavior is not tolerated. You represent our school. You represent Beaubaxtons. If you get in even the smallest bit of mischief, you will be sent back."
"14 years ago," the woman continued. "Our school had participated in the Triwizard Tournament. We came in last, after Hogwarts and Durmstrang. I hope none of you thinking of joining will do so badly as that."
She said those words in a light tone, as if she didn't really care. But a hidden warning lay underneath. The last tournament had shamed their school/
"I must warn you. It is dangerous. The last time we had this tournament, someone died. We had taken all our safety measures and it was still not enough."
Silence met the omnimous statement. But, Adelena thought, what's anything without a little risk?
"Though the student had not come from our school, it was a very very horrible experience. This year the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts once again. Anyone wishing to come must arrive in front of the school grounds by sunrise tomorrow morning. Perhaps you want to participate. Perhaps you want to enjoy the show. I do not know, I do not care. Make good of yourself. We leave tomorrow. Dismissed."
As one, the wave of students stood and curtisied as one. The headmistress stood also, and exited thorugh the door behind her. Adelena kept her head down as the proffessors hurdled them out of the hall, deep in thought. Fluttering excitement spread through her as the students walked through the clean white tiles. For one of the first times, she didn't notice the paintings, already filled with the thoughts of her own glory.
She could imagine it. Holding the Triwizard cup, standing on top of a pedestal with the screaming and cheering crowds. She could imagine everyone's eyes on her, filled with amazement. The whispers of wonder.
"Watch it!" A cross-looking girl glared at her.
Adelena said, "Sorry." Lifting her foot off the girl's robes, she continued walking.
The hall they were going in led back to the main square, a place with green grass and plenty of trees. It was one of the best places to study, besides the library. Stone benches and trimmed hedges circled the edge. All around were sculptures made of bushes. Though, at this time of the year, all the leaves were yellow and orange. It was almost winter.
Heading towards the right section, she nearly ran to the dormitories, which was a tower at the west. It was beautiful, with delicate arcitect. It was stone, but spiriling glass designs were all around it, causing sun reflections on the ground. All around Cossu's house were paintings, paintings of everything possible. Of all the houses, it was the most beautiful. Jocelin Cossu, founder of Cossu, was known for creativity. Everyone in her house had that trait.
Adelena opened the door to her dormitory. Waving her wand, her suitcase floated outside from the silver closet. With another wave, her clothes folded themselves in and zipped up. Lifting the suitcase onto herblue bed, she tucked her wand up her sleeve.
The door opened with a bang, and Elizabeth came in. She immediately sat on the bed across from Adelena's. They were one of the few who only had 2 people in a dormitory.
Elizabeth went to her closet, which sat next to her bede. "Why couldn't the Headmistress given a warning two days before? At least! We barely have any time to pack or practice or-"
Adelena cut her off. "Maybe she wants us to be prepared for any situation."
Elizabeth disregarded her words, "Are you participating?"
"Yes." Adelena said firmly. She'd maken that descision the moment it had been announced.
Elizabeth paused and turned to look at Adelena. Her tone was incredulous. "Really?"
"Why do you seem so surprised?"
"Well," she muttered. "You just don't strike me as an adventurous person."
Adelena smiled. "Which just proves that no one really understands me." She was already thinking of the games. She wanted to be unpredictable. If her friend couldn't guess that she would be in it, what were the chances that her competitors would? What were the chances they could guess her strategies?
She turned and clicked the lamp on her bed table off, "Good night."
Adelena barely heard Elizabeth's reply before sleep had overtaken her.
Usually, AdeIena would wake up at around noon time. Waking up before sunrise was not an easy task for her. She dragged herself off bed, all the while thinking what Hogwarts would be like. Tall, glimmering towers like theirs?
She looked forward, Elizabeth was gone. Elizabeth had always been more of a morning person than her. Quickly brushing both her hair and teeth, she grabbed her suitcase and headed towards the gates.
Already there was the Headmistress, and multiple students. She ran towards them, the wind jousling her brown hair, which had been tied in its usual ponytail.
"There are four carriages." The Headmistress told them
Adelena saw the carriages behind her, all with large powerful horses pulling them. They were all different colors.
"You will each fine the one with your house, and travel to Hogwarts there. Hurry now."
Lining up at Cossu, she looked past the heads of her fellow members. Elizabeth was nowhere to be seen.
To her right, she saw the house Sournos's carriage. To her left, she saw Rouerie's carriage.
Adelena's carriage was of beautiful blue and white, the house colors. The symbol painted on was of a treble clef, purple and blue with vine decorations all around. Beneath it, the words Cossu were painted on. It was rather small; she wondered how they would all fit.
The Cossu went in one by one. Adelena was slightly shocked at what she saw. There were plenty of cots, making the inside look much bigger in the inside. The cots were all Cossu's color; blue and white. All the cots were lined up along the walls, but only a few were near the windows. Adelena choose the cots near the window; she wanted to be one of the first to see Hogwarts. The door shut only when all the house members were in.
The carriage lurched, taking many students by surprise. The horses were beginning their gallop.
Her nerves were on the verge of overtaking her; the silence was unbearable. Even those that had been excited were silent. It looked like nerves were affecting everyone. Then, someone began to sing.
Last of all, is the house
of those with creative thoughts
Someone joined in.
Whether be music, art, or poetry
And another person, and another. Adelena looked around, noticing that nearly everyone was singing the house song.
