Chapter One
" Brielle Carter" like her mother, inherited a rare string of genetics that is passed down to the first born daughter of every generation.
Brielle has light brown locks that cascades amongst her fair rose porcelain skin. Enchanted bewitching blue eyes ,a pillowing dimple on her left cheek of her heart shaped face.
Old magic flows within her blood brought upon by her ancient ancestors, "The Time Travellers". She was blessed with the gift of time by an eight hundred year old Celtic witch. The only problem is , Brielle has no idea.
At the age of twenty , Brielle's life was far from normal.
The million dollar company "Carter & Co" is the most strategic and promising law firm that Australia's ever had. This success was backed by a generous investor. That investor was known as Mr Alfonsi .
Brielle's father decided it was time to leave London to pursue his new founded career , making his wife ,son and Brielle who at the age of five was to leave behind everything she loved dearly. This included her best friend Olivia Taylor and her Grandmother Eleanor.
Brielle's father , Mr Michael Carter is a business oriented and success driven man, who always had a very stern and cold relationship with his two children.
He was only ever seen wearing a designer branded suit thats was ironed and steampressed, cufflinks and a tie.
He had cold dark brown brooding eyes , olive toned skin and jet black hair, that held a neat moustache upon his upper lip. He was a man of half Italian blood and half English. Though he couldn't look more Italian if he tried.
Every morning he would demand a triple shot expresso before starting his day. A religious man who would clear his sins of guilt every Sunday before making his standard crook business deals on Monday.
Brielle's Mother, " Mrs Elizabeth Rose Carter" on the other hand was not any less stifling. With a heart made of ice, along with her beauty and brains she was the perfect candidate for Michael.
If you looked any closer you would notice something very odd about Elizabeth. Its not her temper or her odd use of old fashioned jargon, but something much more.
When Brielle was growing up along side her older brother James, she felt invisible. At seven she started misbehaving to attract any emotion or attention from her heartless parents, which would escalate to a household maid dragging her back to her room.
As Brielle grew older she realised being invisible and alone wasn't so bad after all .
Having such emotionally withdrawn parents, Brielle found comfort in her weekly phone calls to her Grandmother and best friend who soon became the only family she needed.
Michael's first born child was Mr James Michael Carter. By being born a boy he was obligated to take over as the future CEO for C&C .
When Brielle entered the world ten years later it was a big surprise , but none the less a major asset to the Carter family .
Brielle's father made a secret contract deal before they moved to Australia that their first born daughter was to marry Mr Alfonsi's first born son due to his faithful investment to the company.
It was a stormy Wednesday evening at 8:30 pm on her 16th birthday when her father invited her into his office.
It was after the most grandest birthday she has ever had. A big group of mostly unfamiliar teenagers and adults surrounded her. Balloons and gifts covered her bedroom floor with caterers covering the mansion of every floor attending to the guests.
She could still smell the leather chairs ,books and the smell of whiskey as she entered the the perfectly polished room.
Growing up she was never allowed in this room and for some reason her skin pricked with alert. Sitting down, her clammy hands fidgeting in her lap.
Her father soon entered the room with a drink in hand.He proudly walked over to his desk and sat in his office throne while giving her a lazy look.
Slamming his glass upon his table a little too hard, he leans back while folding his arms.
"Now that you're 16 Brielle ,It's time you had a bit more responsibility and more understanding about your contribution to this family, don't you agree?".he slurs suspiciously.
Pushing himself up in his chair he leans forward looking Brielle Straight in the eyes. Brielle Blankly staring back, gives a quick nod.
"You are to marry Lorenzo as so your contribution to the business,but don't worry it won't be until you are 21, we want this to look as real as possible".her father dismissed.
The chair shrieked as Brielle forced her legs to stand.
"it can't be, I won't do it!" Brielle threatens.
abruptly her father is on his feet, his hands going in the direction to his leather belt.
Brielle runs out of the room swaying the heavy door behind her, causing it slam in her fathers face.
For the first time in her life she had disobeyed her fathers direct command. She couldn't understand her parents at most on a daily basis but this was extreme .
Why couldn't she have just a normal life. She didn't belong in the world her parents had created for her but she knew she had to be strong.
She wouldn't allow her self to be brought or sold like property.
Her father Michael was absolutley furious and for once he did pay attention.His long legs hauled Brielle up the stairs into her bedroom locking the door behind him.
