Shipping Call
None of these ships has any limit. Jim is multiship and abrosexual - just comment on what our characters could be, and we can steer our rps in that direction! I must have roleplayed with you at least a couple of times to tag you here.
Lovers :
Dea_Goddess_of_Death : His Queen. He'd sworn to the Gods to protect her, and he would keep up his promise until the day he dies (if she'd let him die) and even beyond that (if she lives.)
Jim had originally planned to use her in his criminal web. He could get a lot of his dirty work done, and save a lot of time. But in that process of getting to know his potential employee, he'd fallen in love with her.
She has managed to melt at least a piece of his cold heart, and that's why you'd catch him being a bit out of character and nice to her. Although he's normally a sadist, she brings out the streak of masochism that he carries. He's the Harley to her Joker.
Her Christmas present. Jim and Eurus are intellectual geniuses - of the highest order. With their forces truly combined, all hell would break loose, they'd even managed to bring the British government to their knees, and it only took them 5 minutes to plan it all out.
They share a lot of traits. There's is so much in common between the two, but he'd always take some time trying to understand her. She is one of the few people he finds difficult to read, and he loves the constant challenge. Jim is absolutely obsessed with her, and he knows he radiates that.
Being around Eurus, it makes him feel so much more elated. As if he'd entered an entirely new dimension altogether, something that is far beyond the realm of thoughts. He could feel her power behind the glass and figured the only way to respond to it is to drink it up and connect with her. They share a bond far greater than telepathic links. They don't need words to plot demise. It's natural, and only heightens when they are around each other.
Crushes :
Moran-Moriarty : Forbidden crush. Sebastian Moran is his sniper, his tiger, and his best employee. He does flirt with him, however, and knows how much Sebastian loves him.
But, he also prides himself in having a perfect work ethic and doesn't make any major moves on him. The best way to keep their relationship (whatever it is) and his career stable, is to not do anything about it.
He had even shot down Sebastian's subtle hints several times and made it clear that he would not fraternise with his employee.
TheFatalWoman : Jim is excellent at hiding this, either by being straight up rude, or confusing her with his words and riddles, but he does fancy Lorna. Ever since he'd first met her, while he was skipping stones, he was intrigued by her boldness.
Very few people even dared to talk to him, and he finds it amusing that she'd just 'drop by' for a friendly visit. He loves the way she can manipulate almost anybody – nearly even him – but is also wary of that. He has seen her in action, and he knew he'd only get played if he shows he's even a bit interested.
Although he doesn't need her help, he likes to ask her, just so she'd work with him for a while. Another reason he doesn't make any moves is that her alcohol puts him off completely - it is a deal breaker for him.
-Sirius-Knox- : He'd known him for a very long time. Sirius was one of his best employees at one point, and he was able to change his life from living on the streets to being a full-time assassin with proper food and shelter.
Although he was annoyed at him for being able to read his mind using "magic," he eventually came around, and even cares for him now. He isn't the person to show any form of affection, but when the time comes, he'd use all his forces and do anything and everything in his power to make sure his friend is alright.
Jim even allows Sirius to play his silly pranks on him and surprisingly doesn't feel like slaughtering him for "showing disrespect" as he'd do to anybody else.
primordial-_horseman : [POTENTIAL FRIEND?]
The first time he'd met Death was when he'd mistaken him for Sirius. Although they met through a mutual friend, he'd started tolerating Death too.
His presence was alarmingly comfortable, and when it was most needed, Death slapped some sense into Jim and helped save his relationship with Dea. He also loves talking about his dragons and other pets with him and is currently trying to learn Dragon Tongue for him.
Jim keeps a very strict, 'no strings attached' policy with all his employees. He might joke around after the job is done, and even buys them gifts if he feels like it, but while working, he has his 'boss mode' on. He values his work ethic very much, and only hires the most talented and efficient at high positions.
Moran-Moriarty : Sniper/Occasional bodyguard. The best employee.
Ghost_Of_Ashes : Assassin. Again, one of his best people.
TheEvilzWithin : Entertainer, sometimes assassin.
In all honesty, he never wanted any of these offsprings - absolute waste of space and time, and a complete nuisance in his opinion. But the sex was amazing, and his significant other wanted to keep the kid, so he obliged if only to make them happy. Over time, he started liking them a little, although it would take a lot to make him admit that.
bluearts- : Jim barely paid attention to this kid. He would tell her bedtime stories when she was a child, and occasionally take her to parks, but besides that, he'd left her to take care of herself.
Although he made sure she doesn't die (by keeping his men watching her) when she ran off for a couple of years, he didn't bother to bring her back or seem to notice.
Everything he'd done and said to her only made her stronger and wiser, in his opinion. He couldn't have a baby with the kind of status he maintained. Kat was and will always be his Princess.
unkncwn- : He didn't even know about this kid until he was a teenager. He instantly related to him a lot, because he'd survived on the streets too, on his own, and is very proud of his son. He sees flashes on himself when he looks at Lex, and perhaps that's why he's mostly friendly with him.
spawnofunknown- : Jim tolerates her. He does, surprisingly care about her, but he seldom ever shows it - for the sake of his and everybody else's safety. That, and it isn't in his nature to show much of empathy at all.
Genius-Demigod : Jim rarely ever interacts with Sigma. He did choose his first name, put some about of effort into it, but couldn't bring himself to care more about it. He only considered him as a son because of Dea.
He almost left her when he found out she was pregnant, but thanks to his friends (Death, and his dragons) he maintained the relationship. After a lot of difficulty, he managed to tolerate the toddler around in the house, and not throw him in the garbage truck.
deducings DEDUCTIIONS CurlySmartAss Sherlock7347
His intellectual equal. After searching for so long to find someone interesting, he was absolutely delighted to find the famous detective.
He soon became obsessed with him and knew how much even his opponent loved playing his game.
He loves seeing Sherlock dance to his tunes and run about trying to solve his problems. As much as he appreciated Sherlock's intellectual prowess, he feels an urge to destroy him.
He would dedicate his entire life behind Sherlock, and even die if it meant that he would win. He believes that they need each other, in order to survive.
"It's complicated/He has no idea himself."
XS-ExtraSmall : Man, I have no idea what to say. In short: a very toxic, abusive relationship.
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