Creativity is to be wrought
Of those who are chosen
for the home of Jocelin Cossu
With colors of the purest white and bluer than the sky
Cossu may be the one to pick
For your imaginative eye
Claps and cheers rang around. And just like that; the tension had melted faster than ice cream in the hot sun. The song helped. It reminded them off the reason why they had been chosen into that house. Well, that was what it did to Adelena anyways.
The girl on her right, the one with brown eyes and blond hair started to chat. Adelena couldn't help but overhear.
"I can't wait for the tournament."
Her friend responded, "I can't either. I'm definitely entering."
"Me too."
The rest off their conversation fell to her deaf ears. How many wanted to be in the tournament? What were her chances of getting chosen? One in a thousand?
Stop it, she told herself firmly. Worrying over things you can't change is useless.
"We're here!"
The distant shout from the anyonymous voice caused everyone to scramble to a nearby window. Along with the rest; Adelena rushed to see. Hogwarts was different from what she had thought. It was a castle with many turrets and towers. Unlike Beaubaxtons, it was dark, but yellow lights showed from the windows. A moat surrounded it, and a black lake was visible even from the air. Crowded around the windows were students.
"Wow," Adelena muttered. There was a swooping sound as the horses started their descent. Grabbing her suitcase, Adelena grinned as the horses made a smooth landing onto the bridge.
For a second, there was confusion. Then, a scramble as everyone rushed to get out. Adelena was one of the lucky ones, managing to be one of the first to escape the carriage. The Beaubaxton professors were lining them up in two rows.
"You!" Professor Voclain, teacher of Tranfiguration, pointed at Adelena. "What's your name?"
"Adelena Zenore," she said.
"You're at the back, then. Come." The teacher beckoned impatiently, forcing her to move to the very end of the line.
Adelena stood silently. Last as always. Then, in one glorious stroke of inspiration, she had a grand idea. She was last. That meant, she could make a lasting impression. It was brilliant.
Silently, she slid her wand up to her robes. Up front, she saw the headmistress instructing the students on how to make an entrance.
Adelena followed as the students began to walk. The entrance to Hogwarts were large wooden doors, which opened for them with a creek. Instantly, she was struck with how different the hall it was.
The tables were wooden, the floor made of stone, not marble. But what struck her most was the homey, comfortable enviroment. It was so different from the cold, well-behaved behavior at Beaubaxtons. The cieling looked like the nightime sky, stars twinkling here and there. There were four tables, all filled with students. To the front, a large table in which people who were clearly proffesors sat. Candles floated above, warming the room with their gentle, flickering light. Red, green, blue, and yellow banners hung above the four tables.
Adelena began the routine that the rest of the students had done. One step to the right, one to the left, a twirl. All eyes were clearly on her school's brigade. Adelena, for some strange reason, felt as if she did this everyday. There was no awkwardness at all.
It was a risk, what she was about to do. She could either get into trouble, or she could be praised. Raising her hand high, Adelena broke from the rountine. Water sprouted from her wand, water coloured green and yellow. The water surrounded her like a wall. Right before the droplets hit the floor, they transformed into beautiful green and yellow butterflies. The butterflies reversed direction, instead heading upwards into the ceiling. Together, they formed Beaubaxton's school symbol, which they held for 5 seconds or so. Then, they transformed once again back into water droplets, raining on the students. Though the water dropped on them, they felt nothing but air.
The Beaubaxton students them froze, and so did Adelena. There was a silence, in which her heartbeat fast as a drum. Then, a wild cheering erupted. Hogwarts students had awed look on their faces.
Our headmistriss Ebella, greeted a woman who sat head of the table in front. Though Adelena could not hear what they were saying, it was clear they were friends. They hugged and chatted. After a while, they turned to the students.
"Please, take a seat anywhere. I am Headmistress Actriz. Welcome to Hogwarts, students of Beaubaxtons."
Adelena scanned around for an open seat. Her attention was caught by two people waving rapidly at her. She came forward and sat at the table. A red banner with a lion stood above it. The people who had waved her over smiled.
"Hi," The girl whispered. "I'm Rose."
"And I'm Albus," the boy interjected.
Rose was a pretty red haired girl with brown eyes. Albus had black hair that flopped messily over his forehead. His green eyes twinkled. They both seemed about Adelena's age.
"I'm Adelena," said Adelena.
"That was a wicked peice of magic," said Albus.
"How did you do it? Did you use a transfiguration spell?" asked Rose.
Adelena smiled, she'd done what she wanted. Make people wonder. It was a wonderful feeling. A sense of accomplishment wrapped around her like a warm blanket. "A magician never reveals their secrets."
Rose opened her mouth, but her words remained unspoken. For, at that exact moment, the doors banged open and in came Durmstrang students. They wore red and gold suits, and put on a show. Adelena watched closely, observing who might be her competition.
Once two Durmstang students had formed the phoenix of Durmstrang, a wild cheering occured yet again.
People like a show, she noted, clapping along with the rest.
The Headmistress of Hogwarts embraced the Headmaster of Durmstrang, beckoning to an open seat.
Then, she adressed the rest of the hall. "Welcome one, welcome all. It is an honor to have you all here for the Triwizard Tournament. I hope we will have a great time."
She gestured from behind her, and two teachers carried out a wooden goblet.
What is that?
"This is the Goblet of Fire. Anyone wishing to compete will put their names inside. However, you must be a 6th year or a 7th year. Only those above 17 years of age."
There was a collective groan, something that Adelena did not join in. She had turned 17 last month.
"The Triwizard Tournament is dangerous. Therefore, an age line has been put around it. The prize of winning is pride to your school. You also recieve 1,000 galleons and the Triwizard Cup."
