1: Do you like music?
I have a big problem.
And no its not my slightly big nose or my frizzy dishwater blonde hair. Its not my size or the color of my hazel eyes. Its definitely not my voice or the way I dress.
No, this is way bigger than that.
My problem is Jack Ferguson.
Jack the rich bad boy of Roseville, California. Jack the hot guy with black curly hair, midnight blue eyes, that perfect tan......the one that's in love with my sister.
Yea. He's the problem.
And its not even my fault.
I mean how can you not fall in love with someone like that? Especially if he saves you.
Here, let me start from the begining so you will understand.
I am a seventeen year old girl named Sabrina Lila Clancey. I am a senior at Roseville High in a small town which the school is named after. I have an older and way prettier sister named Selena. I have a photographic memory, I'm top of my class, I love music, reading, drawing, and play on the girls varsity basketball team, but despite that, I'm not very well liked.
I'm a tall and skinny girl that has this dishwater color hair that strangely matches my hazel eyes, and a slightly large nose. Overall I don't think I look that bad, but by no means am I actually that pretty.
It was Tuesday afternoon and I had just survived the second day of my senior year.
I wore a pair of black sneakers, a black skirt, and a yellow crop top (our school didn't have really much of a dress code and I was not afraid to show off my flat stomach), and a white backpack.
My shoulder length hair was in a set of boxer braids and my bangs were spread evenly across my forehead.
I was walking on the curb of the road, my arms out on either side for balance, on my way home, with a flyer in my hand for band auditions, when a blue mustang pulled up next to me.
I stopped walking and faced the vehicle as the window rolled down.
"Oh look-its Bay-bri!" Deanna Strauss, the most popular girl in my grade and head cheerleader laughed.
Deanna had gorgeous brown eyes, straight brown hair, and light brown skin.
She was almost as pretty as my older sister.
I looked down at the ground, not wanting to meet her gaze.
"Do ya needa ride?" her boyfriend and class president Douglas Lemming asked. He was a strong muscular guy with brown hair and eyes the color of grass. Overall he was an alright guy, but seriously clueless. I have no idea how someone like him could end up with Deanna.
"I'm fine. But thank you." I mummbled, rubbing my arm nervously.
"How rude! He offered you a ride." Deanna exclaimed. "Your rude, you know that?"
"Sorry." I mumbled.
I really just wanted to get away from the queen bee. I really don't like conflict.
"Should be." she sneered. And with that, the car pulled away, hitting a puddle that splashed mud all over my clothes.
"That outfit was trash anyway!" Deanna called out.
A group of guys walking by saw the hole thing and laughed and walked closer to me.
There was three of them, all part of the football team.
The first was Victor Lewak, a fullback. With him was Colton Manning, a running back and Cory McNamee a linemen.
All equally muscular and scary.
They were my personal group of bullies, always hiding close for the chance to attack.
"Hi." I said nervously, my voice nothing more than a whisper.
"Looks like someone was getting down and dirty." Victor smirked as Colton took a picture, no doubt to put on his Snapchat story.
Looks like someone forgot his brain in the trash. If you start looking you might find it before graduation. I thought bitterly to myself, but didn't respond to his comment.
"I think the mud was an upgrade from the usual you." Cory snickered.
And I think that the that new freshman who joined football would be an upgrade if you were benched instead of him. We might actually win a game. But of course I only said that in my head.
I started to walk home, ignoring the taunting as the three stooges followed me home.
I was used to it.
I mean as much as I love our daily routine, it was getting old.
"Are you a robot?" Victor asked, then pushed me down onto the sidewalk, causing me to drop the flyer. I had scraped my knee, and blood poured steadily from the wound.
I stood back up.
He pushed me back down.
A yellow corvet suddenly pulled up, and I was surprised to see a black haired boy my age get out with a bat.
I was even more surprised when I saw it was Jack Ferguson.
"Shoo." Jack told the three boys who had paused in their bullying to watch Jack.
All three nodded their head in unison and scattered.
I sat there in shock.
"You okay?" Jack said offering me a hand. I momentarily hesitated before accepting it, and Jack pulled me to my feet.
I was mesmerized by not only his beauty, but his kindness as well.
Jack had just moved here, he was my new neighbor actually, but he was rumored to have been the leader of a gang and all the other typical bad boy things.
So to say I was shocked that he helped me was an understatement.
Jack lead me over to his car where he had a ban-aid for my knee.
"Yea." I said, still in shock. Did this really just happen?
"What a bunch of dicks. Thinking they can pick on someone like that..." Jack muttered upset. He put the band aid on my knee.
"Thanks." I said, smiling at him.
"Anytime. Hop on in, I'll give you a ride." he offered.
"It's okay. I live only a couple more blocks away." I said looking at the ground suddenly nervous. I started rubbing my arm again.
Jack Ferguson just offered me a ride in his car.
"No, hop in. You know you wanna ride. Plus you live next door to me, right?" he offered again, patting his car as he leaned on the hood.
I took a look at the vehicle. It is a corvet....and yellow....
"Okay, fine." I gave in and got in the passenger's side.
"So what's your name? I've seen you around, but I'm new so I don't know everybody yet." Jack asked as he threw the bat in the back and drove down the street.
"I'm Sabrina Clancey. Bri for short."I said.
"I'm Jack Ferguson." he said. Yea. I know.
You've been the love of my life since you moved next door.
"Nice to meet you." I said, feeling myself smile dumbly.
"Likewise. Do you like music?" he asked.
"Yea?" I answered, but phrased it as a question, confused at the sudden question.
"Good. You should try out for my band tomorrow. The school is letting me hold auditions in the auditorium at four." He replied with a charming smile.
"Yea, I'll be there." I smiled back thinking about my lost flyer.
I left his car with a goodbye and he pulled over to his place and pulled into his garage.
I walked into my house replaying what just happened.
"Brina!" I heard my sister Selena yell from the kitchen.
I walked into the kitchen and noticed my beautiful sister staring out the window.
Selena had dark brow long wavy hair that framed her heart shaped face. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown, her lips naturally puffed out similar to how Kylie Jenner's lips look, and she had a tall willow like build.
"What?" I asked.
"Were you just in Jack Ferguson's car?" she demanded.
"Yeah." I said and explained to her what just happened.
"He's in a band? That's hot. I'm going to audition." she said flipping her long straight chestnut colored hair over her shoulder.
"You already graduated though." I said.
"So? Do you think he likes girls older than him?"
"I don't know. How about you go ask him" I replied sarcastically.
"I can't. Then he'll know I'm into him, stupid."
I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs, leaving Selena to fawn over Jack.
And now here I am sitting at my desk in my bedroom, looking out the window at the Ferguson's house next door.
I really wanted to audition for Jack's band, especially since he gave me a personal invitation.
I sighed.
Why is life so cruel?
I mean Selena has no musical talent whatsoever but she always gets what she wants.
A bad feeling settled in my gut. Something told me tomorrow was not gonna be a good day.
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