"Shall we start from the toppermost then?- Revolution" He spoke and I dropped my sticks, I was scrambling to find them again as he counted in all too quickly. All but ignoring my clatter and scramble for said sticks, the sneer was still there but he was happy singing.
Not given a chance to take in the fact that HE was here counting me in to HIS song and singing I went into robot mode.
I stayed the distance, not a mishit anywhere, Paul even coming in for harmony.
He silenced the guitars, listening to the drums roll the song then Abe and Brian couldn't help but jump back in again, the organ and guitars loping along again.
The music came to an aburpt end when I finally flipped my wig.... I jumped up and ran the entire length of the building ducking out the first door I noticed. Tearing down a path not knowing where it went, I knew the front gate would be an ideal destination, but instead, I rounded the bend and nearly fell over Linda McCartney.
"I presume you have seen HIM then" She smiled at me, not in the slightest way upset by my erratic entrance, talking to me like we were old friends "Or am I mistaken and you're a Paul groupie? Bloody sick of those.."
I sat down on the grass and slapped my face a couple of times. Stopped. Then slapped myself again, harder. A lot harder.
"Hi, I'm Linda and you, I presumed correctly, are Abe's illustrious cousin, Rat" she held a hand out and helped me stand up.
"Yea. Ummm, is there a way out of here, I really need to go"
"Oh you can't leave now........ you have seen Him" Linda smiled and flittered her fingers about like she was speaking about a spooky alien encounter, I suppose this current situation could be on par.
Just as she finished flittering Paul came around the corner "There you are! Abe is looking under the car's for you"
"I can't leave?"
"Well not till we have a chat, hmmmm- ok?" Paul smiled sweetly and patted my shoulder, it didn't help at all, I was still in a daze of 'what the bloody hell was that' back in the jam room.
"It's not really him"
"Ummm yea actually, you see, it is"
"Len's six foot under, this one is close but he missed a lyric or two"
"He did? Ya know, its maybe cause he hasn't sung Revolution since '68" Real Paul smiled and led me back to the building holding my elbow. Attempting small talk to ease my brain overload "So.... How are the injuries faring?"
"Ok I guess, can only get 2 to 3 hours at the moment though, pretty shit I know"
Paul stopped suddenly then turned to face me, giving me a hard look then it softened slightly to a hint of a smile.
"Look luv, through those letters Abe read out, you sounded great. A real tough cookie. The condom bit and blind persons' hooker- magic stuff but Abe's been worried bout you and rightly so. He has sprouted your virtues and, after todays run through, you are good.... And HE needs good"
Him" Paul pointed over my shoulder and I daren't turn. Paul gave me a double thumbs up and walked off. I stood there like, a statue in the courtyard, stunned.
"Just turn around, I won't bite"
"Well you could – you are a zombie right?" There she is - my witty friend. I was still facing away with my back to him.
I did it....
I moved.
I started to turn slowly and as I did so I saw Abe at the window above us, so I gave him the one finger salute. He smiled and took off.
"John fuking Lennon- as I live and breathe or should I say as you live and breathe?"
"Funny... haven't heard that one before"
I gave him a questioning look.
"Paul said the same thing, when I scared him half to death a while back" He walked past me, cocking his head towards the upper storey windows "Come on, too many bloody wankers looking out the windows here"
Brian, Abe, Paul and Rusty were hovering above us watching the scene. I saluted Abe as before.
"Well not down the shops, with this mug" He drew in the air around his face. "To my digs, I suppose, come on hurry up"
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