1,000 galleons. What could she possibly do with that much money?
"That is all." The Headmistress clapped her hands. The goblet flared to life, flickering with flames, and food appeared instantly on the golden platters in front of her. People were already standing in line to put their names in.
Albus turned to Adelena, "Are you entering?"
"Of course, you are too?"
"I hope so. But Rose can't."
At that, Rose turned to them indignantly. "I'll turn 17 next month!"
Albus rolled his green eyes, before gesturing toward the cup. "Come on, I'll save you a spot."
Adelena walked with him towards the cup. She took a quill that was being passed around, and wrote her name onto a peice of parchament. Then she walked up to the cup.
It was made of wood, and now that she could see it clearly, had patterns inscribed upon it. The blue flames flickered like a child with it's new toy, the quiet cackling so much like giggling in the woods. It seemed barely contained inside the goblet, dancing it's unique dance. It was radiantly beautiful.
She didn't hesitate. Adelena lifted her hand, dropping her name into the Goblet. It flared white, before reverting to its original form. In her mind, she'd already won.
No way was she going to let someone else live out her life's dream.
Kathleen Jones
Kathleen "Kitty" Jones POV
Our silk uniforms fluttered in the wind, wispy clouds gently brought us down to Hogwarts earth. The students from Hogwarts and Durmstrang stared at us in awe.
I sniffed in the cold air, my breath forming in the air. They didn't know half of it. The "cloud" we rode on was enchanted to be warm, but the Hogwarts grounds were so cold I was afraid my toes were going to fall off. (And it was only October!) Still, we all tried to look at ease and graceful. Most failing miserably. Our chattering teeth and shivering bodies gave us away.
My mind wandered during the brief introductions; I was thinking about a spell for warmth. "Calor", heat in Latin, maybe?
It was cold enough to take the risk. I cast the spell mentally.
Yes, it was warm alright. I felt like I was in an oven.
Quickly, I undid the spell.
Oh, well. We were filing in to their Great Hall now, anyway.
There were floating candles, Christmas trees, some band--all very well, but it was nothing compared to ours in Beauxbatons. The golden plates and goblets were okay, though.
Cassandra wrinkled her brow, as if sensing my thoughts--or maybe she actually WAS sensing my thoughts with Legilimency.
"It isn't a very impressive sight, is it?" She said, glancing at me. I shook my head, sliding into a seat in the Slytherin section. "Nope. Why didn't we host it instead of Hogwarts? This place is so shabby." She nodded in agreement. "I heard that--"
She was interrupted by a loud cough that sounded from across the table. We both ignored it. Cassandra started again, "I heard that they--"
There was another loud cough. I looked up to glare at the person who kept interrupting us. It was a tall and slender boy with a pale complexion, auburn hair and glinting hazel eyes. He might have been considered "cute" to some girls, but the only thing I felt was disgust.
"What?" I snarled.
"Ooh, she's feisty." Someone said. I immediately hexed him.
"Well..." The boy said, rolling every syllable luxuriously and slowly, "this is the Slytherin table. Whereas--" "Get on with it!" I snapped. Her just rolled his eyes teasingly.
The nerve! I was about to retort, when Cassandra nudged me. Mouth twitched upward in a smirk, eyes gleaming, she said, "Ignore him. He's not worth our time."
The boy was enraged. " 'Not worth your time?' Do you know who I am? I'm Keegan, Sabre Keegan, a pureblood descended from the ancient house of Black!"
I smiled. "Cassy, you sure know how to get people mad." "Yep," she said, "my specialty."
Sabre Keegan POV
I hated the girls from Beauxbatons. Studying them closely, the one that's supposedly "Cassy" had long, brown hair with large curls and mischievous green eyes. The other girl's hair was mostly black, straight, and shoulder-lengthed, parted in the middle. There was a blue streak in her hair. Her eyes were cold blue. They both had a rather tan skin.
Gritting my teeth, I controlled my anger, and adopted lighter manner. "Well, I was going to say that the Slytherin table is only for us purebloods and anyone who is part of us. Not YOU."
The black-haired girl smiled pleasantly. "That's none of your business, "she said, "besides, your magical ability is like a first years'. You think you can boss us around?"
My anger rose again. "Oh yeah? Let's duel to find out. Tonight. Midnight. Slytherin Common Room. Loser declares that the winner is better at breakfast tomorrow morning, AND won't enter the Triwizard tournament. If you don't come, you're assumed the loser."
Kitty Jones POV
The boy left to sit at the other end of the table.
Smirking, I turned toward Cassy. "That was fun. We should--" This time, I was the one interrupted.
It was the headmaster, starting to speak. "Welcome, welcome, ladies and gentlemen, I take pleasure in--" I zoned out. This was going to be boring. At Beauxbatons we had many lectures like this. They usually took at least an hour.
A sporting a "bored to death" face, I tapped my fingers impatiently on the table, waiting for the food to come.
To my surprise, food appeared just moments later, filling the table with delicious smells.
Cassy was hesitantly scooping some Hogwarts bouillabaisse into her bowl. I didn't know about the taste of these French dishes made in Hogwarts, but it sure looked delicious. Wasting no time, I grabbed a crepe. was DELICIOUS. My mouth still half-full, I said, "The food's good. You MUST try this crepe!"
Cassy shook her head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, manners! Where are your manners!? Chew with your mouth completely closed! Talk only after you've swallowed!"
I glared at her menacingly. Cassy stuck her tongue out at me.
She was imitating our etiquette teacher, Professor Eves. As she knew, it was my least favorite class.
