Chapter 6
Layla POV.
So, today it was a normal day. Well, for most people. Not for me. My friend, Alex had decided to trap me and Lily in a closet, which already sucks, but what makes this really suck is the fact that Lily is super scared of closed spaces, and well, this also sucks because Alex knows about a secret I haven't told Lily.
(Flashback brought to you by Alex's toy axe!)
"Alright, spill," Alex said out of nowhere. We were studying together, so that came out of the blue. "You have a crush on someone, I know it."
"I- what?" I respond. Now look, she's right, but how could she tell? I don't think i'm that easy to read.
"I've known you for a bit," She started. "And never in all that time have I seen you like this. You look like whenever you aren't 100% focused on something, you seem like your thinking about something. I have never seen you like that, so spill." Well, she's right, I can't deny that.
"Alright, you got me," I said, sighing a bit. She just smiled at me, knowing she's won. "I do have a crush on someone."
"Who's the lucky guy?" She said with a smirk, only for it to fade when I look confused. "Wait, is, is it not a guy?" I nodded, a little hesitantly. I don't know if she's ok with the LGBTQ+ community, so I don't want to lose her as a friend. "Well then, who's the lucky girl?" She said in a sing song voice, as I smile.
"Well, um..." I start. It seems like there's no backing down now. "I have a crush on, on Lily." Oh boy, well, if my face wasn't red before, it is now. Alex had an evil smirk, so god know's what she's gonna do with this information.
(Le flashback end)
So that's what her plan was. I'm gonna kill her when I get out, but for now I want to make sure Lily is ok.
"Hey Lily?" I said, with a gentle smile, even though she won't see it. "Are you ok?"
"U-um, yeah," She responded softly. "Where are you? It's really dark." As she said that i felt her hand grab mine, making me flush up a bit, but at least it's dark so she can't see! "There you are!" She said, sounding happy and a bit calmer.
"Yeah, i'm right here," I said, trying to sound as calm as I can. (Entering Gay Panic) I lost all that though when she suddenly hugged me, most likely because there was a loud thud from outside the door. I gave a gentle hug back, leaning on the door a little bit, only for the door to suddenly open behind me, making us both fall. I felt my head bang on the floor, and Lily fall on top of me. I felt my face go super red as I looked up a Lily, her face the same. She quickly got off of me as I looked over and saw Alex laughing her ass off.
"Alex, I swear to god i'm going to kill you!" I said getting up only to see Alex run off, and feel a bunch of pain on the back of my head, right where it hit the ground. "Ow, maybe later though..." Lily walked over and helped me get up.
"Let's go get some ice for your head," She said with a smile. As we walked off I only had one thought going through my head. How the hell am I gonna tell her?
Hey! There's that lesbian romance I have been CRAVING! I hope you like how this chapter turned out, and with this I am 100% out of ideas... so if you guys have anything please do tell! I don't have much more to say, so have a great day guys! Bye!
638 words.
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