"On fifty more to go!"
Dan flops his saddle down on the rack and smiles widely. "Did you know that your cousin and I will have been married three years in a couple days?"
Brandon raises his eyebrows. "Well, if I was you I wouldn't be standing here telling me about it!"
They laugh together. "I thought you would have known your cousin long enough to know getting her off the ranch is like pulling teeth. Now, don't get me wrong I love it here just as much as she does, but-"
"You don't have to explain to me. I get it." They walk together from the barn into the pens. "How many times have y'all been off the ranch since you've been married?"
Resting one foot on the pipe fence Dan shrugs. "Well, we've been to see my parents about twice and went over to the rodeo in Amarillo once."
Brandon rolls his eyes. "Dan, I know you love her, but please do something fun! She'll like it once you get her there."
Dan throws his head back and laughs. "Get her where?"
Brandon rolls his eyes and elbows the man beside him. Love must really be blind. "Anywhere!"
"I'm not a traveler! I'm only slightly more adventurous than she is. And what would we do with Ben anyway?"
Brandon turns from the fence and humphs. "Goodness! You think about like a fence post. What about your parents? Or Becca? Heck! Even I'll watch the little feller."
Dan looks over at his cousin-in-law that has become more of a friend than he thought possible. His wheels start turning and he strokes his chin with two fingers. "You know, you're talking about as crazy as they come. And I like it! Wait till I tell Tylee!" And off he goes jogging towards the house.
"Don't- Ah heck!" Brandon says it with a smile. He wanders into the barn and begins to fork a buggy full of hay for the old crippled cow that's in the pens.
Tylee puts the cup in other sink after she has washed it. Ben coos from where he rolls around on the floor in the living room. She turns quickly when the back door busts open. Wind comes in with the sound of big feet and heavy steps.
"Tylee! My Fawn!"
Grabbing the towel she begins to dry her hands and she scurries to the utility room. Dan meets her about halfway and pulls her tight to him. "What's wrong?" she asks quickly.
"Wrong? Fawn, nothings wrong." He pulls back and places a kiss on her forehead. "We are going traveling for our anniversary."
Staring at him she doesn't speak for a long moment. "What- what do you mean? Where to?" Her eyes widen a bit and her mind starts racing.
He shrugs and winks at her. "I don't know. We'll see."
She drops her hands from his biceps. "What about all the chores? There's a lot to do around here for just one man."
Putting a finger over her lips he looks her in the eye and says, "Somehow you managed to make do for two years, so I'm willing to bet it won't collapse in just a couple weeks." He takes her face in his hands and kisses her lips gently. "Please?"
She looks at him trying to figure out where he comes from. Where are this thoughts? Her heart beats a little faster with excitement, but also a hint of fear and worry.
Shakily he takes a breaths and pulls her close again. He breathes in the scent of her hair. "I miss playing with you, chasing you around, and kissing you so much."
Feeling like a little girl with her charming prince she looks up at him with a smile. "I miss it too." She grins as he raises his eyebrows. "Yes, I'd like to go."
He kisses her firm and long before she has a chance to say more. It's been a long time since he has kissed her like that. No reason keeping him from it, but no reason bringing it on. Oh what will come of the time together!
Tylee is already in bed rolled on her side with the covers around her when Dan comes to bed. He lays down and sighs contently. "Fawn," he says lightly. No reply. Rolling over closer to her he rests his hand on her hip and a little louder says, "My fawn, you awake?"
She rolls over just a little and groans.
"Huh," she mumbles and rubs her eyes.
He grins and kisses her neck then her cheek and finally her lips. "Fawn, you think you can wake up and talk to me for just a moment?"
She sits and stares at him wide-eyed. "Teddy Bear? Is something wrong? Gee I didn't realize I was so tired." Blinking she tries to keep her eyes open.
Shaking his head he says, "No, nothing is wrong. I just wanted to tell you something. Mom and Dad said they would love to keep Ben for a few days. I told them we would bring him to their house on Saturday and pick him up that next Thursday. Does that sound okay to you?"
"That's almost five days without him."
Dan doesn't say anything, but waits to hear the rest of her thoughts. He sits too and gently pulls her up against him. His arm around her shoulders he runs his fingers through her long hair.
A heavy sigh comes from her and moves around to lay her head on his chest. "And only a few days to get everything ready. Dan, do you know how much milk I would have to pump?"
No, he hadn't thought about that. He starts to say they can change plans, but doesn't get the chance as she keeps talking.