With his belt in hand, the cries, shouts and banging on the door from her brother and mother were drowned out by the thick cut of leather whipping through the air.
The screaming cries of Brielle echoed through out the mansion.
Not only did he confine her to the locked guarded place she calls home he threatened his promised financial support in her degree in becoming a writer.
Not only did she loose her future that day, but any bit of a father figure she had left was gone.
Present Day
5:30 AM - "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" A groan erupts from my throat.
With one eye open I reach my side table and swat my alarm to snooze.
Quickly rolling over I cocoon myself amongst the blankets.
"Just five more minutes " I whisper .
For what felt like five seconds the alarm clock goes off again. Letting out a exaggerated sigh, my hand reaches the alarms off button .
Swinging my legs off the bed, I starts padding down the stairs.
My hair in a messy bun starts drooping to one side whilst wearing my favourite oversized Harry Potter T-shirt, with shorts and a one socked foot.
Making my way into the kitchen I notice a startled Alice with her hooded deep-set green eyes, entranced as she watches me hop down the stairs.
Alice was my favourite staff member as I was practically raised by the woman.
" Good Morning Alice" I chirp, ignoring her judgement as I opened the cupboard clasping onto my favourite Llama mug.
"Well Good morning flower, now look at the state of you , please don't tell me your going to work like that."
Whilst making my coffee I bite the inside of my cheek while doing my best to hold in a chuckle as the corners of my mouth starts to crease into a smile.
"Why Alice ,whats wrong with my Harry Potter Shirt?"I defends while Alice clicks her tongue.
"At least make sure you eat something for breakfast , coffee is not food" she calls out as she ascends into another room.
I gaze my attention up at the pantry while yanking the door open and finding myself a muesli bar.
With coffee in one hand I carefully trudged my way back to my room.
Soon after I quickly put my hair up in a high sleek ponytail , makeup minimal with a light rose tint on my lips, followed by a navy pencil skirt that descends half way to my knee ,with a white laced long sleeved blouse tucked in with a small navy belt with nude heels.
Quickly grabbing my bag and keys I notice Alice has packed me a lunchbox that was snuck into my bag. Smiling gratefully I head out the door.
I close my car door, when I'm about to take a step ,I'm taken back by two large overly polished black shoes blocking my entrance.
Lorenzo .
He leans onto my car with his elbow and his other hand fixing his hair.
Like his father, he had deep brown eyes but with a slightly lighter complexion and black hair sported into an undercut hairstyle .
Lorenzo wasn't the worst looking guy in the world but his personality made him ten times uglier.After we moved to Australia his parents would invite us over every Friday night for dinner.
Lorenzo in high school was the your standard stereotype Jock. A massive bully , self obsessed and what I like to call, a big man-hoare. He would threaten and beat up any boy who had either talked to me or who had made eye contact.
His father had told him from a young age that I was his betrothed to which he accepted this secret with a passion . As simon Cowell would say "it's a no from me".
"Hi Beautiful" he serenaded out, snapping me out from my thoughts. I sneer and glance the other way before returning a cold expression.
"My name is Brielle, Lorenzo incase you have forgotten." I say with gritted teeth .
I push his elbow off my car unbalancing him by creating a exit. I carefully step around him as he grabs me by my upper shoulder while dragging my side to his.
" Now, what's got my little fiancé in such a bad mood this morning hmm?" Lorenzo smugly replies. I stare at him with daggers.
Lorenzo suddenly pushes me onto the side of car holding me tightly down when his lips forcibly make contact with mine . I bite his lip hard and attempt to kick him where it hurts.
"Get Your bloody hands off me !" I shriek.
Shoving him back hard ,his eyes become dark as I turn around to start walking .I abruptly stop and turn, knowing well he was right behind on my trail. I Look him straight in the eye.
" We aren't engaged Lorenzo, nor are we friends , so just for once in your miserable life , leave me the F*K alone" I hiss.
I don't look back as I storm straight into our corporate lobby.
The squeaky clean floor already reflected my red angry face with my little wisps of scattered hair.
I walked to the elevator when three of the reception ladies greeted me as they walked past.
"Good morning Ms Carter" They said in unison.
"Good Morning" I retort back with a quick smile, knowing full well they just saw our argument outside the parking lot.My personal secretary Anna swiftly walks up to me with 2 Large files in hand.
