14: So you and Elijah, huh?
"Again." Jack ordered. He wore an annoyed expression on his face, and was pacing infront of Danny, who kept messing up in the middle of the song.
He played the keyboard again, but there was an earsplitting clash of notes that caused everyone to wince.
"Fuck." Danny muttered, knowing he screwed up again.
"I thought you were supposed to be good at this." Jack stated. Danny glared at him, but otherwise said nothing.
"How about we take a break?" Elijah offered, trying to stop the tension from building.
I didn't know what was wrong, but Jack had been acting really grouchy lately.
Jack scoffed and basically stomped up the stairs. Everyone else traded glances before heading up, no doubt to get drinks and a snack.
Well everyone except Danny. He kept punching away at my keyboard.
I walked over by him, and peered at the music.
It was a song I wrote called Dream Land. It was a softer kind of rock music.
I watched which notes his fingers hit, but couldn't detect anything he was doing that was wrong.
"Can I try?" I asked.
Danny turned around and glowered at me.
"Be my guest." He gestured at the keyboard stepping away.
I hummed the part as I played. Everything was going good until there was that earsplitting clash of notes.
Danny gave me a pointed look. I was confused. I wrote this song on this very keyboard without any problems. Why was it acting up now?
I kept replaying the part, following the music, and each time the same thing happened.
After about the tenth time playing it, Danny burst out laughing.
"What?" I questioned, upset.
"I'm sorry, it's just that you're the one that wrote the song and you have the same problem when playing it." He laughed.
I chuckled, then looked at the music. My eyes widened when I saw the mistake on the paper. We had both been reading it wrong!
"Look." I said pointing at the note, giggly.
"This is supposed to be a c sharp not a c flat."
Danny face palmed himself, and I played the verse this time with a C sharp instead of a flat, and there was no clash, it sounded perfect.
We high-fived, and everyone started to come back downstairs.
"Let's take it from the top." Jack said, sounding less annoyed and frustrated.
We had an almost perfect playthrough and everyone traded high-fives.
We practiced for about another hour before Jack, Danny, and Jerold had to head out. Andrea and Elijah offered to stay a little later to help me put away the equipment and stuff.
"He's gone right?!" Selena yelled from up the stairs.
"All clear ma'am!" Elijah yelled back, causing Andrea and I to giggle.
"Thank god." Selena said walking down the stairs.
We finished up down here, and headed up to the living room.
"Let's play mario kart!" Selena said grabbing the Wii remotes.
"Can't, I work tomorrow morning." Andrea said. "Its already 9 p.m."
"Elijah?" I questioned him.
"I'm free." He said shrugging his shoulders.
We said goodbye to Andrea, and began to play.
Selena obviously chose Princess Peach, while Elijah went with Luigi, and I went with my favorite- Toad.
We sat on the floor with Elijah in the middle playing race after race. Selena usually one every round, she was a beast at video games.
At some point Selena got up to use the bathroom and never came back.
So then it was just the two of us alternating winning every other race.
At some point after 3 a.m. we started talking and forgot about the game altogether.
"I never did thank you for bringing me home on Friday." I said, resting my head on his shoulder. I felt Elijah stiffen, and then relax.
Elijah was just the kind of person that looked soft and comfortable and while I was feeling tired, I just had to use him as a pillow.
"It's nothing." He yawned.
"I still appreciate it." I mumbled my eyes involuntarily closing shut.
Elijah said something else, but his words seem to drift away, and his voice was nothing but a soothing hum of a lullaby.
I slept peacefully and dreamt about walking on warm fluffy clouds.
I felt completely rested when I awoke.
I opened my eyes and was surprised to see a gray fluffy blanket draped over me and someone else.
My head was on their flat chest, and their arms wer wrapped around me pulling me in.
Without lifting my head, I looked up and saw Elijah.
Last night came back to me in a flash, and I was paralyzed. On one hand I didn't want to get up because I was just so comfortable and warm. However, on the other hand, Elijah was only my friend, and just friends don't sleep like this together, do they?
I closed my eyes, just wanting to bathe in a few more minute of whatever this is.
"So you and Elijah, huh?" Selena asked.
We were in the kitchen and I was making the both of us a Cesar salad.
Elijah had left hours ago.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"You two are so cute together! This morning I walked down the stairs and saw the two of you cuddling. I put the blanket on you because you guys looked cold." Selena announced.
"That doesn't mean anything." I objected. "We fell asleep playing a videogame. We are just friends."
"Sure whatever you wanna think." Selena said giving me a knowing glance.
I rolled my eyes. She was blowing this way out of proportion. What I should tell her is that I know Elijah is just a friend because I am in love with her ex, who I happened to like way before her and who I deserve to be with.
"Anyways, speaking of guys, I hatched the perfect plan to get Jack back." Selena stated.
I raised a brow at her. This was going to be good.
"I," she started, then paused a moment for dramatic effect,"am getting a boyfriend. He is gonna be so jealous."
"Sure. Good luck." I told her. Jack didn't seem like the jealous type
"Yeah, I stalked his friends list on Facebook, and found this super hot dude on there. I think it's like one of his old friends from before he moved here or something."
"Well you have fun with all that. I am going to go work on another song."
Unlike Selena who wowed Jack with her looks and is using jealousy as a way to win him back, I was going to try and get him using my creativity and talents.
I grabbed my salad and gave my sister a long look as I walked away.
May the best sister get Jack.
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