Grumbling under my breath, I placed more food onto my plate.
Once the plates were cleared, Professor Actriz stood up.
This time, once the keyword "champion" was spoken, all students feel silent. I listened carefully, on the edge of my seat, waiting for her to explain the procedures, as if in a trance.
"The three champions that will compete in this tournament will face many challenges and dangers. The champions will--" At this time a Hogwarts professor handed her a book.
Professor Actriz levitated the book for everyone to see. It was bound carefully in leather. On the front, in large letters, it spelled "Students Ages 17 and Above".
The pages of the book flipping themselves, she continued, "--check their names off from the list. The only names in the book are of the students who have already turned seventeen, so no one underage will be able to participate."
She placed the book on the conveniently put three-legged stool. "Starting from now, " Professor Actriz said, "There will be 24 hours for you to check off your names. At exactly 24 hours later, we will announce the winners." She now took on a darker tone. "Be warned, however: make your choice carefully. Once you are chosen, there is no backing out."
Students suddenly started whispering rapidly to each other. "Are you sure you want to?" "I'm worried." "I can't make up my mind!"
I looked at Cassandra. "Are you...?" Hesitantly, she replied, "Yeah. You?" I shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant. "I guess. If I don't lose." We smiled at each other, knowing that I DON'T lose.
After most of the noise died down, Professor Actriz spoke again, donning a lighter tone. "That's all. Good night." She looked around, and with a final smile, sank back into her seat.
Cassandra and I stood up, mixing in with the rest of our classmates from Beauxbaton. Suddenly, I remembered the duel. My eyes widened. "Cassy!" I whispered urgently, "The duel in the Slytherin commons! Come on!"
I rushed to blend in with the Hogwarts crowd, following that Sabre boy. I caught up to him right when he was in front of the Slytherin commons, speaking the password and joking that I had to be declared the loser in the morning.
I smiled inwardly. Squeezing through the crowd, I tapped him on the shoulder.
He turned around, quick as a snake, his wand raised.
I smiled pleasantly. "So. About that duel...?"
Sabre Keegan POV
I have to admit I wasn't expecting this. I expected them to head over the their little cloud in fright of the duel. Or, even worse, forget about it.
"Oh, it's you." I sneered. "It's you. Up for the duel? Or are you here to admit defeat?" "Duel, " I said. "Are YOU not up for it?"
"Good. Just checking." Forcing a smile and stepping aside, I bowed. "Please step in, my lady."
She rolled her eyes, but she and her friend stepped in anyway.
Kitty Jones POV
The Slytherin commons, as described in our textbooks, had little light. Even where it had light, it was an eerie, dim green. The couches in the common room were covered in snakeskin, smooth and soft to the touch. The table in between the couches was varnished with black, the sides intricately carved with snakes that seemed to hiss at you. The fireplace was glowing with a strange green flame. I have to admit, it suited my taste.
We were already in dueling position, and a crowd had stated to gather. "Hope you win, Keegan. If not, you'd be bested by a girl." "Win, Keegan, or you'll lose your pride and dignity, as well as what you you guys bet on." Cassandra, Sabre, and I all ignored them.
We were about to start. Frowning, Cassandra spoke up. "Hey, aren't you guys going to boast first?" We both turned to glare at her.
Soon, though, I grinned a, well, catlike grin. "The winner will have plenty of time to boast." Then I turned to face my opponent once more.
Cassy shrugged. Even if we didn't boast, it was still going to be interesting. That is, interesting to see the boy fail.
Sabre did a quick nod, and raised a single eyebrow. "If you're ready, " he said. "On my count of three." I replied, giving a nod back. "One, two, thre--"
"Lacarnum Inflamarae!" Shouted Sabre, pointing his wand at me. I ducked as the flame came at me. I smirked. This was the best he could do? Silently, I cast the spell "Langlock".
Clearly, he didn't sense that exact spell coming, which, if he did, would be abnormal.
Now, with his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth, he couldn't cast any verbal spells. Kitty, 1, Sabre, 0.
Suddenly, he cast another spell. It lifted me off my feet, and I dangled upside down by the ankle. He undid my spell, "Langlock" and quickly proceeded to hex me. Ugh. Kitty, 1, Sabre, 1.
I created a defensive shield. "Bombarda!" Yelled Sabre. My shield blocked most of the effects of "Bombarda", but my face was turning red, and I swung back and forth from the impact. I had to drop down, fast.
The spell he cast on me for me to dangle upside down was unfamiliar, but with a simple "Finite", it was undone, and I fell onto a cushion I had summoned at quick notice. I quickly hopped up.
We looked each other in the eye, and prepared our wands once more. I launched a spell of my own creation, "Mentis tormentia". May not seem like much, but it means "mental torture".
Sure enough, a split second later, he started to howl in agony. "Make it stop!" He screeched, "MAKE IT STOP!!! me! I'll do anything! Just make it stop!"
I admit, I was rather surprised. It worked better than I'd hoped.
"MAKE IT STOP!" he wailed, his body racked with sobs and kneeling disgracefully on the floor. Tears streamed from his puffy, bloodshot eyes.
By now, other Slytherins were pleading with me to make it stop, and even Cassy was suggesting that I should stop. "I think he's had enough." She whispered.
I shrugged. "Alright. Do I win?" "YES!" He cried out. "You win! Reverse this, please..." And so I did. Which, I found out, was a huge mistake.
As soon as I cast the counter spell, he stood up, mad. "That wasn't fair! It wasn't fair! We should have a rematch!" "Nope," I said, a smirk visible on my face, "you're just a sore loser." I turned around to leave, my hair and cloak swishing behind me.