"But it would be a lot of fun. And if we didn't go too terribly far your mom could always call if she needed anything. Plus, I think it's great that Ben will be with his grandparents. I mean after all my grandparents where practically my whole life."
He has a facial expression to go along with every statement she makes, but still he says nothing. It is a rare occasion he gets a look into her mind. He sure isn't going to pass that up.
She looks up into his eyes. "I'm giving you the full reins on this- as long as you promise me one thing."
"I'm all ears."
"No further than two hours away."
A soft kiss that grows rapidly is the seal of approval. "I can handle that," he whispers between light kisses on her smiling lips.
Tylee raises her eyebrows as she hears the rumble of the diesel. Not being able to help herself she takes the diaper bang in her hands and lifts the curtain. "Your daddy is getting really excited about all this," she tells Ben as he grabs at the toy in front of him.
She has to admit, she is getting pretty excited about it herself. That is as long as she didn't think about it too long. Her list is slowly getting checked off. Ben's things are almost together and her's is coming along too. She has no idea how Dan is coming in getting his things together. He has barely told her anything, between his running around and secretiveness.
It is only a couple hours later when Dan begins packing things out to the pickup. Ben's play pen, the jogging stroller, a small suitcase, a diaper bag, an ice chest, yet another bag- and all for little Ben! "Is he moving?" Dan stops in their room where Tylee is throwing some last minute things into a bag.
"What?" She looks at him quickly.
"There is a lot of stuff just for Ben, so I asked if he was moving." Dan moves in and wraps his arms around her hips.
She sighs. "I just hope I got everything he will need."
He smiles. "I'm sure you have." Lightly he kisses her. "You are such a great mother."
"Thank you Teddy Bear." She pats him on the chest and moves back to the bed and the bag. "Now if we are getting off we better get started."
Laughing he wraps his arms around her from behind. "Goodness you are making this difficult." His voice is low and his breath runs down her neck as he speaks. Feather-like he places a kiss on her neck. "Okay I'm going. We are loading and leaving."
Within the hour they are on their way to his parents to drop Ben off. Dan glances in the back seat where their son sleepily fiddles with the edge of his blanket in his car seat. Then looking beside him at his wife he can't help the swelling of his heart. I sure am a lucky man.
"Oh! I am so glad y'all made it. And that Ben is going to stay with us!" Katherine takes Ben in her arms her smile beaming.
Tylee leans into Dan and smiles. "Thank y'all so much for keeping him."
Katherine looks from Tylee to her son and back. "Anytime. I know you two will have a wonderful time. Where are you going?"
Dan winks with a giddy smile on his lips. "I can't tell. But! It isn't over two hours away. If y'all need anything- more milk, diapers, anything, just call." He looks from his mom to his wife. Gently he places a kiss on her forehead making her blush.
"There should be enough milk for the time we are gone. I put in more than I thought he might drink just in case. Also there is some squash pureed that he has been eating. He likes oatmeal. To go to sleep he has to have his blanket-"
Dan's hand and his mom's words come at the same time.
"We'll get it figured out and have a ton of fun! Y'all go have fun."
"Thanks mom," dad says and gives her a hug. He kisses his son's head. "I love you Ben. Be good for your grandparents."
Tylee takes Ben in her arms and hold him close to her for a moment. "You be good. Your momma loves you Benjamin." After a kiss she hands him back to her mother-in-law. "Thank you again."
Dan shakes his dad's hand and says thank you before gently guiding Tylee out the door and to the pickup. He opens the door for her and then shuts it behind her. As they drive off both wave to the three on the porch. "He is in great hands."
With a smile Tylee leans into him. "I know. Where are we going?"
He laughs. "Nice try, but I'm not telling you."
"Teddy Bear!" Tylee practically screams it in the cab of the pickup. "Where are we going? What are you doing stopping on the side of the road?"
Dan laughs. After putting the pickup in park he looks into her eyes. "Alright. We are going to Dodge City. I have reservations for us at the Dodge House. Tomorrow we can go look at all the museums and things. Anything you want to do!"
A tender smile takes her lips. "Teddy Bear," she says it softly as she gazes into his eyes. "You are so thoughtful." As if in slow motion she leans in to kiss his lips softly. His hand takes her face and his thumb gently caresses her cheek.
After one more quick kiss he puts the pickup back in drive and pulls back on the road. It only takes fifteen minutes to hit downtown Dodge. Dan manages to only take one wrong turn before they get to the hotel.
The big sign in front is modern, but not fancy. Beside it are large horses and a covered wagon statutes inside a wooden fence. Inside is not at all what Tylee expected. It has low ceilings in the restaurant and saloon part. The lights are dim and the overall feeling is dark and deary.
