Chapter Eight
A four poster canopy bed stood high entwined with cream coloured fabric with white lace trimmings.The room had immensely high detailed ceilings, a large dresser with a square golden mirror and a big cream accent chair.
The smell of firewood wafted through the air.I hear the mumble of people talking around me,clothes swishing around while people are walking. My eyes start to flutter and wince as a little girls voice is heard."She is awake!!"I hear, as little patters of foot steps creak around the bed.
I wince as a soft cloth starts dabbing the corner of my bloodied lip
"Liv, I had the weirdest dream last night".. I choked out .
Using all of my strength to pull my self up I wince in pain as my head starts to throb. "ow" I mutter under my breath.
" Easy there,,"A soft voice replied.
"I don't know who ye going on about miss,but there's no Liv? round ere".
My eyes suddenly shoot open. Looking around the room in pure shock. Half falling out from the bed, I start wobbling out over to the window which confirmed my biggest fear. Short sharp breaths panic through me.
"last night really did happen ,I'm really here! I cry out out while collapsing to the ground.
On verge of a minor panic attack, tears threaten to fall as the little girl and the lady watch me in pure shock, until both of them rush over to help me back to the bed.
I look down and notice I'm covered in a frilly white cotton and lace Chemise , puffy sleeves and a Peter-pan collar. Looking down I realise someone must of changed me while unconscious .
"w-who are you?" I awkwardly blurt out. "
"Oh Please forgive me, The names Mary.I hope you don't mind me miss but you were soaked to yer death in the rain and ye clothing had ripped in the attack when our Yardsman has brought you in 1 day ago. "She said with caring eyes.
The little girl walks closer. She had jet black hair with green hazel eyes with cute small plats. She was wearing a long yellow Frilly dress and a little gold locket. "I'm Victorianne, Lady of the house" she proudly states while standing tall while delivering me a curtsey. A big smile gleams from her face. This little girl warmed my heart, it made me almost forget about the dire situation I was in right now. I return a small smile back before escaping to my thoughts once again.
So all of that had been real,I really was still stuck here in 1740.Physically abused and already punched and knocked out. Well looks I'm doing great!.Cringing at the vile memories from last night I hold the blanket closer.
Mary had dark brown hair which almost looked black.With fair skin and brown dough eyes, she looked like she could have been just about a couple years older than me.
"Oh okay, so where am I, Mary?"
A soft laugh had escaped with a slight curl to her lips as her expression grew curious.
" Your at Castle Dalton, The Royal Observatory , Residence of The Earl of Greenwich, Our Lord Dalton" Staring blankly at her she continued to explain.
"You came here to find work miss..?" My thoughts quickly coming back from last night .
"Oh Yes!" I shoot out awkwardly. "Its Mable,,Mable ,,,Jackson" I scruff when My hard suddenly raises to shake her hand.Noticing no movement but a shocked and humoured expression. I drop my hand.
Staring back at the Young Girl I start to understand.So the little girl must be Lord Daltons daughter.
"Well, Thank you all for helping me,," I sincerely state under a low voice. Another voice suddenly calls out to the little girl from a lower stair case. "Victorianne,hurry down here miss!" Mary turns to her while giving her a scolding look." Tsk - now hurry along your breakfast is getting cold" She rushes.
"Go on now". With a small little pout Victorianne folds her arms and stomps down the stairs as her frilly dress trains down the stairs behind her.
"Sorry about her she is a little spitfire,If I'm being completely honest miss, I've never see Victorianne warm up to anyone before." Mary says while recovering from a chuckle. Mary started taking clothes out of the draw while placing them at the end chair of the room.
Mary quickly takes a seat next to the bed." Where do you seek from,I never heard of such a fine and strange accent."Mary said softly in hoping not to offend. The question was simple, too simple.If I'm going to survive, I need to have a story , a good story and stick to it. There is no way I could explain my Australian accent, when Australia didn't technically exist until 1901.
"Well, all over really,,"I cough
"I was in hope of searching London for some relatives, My parents are no longer with me and I have no close family left. I guess finding work to help support my self was the first thing I could think of, and along the way some trouble " I stuttered out touching my bloodied lip .
I open my eyes from my expressive heart felt story , she had one hand on her heart with her eyes locked to the ground.I did feel bad for lying to her , she seemed like a good person but one word of time-travel and I could end up in a asylum or be tamed as witch.
"Miss Jackson, beg me for my impertinence, you have been through enough.If you need help to reach your distant relatives or friends I can send off a letter?" she lightly added.
" Thank you Mary that would be a great help."a soft smile reproaches on my face as Mary slowly stands and bows her head before departing the room.
In truth I had no use for a letter,who would I write to?,I thought it would be the most natural thing to want if I really was in this predicament, but I wasn't, I was stuck in time, with no internet or electricity.
When Mary left I quickly bolted over to the old pile of clothes I was previoulsy wearing the night before. My black and white dress had mud stains all the way through it . Quickly searching my pockets I find my Broken iPhone that has died from no charge, a crinkled up £10 and my Red tinted lip balm.Whilst hearing multiple footstep that sound like they are coming closer to the room I quickly tear a piece off my dress to cover up my three items before quickly tucking it under my mattress.
A big wooden tub was filled by steaming hot buckets of water held by three more maids and their white aprons.Once the woman left the room Mary started to lift the hem of Brielle's night dress. A high shriek is heard as Brielle quickly turns around facing Mary who is just as shocked."Im fine to bathe and undress Mary, ,,thank you"I quickly state as I hold down my night dress.She looked somewhat taken back."
Mary exits the room. Undressing , I quickly make my way over to the tub.The hot water was hot.The bruises on my pale legs where half emerged within the water .
My scrapped knee burned and tingled as my bloodied lip throbbed .
Ducking my head under, I hold my breath and close my eyes.After a good 30 minutes I step out and reach for the towel.
I head over to my chair and spot a plain white chemise and put it on,I look down at the pile of dresses when a knock interrupts my thoughts.
*PS I have uploaded a picture or Florence Pugh from her character in Little woman,This is how I imagine Brielle to look like but of course you can imagine any one you like :)
If any of you want to share your art work across my stories Please send them in :) (I acknowledge that I do not own this picture) credit:
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