"CRUCIO!" I was blinded by white-hot pain. I heard a shrill scream, that I later realized was my own. That was the last thing I knew before I fell to the floor.
Reece Spinnet
I have a weird talent, even in the wizarding world, inherited by the original founder of Bauxbatons.
I can see ghosts.
Not like the ones at Hogwarts, but the ones that hide themselves so mortals can't see.
When I was 3 years old, I was telling my parents about the ghost of the abusive step father my mother had, standing over her head with a bloody gun, and how he wouldn't hurt her, to trust me, because I scared him. They were scared instead and sent me to what they called a 'school'- it was an Aslyum. I didn't realize it until I was 5 and one of the boys there, a year older than me, told me. It would make sense as to why I hadn't seen my parents in 2 years. His name was Danny, and I guess this is his story,too.
Danny was in there for a reason. He tended to be violent and destructive when he got angry and was schizophrenic. Sometimes, he was stuck in such a state of dementia and depression, not even his sister could tear him away from tearing everything he could get his hands on apart. At these times, the ghosts of the asylum were swarming him, like he was a delicious meal they hadn't eaten in forever, shrieking with morbid pleasure at his insanity.
The Aslyum smelled like sickly sweet honeysuckle and corpses- ghosts were constantly floating around, screaming in my ears. I remember, at night, ghosts clustered around our beds and screamed, but no one but I could here. They would try to kill some of us, especially Danny and his 2 year old sister, Alexis. When I was 11, I had gotten my letter to Bauxbatons. I decided to break out of the asylum. All Alexis knew were that the three of us would break out and get to London somehow, all the way from France, nothing else. Danny had gotten a letter to Hogwarts the day after we made the plan to break out. That's when it all went wrong.
A toadish woman in a horribly pink and disgusting cardigan knocked and asked to adopt 3 children, evidently
Danny, Alexis, and I. The manager laughed and told her that this was a place for crazy people not an orphanage. She demanded to adopt us. The manager shook his head, then somehow he was on the floor, sleeping. A silver, wispy cat floated around the woman's legs, meowing. A cold feeling slammed into my stomach as all the candles and lights flickered out and the temperature dropped dramatically. You could tell Danny was in extreme distress- he had a nasty habit of accidentally exploding things with magic he hadn't learned to tame, and the windows all shattered at once. The ghosts screamed even louder and I crumpled to my knees, over come withy the ghosts despair and my own. Suddenly, horrid black things swept in through the windows. They were the cause of the horrible feeling, I knew it. By now, I thought I would go deaf with the ghosts screaming. The black things all avoided the toady pink woman. It must have been the cat. Alexis was sobbing and I tried to reach out to her, but I couldn't get to her through the curtain of ghosts. That's when a black things did it- he swept her up tenderly, almost in a mother like fashion, and bent his head down, brushing his hood away with skeletal fingers. His face was a blank nothing, out of his mouth came a ghostlike screaming, and I watched in terrified fascination as he sucked her happiness away, leaving her limp, lifeless, cold, like them. That was it for Danny- his voice added to the din and the enter Asylum exploded, shards of wood everywhere, leaving us in the stormy night. The woman turned to him, eyes narrowed, and held out a stick.
Danny had been my friend since I was 3. He had helped me when I was sick, when I needed someone to help drown out the shrill screaming of the ghosts, and had always been there for me. I couldn't bear losing him, and I thought that I, likewise, would always be there for him.
Nonetheless, the pink toad pointed her stick and said a strange word. He was blown back through the black things by a blast of red light, and I ran, I fought, I tried as hard as I could, but I couldn't move through the thick cloud of rain, of ghosts, of black things, of a horrible certainty that he would be sucked lifeless, of the madness that I couldn't tear away from my mind, inspired by the ghosts that had ruined my life. The things did suck his soul, and the woman beckoned them off. It would make since that someone that terrible would control creatures even worse. I heard a sound almost crazier than the ghosts, and realized it came from my own throat. The bittersweet rain mingled with the tears streaming from my eyes and I screamed unlegibley at the woman. She reared me with a look of indifference and spoke to the black things. "feel free to feed. Just keep her alive for the witching trials." She smiled wickedly at me. I finally had managed to stand up and turned my fury to dementia, the ghosts leaving me alone for once, and driving themselves against the creatures that had turned them so irrevocably mad.
I had managed to escape, yes. Ghosts don't flock around me so much like they do now, but they still follow me, and 2 ghosts are always there, dead of thirst and hunger and pain- Alexis and Danny. The girl who never grew up and the boy who went crazy.
Apparently there was something called the Witching Trials at a Ministry of Magic. Apparently, they believed I was pretending to be a witch and had stolen a wand. The only thing I stole was a boat ride to England so I could inform Hogwarts of Danny's death.
Now I was on the run, 12 years old, trying to survive through the ghosts of my past, through the catchers intent on taking people like me. Around this time, I met a kind girl named Natalie Baker. She was like me, and had meant to attend Hogwarts, but both her parents were muggles-similar to mine- and she was on the run, too. We traveled together for a while until she died, caught by Fenrir Greyback. She might as well be dead, looking as how she's a werewolf.
I was there at the battle of Hogwarts. I was trying to rally the ghosts (at least these were much more civilized) when I saw Natalie again. She was a werewolf now, with honey blonde fur, smeared with dirt and blood, rippling down her back and shining white teeth. Right then, it was the life of my friend or my life and probably anyone else she managed to kill, so I did this with regret, with a heavy heart, but with a hopefully good cause, and was forced to kill her.