Dan puts his arm around his wife as they make their way up to the counter to check in. They get directions to their room before going back to the pickup. A door on the end of the building is the easiest to come in, so they park on that end. Surprisingly after all that Dan loaded before they left the house there are only three bags that need to be taken inside.
In their room Dan takes Tylee in his arms. "What do you want to do now?"
She shrugs looking up at him with a grin.
Playfully he rolls his eyes. "It's four. Do you want to go eat? Or look around town?"
Sam takes little Ben from Katherine with a bright smile. "Come here, big 'un." He watches his grandson squeak and flap his arms. "I'm not sure who he looks more like."
"He has Dan's hair- for now anyway." Katherine sits down on the couch beside the two. The grandparents make faces and noises making the little boy grin and giggle. "I wonder when they will have his first birthday party? It is just a couple of weeks before his birthday."
"I'm sure it will be a wonderful time!" Making a silly face at his grandson Sam adds, "How could it not be when we are celebrating you?"
To say the grandparents are enjoying their first day keeping Ben might be an understatement! His feeding schedule is no problem to keep on point, because he demands it. The napping schedule on the other hand is a bit more complicated. Ben napped on the way to their house, so his morning was off. Then that afternoon he kept refusing to shut his eyes and allow sleep to take over. When Katherine finally gets him to sleep it is over an hour past his usual nap time. After all that fighting he is tuckered out and takes a two and half hour nap- almost an hour and a half longer than normal.
A wail pierces the air at six o'clock sharp. Promptly a minute after the couple has settled at the table for supper. Sam pushes his chair back. "You go ahead and eat Darling, I'll get him."
Only a short distance down the hall Sam slips into the room where they set the pack and play up. Ben stands with his little hands gripping the top of the bed. His crying drops off to sobs when he sees his Gramps.
"Afternoon Little Man," Sam says as he lifts Ben into his arms. Perching him on his arm he smiles and lifts the little blanket from the bed. He lays him down on the full size bed in the room and pulls the wipes and diapers to him. After he gets the diaper changed Sam takes Ben to the dining room table once again perched on his arm.
Katherine takes her grandson and offers him a spoonful of squash baby puree, but he pushes it away. One of his tiny fists rubs his eye. Then he begins to fuss and squirm. She bounces him a bit, but it doesn't affect his mood. He had his pacifier in his hand and he already put it back in his mouth. "You changed his diaper, right?"
She looks at her husband and sighs a little.
He chuckles lightly. "I think this is why God gives the young people children."
She laughs. "Why's that?"
"'Cause they can keep up with the pace of these little ones."
Dan opens his eyes and then closes them. He opens them again to confirm that there is daylight streaming in through the lightweight curtains. Tylee's back is snuggled up against his chest. Her breathing is even. Kissing the top her head he smiles and allows his mind to replay their past two and a half days. If they weren't traipsing around looking at museums and eating more food than is healthy they were quietly snuggled up with one another.
They had visited with his parents a couple times and although Tylee didn't say anything he knew it was getting to the point it was less fun and more stress. Having to work being at the hotel room throughout the day to for her to pump milk and then trying to figure out how to keep it all frozen. Not to mention just thinking about Ben. Dan had to admit that he was missing their little man too.
"Morning Teddy Bear," his wife says softly stirring in his arms.
He looks down into her eyes. "Good morning Fawn." Lightly he kisses her lips.
She smiles up at him. "Man, I love you." After shifting in his arms again she lays her head on his chest. "Do you think Ben is up? What time is it anyway?"
Stretching as far as he can to reach his phone off the bedside table he says, "I imagine he is. It is nine fifteen."
"Goodness we really slept in."
He chuckles. "Well we didn't exactly go to bed early." Lovingly he squeezes her to him. "What are you thinking about?"
It is silent for a moment before she murmurs, "Ben."
"What would you think about spending a day or so with my parents before we go home?"
She pops her head up off of his chest. With squinted eyes she studies him a moment. "You mean that, don't you?"
A smile breaks his lips. "Well yes silly, of course I mean it. I miss the little guy too. I admit I may have jumped the gun a little in trying to make our first stay away from him almost a week."
Before he has time to say anything more she has his lips covered with her own. When she lets him have a breath he just looks at her with a grin and raised eyebrows. "Thank you Teddy Bear, I've been missing him."
"I know you have. So have I." Again he pulls her close. "By the way happy third anniversary."
She pulls back just enough to kiss him. "Happy anniversary Teddy Bear. On fifty more to go!"
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