"Good Morning Ms Carter" She politely chirped.
"Morning Anna" I state as I give her a warm smile.
"Ms Carter , the meeting that Mr Carter requested last Monday has now been moved to 7:45 am this morning in meeting room sixteen . Your Report has also been amended and E-faxed to your email " Anna takes another short breath,
" 2 VIP contacts have also called to reschedule for an earlier start time on Wednesday".
I forced a relaxed smile that hid my internal sigh
" Thanks Anna , and if you could please email that all to me and load it to my E -schedule while I'm in this meeting that would be amazing" I request gently ,Anna bows her head slightly
"Of course Ms Carter". Anna slowly turns as I quickly reproach
" Anna don't forget you can just call me Brielle , no need for the formalities". She smiles and nods while quickly turning around to her office.
As the elevator dings I step out onto floor sixteen. I approach the meeting room ,with the only sound is the clicking of my heels on the marble floor .
It's deadly silent as I approach my seat as everyone else is seated along my father at the head of the table with my mother to the right of him both silently warning me not to embarrass them.
Lorenzo was three seats down from them with his arms crossed while giving me a death stare.
Thankful to the gods that the one seat available was so far from Lorenzo and my parents.
The meeting had finally ended ,with my father being the first to leave, everyone stood up and slowly left after him.
I was packing up my reports together when I sense a presence hovering over me as her strong perfume abuses my senses.
I look up to see a not so happy middle aged lady with her scrunched up face with her arms crossed.
"Well Good morning to you to Mother, pleasant morning?" the sarcasm dripping from my voice like venom.
"Drop the act Brielle! I heard about your little "run in" with Lorenzo this morning?! the audacity" she laughs with disbelief.
"He wouldn't get out of my way ,what was I suppose to do?" I demand as my arms draw out .
"Why can't you just be thankful Brielle! , Your father and I have worked hard our whole lives and connecting our families is the future of this company". I cross my arms and scoff .
" Im not marrying a pig headed, selfish ,insolent power hungry jerk because you want more money and connections!? you already have enough money!" I demand back.
"Unfortunately for you Brielle, this has been contracted out for 15 years and nothing you say or do will let you out of it . Do you understand ?!" my mother seethed as she trembled with anger.
Carter & Co and their high end alliances would make it impossible to find a job anywhere. The last 3 jobs fired me within a week of finding out I was the daughter of Mr Carter.
With working my 3rd Year in office and being kept from my savings until I marry Lorenzo,their threats cut deep.
Not standing to listen for any second longer I roughly start grabbing my reports and phone as I storm back to the elevator.
" We are not finished with this conversation Brielle !" As my mother can be heard screaming down the hall behind me.
My tears threatening to spill as I hold in a deep breath and return back to my office.
Eleven hours later I'm finally back home.I flick my heels off and drop my bag at the end of my bed.
I head straight for the Shower and and let my tears drown away as the hot water evaporates my sorrow .
After grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself, I glance at the mirror noticing my eyes are red and puffy from crying.
I shrug and let out a deep breath. I chuck on a white oversized T-shift and some light grey leggings along with some pink socks as I wrap my wet hair up in a towel.
I sit at the edge of my bed while putting my phone on charge. A slight knock on my slightly parted door reveals a beautiful smiling Alice, hands full whilst carrying a tray of food.
She steadily puts the tray on my small end table.
Alice turns around and her smile suddenly drops. I quickly retreat a smile in hope she won't notice my strained eyes but there is no fooling her.
" Thank you Alice, your home made pumpkin soup, Ive been craving for it all day" I ramble on. Alice sits next to me on my bed looking straight at me.
"Enough baffling my girl , I see straight through you Brielle, what happened love?"she softly states.
Her hand lightly grasps my cheek and wipes away a tear. I wept into her shoulder and I told her everything.
Moments later Alice retreated back to her room. Brielle now comfortable in bed with her light switched off and her side lamp switched on, sat with her favourite romance novel.
If only I could disappear to another world, just anywhere,anywhere away from my family. With no deadlines or expectations & no forced marriage, is that so much to ask? .
My imagination drifts off into consciousness . Moment later I feel my head starting to drop upon my page as I dream about a life beyond.
To have the next chapter dedicated to you , please share your story on "Story Palace" in the comments :) I choose one winner every Friday <3
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Thanks Guys for your support :)
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