Now I'm at Bauxbatons, in my seventh year, with no friends for fear of what will happen with their fate- Danny, insane and without a soul, or Natalie, a deadly creature intent on killing everyone she once knew- and the top of my class. The triwizard tournament is all I need to turn this around, for what I want to do is teach DADA at Hogwarts, make sure what happened to my friends won't happen to any young wizards friends as well.
Alissa Strought
I slammed into the person standing in front of me. "Oh my gosh!" I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand. "Are you alright?" The boy turned around and saw me, turning as red as a lobster.
"Ye...yeah." He stammered. "I'm fine." Oh, I knew him. He was that kid that always lost everything. A Gryffindor...his dad was our Herbology teacher. I think his name was...Alfred, maybe? Alfred Longbottom, that sounded right. I apologized again and continued on my way, robes swishing behind me. I caught up to Lily Potter, and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Lil, you'll never guess who I actually quite literally just ran into!" I said. She demanded to know who immediately. "Alfred Longbottom. You know, Professor Longbottom's son?"
She giggled and leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Al, I know a secret." A secret? This I had to hear.
"Does this have anything to do with why our Heads Of House suddenly called us to the Great Hall?" I asked. She nodded, and I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet. "Oh, tell me tell me tell me, Lily! Please!" She leaned even closer to my ear.
"Well, my dad sent Albus a letter the other day." She whispered. "Apparently, Dad knew what was happening this year. And the last time this happened? My dad was a part of it, and actually, he won." I immediately racked my brain for things Lily's dad, Harry, had done. He'd done a lot of things, he was quite famous, actually, for defeating the worst wizard of all time.
"The Triwizard Tournament?" I breathed in excitement. Lily nodded and I squealed. "Seriously? They're holding another one? Even after...last time?" The last tournament held at Hogwarts, a kid named Cedric Diggory had been killed by the wizard named Voldemort. Lily nodded again.
"Apparently, Dad wanted to give Al the heads-up, and kind of warned him to stay away from the Triwizard Tournament, just because it's dangerous. But I'm going to enter. We're old enough. No doubt James will too. Will you?" I nodded eagerly. I really wanted to be a part of the tournament. Imagine how much prouder my dad would be of me if I won. Then maybe he wouldn't be ashamed of my house. He was a Slytherin, and thought I was a wimp for not being in Slytherin or Gryffindor. But I loved my house! I just didn't understand why he couldn't understand that.
Lily pulled the oak handle to the door of the Great Hall. I waved a sad goodbye as she went to sit with the Gryffindors. It was hard having one of my best friends in a different house, but at least we had multiple classes together this year. I headed to the Ravenclaw table and took a seat next to my other best friend, Rose Weasley. She and I were tied for head of our year, but we weren't rivals. Quite the opposite, actually. I loved her family and her. Professor Actriz stood up and banged her spoon on a goblet.
"Students, students." She began. The Hall, once filled with loud chattering, immediately fell hushed and silent. "Listen up. I have a very special announcement. Hogwarts has the opportunity to host a very special event, one that we have not hosted since before the Dark Days ended." The Dark Days were how wizards and witches referred to the time with Voldemort alive now. "Hogwarts has the opportunity to host the Triwizard Tournament, now that five year have passed since the last one, and our turn has come again. The students from our neighboring schools, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, will be here to celebrate with us. There will be three Champions, each from one of the three schools, that is, Durmstrang Institute, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, who will compete for the Triwizard Cup!" She paused to take a breath, and the Great Hall let out a cheer. Rose and I grinned at each other and cheered as well. After the short speech, Professor announced the students of Durmstrang. My curiosity piqued, I craned my neck along with the rest of Hogwarts to see the people enter.
A bunch of boys entered with their headmaster, and I winked at Rose. She blushed, and I could tell she agreed with me: they were cute. After the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons entered and made a choir of birds perch on the ceiling and serenade everyone, Professor Actriz announced the rules. No one under seventeen was allowed to enter, due to the danger. I share with Rose as Hugo, Rose's younger brother, slumped down at the Gryffindor table. He was too young to enter. The Goblet of Fire was brought out, and I whooshed out my breath.
It was very old, made of some kind of ancient stone, and as soon as it was set down, it ignited with blue flames that leapt up and licked at the air. Professor Actriz drew a blue shimmering circle around the Goblet, and announced that it was an Age Line, and it would keep anyone under seventeen out, no matter what tricks they tried. She dismissed us to go to bed, and I chattered excitedly with Rose as we headed, along with most of the seventeen-and-up year olds over to the line for the Goblet. Lily Potter joined us.
I grabbed three slips of parchment from my bag, as well as a quill, and paused over the professors' table. I leaned over to write my name and school, and passed the quill to Lily. She did the same, and passed it on to Rose.
Rose hesitated, and handed the quill back to me and looked at the ground. "I...I don't think I want to enter." She said quietly. "My dad will be terribly disappointed in me if I don't though. Maybe Mum can reason with him." I patted her on the back sympathetically.
"I know all about disappointed fathers, believe me, Rosie. It's okay. You don't have to enter if you don't want to." I told her. Lily grabbed my hand and we crossed the age line together. She dropped her parchment into the fire, and I watched as the fire consumed the paper. I took a deep breath and dropped my name in.
It was done. I was officially in the running for the Triwizard Tournament.
Jane Merit
"Jane. What are you doing?"
"Creating new spells,what does it look like?!"My little sister said,not taking her eyes off her wand.
I sighed.
