Author note: I forgot to say this in the first chapter but this fic will update once a week.
Peter's pov. . .
I coughed as the dust flew around the room. My ears were assaulted by an alarm that wouldn't turn off and my leg was already starting to heal.
"Kid?" I heard Mr. Starks voice ask, though his sound was muffled like we were underwater.
"m'ere." I groaned. I opened my eyes and turned over to stare at the ceiling.
What had happened? Was it an earthquake? Was someone attacking?
"Fine-Fine. What the hell happened Stark?"
"I don't know. I think someone attacked the building. We need to get downstairs."
My head was finally started to clear. I sat up only for Mr. Stark to push me back down.
"Stay down kid. Your leg's pin. Proablly broken."
"Uh, No it's fine! It doesn't hurt at all."
"That's the adrenaline talking." Said Mr. Rogers, he turned to Mr. Stark, "We should remove the debrie so we can see what we're working with."
"Fine. Help me."
I heard the two heros groan was the lift the part of the ceiling that fell off my leg. I quickly pulled my leg back and stood up before either of them could stop me. I was limping a little but that would go away soon.
"What are you doing?!" Mr. Stark exclaimed.
Finnallly standing I got a better look at Mr. Starks lab. The wall of windows was completely blocked and so was the door. The ceiling was only missing the peice that was on my leg and could possiblly be an escape route. Everything on the tables were on the floor and broken. And dust. So much dust it made my lungs burn.
"Hey, Kid? Pete? You okay? You're wheezing."
It must be my asthma. But that hasn't acted up since I got bit.
"Asthma." It was so hard to breath and talking didn't help.
"Crap. Where's your inhaler?"
"At. . .Home. . . Isn't. . .That bad.. . "
"Seems pretty bad to me." Mr. Rogers said.
"Sit down Kid before you pass out."
"I'm fine."
"No you aren't."
Mr. Stark picked me up and sat me on one of his metal tables. I tried to protest but I couldn't breathe, and not being able to breath makes you weak.
"What do we do Stark?"
"I'm working on that!" Mr. Stark turned to me, "How's your breathing?"
"Better, the dusts going away."
I looked around the room again, If i was by myself I could easily climb through the roof, but with Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers to worry about there's no way I could.
"How'd you know my name?" I asked Mr. Stark.
"You called me Pete. My names Peter."
Mr. Stark laughed, "It was on your ID badge kid, rember? I've been calling you pete this whole time."
"Oh. right."
"Back to the proplem at hand." Mr. Rogers said, "How do we get out of here?"
"Don't you have super strength Capsicle? You can go start moving debri."
Mr. Rogers looks at the piles blocking the door, "Is it safe stark? I don't want to mess with somthing and make the roof cave in."
In unision Mr. Stark and I both say, "It's safe."
Mr. Rogers looked back and forth and stuff, his face was one that looked like relization of somthing.
"Okay. Gonna help Stark or just stand there with the kid?"
"I'll stand here. You're strong."
I smiled as Mr. Rogers rolled his eyes and started moving the rubble away. I could tell my leg was already healed. and my head being cleared made me think about my classmates. Is Ned okay? Everyone else?
All of a sudden Mr. Rogers moved the wrong thing.
"Wait!" I exclaimed.
My reflexes kicked in and I jumped off the table and under the shaking rubble, using my super strength to keep it up.
"Kid! What the hell?!" Mr. Stark exclaimed.
"How are you doing that? It must weigh a ton."
"Y-Yeah. Kinda." I made my knees shake so it looked like I was struggling, even though it just felt like I was holding a peice of paper.
"Hold on kid. I'll make somthing to hold it for you."
Mr. Stark ran around the room grabbing any peices of metal he could find. Mr. Rogers stood near me with his arms outstreatched ready to step in if I couldn't do it anymore. The door was clear, we could leave if this stupid rubble wasn't gonna fall down.
"Hold on kid. I'm almost done. I just need one more. . ."
I looked at Mr. Stark, he was building a jack and I saw the peice he was missing lying under the table.
"There." I said pointing with my head, "It's right there."
Mr. Stark looked down, "Oh. Thanks kid." I watched as Mr. Stark finished putting the jack together then speedwalk over here, "Alright kid. Ready?"
Mr. Stark raised the Jack up to the rubble and counted down, "Rogers, open the door. When I say 1. Kid, you are going to run through the door. then Steve and I. This Jack won't hold for long since I wasn't able to Stark-fiy it. Got it?"
I nodded. Now it was getting a little heavy to hold.
"3. . .2. . . 1"
I listened and ran out the open door. Mr. Rogers and Mr. Stark followed behind me. The door closed just as the Jack exploded and the rubble fell. Mr. Rogers and Mr. Stark doubled over and sighed laughing slightly.
"Uh, M-Mr. Stark?"
"Yeah Kid?"
"My classmates are downstairs and I really need to check on them. I-I don't know where an elevator is though. The towers so big-awsome. Really awsome Mr. Stark-but big."
"Follow us kid. The elevators are down so we'll have to take the stairs. What level are they on?"
"Uh, t-the-the intern one." I pulled out my phone to see if there was any messags from Ned, there wasnt, "Y-yeah. Last I knew they were on the floor where the interns are."
"Alright. Just one floor down. Come on."
I follow Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers as they run down the hall. In a second Mr. Starks Iron man suit attached to his body. We entered a stairwell and down we went.
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