In the split second that Akane moved close, Kumiko was torn between maintaining her act and following her instincts by shoving the jorōgumo away and running for it. However, her indecision led to inaction, and Akane's lips crashed against hers before she could do anything. She widened her eyes in shock, unable to produce any sound apart from a grunt as she tasted wine and salt.
No. Kumiko finally realized which of the two options was more desirable. I don't want this. She threw both hands forward and pushed with all her might, causing Akane to clumsily break away and stumble backward into the bed.
"What the hell?" The jorōgumo yelled upon regaining her footing. "Why did you do that?"
Kumiko felt inclined to spit on the floor, but she settled for wiping her mouth with one wrist. "You didn't ask if I was ready. Instead, you went straight in without a thought."
Akane glared back while tapping her bare foot in dismay. "Isn't that how things are supposed to go? One of us makes the first move, and the other follows along."
"Not for me." Kumiko crossed her arms. "I believe a couple should be on the same page."
"Is that so? How do you we propose we go about it?"
"We talk and always make sure the other person is willing."
Akane advanced again until they were only centimeters apart. She extended her pale index finger to prod Kumiko in the chest. "In my honest opinion, that sounds tedious. But, I will give it a try."
Kumiko swallowed, continuing to fight her fear. "That's the spirit. You can start right now."
A devious smile crept across the jorōgumo's face as she glanced aside. "Very well. I would like you to lie down on the bed."
"Lie down?"
"Yes. Need I repeat myself?"
"Okay..." Kumiko relented and clambered upon the bed despite suspecting that this was a trap. She reclined with care while keeping her palms open if she needed to throw a fireball in defense. "I'm ready for whatever you have planned."
"Good." Akane approached and, to Kumiko's disbelief, climbed up beside her. The jorōgumo hitched the hem of her black dress up a little, then swung her right leg to begin straddling her so-called foe. "I have yet more surprises in store."
Kumiko made an effort to steady her breathing as Akane's crotch brushed against her abdomen. This situation was becoming more than even a kitsune could handle, so she blinked and hoped for a way out soon.
"You're simply delectable," Akane crooned, her smile growing wider. "I would like to undress you and do the unspeakable."
"Go ahead." Kumiko gritted her teeth while stretching out both arms. "Just make it quick."
Without further hesitation, the jorōgumo grabbed at the teal shirt Tsutomu had purchased before ripping it open with great force. Buttons went flying, and with a gasp, Kumiko raised her head to make sure that the shock hadn't caused her masculine disguise to falter.
Akane licked her lips with nauseating slowness. "Just as I hoped. You're perfect..."
"I know. That's what all of the ladies say," Kumiko muttered, slumping her head back down in shallow relief.
"With a man like you, I think it's only right that we play a game first," Akane proposed as her voice took on an almost mocking tone. "Do you want to know the rules?"
"Of course," Kumiko grumbled in reply, wondering how much longer this torture would last.
"They're quite simple. I'll tie you up and do whatever I please until you've had enough. How does that sound?"
Kumiko felt her chest rise and fall while she glanced at Akane's hands. "Uh, what are you going to use?"
"Not any ropes, that's for sure," Akane said with a smirk. She gave her right hand a twirl, and a long strand of silk shot out like lightning to coil around Kumiko's left wrist.
"Huh?" Kumiko did not need to feign surprise as the silk continued to lengthen until there was enough to be raveled around the nearby bedpost as well. "You're-"
"That's right." Akane flicked her wrist backward to pull the white thread taut. "I'm part woman and part spider, but you won't get to tell anyone soon."
"Don't be so sure," Kumiko retorted, finally losing her patience with this charade. "I'm not who you think I am."
"Oh, really? I think we've been over this already."
"Believe it or not, we haven't. You might think I'm a sexy young man, but..."
"But, what?"
Kumiko tilted her head back to let her powers do the explaining. Her manly form shrunk and changed shape until she was her usual self again. All the while, Akane's expression shifted from confusion to disbelief and, finally, anger.
"Impossible! How could you deceive me like this?"
"I'm sorry it has to be this way, but I had to bait you somehow."
"Bait me?" Akane fumed. "What do you take me for? Some creature to be captured?"
"No. That isn't the case."
"Then, what is?"
Kumiko shot a flame from her palm to burn away the threads holding her hand in place, then rose to a seated position. Akane reacted by unhooking her leg and sliding off the bed.
"I just want to talk. We might come to an agreement that way."