"You're gonna kill yourself."
"So what?"She shrugged.
"Why are you here anyway?"She asked.
"I need to ask you something."I said,seriously.
"It's about the Triwizard Tourney, isn't it?"She said,glancing at me.
"Yes. You can't compete."I demanded.
"Why not? I'm 17, I'm an awesome wizard, and I'm all around cool!!"She said.
I sighed again.
"Jane. I forbid it."I warned.
She put down her wand and walked over to me,red eyes glimmering in rage.
"May! You don't control what I do anymore! I'm a Hogwarts Master for Dumbledore's sake! Just 'cause you're older than me by a measly year doesn't mean you have to treat me like a baby!"She yelled. Her pure white hair swished slightly as she clenched her fists tight.
I glared at her.
"You could die,and I'd be responsible."I said,my voice cracking slightly.
She groaned in agony,shaking her head and looking close to ripping her hair out.
"Ugh!! It's always about you! What about me? I'm doing the Tournament to prove that I'm more than your damn sister!! I don't give a crap if I die! As long as I die in the sunlight instead of in your stupid shadow, I could care less!"She yelled,starting to walk out the empty Hufflepuff common room,me following close behind.
"And for God's sake, call me Jay!"She yelled,slamming the door.
"Mud-blood, mud-blood, mud-blood."I muttered walking through the forest angrily. The forbidden forest didn't scare me much, I went on regular walks through it, sometimes just to clear my mind. This was one of those times. The night before the Champion of Hogwarts was chosen for the Triwizard Tournament. My stupid sister was against as always, and I knew that she just didn't want me to mire her name as that "perfect wizard girl that's careful about everything." She never talked about me to anyone about me anyone. She hated she had a daredevil like me as a sister. The fact that I was an albino made it worse.
"Mizz Jay! Mizz Jay!"Someone called my name, and I turned around.
"Oh, hello Eric."I said,smiling and ruffling the second year's hair.
He smiled brightly and held out a Quiditch scarf to me.
"Y-you forget your scarf!!"He stuttered out. Eric was this adorable second year that treated me like I was some sort of Harry Potter. Well, almost all the first, second, and third years admired me. I think it's because I don't fear death whatsoever, or maybe the fact that I don't cower under the teachers' eyes when I do something stupid that's totally worth it.
I'm just a bad mix between a daredevil and a troublemaker.
But Eric was different. He just struck me somewhere. Maybe the fact that just because he was a "genetic flunk" his siblings treated him like crap? Meh, I would still do anything to protect him.
I smiled. "I haven't played Quidditch in years, and it's not that cold out. But I bet you brought that so you'd have an excuse to walk with me, didn't ya?" I asked.
His cheeks lit up and he nodded.
"Well, come on."I said, and he followed behind like a puppy looking for food.
"What happened? You looked really fired-up when you walked out here."He asked curiously.
I sighed.
"May doesn't want me in the Triwizard Tournament."
"Well that's not a surprise. She's pretty overprotective, right?" He asked genuinely.
I looked at him over my shoulder with a unamused and bored look as we both silently recounted all things I went through and she didn't even raise a finger at.
"...Or not..."He said, shrugging his shoulders.
A beast jumped out at us and I hit it with a knock-out charm boredly while Eric clung to my robe.
"...Wow, you have no fear..."He said in awe.
I smiled and shrugged.
"Death doesn't scare me. C'mon, let's head back before Sprout gets worried and blows her top."
He nodded eagerly and got the bravery to hold my hand as we walked back.
"I hope I can be as brave as you one day."He said.
I ruffled his hair. "You will. You've got a good head on your shoulders, one that I've stopped from getting decapitated a few times, but nonetheless a good one. You're quick-witted, loyal smart, and good with a wand. And if anyone tells you different, then they'll answer to me." I playfully tapped his nose with my wand for effect as he laughed. When we reached the Hufflepuff house and we split to go to our separate rooms, I looked behind me and said,
"Keep the scarf. It's a gift from me to you."I grinned, and he blushed and ran off, while I plopped on the bed and fell asleep quickly.
The time drew near for the goblet to pick a name for Hogwarts.
"Pick me, pick me, pick me, damnit." I muttered under my breath, earning a whack on the shoulder from my friend John and a snicker from my other friend Drew.
Eric looked nervous, watching with wide eyes. I knew he wanted me to be picked, but at the same time didn't, because he did NOT want me to die.
May was emotionless as usual, but I knew she was probably willing herself to try not to use some sort of curse or spell to make the goblet not choose me.
Finally, the time came and the goblet ejected a name.
Jane Merit.
May's eyes widened and she gripped her fists.
John looked like he was gonna faint.
Drew was shocked into silence, for once.
Eric was emotionless.
It took me a while to process what happened.
That was my name.
Rowan Courier
Rowan walks into the great hall and sits down next to Lily Potter "Are you entering?" She asks
"I don't really want to seeing as my father almost died when he did it" Lily says "Are you?"
"Well, that makes sense" Rowan replies, "I'll probably enter"
Just then, a bunch of children gasp in suprise and excitement.
"They're here!" Someone shouts.
Rowan stands up to see what was happening, she quickly sits back down. "This is one of the reasons I'm glad I go to Hogwarts, I get seasick really easily" she reminds Lily
"Oh yes you do, remember the time-
"Oh please don't talk about it" Rowan says cutting her off.
"Oh fine," Lily giggles her red hair flaring.
Rowan giggles right along with her, then some sitting at the Slytherhen table yells "SHUT UP YOU TWO!" and all of that house laughs.
Rowan feels her cheeks redden and watches Lily's cheeks turn a shade that was almost as bright as her hair. The Slytherhen almost immediately go silent when the door slams open. The other schools had arrived!
*************Time Skip*************
Rowan holds her breath and closes her eyes as she steps towards the goblet, she opens her eyes and inhales deeply, she looks at her hands, they were shaking, showing she was nervous. Rowan quickly throws her name into the fire inside of the goblet, turns on her heel, and walks back towards Lily who had been waiting at the entrance to the room
"Now all you have to do is wait" Lily notes
"You are exactly right Lily, exactly right."
Paul Howell
Ok, so I saw, what was his name? I think it was Jarred, but anyways, the guy from Dumstrang looked like some real competition. Oh well, even though there 94 dragons carrying students were impressive, the Bexebons (I think that's how you spell it) knocked my little hufflepuff socks off! They came in with bright blue Lamborghini's! I've never seen that! Wait, no electronics in Hogwarts right? Oh, there goes cars 1-54 with burnt engines! Oh gosh, I would hate to be in cars 55-98 ! They full out exploded! But what's that? Car one is unharmed? The Headmistress and Lilly (Is that her name? I think so(that was part oh the story)) are okay! But my my, Lilly was beautiful! I hope her looks don't distract me.
Mia Abena
"You'll ruin your hair if you keep it down like that." I turn, to see Angeline walking primly toward me. Her golden hair is pulled up tightly, and hidden beneath her grey fur hat, showing off the angles in her cheek bones. She lifts her chin at me, sniffing disdainfully at my messy, free curls. I just smile at her, and look back at the choppy, dark waves. The ship escorting us to Hogwarts slices neatly through the water, like a knife cutting through bread.
"I'm too excited to care, Angeline." I reply. I place a firm, mittened hand on my hat, to make sure it doesn't fly off in the wind. "Can you imagine? Hogwarts! The Triwizard Tournament! Oh, my uncle has told me so much about what it used to be. I'm so happy they've brought it back." I steal a glance at her. "To be picked in the tournament would be incredible. My uncle would be so proud."
"Mia, you're getting your coat all wet." Angeline says indifferently. She comes to stand by me, placing her hands hesitantly on the railing. "I myself, am not looking forward to sharing rooms with mudbloods." She shutters. "What sort of devillish ideas does Professor Actiz have, letting muggles run around their school?" I shoot a glare at her, which she ignores. Ever since our first year, we've been having this debate. Angeline sees muggles as a whole different, more animal species. But just because they're oblivious does not make them bad people, or untalented. There's no difference between wizards and muggles besides magic.
"I thought I told you not to use that word around me." I mutter, frowning. She gives me a sharp look that's all too familiar. The look of a professor, daring me to contradict her. But I've learned to ignore it. Part of being friends with Angeline means not letting her boss me around. After a silent war, she sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Fine. I'm sorry." she mutters. I nod, and we stand in a newly comfortable silence. Our red cloaks are a slice of blood in the foggy, grey day, and they are plastered against our bodies from the wind. It's chilly, and the diamonds of spray from the ocean peck my face, before being slurped back beneath the boat. Most of the other students are below decks, and I can hear their laughter of games and groans of seasickness. Besides us, only a spare few roam the decks, mostly professors, talking quietly to themselves. I seem to be the only one truly excited about Hogwarts. All my fellow students can't stand the thought of muggleborns attending the same school, and it is a burden I have to carry in attending Durmstrang. I've learned to never mention my childhood muggle friends, for I would be mocked in the crisp snap of a finger. If Hogwarts is compassionate, then Durmstrang is prideful.
"Oh, my." Angeline sucks in a breath next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What?" I ask, peering at her through the fog. She extends her hand and points into the swirling mist, at the soft silhouette of a large building. My fingers prickling in anticipation, I lean over the railing, trying to get a better look. Flickering golden lights begin to shine through the day, and I gasp.
A magnificent old castle grows closer, beginning to tower over us. Hogwarts. I'm awed at the elegant curves and spirals of the architecture, the magical glow that it seems to be shrouded in. It is regal, intoxicating. Although hidden by green hills and spells, the castle screams magic and experience. The lights become clearer, and I pick out different colored glowing orbs: red, blue, yellow, and green. The house colors. A laugh bursts from my lips before I can stop it. The castle is newer than Durmstrang's, but there is a sense of wisdom pressed into each brick.
Other students begin to come up from below decks, and press to the edges of the boat, trying to get a better look. Most of the students, as prideful as ever, try not to look too impressed. But the expression on everyone's face is clear: Hogwarts, after Durmstrang, is the most magnificent place a young wizard could ever lay eyes on.
It takes about ten minutes for the boat to reach the shore, and two seconds after we dock that the Hogwarts students come running. They shout and laugh in welcome, toting large colored flags that fight way the lazy, misty day, like giant fireflies. I'm surprised by how many students there are. Hundreds. Much more than what Durmstrang has, much less brought for the triwizard tournament. With an excited leap in my stomach, I recognize that some of the Hogwarts students wear shirts with muggle band logos and designs.
One of the Durmstrang professors, Binglemoth, extends her wand from her cloaks, and shoves it into the air, above our heads. A spurt of blue glows from the end, and a bridge extends from the side of our ship, and touches down on the sandy beach with a muffled thud. The Durmstrang students obediently follow the teachers down to solid ground, quiet and with wide eyes, and the hogwarts kids make room for us. I'm at the front of the group, resisting the urge to jump forward and shake every Hogwarts students' hand. But I contain myself and wait.
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