Akane produced a heavy sigh while Kumiko fastened the few remaining buttons on the teal shirt. "Well, I refuse. By impersonating a man, coming into my house, and toying with my feelings, you have proven yourself to be a threat."
Kumiko leaned forward to protest. "No, you have it-"
"Silence!" Akane screamed, turning on her heels to reveal glowing golden eyes and curved fangs. "You've left me no choice but to destroy you, as I have done with the others..."
At that, the jorōgumo's neck extended several centimeters with a horrifying crunch that made Kumiko's empty stomach turn. She tore her gaze away from the grotesque scene and looked towards the open door before leaping off the bed to make her escape.
She charged through the narrow hall which led to the stairs, knowing that there would be no choice but to have a civilized discussion if she managed to lead Akane outside.
Yes! I'm almost there... Kumiko rounded the corner and began descending the thirteen steps, only to be startled by a deafening snap from behind. She lost her footing and shot her arm out to grab at the nearby railing, which thankfully prevented her from slipping down.
Unfortunately, it became clear from the hot air against the back of her neck that the jorōgumo had caught up to her. She swallowed and produced a ball of fire before turning to face her foe.
"If you want to fight, then so be it," she muttered, barely able to maintain an air of confidence in the presence of the eight-legged creature with a woman's head and a bulging abdomen that had to be at least a meter long. "I'm ready for you."
Akane grinned, revealing two rows of teeth that still looked white and flawless. "Gladly. Only one of us shall leave alive, after all..." She swung down towards Kumiko as a long thread of silk swayed behind her.
Kumiko positioned her left foot on the stair below and bent both knees to make it difficult for the jorōgumo to knock her off balance. She aimed her hand at the fibrous strand connecting Akane to the ceiling, then tossed her fireball. It flew through the air, and Akane's eyes shifted upwards as a vertical column of flames formed above her.
"Oh, blast..." The jorōgumo plummeted down, landing on her side before flailing four of her legs in an attempt to roll over. Kumiko saw her chance and descended the rest of the stairs until she could rush to the front door. She twisted it open and found the cool evening breeze to be a welcome relief after being stuck in the bedroom.
All right, time to move. Kumiko hurried outside, focusing on the street lamp several meters ahead in her determination to get away. At the speed she was running, it took only seconds to arrive beside it. She stopped to compose herself and looked back for a sign of Akane.
One, two, three, Kumiko counted in her mind before a head of disheveled hair protruded from the open front door. She took a deep breath of anticipation, only to be shocked when Akane squeezed the rest of her enormous body out and proceeded to lumber across the front yard.
Such an action made no sense to Kumiko, so she called out in alarm. "What are you doing? People might see you!"
Akane simply sneered without breaking her stride. "You fool. I'd gladly die if it means putting an end to you."
Kumiko swallowed, realizing that she wouldn't be able to reason with the jorōgumo as hoped. She glanced at her surroundings to make sure nobody else was around, then turned to face her foe. Perhaps, the best plan was to strike only in defense and hope that Akane would become worn out first.
She stretched out her hand to beckon at the large spider-woman. "Come at me, then. I won't go down so easily."
Akane's eight legs became a blur as she raced forward with fangs at the ready. Kumiko prepared to dodge, and sure enough, she was able to step to the right before the jorōgumo could get her. This infuriated Akane, who turned to charge again.
Kumiko's breath quickened, for the distance between them was now much less than earlier. With a thrust of both arms, she drew on the power in her hoshi no tama and produced two fireballs at once. She quickly scanned the approaching Akane, deciding to aim at the jorōgumo's eyes and legs.
She threw the first fireball into Akane's face, prompting a shriek as her foe went off course and skidded towards the nearby curb. Then, taking advantage of the jorōgumo's moment of weakness, she closed in to target Akane's long and spindly legs.
However, the flames barely scorched them before dissipating into the evening air. Kumiko blinked in surprise while Akane skittered around to reveal a face that was badly burned on one side.
The sight ushered in distant memories of the time when she had ruthlessly attacked a gang of bandits for Ichiro's sake. Kumiko found herself overcome by guilt, and she could not resist apologizing for what she had just done.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think-"
"Shut up!" Akane screamed, tossing her tangled hair back as a translucent fluid oozed from her left eye. "I'll kill you!"
At that, the jorōgumo bent all eight legs to propel herself in the air, then leaped towards Kumiko, apparently intending to make the kitsune her next prey.
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